// Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "NativeGpuInfo.h" #include "base/StringFormat.h" #include "base/SmallVector.h" #include "base/StringFormat.h" #include "base/PathUtils.h" #include "base/System.h" #include "base/Win32UnicodeString.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using android::base::PathUtils; using android::base::SmallFixedVector; using android::base::StringFormat; using android::base::Win32UnicodeString; static std::string& toLower(std::string& s) { std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower); return s; } static void parse_windows_gpu_ids(const std::string& val, GpuInfoList* gpulist) { std::string result; size_t key_start = 0; size_t key_end = 0; key_start = val.find("VEN_", key_start); if (key_start == std::string::npos) { return; } key_end = val.find("&", key_start); if (key_end == std::string::npos) { return; } result = val.substr(key_start + 4, key_end - key_start - 4); gpulist->currGpu().make = std::move(toLower(result)); key_start = val.find("DEV_", key_start); if (key_start == std::string::npos) { return; } key_end = val.find("&", key_start); if (key_end == std::string::npos) { return; } result = val.substr(key_start + 4, key_end - key_start - 4); gpulist->currGpu().device_id = std::move(toLower(result)); } static bool startsWith(const std::string& string, const std::string& prefix) { return string.size() >= prefix.size() && memcmp(string.data(), prefix.data(), prefix.size()) == 0; } static void add_predefined_gpu_dlls(GpuInfo* gpu) { const std::string& currMake = gpu->make; if (currMake == "NVIDIA" || startsWith(gpu->model, "NVIDIA")) { gpu->addDll("nvoglv32.dll"); gpu->addDll("nvoglv64.dll"); } else if (currMake == "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." || startsWith(gpu->model, "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.")) { gpu->addDll("atioglxx.dll"); gpu->addDll("atig6txx.dll"); } } static void parse_windows_gpu_dlls(int line_loc, int val_pos, const std::string& contents, GpuInfoList* gpulist) { if (line_loc - val_pos != 0) { const std::string& dll_str = contents.substr(val_pos, line_loc - val_pos); size_t vp = 0; size_t dll_sep_loc = dll_str.find(",", vp); size_t dll_end = (dll_sep_loc != std::string::npos) ? dll_sep_loc : dll_str.size() - vp; gpulist->currGpu().addDll(dll_str.substr(vp, dll_end - vp)); while (dll_sep_loc != std::string::npos) { vp = dll_sep_loc + 1; dll_sep_loc = dll_str.find(",", vp); dll_end = (dll_sep_loc != std::string::npos) ? dll_sep_loc : dll_str.size() - vp; gpulist->currGpu().addDll(dll_str.substr(vp, dll_end - vp)); } } add_predefined_gpu_dlls(&gpulist->currGpu()); } static void load_gpu_registry_info(const wchar_t* keyName, GpuInfo* gpu) { HKEY hkey; if (::RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } SmallFixedVector name; SmallFixedVector value; for (int i = 0;; ++i) { name.resize_noinit(name.capacity()); value.resize_noinit(value.capacity()); DWORD nameLen = name.size(); DWORD valueLen = value.size(); DWORD type; auto res = RegEnumValueW(hkey, i, name.data(), &nameLen, nullptr, &type, value.data(), &valueLen); if (res == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } else if (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { if (type != REG_SZ && type != REG_MULTI_SZ) { // we don't care about other types for now, so let's not even // try continue; } name.resize_noinit(nameLen + 1); value.resize_noinit(valueLen + 1); nameLen = name.size(); valueLen = value.size(); res = ::RegEnumValueW(hkey, i, name.data(), &nameLen, nullptr, &type, value.data(), &valueLen); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } } if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; // well, what can we do here? } name[nameLen] = L'\0'; if (type == REG_SZ && wcscmp(name.data(), L"DriverVersion") == 0) { const auto strVal = (wchar_t*)value.data(); const auto strLen = valueLen / sizeof(wchar_t); strVal[strLen] = L'\0'; gpu->version = Win32UnicodeString::convertToUtf8(strVal, strLen); } else if (type == REG_MULTI_SZ && (wcscmp(name.data(), L"UserModeDriverName") == 0 || wcscmp(name.data(), L"UserModeDriverNameWoW") == 0)) { const auto strVal = (wchar_t*)value.data(); const auto strLen = valueLen / sizeof(wchar_t); strVal[strLen] = L'\0'; // Iterate over the '0'-delimited list of strings, // stopping at double '0' (AKA empty string after the // delimiter). for (const wchar_t* ptr = strVal;;) { auto len = wcslen(ptr); if (!len) { break; } gpu->dlls.emplace_back( Win32UnicodeString::convertToUtf8(ptr, len)); ptr += len + 1; } } } ::RegCloseKey(hkey); } // static const int kGPUInfoQueryTimeoutMs = 5000; // static std::string load_gpu_info_wmic() { // auto guid = Uuid::generateFast().toString(); // // WMIC doesn't allow one to have any unquoted '-' characters in file name, // // so let's get rid of them. // guid.erase(std::remove(guid.begin(), guid.end(), '-'), guid.end()); // auto tempName = PathUtils::join(System::get()->getTempDir(), // StringFormat("gpuinfo_%s.txt", guid)); // // auto deleteTempFile = makeCustomScopedPtr( // &tempName, // [](const std::string* name) { path_delete_file(name->c_str()); }); // if (!System::get()->runCommand( // {"wmic", StringFormat("/OUTPUT:%s", tempName), "path", // "Win32_VideoController", "get", "/value"}, // RunOptions::WaitForCompletion | RunOptions::TerminateOnTimeout, // kGPUInfoQueryTimeoutMs)) { // return {}; // } // auto res = android::readFileIntoString(tempName); // return res ? Win32UnicodeString::convertToUtf8( // (const wchar_t*)res->c_str(), // res->size() / sizeof(wchar_t)) // : std::string{}; // } void parse_gpu_info_list_windows(const std::string& contents, GpuInfoList* gpulist) { size_t line_loc = contents.find("\r\n"); if (line_loc == std::string::npos) { line_loc = contents.size(); } size_t p = 0; size_t equals_pos = 0; size_t val_pos = 0; std::string key; std::string val; // Windows: We use `wmic path Win32_VideoController get /value` // to get a reasonably detailed list of '=' // pairs. From these, we can get the make/model // of the GPU, the driver version, and all DLLs involved. while (line_loc != std::string::npos) { equals_pos = contents.find("=", p); if ((equals_pos != std::string::npos) && (equals_pos < line_loc)) { key = contents.substr(p, equals_pos - p); val_pos = equals_pos + 1; val = contents.substr(val_pos, line_loc - val_pos); if (key.find("AdapterCompatibility") != std::string::npos) { gpulist->addGpu(); gpulist->currGpu().os = "W"; // 'make' will be overwritten in parsing 'PNPDeviceID' // later. Set it here because we need it in paring // 'InstalledDisplayDrivers' which comes before // 'PNPDeviceID'. gpulist->currGpu().make = val; } else if (key.find("Caption") != std::string::npos) { gpulist->currGpu().model = val; } else if (key.find("PNPDeviceID") != std::string::npos) { parse_windows_gpu_ids(val, gpulist); } else if (key.find("DriverVersion") != std::string::npos) { gpulist->currGpu().version = val; } else if (key.find("InstalledDisplayDrivers") != std::string::npos) { parse_windows_gpu_dlls(line_loc, val_pos, contents, gpulist); } } if (line_loc == contents.size()) { break; } p = line_loc + 2; line_loc = contents.find("\r\n", p); if (line_loc == std::string::npos) { line_loc = contents.size(); } } } static bool queryGpuInfoD3D(GpuInfoList* gpus) { LPDIRECT3D9 pD3D = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION); UINT numAdapters = pD3D->GetAdapterCount(); char vendoridBuf[16] = {}; char deviceidBuf[16] = {}; // MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING can be pretty big, // don't allocate on stack. std::vector descriptionBuf(MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING + 1, '\0'); if (numAdapters == 0) return false; // The adapter that is equal to D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT is the primary display adapter. // D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT is currently defined to be 0, btw---but this is more future proof for (UINT i = 0; i < numAdapters; i++) { if (i == D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT) { gpus->addGpu(); GpuInfo& gpu = gpus->currGpu(); gpu.os = "W"; D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 id; pD3D->GetAdapterIdentifier(0, 0, &id); snprintf(vendoridBuf, sizeof(vendoridBuf), "%04x", (unsigned int)id.VendorId); snprintf(deviceidBuf, sizeof(deviceidBuf), "%04x", (unsigned int)id.DeviceId); snprintf(&descriptionBuf[0], MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING, "%s", id.Description); gpu.make = vendoridBuf; gpu.device_id = deviceidBuf; gpu.model = &descriptionBuf[0]; // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "gpu found. vendor id %04x device id 0x%04x\n", // (unsigned int)(id.VendorId), // (unsigned int)(id.DeviceId)); return true; } } return false; } void getGpuInfoListNative(GpuInfoList* gpus) { if (queryGpuInfoD3D(gpus)) return; // crashhandler_append_message_format("d3d gpu query failed.\n"); DISPLAY_DEVICEW device = { sizeof(device) }; for (int i = 0; EnumDisplayDevicesW(nullptr, i, &device, 0); ++i) { gpus->addGpu(); GpuInfo& gpu = gpus->currGpu(); gpu.os = "W"; gpu.current_gpu = (device.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) != 0; gpu.model = Win32UnicodeString::convertToUtf8(device.DeviceString); parse_windows_gpu_ids( Win32UnicodeString::convertToUtf8(device.DeviceID), gpus); // Now try inspecting the registry directly; |device|.DeviceKey can be a // path to the GPU information key. static const std::string prefix = "\\Registry\\Machine\\"; if (startsWith(Win32UnicodeString::convertToUtf8(device.DeviceKey), prefix)) { load_gpu_registry_info(device.DeviceKey + prefix.size(), &gpu); } add_predefined_gpu_dlls(&gpu); } if (gpus->infos.empty()) { // Everything failed; bail. // Everything failed - fall back to the good^Wbad old WMIC command. // auto gpuInfoWmic = load_gpu_info_wmic(); // parse_gpu_info_list_windows(gpuInfoWmic, gpus); } } // windows: blacklist depending on amdvlk and certain versions of vulkan-1.dll // Based on chromium/src/gpu/config/gpu_info_collector_win.cc bool badAmdVulkanDriverVersion() { int major, minor, build_1, build_2; // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "checking for bad AMD Vulkan driver version...\n"); if (!android::base::queryFileVersionInfo("amdvlk64.dll", &major, &minor, &build_1, &build_2)) { // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "amdvlk64.dll not found. Checking for amdvlk32...\n"); if (!android::base::queryFileVersionInfo("amdvlk32.dll", &major, &minor, &build_1, &build_2)) { // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "amdvlk32.dll not found. No bad AMD Vulkan driver versions found.\n"); // Information about amdvlk64 not availble; not blacklisted return false; } } // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "AMD driver info found. Version: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", // major, minor, build_1, build_2); bool isBad = (major == 1 && minor == 0 && build_1 <= 54); if (isBad) { // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "Is bad AMD driver version; blacklisting.\n"); } else { // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "Not known bad AMD driver version; passing.\n"); } return isBad; } using WindowsDllVersion = std::tuple; bool badVulkanDllVersion() { int major, minor, build_1, build_2; // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "checking for bad vulkan-1.dll version...\n"); if (!android::base::queryFileVersionInfo("vulkan-1.dll", &major, &minor, &build_1, &build_2)) { // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "info on vulkan-1.dll cannot be found, continue.\n"); // Information about vulkan-1.dll not available; not blacklisted return false; } // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "vulkan-1.dll version: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", // major, minor, build_1, build_2); // Ban all Windows Vulkan drivers < 1.1; // they sometimes advertise vkEnumerateInstanceVersion // and then running that function pointer causes a segfault. // In any case, properly updated GPU drivers for Windows // should all be 1.1 now for the major manufacturers // (even Intel; see https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005524/graphics-drivers.html) bool isBad = major == 1 && minor == 0; if (isBad) { // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "Is bad vulkan-1.dll version; blacklisting.\n"); } else { // crashhandler_append_message_format( // "Not known bad vulkan-1.dll version; continue.\n"); } return isBad; } bool isVulkanSafeToUseNative() { return !badAmdVulkanDriverVersion() && !badVulkanDllVersion(); }