# these are used for CI testing # and, they also serve as an example of how to # configure local-vars/local.yml cldradmin_pw: hunter46 # needs to match cldradmin pw below mysql_users: # this is the account used by the survey tool itself - name: surveytool host: localhost password: hunter42 priv: 'cldrdb.*:ALL' # this is the account used for administrative tasks - name: cldradmin password: hunter46 priv: 'cldrdb.*:ALL/*.*:PROCESS' append_privs: yes # this is the account used for deployment surveytooldeploy: password: hunter43 vap: hunter44 testpw: hunter45 oldversion: 36 newversion: 37 key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJ5TcIs3HNzv6PIlkJVifUTaWj8CEJmLngvE45F/sL4+oHdOSBHyG/rU04psIuvDjukrQY8a0ZhohGkpcwl1WIY= dummy value just for test