Here are people who have contributed to the development of Jackson JSON processor core component, version 2.x (version numbers in brackets indicate release in which the problem was fixed) (note: for older credits, check out release notes for 1.x versions) Tatu Saloranta, author Pascal G�linas: * Reported [JACKSON-827]: 2.0.0 was accidentally requiring JDK 1.6 (should still be 1.5) (2.0.1) Ben Gertzfield (bgertzfield@github): * Contributed [Issue#49]: Improvements to VersionUtil to more efficiently read dynamically generated/embedded version information, to improve Android startup time (2.2.0) Klaus Brunner (KlausBrunner@github) * Reported [Issue#48]: Problem with URLs, spaces Eugene Brevdo (ebrevdo@github) * Contributed #84: Support 'Infinity' as alternative (no leading plus) (2.2.3) Marcin Zukowski (eruure@github) * Reported #115: JsonGenerator writeRawValue problem with surrogate UTF-8 characters (2.3.0) Steve van Loben Sels * Reported #116: WriterBasedJsonGenerator produces truncated Unicode escape sequences (2.3.0) Shay Banon * Reported #145: NPE at BytesToNameCanonicalizer (2.4.2) rjmac@github * Reported #146: Error while parsing negative floats at the end of the input buffer (2.4.2) * Reported #148: BytesToNameCanonicalizer can mishandle leading null byte(s). (2.5.0) Alex Soto: (lordofthejars@github) * Reported #173: An exception is thrown for a valid JsonPointer expression (2.4.5) Aaron Digulla: * Contributed #166: Allow to configure line endings and indentation (2.5.0) Derek Clarkson (drekka@github) * Reported #184: WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS disables WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN (2.4.6 / 2.5.2) Masaru Hasegawa (masaruh@github): * Reported, contributed fix for#182: Inconsistent TextBuffer#getTextBuffer behavior (2.6.0) Ruediger Moeller (RuedigerMoeller@github) * Requested #195: Add `JsonGenerator.getOutputBuffered()` to find out amount of content buffered, not yet flushed. (2.6.0) Florian Schoppmann (fschopp@github@github) * Reported #207: `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` in `ByteQuadsCanonicalizer` (2.6.1) Iskren Ivov Chernev (ichernev@github) * Reported #213: Parser is sometimes wrong when using CANONICALIZE_FIELD_NAMES (2.6.2) Michael Lehenbauer (mikelehen@github) * Reported #37: JsonParser.getTokenLocation() doesn't update after field names (2.7.0) Lokesh Kumar N (LokeshN@github) * Contributed #209: Make use of `_allowMultipleMatches` in `FilteringParserDelegate` (2.7.4) * Contributed fix for #117: Support for missing values (non-compliant JSON) (2.8.0) * Contributed implementation for #86: Allow inclusion of request body for JsonParseException (2.8.0) * Contributed implementation for #285: Allow inclusion of request body for JsonParseException (2.8.0) Tanguy Leroux (tlrx@github) * Reported, contributed fix for #280: FilteringGeneratorDelegate.writeUTF8String() should delegate to writeUTF8String() (2.7.5) Mike Naseef (mtnaseef@github) * Reported #307: JsonGenerationException: Split surrogate on writeRaw() input thrown for input of a certain size (2.7.7) Allar Haav (haav@github) * Reportef #317: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 200 on floating point number with exactly 200-length decimal part (2.7.8) Mikael Staldal (mikaelstaldal@github) * Contributed fix for #265: `JsonStringEncoder` should allow passing `CharSequence` (2.8.0) Kevin Gallardo (newkek@github) * Reported #296: JsonParserSequence skips a token on a switched Parser (2.8.0) Alessio Soldano (asoldano@github) * Contributed #322: Trim tokens in error messages to 256 byte to prevent attacks (2.8.6) Arnaud Roger (arnaudroger@github) * Contributed #359: FilteringGeneratorDelegate does not override writeStartObject(Object forValue) (2.8.8) * Reported, contributed fix for #580: FilteringGeneratorDelegate writeRawValue delegate to `writeRaw()` instead of `writeRawValue()` (2.10.2) Emily Selwood (emilyselwood@github) * Reported #382: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from on invalid input (2.8.9) * Reported #578: Array index out of bounds in hex lookup (2.10.1) Alex Yursha (AlexYursha@github) * Contributed #312: Add `JsonProcessingException.clearLocation()` to allow clearing possibly security-sensitive information (2.9.0) Brad Hess (bdhess@github) * Contributed #323: Add `JsonParser.ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMA` to work for Arrays and Objects (2.9.0) * Reported #325: `DataInput` backed parser should handle `EOFException` at end of doc (2.9.0) Logan Widick (uhhhh2@github) * Contributed #17: Add 'JsonGenerator.writeString(Reader r, int charLength)' (2.9.0) Michael Sims (MichaelSims@github) * Reported, contributed fix for #372: JsonParserSequence#skipChildren() throws exception when current delegate is TokenBuffer.Parser with "incomplete" JSON (2.9.0) Rafal Foltynski (rfoltyns@github) * Contributed #374: Minimal and DefaultPrettyPrinter with configurable separators (2.9.0) * Contributed#208: Make use of `_matchCount` in `FilteringParserDelegate` (2.9.0) Jeroen Borgers (jborgers@github) * Reported, contributed impl for #400: Add mechanism for forcing `BufferRecycler` released (to call on shutdown) (2.9.6) Doug Roper (htmldoug@github) * Suggested #463: Ensure that `skipChildren()` of non-blocking `JsonParser` will throw exception if not enough input (2.9.6) * Reported, Contributed test for #563: Async parser does not keep track of Array context properly (2.10.0) Alexander Eyers-Taylor (aeyerstaylor@github) * Reported #510: Fix ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException found by (2.9.9) Henrik Gustafsson (gsson@github) * Reported #516: _inputPtr off-by-one in UTF8StreamJsonParser._parseNumber2() (2.9.9) Alex Rebert (alpire@github) * Reported #540, suggested fix: UTF8StreamJsonParser: fix byte to int conversion for malformed escapes (2.9.10) * Reported #547: `CharsToNameCanonicalizer`: Internal error on `SymbolTable.rehash()` with high number of hash collisions (2.10.0) * Reported #548: ByteQuadsCanonicalizer: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in addName (2.10.0) Sam Smith (Oracle Security Researcher) * Reported #540 (concurrently with Alex R, before fix was included) (2.9.10) Philippe Marschall (marschall@github) * Requested #480: `SerializableString` value can not directly render to Writer (2.10.0) David Nault (dnault@github) * Reported #531: Non-blocking parser reports incorrect locations when fed with non-zero offset (2.10.0) Fabien Renaud (fabienrenaud@github) * Reported, contributed fix for #533: UTF-8 BOM not accounted for in `JsonLocation.getByteOffset()` (2.10.0) * Reported, contributed fix for #603: 'JsonParser.getCurrentLocation()` byte/char offset update incorrectly for big payloads (2.10.3) Todd O'Bryan (toddobryan@github) * Contributed fix fox #455: Jackson reports wrong locations for JsonEOFException (2.10.1) Scott Leberknight (sleberknight@github) * Reported, contributed fix for #592: DataFormatMatcher#getMatchedFormatName throws NPE when no match exists (2.10.3) Valery (valery1707@github) * Contributed #565: Synchronize variants of `JsonGenerator#writeNumberField` with `JsonGenerator#writeNumber` (2.11.0) Volkan Yazıcı (vy@github) * Contributed #587: Add JsonGenerator#writeNumber(char[], int, int) method (2.11.0) * Reported #609: (partial fix) `FilteringGeneratorDelegate` does not handle `writeString(Reader, int)` (2.10.4 [partial], 2.11.0 [full fix]) Justin Liu (jusliu@github) * Reported #616: Parsing JSON with `ALLOW_MISSING_VALUE` enabled results in endless stream of `VALUE_NULL` tokens (2.10.5) Michel Feinstein (feinstein@github) * Requested #504: Add a String Array write method in the Streaming API (2.11.0) Oleksandr Poslavskyi (alevskyi@github) * Contributed implementation of #504: Add a String Array write method in the Streaming API (2.11.0) James Agnew (jamesagnew@github) * Contributed implementation of #611: Optionally allow leading decimal in float tokens (2.11.0) Jendrik Johannes (jjohannes@github) * Contributed #618: Publish Gradle Module Metadata (2.12.0)