! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18 module m public i integer, private :: j !ERROR: The accessibility of 'i' has already been specified as PUBLIC private i !The accessibility of 'j' has already been specified as PRIVATE private j end module m2 interface operator(.foo.) module procedure ifoo end interface public :: operator(.foo.) !ERROR: The accessibility of 'OPERATOR(.foo.)' has already been specified as PUBLIC private :: operator(.foo.) interface operator(+) module procedure ifoo end interface public :: operator(+) !ERROR: The accessibility of 'OPERATOR(+)' has already been specified as PUBLIC private :: operator(+) , ifoo contains integer function ifoo(x, y) logical, intent(in) :: x, y end end module module m3 type t end type private :: operator(.lt.) interface operator(<) logical function lt(x, y) import t type(t), intent(in) :: x, y end function end interface !ERROR: The accessibility of 'OPERATOR(<)' has already been specified as PRIVATE public :: operator(<) interface operator(.gt.) logical function gt(x, y) import t type(t), intent(in) :: x, y end function end interface public :: operator(>) !ERROR: The accessibility of 'OPERATOR(.GT.)' has already been specified as PUBLIC private :: operator(.gt.) end