/* * Generic functions for ULP error estimation. * * Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. * See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ /* For each different math function type, T(x) should add a different suffix to x. RT(x) should add a return type specific suffix to x. */ #ifdef NEW_RT #undef NEW_RT # if USE_MPFR static int RT(ulpscale_mpfr) (mpfr_t x, int t) { /* TODO: pow of 2 cases. */ if (mpfr_regular_p (x)) { mpfr_exp_t e = mpfr_get_exp (x) - RT(prec); if (e < RT(emin)) e = RT(emin) - 1; if (e > RT(emax) - RT(prec)) e = RT(emax) - RT(prec); return e; } if (mpfr_zero_p (x)) return RT(emin) - 1; if (mpfr_inf_p (x)) return RT(emax) - RT(prec); /* NaN. */ return 0; } # endif /* Difference between exact result and closest real number that gets rounded to got, i.e. error before rounding, for a correctly rounded result the difference is 0. */ static double RT(ulperr) (RT(float) got, const struct RT(ret) * p, int r) { RT(float) want = p->y; RT(float) d; double e; if (RT(asuint) (got) == RT(asuint) (want)) return 0.0; if (signbit (got) != signbit (want)) /* May have false positives with NaN. */ //return isnan(got) && isnan(want) ? 0 : INFINITY; return INFINITY; if (!isfinite (want) || !isfinite (got)) { if (isnan (got) != isnan (want)) return INFINITY; if (isnan (want)) return 0; if (isinf (got)) { got = RT(copysign) (RT(halfinf), got); want *= 0.5f; } if (isinf (want)) { want = RT(copysign) (RT(halfinf), want); got *= 0.5f; } } if (r == FE_TONEAREST) { // TODO: incorrect when got vs want cross a powof2 boundary /* error = got > want ? got - want - tail ulp - 0.5 ulp : got - want - tail ulp + 0.5 ulp; */ d = got - want; e = d > 0 ? -p->tail - 0.5 : -p->tail + 0.5; } else { if ((r == FE_DOWNWARD && got < want) || (r == FE_UPWARD && got > want) || (r == FE_TOWARDZERO && fabs (got) < fabs (want))) got = RT(nextafter) (got, want); d = got - want; e = -p->tail; } return RT(scalbn) (d, -p->ulpexp) + e; } static int RT(isok) (RT(float) ygot, int exgot, RT(float) ywant, int exwant, int exmay) { return RT(asuint) (ygot) == RT(asuint) (ywant) && ((exgot ^ exwant) & ~exmay) == 0; } static int RT(isok_nofenv) (RT(float) ygot, RT(float) ywant) { return RT(asuint) (ygot) == RT(asuint) (ywant); } #endif static inline void T(call_fenv) (const struct fun *f, struct T(args) a, int r, RT(float) * y, int *ex) { if (r != FE_TONEAREST) fesetround (r); feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT); *y = T(call) (f, a); *ex = fetestexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT); if (r != FE_TONEAREST) fesetround (FE_TONEAREST); } static inline void T(call_nofenv) (const struct fun *f, struct T(args) a, int r, RT(float) * y, int *ex) { *y = T(call) (f, a); *ex = 0; } static inline int T(call_long_fenv) (const struct fun *f, struct T(args) a, int r, struct RT(ret) * p, RT(float) ygot, int exgot) { if (r != FE_TONEAREST) fesetround (r); feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT); volatile struct T(args) va = a; // TODO: barrier a = va; RT(double) yl = T(call_long) (f, a); p->y = (RT(float)) yl; volatile RT(float) vy = p->y; // TODO: barrier (void) vy; p->ex = fetestexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT); if (r != FE_TONEAREST) fesetround (FE_TONEAREST); p->ex_may = FE_INEXACT; if (RT(isok) (ygot, exgot, p->y, p->ex, p->ex_may)) return 1; p->ulpexp = RT(ulpscale) (p->y); if (isinf (p->y)) p->tail = RT(lscalbn) (yl - (RT(double)) 2 * RT(halfinf), -p->ulpexp); else p->tail = RT(lscalbn) (yl - p->y, -p->ulpexp); if (RT(fabs) (p->y) < RT(min_normal)) { /* TODO: subnormal result is treated as undeflow even if it's exact since call_long may not raise inexact correctly. */ if (p->y != 0 || (p->ex & FE_INEXACT)) p->ex |= FE_UNDERFLOW | FE_INEXACT; } return 0; } static inline int T(call_long_nofenv) (const struct fun *f, struct T(args) a, int r, struct RT(ret) * p, RT(float) ygot, int exgot) { RT(double) yl = T(call_long) (f, a); p->y = (RT(float)) yl; if (RT(isok_nofenv) (ygot, p->y)) return 1; p->ulpexp = RT(ulpscale) (p->y); if (isinf (p->y)) p->tail = RT(lscalbn) (yl - (RT(double)) 2 * RT(halfinf), -p->ulpexp); else p->tail = RT(lscalbn) (yl - p->y, -p->ulpexp); return 0; } /* There are nan input args and all quiet. */ static inline int T(qnanpropagation) (struct T(args) a) { return T(reduce) (a, isnan, ||) && !T(reduce) (a, RT(issignaling), ||); } static inline RT(float) T(sum) (struct T(args) a) { return T(reduce) (a, , +); } /* returns 1 if the got result is ok. */ static inline int T(call_mpfr_fix) (const struct fun *f, struct T(args) a, int r_fenv, struct RT(ret) * p, RT(float) ygot, int exgot) { #if USE_MPFR int t, t2; mpfr_rnd_t r = rmap (r_fenv); MPFR_DECL_INIT(my, RT(prec_mpfr)); MPFR_DECL_INIT(mr, RT(prec)); MPFR_DECL_INIT(me, RT(prec_mpfr)); mpfr_clear_flags (); t = T(call_mpfr) (my, f, a, r); /* Double rounding. */ t2 = mpfr_set (mr, my, r); if (t2) t = t2; mpfr_set_emin (RT(emin)); mpfr_set_emax (RT(emax)); t = mpfr_check_range (mr, t, r); t = mpfr_subnormalize (mr, t, r); mpfr_set_emax (MPFR_EMAX_DEFAULT); mpfr_set_emin (MPFR_EMIN_DEFAULT); p->y = mpfr_get_d (mr, r); p->ex = t ? FE_INEXACT : 0; p->ex_may = FE_INEXACT; if (mpfr_underflow_p () && (p->ex & FE_INEXACT)) /* TODO: handle before and after rounding uflow cases. */ p->ex |= FE_UNDERFLOW; if (mpfr_overflow_p ()) p->ex |= FE_OVERFLOW | FE_INEXACT; if (mpfr_divby0_p ()) p->ex |= FE_DIVBYZERO; //if (mpfr_erangeflag_p ()) // p->ex |= FE_INVALID; if (!mpfr_nanflag_p () && RT(isok) (ygot, exgot, p->y, p->ex, p->ex_may)) return 1; if (mpfr_nanflag_p () && !T(qnanpropagation) (a)) p->ex |= FE_INVALID; p->ulpexp = RT(ulpscale_mpfr) (my, t); if (!isfinite (p->y)) { p->tail = 0; if (isnan (p->y)) { /* If an input was nan keep its sign. */ p->y = T(sum) (a); if (!isnan (p->y)) p->y = (p->y - p->y) / (p->y - p->y); return RT(isok) (ygot, exgot, p->y, p->ex, p->ex_may); } mpfr_set_si_2exp (mr, signbit (p->y) ? -1 : 1, 1024, MPFR_RNDN); if (mpfr_cmpabs (my, mr) >= 0) return RT(isok) (ygot, exgot, p->y, p->ex, p->ex_may); } mpfr_sub (me, my, mr, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_mul_2si (me, me, -p->ulpexp, MPFR_RNDN); p->tail = mpfr_get_d (me, MPFR_RNDN); return 0; #else abort (); #endif } static int T(cmp) (const struct fun *f, struct gen *gen, const struct conf *conf) { double maxerr = 0; uint64_t cnt = 0; uint64_t cnt1 = 0; uint64_t cnt2 = 0; uint64_t cntfail = 0; int r = conf->r; int use_mpfr = conf->mpfr; int fenv = conf->fenv; for (;;) { struct RT(ret) want; struct T(args) a = T(next) (gen); int exgot; int exgot2; RT(float) ygot; RT(float) ygot2; int fail = 0; if (fenv) T(call_fenv) (f, a, r, &ygot, &exgot); else T(call_nofenv) (f, a, r, &ygot, &exgot); if (f->twice) { secondcall = 1; if (fenv) T(call_fenv) (f, a, r, &ygot2, &exgot2); else T(call_nofenv) (f, a, r, &ygot2, &exgot2); secondcall = 0; if (RT(asuint) (ygot) != RT(asuint) (ygot2)) { fail = 1; cntfail++; T(printcall) (f, a); printf (" got %a then %a for same input\n", ygot, ygot2); } } cnt++; int ok = use_mpfr ? T(call_mpfr_fix) (f, a, r, &want, ygot, exgot) : (fenv ? T(call_long_fenv) (f, a, r, &want, ygot, exgot) : T(call_long_nofenv) (f, a, r, &want, ygot, exgot)); if (!ok) { int print = 0; double err = RT(ulperr) (ygot, &want, r); double abserr = fabs (err); // TODO: count errors below accuracy limit. if (abserr > 0) cnt1++; if (abserr > 1) cnt2++; if (abserr > conf->errlim) { print = 1; if (!fail) { fail = 1; cntfail++; } } if (abserr > maxerr) { maxerr = abserr; if (!conf->quiet && abserr > conf->softlim) print = 1; } if (print) { T(printcall) (f, a); // TODO: inf ulp handling printf (" got %a want %a %+g ulp err %g\n", ygot, want.y, want.tail, err); } int diff = fenv ? exgot ^ want.ex : 0; if (fenv && (diff & ~want.ex_may)) { if (!fail) { fail = 1; cntfail++; } T(printcall) (f, a); printf (" is %a %+g ulp, got except 0x%0x", want.y, want.tail, exgot); if (diff & exgot) printf (" wrongly set: 0x%x", diff & exgot); if (diff & ~exgot) printf (" wrongly clear: 0x%x", diff & ~exgot); putchar ('\n'); } } if (cnt >= conf->n) break; if (!conf->quiet && cnt % 0x100000 == 0) printf ("progress: %6.3f%% cnt %llu cnt1 %llu cnt2 %llu cntfail %llu " "maxerr %g\n", 100.0 * cnt / conf->n, (unsigned long long) cnt, (unsigned long long) cnt1, (unsigned long long) cnt2, (unsigned long long) cntfail, maxerr); } double cc = cnt; if (cntfail) printf ("FAIL "); else printf ("PASS "); T(printgen) (f, gen); printf (" round %c errlim %g maxerr %g %s cnt %llu cnt1 %llu %g%% cnt2 %llu " "%g%% cntfail %llu %g%%\n", conf->rc, conf->errlim, maxerr, conf->r == FE_TONEAREST ? "+0.5" : "+1.0", (unsigned long long) cnt, (unsigned long long) cnt1, 100.0 * cnt1 / cc, (unsigned long long) cnt2, 100.0 * cnt2 / cc, (unsigned long long) cntfail, 100.0 * cntfail / cc); return !!cntfail; }