/****************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore */ #include #include #include #include "ixheaacd_type_def.h" #include "ixheaacd_cnst.h" #include "ixheaacd_bitbuffer.h" #include "ixheaacd_interface.h" #include "ixheaacd_acelp_info.h" #include "ixheaacd_tns_usac.h" #include "ixheaacd_acelp_info.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbrdecsettings.h" #include "ixheaacd_info.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbr_common.h" #include "ixheaacd_drc_data_struct.h" #include "ixheaacd_drc_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbrdecoder.h" #include "ixheaacd_mps_polyphase.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbr_const.h" #include "ixheaacd_main.h" #include "ixheaacd_arith_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_tns_usac.h" #include "ixheaacd_bit_extract.h" #include "ixheaacd_constants.h" #include "ixheaacd_basic_ops32.h" #include "ixheaacd_basic_ops40.h" #include "ixheaacd_func_def.h" #include "ixheaacd_defines.h" #include "ixheaacd_windows.h" #include "ixheaacd_vec_baisc_ops.h" #include "ixheaacd_config.h" const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_sin[] = {0, 0, -16384, 0, 16384, 0, 0}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_kbd[] = {-2998, 0, -19052, 0, 19052, 0, 2998}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_sin_kbd[] = {-1499, -1876, -17718, 0, 17718, 1876, 1499}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_kbd_sin[] = {-1499, 1876, -17718, 0, 17718, -1876, 1499}; const WORD16 *const ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_longshort_curr[2][2] = { {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_sin_kbd}, {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_kbd_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_long_kbd}}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_sin[] = {-3364, -3401, -18584, 0, 18584, 3401, 3364}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_kbd[] = {-4932, -1572, -19942, 0, 19942, 1572, 4932}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_sin_kbd[] = {-3433, -3447, -18608, 0, 18608, 3447, 3433}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_kbd_sin[] = {-4863, -1525, -19918, 0, 19918, 1525, 4863}; const WORD16 *const ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_curr[2][2] = { {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_sin_kbd}, {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_kbd_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_kbd}}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_sin[] = {-3364, 3401, -18584, 0, 18584, -3401, 3364}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_kbd[] = {-4932, 1572, -19942, 0, 19942, -1572, 4932}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_sin_kbd[] = {-4863, 1525, -19918, 0, 19918, -1525, 4863}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_kbd_sin[] = {-3433, 3447, -18608, 0, 18608, -3447, 3433}; const WORD16 *const ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_cur[2][2] = { {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_sin_kbd}, {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_kbd_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_kbd}}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_sin[] = {-6728, 0, -20785, 0, 20785, 0, 6728}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_kbd[] = {-6866, -0, -20831, 0, 20831, 0, 6866}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_sin_kbd[] = {-6797, -46, -20808, 0, 20808, 46, 6797}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_kbd_sin[] = {-6797, 46, -20808, 0, 20808, 46, 6797}; const WORD16 *const ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_cur[2][2] = { {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_sin_kbd}, {ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_kbd_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_kbd}}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_l_s_start_left_sin[] = { -0, 3477, 8192, 10430, 8192, 3477, -0}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_l_s_start_left_kbd[] = { 1950, 4054, 6114, 6982, 6114, 4054, 1950}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_sin[] = { 1262, 1285, 1299, 1304, 1299, 1285, 1262}; const WORD16 ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_kbd[] = { 857, 866, 871, 873, 871, 866, 857}; const WORD16 *const ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_l_s_start_left_prev[2] = { ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_l_s_start_left_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_l_s_start_left_kbd}; const WORD16 *const ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_prev[2] = { ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_sin, ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_kbd}; #define ONE_BY_TWO_POW_14 0.00006103515625 #define ONE_BY_TWO_POW_15 0.000030517578125 void ixheaacd_usac_cplx_save_prev(ia_sfb_info_struct *info, WORD32 *l_spec, WORD32 *r_spec, WORD32 *l_spec_prev, WORD32 *r_spec_prev) { WORD32 ixheaacd_drc_offset; ixheaacd_drc_offset = info->samp_per_bk - info->bins_per_sbk; memcpy(l_spec_prev + ixheaacd_drc_offset, l_spec + ixheaacd_drc_offset, sizeof(WORD32) * info->bins_per_sbk); memcpy(r_spec_prev + ixheaacd_drc_offset, r_spec + ixheaacd_drc_offset, sizeof(WORD32) * info->bins_per_sbk); } static VOID ixheaacd_cplx_pred_data( ia_usac_data_struct *usac_data, ia_usac_tmp_core_coder_struct *pstr_core_coder, WORD32 num_window_groups, ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff) { ia_huff_code_book_struct *ptr_huff_code_book = &ixheaacd_book; const ia_huff_code_word_struct *ptr_huff_code_word = ptr_huff_code_book->pstr_huff_code_word; WORD32 cplx_pred_all; WORD32 delta_code_time; WORD32 g, sfb; WORD32 dpcm_alpha, last_alpha_q_re, last_alpha_q_im; UWORD8 max_sfb_ste = pstr_core_coder->max_sfb_ste; WORD32(*alpha_q_re)[SFB_NUM_MAX] = usac_data->alpha_q_re; WORD32(*alpha_q_im)[SFB_NUM_MAX] = usac_data->alpha_q_im; WORD32 *alpha_q_re_prev = usac_data->alpha_q_re_prev; WORD32 *alpha_q_im_prev = usac_data->alpha_q_im_prev; UWORD8(*cplx_pred_used)[SFB_NUM_MAX] = usac_data->cplx_pred_used; cplx_pred_all = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (cplx_pred_all == 0) { for (g = 0; g < num_window_groups; g++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < max_sfb_ste; sfb += SFB_PER_PRED_BAND) { cplx_pred_used[g][sfb] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (sfb + 1 < max_sfb_ste) cplx_pred_used[g][sfb + 1] = cplx_pred_used[g][sfb]; } for (sfb = max_sfb_ste; sfb < SFB_NUM_MAX; sfb++) cplx_pred_used[g][sfb] = 0; } } else { for (g = 0; g < num_window_groups; g++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < max_sfb_ste; sfb++) cplx_pred_used[g][sfb] = 1; for (sfb = max_sfb_ste; sfb < SFB_NUM_MAX; sfb++) cplx_pred_used[g][sfb] = 0; } } pstr_core_coder->pred_dir = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); pstr_core_coder->complex_coef = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (pstr_core_coder->complex_coef) { if (usac_data->usac_independency_flg) pstr_core_coder->use_prev_frame = 0; else pstr_core_coder->use_prev_frame = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); } if (usac_data->usac_independency_flg) delta_code_time = 0; else delta_code_time = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); for (g = 0; g < num_window_groups; g++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < max_sfb_ste; sfb += SFB_PER_PRED_BAND) { if (delta_code_time == 1) { last_alpha_q_re = alpha_q_re_prev[sfb]; last_alpha_q_im = alpha_q_im_prev[sfb]; } else { if (sfb > 0) { last_alpha_q_re = alpha_q_re[g][sfb - 1]; last_alpha_q_im = alpha_q_im[g][sfb - 1]; } else { last_alpha_q_re = last_alpha_q_im = 0; } } if (cplx_pred_used[g][sfb] == 1) { dpcm_alpha = -ixheaacd_huff_codeword(ptr_huff_code_word, 0, it_bit_buff) + 60; alpha_q_re[g][sfb] = dpcm_alpha + last_alpha_q_re; if (pstr_core_coder->complex_coef) { dpcm_alpha = -ixheaacd_huff_codeword(ptr_huff_code_word, 0, it_bit_buff) + 60; alpha_q_im[g][sfb] = dpcm_alpha + last_alpha_q_im; } else { alpha_q_im[g][sfb] = 0; } } else { alpha_q_re[g][sfb] = 0; alpha_q_im[g][sfb] = 0; } if ((sfb + 1) < max_sfb_ste) { alpha_q_re[g][sfb + 1] = alpha_q_re[g][sfb]; alpha_q_im[g][sfb + 1] = alpha_q_im[g][sfb]; } alpha_q_re_prev[sfb] = alpha_q_re[g][sfb]; alpha_q_im_prev[sfb] = alpha_q_im[g][sfb]; } for (sfb = max_sfb_ste; sfb < SFB_NUM_MAX; sfb++) { alpha_q_re[g][sfb] = 0; alpha_q_im[g][sfb] = 0; alpha_q_re_prev[sfb] = 0; alpha_q_im_prev[sfb] = 0; } } return; } static WORD32 ixheaacd_read_ms_mask( ia_usac_data_struct *usac_data, ia_usac_tmp_core_coder_struct *pstr_core_coder, ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, WORD32 chn) { WORD32 g, sfb; WORD32 ms_mask_present; UWORD8 *sfb_group = usac_data->group_dis[chn]; UWORD8 max_sfb = pstr_core_coder->max_sfb_ste; UWORD8 *ms_used = usac_data->ms_used[chn]; ia_sfb_info_struct *info = usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn]; ms_mask_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 2); switch (ms_mask_present) { case 0: break; case 1: for (g = 0; g < info->max_win_len; g = *sfb_group++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < max_sfb; sfb++) { *ms_used = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); ms_used++; } for (; sfb < info->sfb_per_sbk; sfb++) { *ms_used = 0; ms_used++; } } break; case 2: for (g = 0; g < info->max_win_len; g = *sfb_group++) for (sfb = 0; sfb < info->sfb_per_sbk; sfb++) *ms_used++ = 1; break; case 3: ixheaacd_cplx_pred_data(usac_data, pstr_core_coder, info->num_groups, it_bit_buff); return 3; } for (sfb = 0; sfb < SFB_NUM_MAX; sfb++) { usac_data->alpha_q_re_prev[sfb] = 0; usac_data->alpha_q_im_prev[sfb] = 0; } return ms_mask_present; } VOID ixheaacd_ms_stereo(ia_usac_data_struct *usac_data, WORD32 *r_spec, WORD32 *l_spec, WORD32 chn, WORD32 nband) { WORD32 temp_r, temp_l; WORD32 sfb, k, grp, grp_len; ia_sfb_info_struct *ptr_sfb_info = usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn]; UWORD8 *ms_used = usac_data->ms_used[chn]; WORD32 ixheaacd_drc_offset = 0; for (grp = 0; grp < ptr_sfb_info->num_groups; grp++) { for (grp_len = 0; grp_len < ptr_sfb_info->group_len[grp]; grp_len++) { ixheaacd_drc_offset = 0; for (sfb = 0; sfb < nband; sfb++) { ixheaacd_drc_offset += ptr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; if (ms_used[sfb]) { for (k = 0; k < ptr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; k++) { temp_r = *r_spec; temp_l = *l_spec; *l_spec = ixheaacd_add32_sat(temp_r, temp_l); *r_spec = ixheaacd_sub32_sat(temp_l, temp_r); r_spec++; l_spec++; } } else { r_spec += ptr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; l_spec += ptr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; } } l_spec = l_spec + ptr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk - ixheaacd_drc_offset; r_spec = r_spec + ptr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk - ixheaacd_drc_offset; } ms_used += ptr_sfb_info->sfb_per_sbk; } } static VOID ixheaacd_filter_and_add(const WORD32 *in, const WORD32 length, const WORD16 *filter, WORD32 *out, const WORD32 factor_even, const WORD32 factor_odd) { WORD32 i; WORD64 sum; sum = ixheaacd_mult32x32in64(in[2], filter[0]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[1], filter[1]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[0], filter[2]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_n(sum, &in[0], &filter[3], 4); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_even) >> 15))); out++; sum = ixheaacd_mult32x32in64(in[1], filter[0]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[0], filter[1]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_n(sum, &in[0], &filter[2], 5); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_odd) >> 15))); out++; sum = ixheaacd_mult32x32in64(in[0], filter[0]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_n(sum, &in[0], &filter[1], 6); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_even) >> 15))); out++; for (i = 3; i < length - 4; i += 2) { sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_7(&in[i - 3], filter); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_odd) >> 15))); out++; sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_7(&in[i - 2], filter); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_even) >> 15))); out++; } i = length - 3; sum = 0; sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_n(sum, &in[i - 3], filter, 6); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[i + 2], filter[6]); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_odd) >> 15))); out++; i = length - 2; sum = 0; sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_n(sum, &in[i - 3], filter, 5); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[i + 1], filter[5]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[i], filter[6]); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_even) >> 15))); out++; i = length - 1; sum = 0; sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64_n(sum, &in[i - 3], filter, 4); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[i], filter[4]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[i - 1], filter[5]); sum = ixheaacd_mac32x32in64(sum, in[i - 2], filter[6]); *out = ixheaacd_add32_sat( *out, ixheaacd_sat64_32((((WORD64)sum * (WORD64)factor_odd) >> 15))); } static VOID ixheaacd_estimate_dmx_im(const WORD32 *dmx_re, const WORD32 *dmx_re_prev, WORD32 *dmx_im, ia_sfb_info_struct *pstr_sfb_info, WORD32 window, const WORD32 w_shape, const WORD32 prev_w_shape) { WORD32 i; const WORD16 *mdst_fcoeff_curr, *mdst_fcoeff_prev; switch (window) { case ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE: case EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE: mdst_fcoeff_curr = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_longshort_curr[prev_w_shape][w_shape]; mdst_fcoeff_prev = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_l_s_start_left_prev[prev_w_shape]; break; case LONG_START_SEQUENCE: mdst_fcoeff_curr = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_start_curr[prev_w_shape][w_shape]; mdst_fcoeff_prev = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_l_s_start_left_prev[prev_w_shape]; break; case LONG_STOP_SEQUENCE: mdst_fcoeff_curr = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_cur[prev_w_shape][w_shape]; mdst_fcoeff_prev = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_prev[prev_w_shape]; break; case STOP_START_SEQUENCE: mdst_fcoeff_curr = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_cur[prev_w_shape][w_shape]; mdst_fcoeff_prev = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_prev[prev_w_shape]; break; default: mdst_fcoeff_curr = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stopstart_cur[prev_w_shape][w_shape]; mdst_fcoeff_prev = ixheaacd_mdst_fcoeff_stop_stopstart_left_prev[prev_w_shape]; break; } for (i = 0; i < pstr_sfb_info->max_win_len; i++) { ixheaacd_filter_and_add(dmx_re, pstr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk, mdst_fcoeff_curr, dmx_im, 1, 1); if (dmx_re_prev) ixheaacd_filter_and_add(dmx_re_prev, pstr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk, mdst_fcoeff_prev, dmx_im, -1, 1); dmx_re_prev = dmx_re; dmx_re += pstr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk; dmx_im += pstr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk; } return; } static VOID ixheaacd_cplx_pred_upmixing( ia_usac_data_struct *usac_data, WORD32 *l_spec, WORD32 *r_spec, ia_usac_tmp_core_coder_struct *pstr_core_coder, WORD32 chn) { ia_sfb_info_struct *pstr_sfb_info = usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn]; WORD32 *dmx_re = &usac_data->scratch_buffer[0]; WORD32 *dmx_im = &usac_data->x_ac_dec[0]; WORD32 grp, sfb, grp_len, i = 0, k; WORD32 *dmx_re_prev = usac_data->dmx_re_prev; WORD32(*alpha_q_re)[SFB_NUM_MAX] = usac_data->alpha_q_re; WORD32(*alpha_q_im)[SFB_NUM_MAX] = usac_data->alpha_q_im; UWORD8(*cplx_pred_used)[SFB_NUM_MAX] = usac_data->cplx_pred_used; WORD32 alpha_q_re_temp; WORD32 alpha_q_im_temp; WORD32 factor = 1; if (pstr_core_coder->pred_dir) factor = -1; for (grp = 0; grp < pstr_sfb_info->num_groups; grp++) { for (grp_len = 0; grp_len < pstr_sfb_info->group_len[grp]; grp_len++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < pstr_sfb_info->sfb_per_sbk; sfb++) { if (cplx_pred_used[grp][sfb] == 1) { memcpy(&dmx_re[i], &l_spec[i], pstr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb] * sizeof(WORD32)); i += pstr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; } else { for (k = 0; k < pstr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; k++, i++) { dmx_re[i] = (WORD32)( ((WORD64)l_spec[i] + ((WORD64)factor * (WORD64)r_spec[i])) >> 1); } } } } } memset(dmx_im, 0, sizeof(WORD32) * BLOCK_LEN_LONG); if (pstr_core_coder->complex_coef) { WORD32 *p_dmx_re_prev = pstr_core_coder->use_prev_frame ? dmx_re_prev : NULL; ixheaacd_estimate_dmx_im(dmx_re, p_dmx_re_prev, dmx_im, pstr_sfb_info, usac_data->window_sequence[chn], usac_data->window_shape[chn], usac_data->window_shape_prev[chn]); for (grp = 0, i = 0; grp < pstr_sfb_info->num_groups; grp++) { for (grp_len = 0; grp_len < pstr_sfb_info->group_len[grp]; grp_len++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < pstr_sfb_info->sfb_per_sbk; sfb++) { alpha_q_re_temp = alpha_q_re[grp][sfb] * 1677722; alpha_q_im_temp = alpha_q_im[grp][sfb] * 1677722; if (cplx_pred_used[grp][sfb]) { for (k = 0; k < pstr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; k++, i++) { WORD32 mid_side = ixheaacd_sub32_sat( ixheaacd_sub32_sat(r_spec[i], (WORD32)((WORD64)ixheaacd_mult32x32in64( alpha_q_re_temp, l_spec[i]) >> 24)), (WORD32)((WORD64)ixheaacd_mult32x32in64(alpha_q_im_temp, dmx_im[i]) >> 24)); r_spec[i] = ixheaacd_sat64_32((WORD64)factor) * (WORD64)(ixheaacd_sub32_sat(l_spec[i], mid_side)); l_spec[i] = ixheaacd_add32_sat(l_spec[i], mid_side); } } else { i += pstr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; } } } } } else { for (grp = 0, i = 0; grp < pstr_sfb_info->num_groups; grp++) { for (grp_len = 0; grp_len < pstr_sfb_info->group_len[grp]; grp_len++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < pstr_sfb_info->sfb_per_sbk; sfb++) { alpha_q_re_temp = alpha_q_re[grp][sfb] * 1677722; if (cplx_pred_used[grp][sfb]) { for (k = 0; k < pstr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; k++, i++) { WORD32 mid_side = ixheaacd_sub32_sat( r_spec[i], (WORD32)((WORD64)ixheaacd_mult32x32in64( alpha_q_re_temp, l_spec[i]) >> 24)); r_spec[i] = ixheaacd_sat64_32((WORD64)factor) * (WORD64)(ixheaacd_sub32_sat(l_spec[i], mid_side)); l_spec[i] = ixheaacd_add32_sat(l_spec[i], mid_side); } } else { i += pstr_sfb_info->sfb_width[sfb]; } } } } } return; } static VOID ixheaacd_cplx_prev_mdct_dmx(ia_sfb_info_struct *pstr_sfb_info, WORD32 *l_spec, WORD32 *r_spec, WORD32 *dmx_re_prev, WORD32 pred_dir) { WORD32 offs, i; WORD32 factor = 1; if (pred_dir) factor = -1; offs = pstr_sfb_info->samp_per_bk - pstr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk; for (i = 0; i < pstr_sfb_info->bins_per_sbk; i++) dmx_re_prev[i] = (WORD32)(((WORD64)l_spec[i + offs] + ((WORD64)factor * (WORD64)r_spec[i + offs])) >> 1); } WORD32 ixheaacd_ics_info(ia_usac_data_struct *usac_data, WORD32 chn, UWORD8 *max_sfb, ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, WORD32 window_sequence_last ) { WORD32 win; WORD32 mask = 0x40; UWORD8 *scf_group_ptr = usac_data->group_dis[chn]; win = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 2); win = usac_data->window_sequence[chn] = ixheaacd_win_seq_select(win, window_sequence_last); if (win == -1) return -1; usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn] = usac_data->pstr_usac_winmap[usac_data->window_sequence[chn]]; usac_data->window_shape[chn] = (WORD32)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (usac_data->pstr_usac_winmap[win]->islong) { *max_sfb = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 6); *scf_group_ptr = 1; } else { WORD32 i, scale_factor_grouping; *max_sfb = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 4); scale_factor_grouping = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 7); for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (!(scale_factor_grouping & mask)) *scf_group_ptr++ = i; mask = mask >> 1; } *scf_group_ptr++ = i; ixheaacd_calc_grp_offset(usac_data->pstr_usac_winmap[win], &usac_data->group_dis[chn][0]); } if (*max_sfb > usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn]->sfb_per_sbk) { *max_sfb = usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn]->sfb_per_sbk; return 0; } return 0; } WORD32 ixheaacd_core_coder_data(WORD32 id, ia_usac_data_struct *usac_data, WORD32 elem_idx, WORD32 chan_offset, ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, WORD32 nr_core_coder_channels) { WORD32 err_code = 0; WORD32 k = 0, ch = 0, chn, left = 0, right = 0; ia_usac_tmp_core_coder_struct str_tmp_core_coder = {0}; ia_usac_tmp_core_coder_struct *pstr_core_coder = &str_tmp_core_coder; ia_td_frame_data_struct td_frame; memset(&td_frame, 0, sizeof(td_frame)); pstr_core_coder->tns_on_lr = 0; pstr_core_coder->pred_dir = 0; if (id != ID_USAC_LFE) { for (ch = 0; ch < nr_core_coder_channels; ch++) pstr_core_coder->core_mode[ch] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); } else { for (ch = 0; ch < nr_core_coder_channels; ch++) pstr_core_coder->core_mode[ch] = 0; } if (nr_core_coder_channels == 2 && pstr_core_coder->core_mode[0] == 0 && pstr_core_coder->core_mode[1] == 0) { pstr_core_coder->tns_active = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); pstr_core_coder->common_window = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (pstr_core_coder->common_window) { left = chan_offset; right = chan_offset + 1; err_code = ixheaacd_ics_info(usac_data, left, &pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[left], it_bit_buff, usac_data->window_sequence_last[left]); if (err_code == -1) return err_code; pstr_core_coder->common_max_sfb = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (pstr_core_coder->common_max_sfb == 0) { if (usac_data->window_sequence[left] == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 4); else pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 6); } else { pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right] = pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[left]; } pstr_core_coder->max_sfb_ste = max(pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[left], pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right]); usac_data->window_sequence[right] = usac_data->window_sequence[left]; usac_data->window_shape[right] = usac_data->window_shape[left]; memcpy(&usac_data->group_dis[right][0], &usac_data->group_dis[left][0], 8); usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[right] = usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[left]; if (pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right] > usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[right]->sfb_per_sbk) pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right] = usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[right]->sfb_per_sbk; pstr_core_coder->ms_mask_present[0] = ixheaacd_read_ms_mask(usac_data, pstr_core_coder, it_bit_buff, left); } else { left = chan_offset; right = chan_offset + 1; pstr_core_coder->ms_mask_present[0] = 0; pstr_core_coder->ms_mask_present[1] = 0; for (k = 0; k < SFB_NUM_MAX; k++) { usac_data->alpha_q_re_prev[k] = 0; usac_data->alpha_q_im_prev[k] = 0; } } if (usac_data->tw_mdct[elem_idx] == 1) { pstr_core_coder->common_tw = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (pstr_core_coder->common_tw == 1) { usac_data->tw_data_present[left] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); usac_data->tw_data_present[right] = usac_data->tw_data_present[left]; if (usac_data->tw_data_present[left]) { for (k = 0; k < NUM_TW_NODES; k++) { usac_data->tw_ratio[left][k] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 3); usac_data->tw_ratio[right][k] = usac_data->tw_ratio[left][k]; } } } } if (pstr_core_coder->tns_active) { if (pstr_core_coder->common_window) { pstr_core_coder->common_tns = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); } else { pstr_core_coder->common_tns = 0; } pstr_core_coder->tns_on_lr = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (pstr_core_coder->common_tns) { ixheaacd_read_tns_u(usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[0], &usac_data->pstr_tns[left][0], it_bit_buff); memcpy(&usac_data->pstr_tns[right][0], &usac_data->pstr_tns[left][0], sizeof(ia_tns_frame_info_struct)); pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[0] = 2; pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[1] = 2; } else { pstr_core_coder->tns_present_both = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (pstr_core_coder->tns_present_both) { pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[0] = 1; pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[1] = 1; } else { pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[1] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[0] = 1 - pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[1]; } } } else { pstr_core_coder->common_tns = 0; pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[0] = 0; pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[1] = 0; } } else { pstr_core_coder->common_window = 0; pstr_core_coder->common_tw = 0; left = chan_offset; right = chan_offset; if (nr_core_coder_channels == 2) right = chan_offset + 1; } for (ch = 0, chn = chan_offset; ch < nr_core_coder_channels; ch++, chn++) { if (pstr_core_coder->core_mode[ch] == 1) { err_code = ixheaacd_tw_buff_update(usac_data, chn, usac_data->str_tddec[chn]); if (err_code == -1) return err_code; if (!usac_data->td_frame_prev[chn]) { ixheaacd_fix2flt_data(usac_data, usac_data->str_tddec[chn], chn); } for (k = 0; k < usac_data->ccfl; k++) { usac_data->time_sample_vector[chn][k] = (FLOAT32)((FLOAT32)usac_data->output_data_ptr[chn][k] * (FLOAT32)(ONE_BY_TWO_POW_15)); } usac_data->present_chan = chn; err_code = ixheaacd_lpd_channel_stream(usac_data, &td_frame, it_bit_buff, usac_data->time_sample_vector[chn]); if (err_code == -1) return err_code; for (k = 0; k < usac_data->ccfl; k++) { usac_data->output_data_ptr[chn][k] = (WORD32)( usac_data->time_sample_vector[chn][k] * (FLOAT32)((WORD64)1 << 15)); } usac_data->window_shape[chn] = WIN_SEL_0; ixheaacd_td_frm_dec(usac_data, chn, td_frame.mod[0]); for (k = 0; k < usac_data->ccfl; k++) { usac_data->time_sample_vector[chn][k] = (FLOAT32)((FLOAT32)usac_data->output_data_ptr[chn][k] * (FLOAT32)(ONE_BY_TWO_POW_15)); } usac_data->window_shape_prev[chn] = usac_data->window_shape[chn]; usac_data->window_sequence_last[chn] = EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE; } else { memset(usac_data->coef_fix[chn], 0, LN2 * sizeof(*usac_data->coef_fix[0])); if (usac_data->str_tddec[chn] && usac_data->td_frame_prev[chn]) { ixheaacd_lpd_dec_update(usac_data->str_tddec[chn], usac_data, chn); } if (id != ID_USAC_LFE) { if ((nr_core_coder_channels == 1) || (pstr_core_coder->core_mode[0] != pstr_core_coder->core_mode[1])) pstr_core_coder->tns_data_present[ch] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); } err_code = ixheaacd_fd_channel_stream( usac_data, pstr_core_coder, &pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[ch], usac_data->window_sequence_last[chn], chn, usac_data->noise_filling_config[elem_idx], ch, it_bit_buff); if (err_code == -1) return err_code; } } if (pstr_core_coder->core_mode[0] == CORE_MODE_FD && pstr_core_coder->core_mode[1] == CORE_MODE_FD && nr_core_coder_channels == 2) { ixheaacd_cplx_prev_mdct_dmx( usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[left], usac_data->coef_save[left], usac_data->coef_save[right], usac_data->dmx_re_prev, pstr_core_coder->pred_dir); } if (pstr_core_coder->tns_on_lr == 0 && (id != ID_USAC_LFE)) { for (ch = 0, chn = left; chn <= right; ch++, chn++) { if (pstr_core_coder->core_mode[ch] == CORE_MODE_FD) { err_code = ixheaacd_tns_apply( usac_data, usac_data->coef_fix[chn], pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[ch], usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn], usac_data->pstr_tns[chn]); if (err_code) return err_code; } } } if (nr_core_coder_channels == 2 && pstr_core_coder->core_mode[0] == 0 && pstr_core_coder->core_mode[1] == 0) { if (pstr_core_coder->ms_mask_present[0] == 3) { ixheaacd_cplx_pred_upmixing(usac_data, usac_data->coef_fix[left], usac_data->coef_fix[right], pstr_core_coder, left); } else if (pstr_core_coder->ms_mask_present[0] > 0) { ixheaacd_ms_stereo( usac_data, usac_data->coef_fix[right], usac_data->coef_fix[left], left, pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right] > pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[left] ? pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[right] : pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[left]); } if (pstr_core_coder->tns_on_lr) { for (ch = 0, chn = left; chn <= right; ch++, chn++) { if (pstr_core_coder->core_mode[ch] == CORE_MODE_FD) { err_code = ixheaacd_tns_apply( usac_data, usac_data->coef_fix[chn], pstr_core_coder->max_sfb[ch], usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[chn], usac_data->pstr_tns[chn]); if (err_code) return err_code; } } } ixheaacd_usac_cplx_save_prev( usac_data->pstr_sfb_info[left], usac_data->coef_fix[left], usac_data->coef_fix[right], usac_data->coef_save[left], usac_data->coef_save[right]); } for (ch = left; ch <= right; ch++) { if (pstr_core_coder->core_mode[ch] == CORE_MODE_FD) { if (usac_data->tw_mdct[elem_idx]) { err_code = -1; return err_code; } else { err_code = ixheaacd_fd_frm_dec(usac_data, ch); if (err_code == -1) return err_code; for (k = 0; k < usac_data->ccfl; k++) { usac_data->time_sample_vector[ch][k] = (FLOAT32)((FLOAT32)usac_data->output_data_ptr[ch][k] * (FLOAT32)(ONE_BY_TWO_POW_15)); } } usac_data->window_shape_prev[ch] = usac_data->window_shape[ch]; usac_data->window_sequence_last[ch] = usac_data->window_sequence[ch]; } } for (ch = 0, chn = left; chn <= right; chn++, ch++) usac_data->td_frame_prev[chn] = pstr_core_coder->core_mode[ch]; return 0; }