.. _module-pw_stream: --------- pw_stream --------- ``pw_stream`` provides a foundational interface for streaming data from one part of a system to another. In the simplest use cases, this is basically a memcpy behind a reusable interface that can be passed around the system. On the other hand, the flexibility of this interface means a ``pw_stream`` could terminate is something more complex, like a UART stream or flash memory. Overview ======== At the most basic level, ``pw_stream``'s interfaces provide very simple handles to enabling streaming data from one location in a system to an endpoint. Example: .. code-block:: cpp void DumpSensorData(pw::stream::Writer& writer) { static char temp[64]; ImuSample imu_sample; imu.GetSample(&info); size_t bytes_written = imu_sample.AsCsv(temp, sizeof(temp)); writer.Write(temp, bytes_written); } In this example, ``DumpSensorData()`` only cares that it has access to a ``Writer`` that it can use to stream data to using ``Writer::Write()``. The ``Writer`` itself can be backed by anything that can act as a data "sink." pw::stream::Writer ------------------ This is the foundational stream ``Writer`` abstract class. Any class that wishes to implement the ``Writer`` interface **must** provide a ``DoWrite()`` implementation. Note that ``Write()`` itself is **not** virtual, and should not be overridden. Buffering ^^^^^^^^^ If any buffering occurs in a ``Writer`` and data must be flushed before it is fully committed to the sink, a ``Writer`` implementation is resposible for any ``Flush()`` capability. pw::stream::Reader ------------------ This is the foundational stream ``Reader`` abstract class. Any class that wishes to implement the ``Reader`` interface **must** provide a ``DoRead()`` implementation. Note that ``Read()`` itself is **not** virtual, and should not be overridden. pw::stream::MemoryWriter ------------------------ The ``MemoryWriter`` class implements the ``Writer`` interface by backing the data destination with an **externally-provided** memory buffer. ``MemoryWriterBuffer`` extends ``MemoryWriter`` to internally provide a memory buffer. pw::stream::MemoryReader ------------------------ The ``MemoryReader`` class implements the ``Reader`` interface by backing the data source with an **externally-provided** memory buffer. pw::stream::NullWriter ------------------------ The ``NullWriter`` class implements the ``Writer`` interface by dropping all requested data writes, similar to ``/dev/null``. Why use pw_stream? ================== Standard API ------------ ``pw_stream`` provides a standard way for classes to express that they have the ability to write data. Writing to one sink versus another sink is a matter of just passing a reference to the appropriate ``Writer``. As an example, imagine dumping sensor data. If written against a random HAL or one-off class, there's porting work required to write to a different sink (imagine writing over UART vs dumping to flash memory). Building a "dumping" implementation against the ``Writer`` interface prevents a dependency from forming on an artisainal API that would require porting work. Similarly, after building a ``Writer`` implementation for a Sink that data could be dumped to, that same ``Writer`` can be reused for other contexts that already write data to the ``pw::stream::Writer`` interface. Before: .. code-block:: cpp // Not reusable, depends on `Uart`. void DumpSensorData(Uart& uart) { static char temp[64]; ImuSample imu_sample; imu.GetSample(&info); size_t bytes_written = imu_sample.AsCsv(temp, sizeof(temp)); uart.Transmit(temp, bytes_written, /*timeout_ms=*/ 200); } After: .. code-block:: cpp // Reusable; no more Uart dependency! void DumpSensorData(Writer& writer) { static char temp[64]; ImuSample imu_sample; imu.GetSample(&info); size_t bytes_written = imu_sample.AsCsv(temp, sizeof(temp)); writer.Write(temp, bytes_written); } Reduce intermediate buffers --------------------------- Often functions that write larger blobs of data request a buffer is passed as the destination that data should be written to. This *requires* a buffer is allocated, even if the data only exists in that buffer for a very short period of time before it's written somewhere else. In situations where data read from somewhere will immediately be written somewhere else, a ``Writer`` interface can cut out the middleman buffer. Before: .. code-block:: cpp // Requires an intermediate buffer to write the data as CSV. void DumpSensorData(Uart* uart) { char temp[64]; ImuSample imu_sample; imu.GetSample(&info); size_t bytes_written = imu_sample.AsCsv(temp, sizeof(temp)); uart.Transmit(temp, bytes_written, /*timeout_ms=*/ 200); } After: .. code-block:: cpp // Both DumpSensorData() and RawSample::AsCsv() use a Writer, eliminating the // need for an intermediate buffer. void DumpSensorData(Writer* writer) { RawSample imu_sample; imu.GetSample(&info); imu_sample.AsCsv(writer); } Prevent buffer overflow ----------------------- When copying data from one buffer to another, there must be checks to ensure the copy does not overflow the destination buffer. As this sort of logic is duplicated throughout a codebase, there's more opportunities for bound-checking bugs to sneak in. ``Writers`` manage this logic internally rather than pushing the bounds checking to the code that is moving or writing the data. Similarly, since only the ``Writer`` has access to any underlying buffers, it's harder for functions that share a ``Writer`` to accidentally clobber data written by others using the same buffer. Before: .. code-block:: cpp Status BuildPacket(Id dest, span payload, span dest) { Header header; if (dest.size_bytes() + payload.size_bytes() < sizeof(Header)) { return Status::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED; } header.dest = dest; header.src = DeviceId(); header.payload_size = payload.size_bytes(); memcpy(dest.data(), &header, sizeof(header)); // Forgetting this line would clobber buffer contents. Also, using // a temporary span instead could leave `dest` to be misused elsewhere in // the function. dest = dest.subspan(sizeof(header)); memcpy(dest.data(), payload.data(), payload.size_bytes()); } After: .. code-block:: cpp Status BuildPacket(Id dest, span payload, Writer& writer) { Header header; header.dest = dest; header.src = DeviceId(); header.payload_size = payload.size_bytes(); writer.Write(header); return writer.Write(payload); } Why NOT pw_stream? ================== pw_stream provides a virtual interface. This inherently has more overhead than a regular function call. In extremely performance-sensitive contexts, a virtual interface might not provide enough utility to justify the performance cost. Dependencies ============ * ``pw_assert`` module * ``pw_preprocessor`` module * ``pw_status`` module * ``pw_span`` module