// RUN: mlir-opt -allow-unregistered-dialect %s -split-input-file -test-constant-fold | FileCheck %s // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: @affine_for // CHECK-SAME: [[ARG:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] func @affine_for(%p : memref) { // CHECK: [[C:%.+]] = constant 6.{{0*}}e+00 : f32 affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 128 { affine.for %arg2 = 0 to 8 { // CHECK: affine.for %{{.*}} = 0 to 8 { %0 = constant 4.5 : f32 %1 = constant 1.5 : f32 %2 = addf %0, %1 : f32 // CHECK-NEXT: store [[C]], [[ARG]][] store %2, %p[] : memref } } return } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_addf func @simple_addf() -> f32 { %0 = constant 4.5 : f32 %1 = constant 1.5 : f32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant 6.{{0*}}e+00 : f32 %2 = addf %0, %1 : f32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : f32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @addf_splat_tensor func @addf_splat_tensor() -> tensor<4xf32> { %0 = constant dense<4.5> : tensor<4xf32> %1 = constant dense<1.5> : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<6.{{0*}}e+00> : tensor<4xf32> %2 = addf %0, %1 : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : tensor<4xf32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @addf_dense_tensor func @addf_dense_tensor() -> tensor<4xf32> { %0 = constant dense<[1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]> : tensor<4xf32> %1 = constant dense<[1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]> : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<[3.{{0*}}e+00, 5.{{0*}}e+00, 7.{{0*}}e+00, 9.{{0*}}e+00]> : tensor<4xf32> %2 = addf %0, %1 : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : tensor<4xf32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @addf_dense_and_splat_tensors func @addf_dense_and_splat_tensors() -> tensor<4xf32> { %0 = constant dense<[1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]> : tensor<4xf32> %1 = constant dense<1.5> : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<[3.{{0*}}e+00, 4.{{0*}}e+00, 5.{{0*}}e+00, 6.{{0*}}e+00]> : tensor<4xf32> %2 = addf %0, %1 : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : tensor<4xf32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_addi func @simple_addi() -> i32 { %0 = constant 1 : i32 %1 = constant 5 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant 6 : i32 %2 = addi %0, %1 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : i32 } // ----- // CHECK: func @simple_and // CHECK-SAME: [[ARG0:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]]: i1 // CHECK-SAME: [[ARG1:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]]: i32) func @simple_and(%arg0 : i1, %arg1 : i32) -> (i1, i32) { %c1 = constant 1 : i1 %cAllOnes_32 = constant 4294967295 : i32 // CHECK: [[C31:%.*]] = constant 31 : i32 %c31 = constant 31 : i32 %1 = and %arg0, %c1 : i1 %2 = and %arg1, %cAllOnes_32 : i32 // CHECK: [[VAL:%.*]] = and [[ARG1]], [[C31]] %3 = and %2, %c31 : i32 // CHECK: return [[ARG0]], [[VAL]] return %1, %3 : i1, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @and_index // CHECK-SAME: [[ARG:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] func @and_index(%arg0 : index) -> (index) { // CHECK: [[C31:%.*]] = constant 31 : index %c31 = constant 31 : index %c_AllOnes = constant -1 : index %1 = and %arg0, %c31 : index // CHECK: and [[ARG]], [[C31]] %2 = and %1, %c_AllOnes : index return %2 : index } // ----- // CHECK: func @tensor_and // CHECK-SAME: [[ARG0:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]]: tensor<2xi32> func @tensor_and(%arg0 : tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor<2xi32> { %cAllOnes_32 = constant dense<4294967295> : tensor<2xi32> // CHECK: [[C31:%.*]] = constant dense<31> : tensor<2xi32> %c31 = constant dense<31> : tensor<2xi32> // CHECK: [[CMIXED:%.*]] = constant dense<[31, -1]> : tensor<2xi32> %c_mixed = constant dense<[31, 4294967295]> : tensor<2xi32> %0 = and %arg0, %cAllOnes_32 : tensor<2xi32> // CHECK: [[T1:%.*]] = and [[ARG0]], [[C31]] %1 = and %0, %c31 : tensor<2xi32> // CHECK: [[T2:%.*]] = and [[T1]], [[CMIXED]] %2 = and %1, %c_mixed : tensor<2xi32> // CHECK: return [[T2]] return %2 : tensor<2xi32> } // ----- // CHECK: func @vector_and // CHECK-SAME: [[ARG0:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]]: vector<2xi32> func @vector_and(%arg0 : vector<2xi32>) -> vector<2xi32> { %cAllOnes_32 = constant dense<4294967295> : vector<2xi32> // CHECK: [[C31:%.*]] = constant dense<31> : vector<2xi32> %c31 = constant dense<31> : vector<2xi32> // CHECK: [[CMIXED:%.*]] = constant dense<[31, -1]> : vector<2xi32> %c_mixed = constant dense<[31, 4294967295]> : vector<2xi32> %0 = and %arg0, %cAllOnes_32 : vector<2xi32> // CHECK: [[T1:%.*]] = and [[ARG0]], [[C31]] %1 = and %0, %c31 : vector<2xi32> // CHECK: [[T2:%.*]] = and [[T1]], [[CMIXED]] %2 = and %1, %c_mixed : vector<2xi32> // CHECK: return [[T2]] return %2 : vector<2xi32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @addi_splat_vector func @addi_splat_vector() -> vector<8xi32> { %0 = constant dense<1> : vector<8xi32> %1 = constant dense<5> : vector<8xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<6> : vector<8xi32> %2 = addi %0, %1 : vector<8xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : vector<8xi32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_subf func @simple_subf() -> f32 { %0 = constant 4.5 : f32 %1 = constant 1.5 : f32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant 3.{{0*}}e+00 : f32 %2 = subf %0, %1 : f32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : f32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @subf_splat_vector func @subf_splat_vector() -> vector<4xf32> { %0 = constant dense<4.5> : vector<4xf32> %1 = constant dense<1.5> : vector<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<3.{{0*}}e+00> : vector<4xf32> %2 = subf %0, %1 : vector<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : vector<4xf32> } // ----- // CHECK: func @simple_subi // CHECK-SAME: [[ARG0:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] func @simple_subi(%arg0 : i32) -> (i32, i32) { %0 = constant 4 : i32 %1 = constant 1 : i32 %2 = constant 0 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT:[[C3:%.+]] = constant 3 : i32 %3 = subi %0, %1 : i32 %4 = subi %arg0, %2 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C3]], [[ARG0]] return %3, %4 : i32, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @subi_splat_tensor func @subi_splat_tensor() -> tensor<4xi32> { %0 = constant dense<4> : tensor<4xi32> %1 = constant dense<1> : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<3> : tensor<4xi32> %2 = subi %0, %1 : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : tensor<4xi32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @affine_apply func @affine_apply(%variable : index) -> (index, index, index) { %c177 = constant 177 : index %c211 = constant 211 : index %N = constant 1075 : index // CHECK:[[C1159:%.+]] = constant 1159 : index // CHECK:[[C1152:%.+]] = constant 1152 : index %x0 = affine.apply affine_map<(d0, d1)[S0] -> ( (d0 + 128 * S0) floordiv 128 + d1 mod 128)> (%c177, %c211)[%N] %x1 = affine.apply affine_map<(d0, d1)[S0] -> (128 * (S0 ceildiv 128))> (%c177, %c211)[%N] // CHECK:[[C42:%.+]] = constant 42 : index %y = affine.apply affine_map<(d0) -> (42)> (%variable) // CHECK: return [[C1159]], [[C1152]], [[C42]] return %x0, %x1, %y : index, index, index } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_mulf func @simple_mulf() -> f32 { %0 = constant 4.5 : f32 %1 = constant 1.5 : f32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant 6.75{{0*}}e+00 : f32 %2 = mulf %0, %1 : f32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : f32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @mulf_splat_tensor func @mulf_splat_tensor() -> tensor<4xf32> { %0 = constant dense<4.5> : tensor<4xf32> %1 = constant dense<1.5> : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<6.75{{0*}}e+00> : tensor<4xf32> %2 = mulf %0, %1 : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : tensor<4xf32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_divi_signed func @simple_divi_signed() -> (i32, i32, i32) { // CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.+]] = constant 0 %z = constant 0 : i32 // CHECK-DAG: [[C6:%.+]] = constant 6 %0 = constant 6 : i32 %1 = constant 2 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[C3:%.+]] = constant 3 : i32 %2 = divi_signed %0, %1 : i32 %3 = constant -2 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM3:%.+]] = constant -3 : i32 %4 = divi_signed %0, %3 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[XZ:%.+]] = divi_signed [[C6]], [[C0]] %5 = divi_signed %0, %z : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C3]], [[CM3]], [[XZ]] return %2, %4, %5 : i32, i32, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @divi_signed_splat_tensor func @divi_signed_splat_tensor() -> (tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>) { // CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.+]] = constant dense<0> %z = constant dense<0> : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-DAG: [[C6:%.+]] = constant dense<6> %0 = constant dense<6> : tensor<4xi32> %1 = constant dense<2> : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C3:%.+]] = constant dense<3> : tensor<4xi32> %2 = divi_signed %0, %1 : tensor<4xi32> %3 = constant dense<-2> : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM3:%.+]] = constant dense<-3> : tensor<4xi32> %4 = divi_signed %0, %3 : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[XZ:%.+]] = divi_signed [[C6]], [[C0]] %5 = divi_signed %0, %z : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C3]], [[CM3]], [[XZ]] return %2, %4, %5 : tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_divi_unsigned func @simple_divi_unsigned() -> (i32, i32, i32) { %z = constant 0 : i32 // CHECK-DAG: [[C6:%.+]] = constant 6 %0 = constant 6 : i32 %1 = constant 2 : i32 // CHECK-DAG: [[C3:%.+]] = constant 3 : i32 %2 = divi_unsigned %0, %1 : i32 %3 = constant -2 : i32 // Unsigned division interprets -2 as 2^32-2, so the result is 0. // CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.+]] = constant 0 : i32 %4 = divi_unsigned %0, %3 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[XZ:%.+]] = divi_unsigned [[C6]], [[C0]] %5 = divi_unsigned %0, %z : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C3]], [[C0]], [[XZ]] return %2, %4, %5 : i32, i32, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @divi_unsigned_splat_tensor func @divi_unsigned_splat_tensor() -> (tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>) { %z = constant dense<0> : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-DAG: [[C6:%.+]] = constant dense<6> %0 = constant dense<6> : tensor<4xi32> %1 = constant dense<2> : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-DAG: [[C3:%.+]] = constant dense<3> : tensor<4xi32> %2 = divi_unsigned %0, %1 : tensor<4xi32> %3 = constant dense<-2> : tensor<4xi32> // Unsigned division interprets -2 as 2^32-2, so the result is 0. // CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.+]] = constant dense<0> : tensor<4xi32> %4 = divi_unsigned %0, %3 : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[XZ:%.+]] = divi_unsigned [[C6]], [[C0]] %5 = divi_unsigned %0, %z : tensor<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C3]], [[C0]], [[XZ]] return %2, %4, %5 : tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_floordivi_signed func @simple_floordivi_signed() -> (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32) { // CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.+]] = constant 0 %z = constant 0 : i32 // CHECK-DAG: [[C6:%.+]] = constant 7 %0 = constant 7 : i32 %1 = constant 2 : i32 // floor(7, 2) = 3 // CHECK-NEXT: [[C3:%.+]] = constant 3 : i32 %2 = floordivi_signed %0, %1 : i32 %3 = constant -2 : i32 // floor(7, -2) = -4 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM3:%.+]] = constant -4 : i32 %4 = floordivi_signed %0, %3 : i32 %5 = constant -9 : i32 // floor(-9, 2) = -5 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM4:%.+]] = constant -5 : i32 %6 = floordivi_signed %5, %1 : i32 %7 = constant -13 : i32 // floor(-13, -2) = 6 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM5:%.+]] = constant 6 : i32 %8 = floordivi_signed %7, %3 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[XZ:%.+]] = floordivi_signed [[C6]], [[C0]] %9 = floordivi_signed %0, %z : i32 return %2, %4, %6, %8, %9 : i32, i32, i32, i32, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_ceildivi_signed func @simple_ceildivi_signed() -> (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32) { // CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.+]] = constant 0 %z = constant 0 : i32 // CHECK-DAG: [[C6:%.+]] = constant 7 %0 = constant 7 : i32 %1 = constant 2 : i32 // ceil(7, 2) = 4 // CHECK-NEXT: [[C3:%.+]] = constant 4 : i32 %2 = ceildivi_signed %0, %1 : i32 %3 = constant -2 : i32 // ceil(7, -2) = -3 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM3:%.+]] = constant -3 : i32 %4 = ceildivi_signed %0, %3 : i32 %5 = constant -9 : i32 // ceil(-9, 2) = -4 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM4:%.+]] = constant -4 : i32 %6 = ceildivi_signed %5, %1 : i32 %7 = constant -15 : i32 // ceil(-15, -2) = 8 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM5:%.+]] = constant 8 : i32 %8 = ceildivi_signed %7, %3 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[XZ:%.+]] = ceildivi_signed [[C6]], [[C0]] %9 = ceildivi_signed %0, %z : i32 return %2, %4, %6, %8, %9 : i32, i32, i32, i32, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_remi_signed func @simple_remi_signed(%a : i32) -> (i32, i32, i32) { %0 = constant 5 : i32 %1 = constant 2 : i32 %2 = constant 1 : i32 %3 = constant -2 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT:[[C1:%.+]] = constant 1 : i32 %4 = remi_signed %0, %1 : i32 %5 = remi_signed %0, %3 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT:[[C0:%.+]] = constant 0 : i32 %6 = remi_signed %a, %2 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C1]], [[C1]], [[C0]] : i32, i32, i32 return %4, %5, %6 : i32, i32, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @simple_remi_unsigned func @simple_remi_unsigned(%a : i32) -> (i32, i32, i32) { %0 = constant 5 : i32 %1 = constant 2 : i32 %2 = constant 1 : i32 %3 = constant -2 : i32 // CHECK-DAG:[[C1:%.+]] = constant 1 : i32 %4 = remi_unsigned %0, %1 : i32 // CHECK-DAG:[[C5:%.+]] = constant 5 : i32 %5 = remi_unsigned %0, %3 : i32 // CHECK-DAG:[[C0:%.+]] = constant 0 : i32 %6 = remi_unsigned %a, %2 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C1]], [[C5]], [[C0]] : i32, i32, i32 return %4, %5, %6 : i32, i32, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @muli func @muli() -> i32 { %0 = constant 4 : i32 %1 = constant 2 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT:[[C8:%.+]] = constant 8 : i32 %2 = muli %0, %1 : i32 // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C8]] return %2 : i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @muli_splat_vector func @muli_splat_vector() -> vector<4xi32> { %0 = constant dense<4> : vector<4xi32> %1 = constant dense<2> : vector<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = constant dense<8> : vector<4xi32> %2 = muli %0, %1 : vector<4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C]] return %2 : vector<4xi32> } // CHECK-LABEL: func @dim func @dim(%x : tensor<8x4xf32>) -> index { // CHECK:[[C4:%.+]] = constant 4 : index %c1 = constant 1 : index %0 = dim %x, %c1 : tensor<8x4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C4]] return %0 : index } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @cmpi func @cmpi() -> (i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1) { %c42 = constant 42 : i32 %cm1 = constant -1 : i32 // CHECK-DAG: [[F:%.+]] = constant false // CHECK-DAG: [[T:%.+]] = constant true // CHECK-NEXT: return [[F]], %0 = cmpi "eq", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %1 = cmpi "ne", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %2 = cmpi "slt", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %3 = cmpi "sle", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %4 = cmpi "sgt", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %5 = cmpi "sge", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %6 = cmpi "ult", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %7 = cmpi "ule", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %8 = cmpi "ugt", %c42, %cm1 : i32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]] %9 = cmpi "uge", %c42, %cm1 : i32 return %0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9 : i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @cmpf_normal_numbers func @cmpf_normal_numbers() -> (i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1) { %c42 = constant 42. : f32 %cm1 = constant -1. : f32 // CHECK-DAG: [[F:%.+]] = constant false // CHECK-DAG: [[T:%.+]] = constant true // CHECK-NEXT: return [[F]], %0 = cmpf "false", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %1 = cmpf "oeq", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %2 = cmpf "ogt", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %3 = cmpf "oge", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %4 = cmpf "olt", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %5 = cmpf "ole", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %6 = cmpf "one", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %7 = cmpf "ord", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %8 = cmpf "ueq", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %9 = cmpf "ugt", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %10 = cmpf "uge", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %11 = cmpf "ult", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %12 = cmpf "ule", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %13 = cmpf "une", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %14 = cmpf "uno", %c42, %cm1 : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]] %15 = cmpf "true", %c42, %cm1 : f32 return %0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15 : i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @cmpf_nan func @cmpf_nan() -> (i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1) { %c42 = constant 42. : f32 %cqnan = constant 0xFFFFFFFF : f32 // CHECK-DAG: [[F:%.+]] = constant false // CHECK-DAG: [[T:%.+]] = constant true // CHECK-NEXT: return [[F]], %0 = cmpf "false", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]] %1 = cmpf "oeq", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %2 = cmpf "ogt", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %3 = cmpf "oge", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %4 = cmpf "olt", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %5 = cmpf "ole", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %6 = cmpf "one", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %7 = cmpf "ord", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %8 = cmpf "ueq", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %9 = cmpf "ugt", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %10 = cmpf "uge", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %11 = cmpf "ult", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %12 = cmpf "ule", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %13 = cmpf "une", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %14 = cmpf "uno", %c42, %cqnan : f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]] %15 = cmpf "true", %c42, %cqnan : f32 return %0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15 : i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @cmpf_inf func @cmpf_inf() -> (i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1) { %c42 = constant 42. : f32 %cpinf = constant 0x7F800000 : f32 // CHECK-DAG: [[F:%.+]] = constant false // CHECK-DAG: [[T:%.+]] = constant true // CHECK-NEXT: return [[F]], %0 = cmpf "false", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]] %1 = cmpf "oeq", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %2 = cmpf "ogt", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %3 = cmpf "oge", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %4 = cmpf "olt", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %5 = cmpf "ole", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %6 = cmpf "one", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %7 = cmpf "ord", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %8 = cmpf "ueq", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %9 = cmpf "ugt", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %10 = cmpf "uge", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %11 = cmpf "ult", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %12 = cmpf "ule", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]], %13 = cmpf "une", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[F]], %14 = cmpf "uno", %c42, %cpinf: f32 // CHECK-SAME: [[T]] %15 = cmpf "true", %c42, %cpinf: f32 return %0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15 : i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1, i1 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @fold_extract_element func @fold_extract_element(%arg0 : index) -> (f32, f16, f16, i32) { %const_0 = constant 0 : index %const_1 = constant 1 : index %const_3 = constant 3 : index // Fold an extract into a splat. // CHECK-NEXT: [[C4:%.+]] = constant 4.{{0*}}e+00 : f32 %0 = constant dense<4.0> : tensor<4xf32> %ext_1 = extract_element %0[%arg0] : tensor<4xf32> // Fold an extract into a sparse with a sparse index. // CHECK-NEXT: [[CM2:%.+]] = constant -2.{{0*}}e+00 : f16 %1 = constant sparse<[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], [-5.0, -2.0]> : vector<4x4x4xf16> %ext_2 = extract_element %1[%const_1, %const_1, %const_1] : vector<4x4x4xf16> // Fold an extract into a sparse with a non sparse index. // CHECK-NEXT: [[C0:%.+]] = constant 0.{{0*}}e+00 : f16 %2 = constant sparse<[[1, 1, 1]], [-2.0]> : vector<1x1x1xf16> %ext_3 = extract_element %2[%const_0, %const_0, %const_0] : vector<1x1x1xf16> // Fold an extract into a dense tensor. // CHECK-NEXT: [[C64:%.+]] = constant 64 : i32 %3 = constant dense<[[[1, -2, 1, 36]], [[0, 2, -1, 64]]]> : tensor<2x1x4xi32> %ext_4 = extract_element %3[%const_1, %const_0, %const_3] : tensor<2x1x4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C4]], [[CM2]], [[C0]], [[C64]] return %ext_1, %ext_2, %ext_3, %ext_4 : f32, f16, f16, i32 } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @fold_rank func @fold_rank() -> (index) { %const_0 = constant dense<[[[1, -2, 1, 36]], [[0, 2, -1, 64]]]> : tensor<2x1x4xi32> // Fold a rank into a constant // CHECK-NEXT: [[C3:%.+]] = constant 3 : index %rank_0 = rank %const_0 : tensor<2x1x4xi32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C3]] return %rank_0 : index } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @fold_rank_memref func @fold_rank_memref(%arg0 : memref) -> (index) { // Fold a rank into a constant // CHECK-NEXT: [[C2:%.+]] = constant 2 : index %rank_0 = rank %arg0 : memref // CHECK-NEXT: return [[C2]] return %rank_0 : index } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @nested_isolated_region func @nested_isolated_region() { // CHECK-NEXT: func @isolated_op // CHECK-NEXT: constant 2 func @isolated_op() { %0 = constant 1 : i32 %2 = addi %0, %0 : i32 "foo.yield"(%2) : (i32) -> () } // CHECK: "foo.unknown_region" // CHECK-NEXT: constant 2 "foo.unknown_region"() ({ %0 = constant 1 : i32 %2 = addi %0, %0 : i32 "foo.yield"(%2) : (i32) -> () }) : () -> () return } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @custom_insertion_position func @custom_insertion_position() { // CHECK: test.one_region_op // CHECK-NEXT: constant 2 "test.one_region_op"() ({ %0 = constant 1 : i32 %2 = addi %0, %0 : i32 "foo.yield"(%2) : (i32) -> () }) : () -> () return } // CHECK-LABEL: func @splat_fold func @splat_fold() -> (vector<4xf32>, tensor<4xf32>) { %c = constant 1.0 : f32 %v = splat %c : vector<4xf32> %t = splat %c : tensor<4xf32> return %v, %t : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[V:%.*]] = constant dense<1.000000e+00> : vector<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: [[T:%.*]] = constant dense<1.000000e+00> : tensor<4xf32> // CHECK-NEXT: return [[V]], [[T]] : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4xf32> } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: func @subview_scalar_fold func @subview_scalar_fold(%arg0: memref) -> memref { // CHECK-NOT: subview %c = subview %arg0[] [] [] : memref to memref return %c : memref }