! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18 ! C1140 -- A statement that might result in the deallocation of a polymorphic ! entity shall not appear within a DO CONCURRENT construct. module m1 ! Base type with scalar components type :: Base integer :: baseField1 end type ! Child type so we can allocate polymorphic entities type, extends(Base) :: ChildType integer :: childField end type ! Type with a polymorphic, allocatable component type, extends(Base) :: HasAllocPolyType class(Base), allocatable :: allocPolyField end type ! Type with a allocatable, coarray component type :: HasAllocCoarrayType type(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocCoarrayField end type ! Type with a polymorphic, allocatable, coarray component type :: HasAllocPolyCoarrayType class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocPolyCoarrayField end type ! Type with a polymorphic, pointer component type, extends(Base) :: HasPointerPolyType class(Base), pointer :: pointerPolyField end type class(Base), allocatable :: baseVar1 type(Base) :: baseVar2 end module m1 subroutine s1() ! Test deallocation of polymorphic entities caused by block exit use m1 block ! The following should not cause problems integer :: outerInt ! The following are OK since they're not in a DO CONCURRENT class(Base), allocatable :: outerAllocatablePolyVar class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: outerAllocatablePolyCoarray type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: outerAllocatableWithAllocPoly type(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: outerAllocWithAllocPolyCoarray do concurrent (i = 1:10) ! The following should not cause problems block integer, allocatable :: blockInt end block block ! Test polymorphic entities ! OK because it's a pointer to a polymorphic entity class(Base), pointer :: pointerPoly ! OK because it's not polymorphic integer, allocatable :: intAllocatable ! OK because it's not polymorphic type(Base), allocatable :: allocatableNonPolyBlockVar ! Bad because it's polymorphic and allocatable class(Base), allocatable :: allocatablePoly ! OK because it has the SAVE attribute class(Base), allocatable, save :: allocatablePolySave ! Bad because it's polymorphic and allocatable class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocatablePolyCoarray ! OK because it's not polymorphic and allocatable type(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocatableCoarray ! Bad because it has a allocatable polymorphic component type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: allocatableWithAllocPoly ! OK because the declared variable is not allocatable type(HasAllocPolyType) :: nonAllocatableWithAllocPoly ! OK because the declared variable is not allocatable type(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType) :: nonAllocatableWithAllocPolyCoarray ! Bad because even though the declared the allocatable component is a coarray type(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: allocWithAllocPolyCoarray ! OK since it has no polymorphic component type(HasAllocCoarrayType) :: nonAllocWithAllocCoarray ! OK since it has no component that's polymorphic, oops type(HasPointerPolyType), allocatable :: allocatableWithPointerPoly !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT end block end do end block end subroutine s1 subroutine s2() ! Test deallocation of a polymorphic entity cause by intrinsic assignment use m1 class(Base), allocatable :: localVar class(Base), allocatable :: localVar1 type(Base), allocatable :: localVar2 type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: polyComponentVar type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: polyComponentVar1 type(HasAllocPolyType) :: nonAllocPolyComponentVar type(HasAllocPolyType) :: nonAllocPolyComponentVar1 class(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: allocPolyCoarray class(HasAllocPolyCoarrayType), allocatable :: allocPolyCoarray1 class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocPolyComponentVar class(Base), allocatable, codimension[:] :: allocPolyComponentVar1 allocate(ChildType :: localVar) allocate(ChildType :: localVar1) allocate(Base :: localVar2) allocate(polyComponentVar) allocate(polyComponentVar1) allocate(allocPolyCoarray) allocate(allocPolyCoarray1) ! These are OK because they're not in a DO CONCURRENT localVar = localVar1 nonAllocPolyComponentVar = nonAllocPolyComponentVar1 polyComponentVar = polyComponentVar1 allocPolyCoarray = allocPolyCoarray1 do concurrent (i = 1:10) ! Test polymorphic entities ! Bad because localVar is allocatable and polymorphic,, par. 3 !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT localVar = localVar1 ! The next one should be OK since localVar2 is not polymorphic localVar2 = localVar1 ! Bad because the copying of the components causes deallocation !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT nonAllocPolyComponentVar = nonAllocPolyComponentVar1 ! Bad because possible deallocation a variable with a polymorphic component !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT polyComponentVar = polyComponentVar1 ! Bad because deallocation upon assignment happens with allocatable ! entities, even if they're coarrays. The noncoarray restriction only ! applies to components !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT allocPolyCoarray = allocPolyCoarray1 end do end subroutine s2 subroutine s3() ! Test direct deallocation use m1 class(Base), allocatable :: polyVar type(Base), allocatable :: nonPolyVar type(HasAllocPolyType), allocatable :: polyComponentVar type(HasAllocPolyType), pointer :: pointerPolyComponentVar allocate(ChildType:: polyVar) allocate(nonPolyVar) allocate(polyComponentVar) allocate(pointerPolyComponentVar) ! These are all good because they're not in a do concurrent deallocate(polyVar) allocate(polyVar) deallocate(polyComponentVar) allocate(polyComponentVar) deallocate(pointerPolyComponentVar) allocate(pointerPolyComponentVar) do concurrent (i = 1:10) ! Bad because deallocation of a polymorphic entity !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT deallocate(polyVar) ! Bad, deallocation of an entity with a polymorphic component !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT deallocate(polyComponentVar) ! Bad, deallocation of a pointer to an entity with a polymorphic component !ERROR: Deallocation of a polymorphic entity caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT deallocate(pointerPolyComponentVar) ! Deallocation of a nonpolymorphic entity deallocate(nonPolyVar) end do end subroutine s3 module m2 type :: impureFinal contains final :: impureSub end type type :: pureFinal contains final :: pureSub end type contains impure subroutine impureSub(x) type(impureFinal), intent(in) :: x end subroutine pure subroutine pureSub(x) type(pureFinal), intent(in) :: x end subroutine subroutine s4() type(impureFinal), allocatable :: ifVar, ifvar1 type(pureFinal), allocatable :: pfVar allocate(ifVar) allocate(ifVar1) allocate(pfVar) ! OK for an ordinary DO loop do i = 1,10 if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(ifVar) end do ! OK to invoke a PURE FINAL procedure in a DO CONCURRENT ! This case does not work currently because the compiler's test for ! HasImpureFinal() in .../lib/Semantics/tools.cc doesn't work correctly ! do concurrent (i = 1:10) ! if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(pfVar) ! end do ! Error to invoke an IMPURE FINAL procedure in a DO CONCURRENT do concurrent (i = 1:10) !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure caused by a DEALLOCATE statement not allowed in DO CONCURRENT if (i .eq. 1) deallocate(ifVar) end do do concurrent (i = 1:10) if (i .eq. 1) then block type(impureFinal), allocatable :: ifVar allocate(ifVar) ! Error here because exiting this scope causes the finalization of !ifvar which causes the invocation of an IMPURE FINAL procedure !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure caused by block exit not allowed in DO CONCURRENT end block end if end do do concurrent (i = 1:10) if (i .eq. 1) then ! Error here because the assignment statement causes the finalization ! of ifvar which causes the invocation of an IMPURE FINAL procedure !ERROR: Deallocation of an entity with an IMPURE FINAL procedure caused by assignment not allowed in DO CONCURRENT ifvar = ifvar1 end if end do end subroutine s4 end module m2