package { default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"], } apex { name: "", manifest: "apex_manifest.json", key: "", certificate: "", file_contexts: "file_contexts", use_vndk_as_stable: true, updatable: false, // install the apex in /vendor/apex proprietary: true, // BEGIN of apex payloads binaries: [ // /bin "android.hardware.vibrator@1.3-service.sunfish", ], prebuilts: [ // /etc "android.hardware.vibrator@1.3-service.sunfish.rc", // /firmware "drv2624.bin.sunfish", ], // END of apex payloads // BEGIN of companion files // vintf manifest fragments, which is installed in /vendor/etc/vintf. // TODO(b/130058564): should we put vintf framgments within the apex? vintf_fragments: [ "android.hardware.vibrator@1.3-service.sunfish.xml", ], // END of companion files } apex_key { name: "", public_key: "", private_key: "", } android_app_certificate { name: "", certificate: "", } prebuilt_etc { name: "android.hardware.vibrator@1.3-service.sunfish.rc", src: "android.hardware.vibrator@1.3-service.sunfish.rc", installable: false, }