#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script queries a media provider database, and generates a script to # approximately recreate the same file system structure on another device, # using dummy files. EXTERNAL=$2 if [ "$EXTERNAL" == "" ] then EXTERNAL="/storage" fi if [ "$1" == "" ] then echo "Usage: $0 [external storage root]" exit 2 fi if [ ! -f "$1" ] then echo "Couldn't find file $1" exit 3 fi # generate script to generate directory structure and content sqlite3 $1 "select format, media_type, mime_type, case when substr(_data,-1) is '\' then substr(_data,1,length(_data)-1) else _data end from files where _data like '"$EXTERNAL"/%';" | { MKDIRS=/tmp/mkdirs$$ CPFILES=/tmp/cpfiles$$ echo "# create directories" > $MKDIRS echo "# copy files" > $CPFILES IFS="|" while read format mediatype mimetype data; do if [ "$format" == "14337" ] then # jpeg echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.jpg > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "14347" ] then # png echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.png > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "14343" -a "$mediatype" == "0" ] then # gif echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.gif > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12292" -a "$mediatype" == "0" ] then # txt echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.txt > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12293" -a "$mediatype" == "0" ] then # html echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.html > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12297" ] then # mp3 echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.mp3 > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12296" ] then # wav echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.wav > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12299" -a "$mediatype" == "0" ] then # m4v echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.m4v > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12299" -a "$mediatype" == "3" ] then # mp4 echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.m4v > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12299" -a "$mediatype" == "2" ] then # m4a echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.m4a > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "47492" ] then # 3gp echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.3gp > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "47362" ] then # ogg echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.ogg > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "47747" ] then # doc echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.doc > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12288" -a "$mediatype" == "0" ] then # unknown type echo "cat /storage/sdcard0/proto.dat > \"$data\"" >> $CPFILES elif [ "$format" == "12289" ] then # directory, ignore true elif [ "$format" == "12288" -a "$mediatype" == "4" ] then # playlist, ignore true else echo ignored: $format '|' $mediatype '|' $mimetype '|' $data fi echo mkdir -p \"$(dirname "$data")\" >> $MKDIRS done sort -u $MKDIRS > mkfiles.sh cat $CPFILES >> mkfiles.sh rm -rf $MKDIRS $CPFILES } # generate playlist files sqlite3 $1 "select audio_playlists._data, audio._data from audio_playlists left outer join audio_playlists_map on audio_playlists._id=audio_playlists_map.playlist_id left outer join audio on audio_playlists_map.audio_id=audio._id order by audio_playlists_map.playlist_id,audio_playlists_map.play_order;" | { IFS="|" while read plist entry do echo "echo \"$(basename $entry)\" >> \"$plist\"" >> mkfiles.sh done } echo mkfiles.sh generated. Now run: grep sdcard0\/proto mkfiles.sh |sed 's/cat \/storage\/sdcard0\//adb push protos\//' | sed 's/ > .*/ \/storage\/sdcard0\//'|sort -u echo adb push mkfiles.sh /storage/sdcard0 echo adb shell sh /storage/sdcard0/mkfiles.sh