syntax = "proto2"; // The types of message notification sent from Moblab. enum MessageType { MSG_UNKNOWN = 0; MSG_MOBLAB_HEARTBEAT = 1; MSG_MOBLAB_REMOTE_EVENT = 2; MSG_MOBLAB_ALERT = 3; } // The common pubsub notification attribute names. enum MessageAttribute { ATTR_INVALID = 0; ATTR_MESSAGE_TYPE = 1; ATTR_MESSAGE_VERSION = 2; ATTR_MOBLAB_MAC_ADDRESS = 3; ATTR_MOBLAB_ID = 4; } // Timestamp is not defined in proto2. We need to define it by ourselves. // It represents a point in time independent of any time zone // or calendar, represented as seconds and fractions of seconds at // nanosecond resolution. // Clone from message Timestamp { optional int64 seconds = 1; // Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. optional int64 nanos = 2 [default = 0]; } message Heartbeat { optional Timestamp timestamp = 1; } // The remote event notification message. message RemoteEventMessage { // EventType is an enumeration of event types sent to cloud console. // Any new event type should be added here. enum Type { EVENT_UNKNOWN = 0; EVENT_MOBLAB_BOOT_COMPLETE = 1; } optional Type type = 1 [default = EVENT_UNKNOWN]; optional string data = 2; } // Moblab alerts message Alert { enum AlertLevel { ALERT_UNSPECIFIED = 0; ALERT_CRITICAL = 1; ALERT_MAJOR = 2; ALERT_MINOR = 3; } optional AlertLevel level = 1; optional string data = 2; optional Timestamp timestamp = 3; optional string source_application = 4; optional string source_component = 5; }