#!/bin/bash cd extras/dockerfiles/ || exit 1 # Setup for ARM docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset COMMANDS=() for V in 18.04 19.10 20.04 20.10 do C="docker build --squash -t polettimarco/fruit-basesystem:ubuntu-$V -f Dockerfile.ubuntu-$V ." COMMANDS+=("$C || { echo; echo FAILED: '$C'; echo; exit 1; }") done for V in 18.04 20.04 do C="docker build --squash -t polettimarco/fruit-basesystem:ubuntu_arm-$V -f Dockerfile.ubuntu_arm-$V ." COMMANDS+=("$C || { echo; echo FAILED: '$C'; echo; exit 1; }") done for C in "${COMMANDS[@]}" do echo "$C" done | xargs -P 0 -L 1 -d '\n' bash -c || { # The successful ones should all be no-ops at this point, the failing ones won't be. # This way we get better diagnostics. for C in "${COMMANDS[@]}" do bash -c "$C" || exit 1 done } docker push polettimarco/fruit-basesystem