/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "base/Lookup.h" #include "base/Stream.h" #include "base/StreamSerializing.h" #include "base/Lock.h" #include "base/Compiler.h" #include #include #include // The purpose of StalePtrRegistry is to track integers corresponding to // host-side pointers that may be invalidated after snapshots. template class StalePtrRegistry { public: StalePtrRegistry() = default; void addPtr(T* ptr) { android::base::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock); mPtrs[asHandle(ptr)] = { ptr, Staleness::Live }; } void removePtr(T* ptr) { android::base::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock); uint64_t handle = asHandle(ptr); mPtrs.erase(handle); } void remapStalePtr(uint64_t handle, T* newptr) { android::base::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock); mPtrs[handle] = { newptr, Staleness::PrevSnapshot }; } T* getPtr(uint64_t handle, T* defaultPtr = nullptr, bool removeFromStaleOnGet = false) { android::base::AutoReadLock lock(mLock); // return |defaultPtr| if not found. T* res = defaultPtr; Entry* it = nullptr; if ((it = android::base::find(mPtrs, handle))) res = it->ptr; if (removeFromStaleOnGet && it && it->staleness == Staleness::PrevSnapshot) { lock.unlockRead(); android::base::AutoWriteLock wrlock(mLock); mPtrs.erase(handle); } return res; } void makeCurrentPtrsStale() { android::base::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock); for (auto& it : mPtrs) { it.second.staleness = Staleness::PrevSnapshot; } } size_t numCurrEntries() const { return countWithStaleness(Staleness::Live); } size_t numStaleEntries() const { return countWithStaleness(Staleness::PrevSnapshot); } void onSave(android::base::Stream* stream) { android::base::AutoReadLock lock(mLock); saveCollection( stream, mPtrs, [](android::base::Stream* stream, const std::pair& entry) { stream->putBe64(entry.first); }); } void onLoad(android::base::Stream* stream) { android::base::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock); loadCollection( stream, &mPtrs, [](android::base::Stream* stream) { uint64_t handle = stream->getBe64(); return std::make_pair( handle, (Entry){ nullptr, Staleness::PrevSnapshot }); }); } private: static uint64_t asHandle(const T* ptr) { return (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)ptr; } static T* asPtr(uint64_t handle) { return (T*)(uintptr_t)handle; } enum class Staleness { Live, PrevSnapshot, }; struct Entry { T* ptr; Staleness staleness; }; using PtrMap = std::unordered_map; size_t countWithStaleness(Staleness check) const { android::base::AutoReadLock lock(mLock); return std::count_if(mPtrs.begin(), mPtrs.end(), [check](const typename PtrMap::value_type& entry) { return entry.second.staleness == check; }); } mutable android::base::ReadWriteLock mLock; PtrMap mPtrs; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StalePtrRegistry); };