!RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18 -fopenmp ! OpenMP Version 4.5 ! 2.7.1 Ordered Clause program omp_doOrdered integer:: i,j !ERROR: The value of the parameter in the COLLAPSE or ORDERED clause must not be larger than the number of nested loops following the construct. !$omp do ordered(3) do i = 1,10 do j = 1, 10 print *, "hello" end do end do !$omp end do do i = 1,10 do j = 1, 10 !ERROR: The value of the parameter in the COLLAPSE or ORDERED clause must not be larger than the number of nested loops following the construct. !$omp do ordered(2) do k = 1, 10 print *, "hello" end do !$omp end do end do end do !ERROR: The value of the parameter in the COLLAPSE or ORDERED clause must not be larger than the number of nested loops following the construct. !$omp do ordered(2) do i = 1,10 !$omp ordered do j = 1, 10 print *, "hello" end do !$omp end ordered end do !$omp end do !ERROR: The value of the parameter in the COLLAPSE or ORDERED clause must not be larger than the number of nested loops following the construct. !$omp do collapse(1) ordered(3) do i = 1,10 do j = 1, 10 print *, "hello" end do end do !$omp end do !$omp parallel num_threads(4) !ERROR: The value of the parameter in the COLLAPSE or ORDERED clause must not be larger than the number of nested loops following the construct. !$omp do ordered(2) collapse(1) do i = 1,10 !$omp ordered do j = 1, 10 print *, "hello" end do !$omp end ordered end do !$omp end parallel end program omp_doOrdered