// Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include // for Message #include // for uint32_t #include // for printf #include // for size_t #include // for ssize_t #include // for uniform_... #include // for __base #include // for default_... #include // for vector #include "base/ring_buffer.h" // for ring_buf... #include "base/FunctorThread.h" // for FunctorT... #include "host-common/AndroidAgentFactory.h" // for getConso... #include "host-common/AddressSpaceService.h" // for AddressS... #include "host-common/address_space_device.hpp" // for goldfish... #include "host-common/address_space_graphics.h" // for AddressS... #include "host-common/address_space_graphics_types.h" // for asg_context #include "testing/HostAddressSpace.h" // for HostAddr... #include "host-common/globals.h" // for android_hw namespace android { namespace base { class Stream; } // namespace base } // namespace android using android::base::FunctorThread; namespace android { namespace emulation { namespace asg { #define ASG_TEST_READ_PATTERN 0xAA #define ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN 0xBB class AddressSpaceGraphicsTest : public ::testing::Test { public: class Client { public: Client(HostAddressSpaceDevice* device) : mDevice(device), mHandle(mDevice->open()) { ping((uint64_t)AddressSpaceDeviceType::Graphics); auto getRingResult = ping((uint64_t)ASG_GET_RING); mRingOffset = getRingResult.metadata; mRingSize = getRingResult.size; EXPECT_EQ(0, mDevice->claimShared(mHandle, mRingOffset, mRingSize)); mRingStorage = (char*)mDevice->getHostAddr( mDevice->offsetToPhysAddr(mRingOffset)); auto getBufferResult = ping((uint64_t)ASG_GET_BUFFER); mBufferOffset = getBufferResult.metadata; mBufferSize = getBufferResult.size; EXPECT_EQ(0, mDevice->claimShared(mHandle, mBufferOffset, mBufferSize)); mBuffer = (char*)mDevice->getHostAddr( mDevice->offsetToPhysAddr(mBufferOffset)); mContext = asg_context_create(mRingStorage, mBuffer, mBufferSize); EXPECT_EQ(mBuffer, mContext.buffer); auto setVersionResult = ping((uint64_t)ASG_SET_VERSION, mVersion); uint32_t hostVersion = setVersionResult.size; EXPECT_LE(hostVersion, mVersion); EXPECT_EQ(android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeStepSize, mContext.ring_config->flush_interval); EXPECT_EQ(android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeBufferSize, mBufferSize); mContext.ring_config->transfer_mode = 1; mContext.ring_config->host_consumed_pos = 0; mContext.ring_config->guest_write_pos = 0; mBufferMask = mBufferSize - 1; mWriteStart = mBuffer; } ~Client() { mDevice->unclaimShared(mHandle, mBufferOffset); mDevice->unclaimShared(mHandle, mRingOffset); mDevice->close(mHandle); } bool isInError() const { return 1 == mContext.ring_config->in_error; } void abort() { mContext.ring_config->in_error = 1; } char* allocBuffer(size_t size) { if (size > mContext.ring_config->flush_interval) { return nullptr; } if (mWriteStart + mCurrentWriteBytes + size > mWriteStart + mWriteStep) { flush(); mCurrentWriteBytes = 0; } char* res = mWriteStart + mCurrentWriteBytes; mCurrentWriteBytes += size; return res; } int writeFully(const char* buf, size_t size) { flush(); ensureType1Finished(); mContext.ring_config->transfer_size = size; mContext.ring_config->transfer_mode = 3; size_t sent = 0; size_t quarterRingSize = mBufferSize / 4; size_t chunkSize = size < quarterRingSize ? size : quarterRingSize; while (sent < size) { size_t remaining = size - sent; size_t sendThisTime = remaining < chunkSize ? remaining : chunkSize; long sentChunks = ring_buffer_view_write( mContext.to_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.to_host_large_xfer.view, buf + sent, sendThisTime, 1); if (*(mContext.host_state) != ASG_HOST_STATE_CAN_CONSUME) { ping(ASG_NOTIFY_AVAILABLE); } if (sentChunks == 0) { ring_buffer_yield(); } sent += sentChunks * sendThisTime; if (isInError()) { return -1; } } ensureType3Finished(); mContext.ring_config->transfer_mode = 1; return 0; } ssize_t speculativeRead(char* readBuffer, size_t minSizeToRead) { flush(); ensureConsumerFinishing(); size_t actuallyRead = 0; while (!actuallyRead) { uint32_t readAvail = ring_buffer_available_read( mContext.from_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.from_host_large_xfer.view); if (!readAvail) { ring_buffer_yield(); continue; } uint32_t toRead = readAvail > minSizeToRead ? minSizeToRead : readAvail; long stepsRead = ring_buffer_view_read( mContext.from_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.from_host_large_xfer.view, readBuffer, toRead, 1); actuallyRead += stepsRead * toRead; if (isInError()) { return -1; } } return actuallyRead; } void flush() { if (!mCurrentWriteBytes) return; type1WriteWithNotify(mWriteStart - mBuffer, mCurrentWriteBytes); advanceWrite(); } uint32_t get_relative_buffer_pos(uint32_t pos) { return pos & mBufferMask; } uint32_t get_available_for_write() { uint32_t host_consumed_view; __atomic_load(&mContext.ring_config->host_consumed_pos, &host_consumed_view, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); uint32_t availableForWrite = get_relative_buffer_pos( host_consumed_view - mContext.ring_config->guest_write_pos - 1); return availableForWrite; } void advanceWrite() { uint32_t avail = get_available_for_write(); while (avail < mContext.ring_config->flush_interval) { ensureConsumerFinishing(); avail = get_available_for_write(); } __atomic_add_fetch( &mContext.ring_config->guest_write_pos, mContext.ring_config->flush_interval, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); char* newBuffer = mBuffer + get_relative_buffer_pos( mContext.ring_config->guest_write_pos); mWriteStart = newBuffer; mCurrentWriteBytes = 0; } int type1WriteWithNotify(uint32_t bufferOffset, size_t size) { size_t sent = 0; size_t sizeForRing = 8; struct asg_type1_xfer xfer { bufferOffset, (uint32_t)size, }; uint8_t* writeBufferBytes = (uint8_t*)(&xfer); while (sent < sizeForRing) { long sentChunks = ring_buffer_write( mContext.to_host, writeBufferBytes + sent, sizeForRing - sent, 1); if (*(mContext.host_state) != ASG_HOST_STATE_CAN_CONSUME) { ping(ASG_NOTIFY_AVAILABLE); } if (sentChunks == 0) { ring_buffer_yield(); } sent += sentChunks * (sizeForRing - sent); if (isInError()) { return -1; } } return 0; } void ensureConsumerFinishing() { uint32_t currAvailRead = ring_buffer_available_read(mContext.to_host, 0); while (currAvailRead) { ring_buffer_yield(); uint32_t nextAvailRead = ring_buffer_available_read(mContext.to_host, 0); if (nextAvailRead != currAvailRead) { break; } if (*(mContext.host_state) != ASG_HOST_STATE_CAN_CONSUME) { ping(ASG_NOTIFY_AVAILABLE); break; } } } void ensureType1Finished() { ensureConsumerFinishing(); uint32_t currAvailRead = ring_buffer_available_read(mContext.to_host, 0); while (currAvailRead) { ring_buffer_yield(); currAvailRead = ring_buffer_available_read(mContext.to_host, 0); if (isInError()) { return; } } } void ensureType3Finished() { uint32_t availReadLarge = ring_buffer_available_read( mContext.to_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.to_host_large_xfer.view); while (availReadLarge) { ring_buffer_yield(); availReadLarge = ring_buffer_available_read( mContext.to_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.to_host_large_xfer.view); if (*(mContext.host_state) != ASG_HOST_STATE_CAN_CONSUME) { ping(ASG_NOTIFY_AVAILABLE); } if (isInError()) { return; } } } char* getBufferPtr() { return mBuffer; } private: AddressSpaceDevicePingInfo ping(uint64_t metadata, uint64_t size = 0) { AddressSpaceDevicePingInfo info; info.metadata = metadata; mDevice->ping(mHandle, &info); return info; } HostAddressSpaceDevice* mDevice; uint32_t mHandle; uint64_t mRingOffset; uint64_t mRingSize; uint64_t mBufferOffset; uint64_t mBufferSize; char* mRingStorage; char* mBuffer; struct asg_context mContext; uint32_t mVersion = 1; char* mWriteStart = 0; uint32_t mWriteStep = 0; uint32_t mCurrentWriteBytes = 0; uint32_t mBufferMask = 0; }; class Consumer { public: Consumer(struct asg_context context, ConsumerCallbacks callbacks) : mContext(context), mCallbacks(callbacks), mThread([this] { threadFunc(); }) { mThread.start(); } ~Consumer() { mThread.wait(); } void setRoundTrip(bool enabled, uint32_t toHostBytes = 0, uint32_t fromHostBytes = 0) { mRoundTripEnabled = enabled; if (mRoundTripEnabled) { mToHostBytes = toHostBytes; mFromHostBytes = fromHostBytes; } } void handleRoundTrip() { if (!mRoundTripEnabled) return; if (mReadPos == mToHostBytes) { std::vector reply(mFromHostBytes, ASG_TEST_READ_PATTERN); uint32_t origBytes = mFromHostBytes; auto res = ring_buffer_write_fully_with_abort( mContext.from_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.from_host_large_xfer.view, reply.data(), mFromHostBytes, 1, &mContext.ring_config->in_error); if (res < mFromHostBytes) { printf("%s: aborted write (%u vs %u %u). in error? %u\n", __func__, res, mFromHostBytes, origBytes, mContext.ring_config->in_error); EXPECT_EQ(1, mContext.ring_config->in_error); } mReadPos = 0; } } void ensureWritebackDone() { while (mReadPos) { ring_buffer_yield(); } } int step() { uint32_t nonLargeAvail = ring_buffer_available_read( mContext.to_host, 0); uint32_t largeAvail = ring_buffer_available_read( mContext.to_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.to_host_large_xfer.view); ensureReadBuffer(nonLargeAvail); int res = 0; if (nonLargeAvail) { uint32_t transferMode = mContext.ring_config->transfer_mode; switch (transferMode) { case 1: type1Read(nonLargeAvail); break; case 2: type2Read(nonLargeAvail); break; case 3: break; default: EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Failed, invalid transfer mode"; } res = 0; } else if (largeAvail) { res = type3Read(largeAvail); } else { res = mCallbacks.onUnavailableRead(); } handleRoundTrip(); return res; } void ensureReadBuffer(uint32_t new_xfer) { size_t readBufferAvail = mReadBuffer.size() - mReadPos; if (readBufferAvail < new_xfer) { mReadBuffer.resize(mReadBuffer.size() + 2 * new_xfer); } } void type1Read(uint32_t avail) { uint32_t xferTotal = avail / 8; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < xferTotal; ++i) { struct asg_type1_xfer currentXfer; uint8_t* currentXferPtr = (uint8_t*)(¤tXfer); EXPECT_EQ(0, ring_buffer_copy_contents( mContext.to_host, 0, sizeof(currentXfer), currentXferPtr)); char* ptr = mContext.buffer + currentXfer.offset; size_t size = currentXfer.size; ensureReadBuffer(size); memcpy(mReadBuffer.data() + mReadPos, ptr, size); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) { EXPECT_EQ((char)ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN, (mReadBuffer.data() + mReadPos)[j]); } mReadPos += size; mContext.ring_config->host_consumed_pos = ptr - mContext.buffer; EXPECT_EQ(1, ring_buffer_advance_read( mContext.to_host, sizeof(asg_type1_xfer), 1)); } } void type2Read(uint32_t avail) { uint32_t xferTotal = avail / 16; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < xferTotal; ++i) { struct asg_type2_xfer currentXfer; uint8_t* xferPtr = (uint8_t*)(¤tXfer); EXPECT_EQ(0, ring_buffer_copy_contents( mContext.to_host, 0, sizeof(currentXfer), xferPtr)); char* ptr = mCallbacks.getPtr(currentXfer.physAddr); ensureReadBuffer(currentXfer.size); memcpy(mReadBuffer.data() + mReadPos, ptr, currentXfer.size); mReadPos += currentXfer.size; EXPECT_EQ(1, ring_buffer_advance_read( mContext.to_host, sizeof(currentXfer), 1)); } } int type3Read(uint32_t avail) { (void)avail; ensureReadBuffer(avail); ring_buffer_read_fully_with_abort( mContext.to_host_large_xfer.ring, &mContext.to_host_large_xfer.view, mReadBuffer.data() + mReadPos, avail, 1, &mContext.ring_config->in_error); mReadPos += avail; return 0; } private: void threadFunc() { while(-1 != step()); } struct asg_context mContext; ConsumerCallbacks mCallbacks; FunctorThread mThread; std::vector mReadBuffer; std::vector mWriteBuffer; size_t mReadPos = 0; uint32_t mToHostBytes = 0; uint32_t mFromHostBytes = 0; bool mRoundTripEnabled = false; }; protected: static void SetUpTestCase() { goldfish_address_space_set_vm_operations(getConsoleAgents()->vm); } static void TearDownTestCase() { } void SetUp() override { android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeBufferSize = 524288; android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeStepSize = 1024; mDevice = HostAddressSpaceDevice::get(); ConsumerInterface interface = { // create [this](struct asg_context context, base::Stream* loadStream, ConsumerCallbacks callbacks) { Consumer* c = new Consumer(context, callbacks); mCurrentConsumer = c; return (void*)c; }, // destroy [this](void* context) { Consumer* c = reinterpret_cast(context); delete c; mCurrentConsumer = nullptr; }, // presave [](void* consumer) { }, // global presave []() { }, // save [](void* consumer, base::Stream* stream) { }, // global postsave []() { }, // postsave [](void* consumer) { }, // postload [](void* consumer) { }, // global preload []() { }, }; AddressSpaceGraphicsContext::setConsumer(interface); } void TearDown() override { AddressSpaceGraphicsContext::clear(); mDevice->clear(); android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeBufferSize = 524288; android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeStepSize = 1024; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mCurrentConsumer); } void setRoundTrip(bool enabled, size_t writeBytes, size_t readBytes) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mCurrentConsumer); mCurrentConsumer->setRoundTrip(enabled, writeBytes, readBytes); } struct RoundTrip { size_t writeBytes; size_t readBytes; }; void runRoundTrips(Client& client, const std::vector& trips) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mCurrentConsumer); for (const auto& trip : trips) { mCurrentConsumer->setRoundTrip(true, trip.writeBytes, trip.readBytes); std::vector send(trip.writeBytes, ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN); std::vector expectedRead(trip.readBytes, ASG_TEST_READ_PATTERN); std::vector toRead(trip.readBytes, 0); size_t stepSize = android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeStepSize; size_t stepSizeRead = android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeBufferSize; size_t sent = 0; while (sent < trip.writeBytes) { size_t remaining = trip.writeBytes - sent; size_t next = remaining < stepSize ? remaining : stepSize; auto buf = client.allocBuffer(next); memcpy(buf, send.data() + sent, next); sent += next; } client.flush(); size_t recv = 0; while (recv < trip.readBytes) { ssize_t readThisTime = client.speculativeRead( toRead.data() + recv, stepSizeRead); EXPECT_GE(readThisTime, 0); recv += readThisTime; } EXPECT_EQ(expectedRead, toRead); // make sure the consumer is hung up here or this will // race with setRoundTrip mCurrentConsumer->ensureWritebackDone(); } mCurrentConsumer->setRoundTrip(false); } HostAddressSpaceDevice* mDevice = nullptr; Consumer* mCurrentConsumer = nullptr; }; // Tests that we can create a client for ASG, // which then in turn creates a consumer thread on the "host." // Then test the thread teardown. TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, Basic) { Client client(mDevice); } // Tests writing via an IOStream-like interface // (allocBuffer, then flush) TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, BasicWrite) { EXPECT_EQ(1024, android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeStepSize); Client client(mDevice); // Tests that going over the step size results in nullptr // when using allocBuffer auto buf = client.allocBuffer(1025); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, buf); buf = client.allocBuffer(4); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, buf); memset(buf, ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN, 4); client.flush(); } // Tests that further allocs result in flushing TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, FlushFromAlloc) { EXPECT_EQ(1024, android_hw->hw_gltransport_asg_writeStepSize); Client client(mDevice); auto buf = client.allocBuffer(1024); memset(buf, ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN, 1024); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { buf = client.allocBuffer(1024); memset(buf, ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN, 1024); } } // Tests type 3 (large) transfer by itself TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, LargeXfer) { Client client(mDevice); std::vector largeBuf(1048576, ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN); client.writeFully(largeBuf.data(), largeBuf.size()); } // Round trip test TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, RoundTrip) { Client client(mDevice); setRoundTrip(true, 1, 1); char element = (char)(ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN); char reply; auto buf = client.allocBuffer(1); *buf = element; client.flush(); client.speculativeRead(&reply, 1); } // Round trip test (more than one) TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, RoundTrips) { Client client(mDevice); std::vector trips = { { 1, 1, }, { 2, 2, }, { 4, 4, }, { 1026, 34, }, { 4, 1048576, }, }; runRoundTrips(client, trips); } // Round trip test (random) TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, RoundTripsRandom) { Client client(mDevice); std::default_random_engine generator; generator.seed(0); std::uniform_int_distribution sizeDist(1, 4097); std::vector trips; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { trips.push_back({ (size_t)sizeDist(generator), (size_t)sizeDist(generator), }); }; runRoundTrips(client, trips); } // Abort test. Say that we are reading back 4096 // bytes, but only actually read back 1 then abort. TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, Abort) { Client client(mDevice); setRoundTrip(true, 1, 1048576); char send = ASG_TEST_WRITE_PATTERN; auto buf = client.allocBuffer(1); *buf = send; client.flush(); client.abort(); } // Test having to create more than one block, and // ensure traffic works each time. TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, BlockCreateDestroy) { std::vector clients; std::default_random_engine generator; generator.seed(0); std::uniform_int_distribution sizeDist(1, 47); std::vector trips; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { trips.push_back({ (size_t)sizeDist(generator), (size_t)sizeDist(generator), }); }; int numBlocksMax = 3; int numBlocksDetected = 0; char* bufLow = (char*)(uintptr_t)(-1); char* bufHigh = 0; while (true) { Client* c = new Client(mDevice); runRoundTrips(*c, trips); clients.push_back(c); char* bufPtr = c->getBufferPtr(); bufLow = bufPtr < bufLow ? bufPtr : bufLow; bufHigh = bufPtr > bufHigh ? bufPtr : bufHigh; size_t gap = bufHigh - bufLow; numBlocksDetected = gap / ADDRESS_SPACE_GRAPHICS_BLOCK_SIZE; if (numBlocksDetected > numBlocksMax) break; } for (auto c: clients) { delete c; } } // Test having to create more than one block, and // ensure traffic works each time, but also randomly // delete previous allocs to cause fragmentation. TEST_F(AddressSpaceGraphicsTest, BlockCreateDestroyRandom) { std::vector clients; std::default_random_engine generator; generator.seed(0); std::uniform_int_distribution sizeDist(1, 89); std::bernoulli_distribution deleteDist(0.2); std::vector trips; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { trips.push_back({ (size_t)sizeDist(generator), (size_t)sizeDist(generator), }); }; int numBlocksMax = 3; int numBlocksDetected = 0; char* bufLow = (char*)(uintptr_t)(-1); char* bufHigh = 0; while (true) { Client* c = new Client(mDevice); runRoundTrips(*c, trips); clients.push_back(c); char* bufPtr = c->getBufferPtr(); bufLow = bufPtr < bufLow ? bufPtr : bufLow; bufHigh = bufPtr > bufHigh ? bufPtr : bufHigh; size_t gap = bufHigh - bufLow; numBlocksDetected = gap / ADDRESS_SPACE_GRAPHICS_BLOCK_SIZE; if (numBlocksDetected > numBlocksMax) break; if (deleteDist(generator)) { delete c; clients[clients.size() - 1] = 0; } } for (auto c: clients) { delete c; } } } // namespace asg } // namespace emulation } // namespace android