import sys, os import py from cffi import FFI from cffi import recompiler, ffiplatform, VerificationMissing from testing.udir import udir from import u def setup_module(mod): SRC = """ #include #define FOOBAR (-42) static const int FOOBAZ = -43; #define BIGPOS 420000000000L #define BIGNEG -420000000000L int add42(int x) { return x + 42; } int add43(int x, ...) { return x; } int globalvar42 = 1234; const int globalconst42 = 4321; const char *const globalconsthello = "hello"; struct foo_s; typedef struct bar_s { int x; signed char a[]; } bar_t; enum foo_e { AA, BB, CC }; void init_test_re_python(void) { } /* windows hack */ void PyInit__test_re_python(void) { } /* windows hack */ """ tmpdir = udir.join('test_re_python') tmpdir.ensure(dir=1) c_file = tmpdir.join('_test_re_python.c') c_file.write(SRC) ext = ffiplatform.get_extension( str(c_file), '_test_re_python', export_symbols=['add42', 'add43', 'globalvar42', 'globalconst42', 'globalconsthello'] ) outputfilename = ffiplatform.compile(str(tmpdir), ext) # test with a non-ascii char ofn, oext = os.path.splitext(outputfilename) if sys.platform == "win32": unicode_name = ofn + (u+'\u03be') + oext else: unicode_name = ofn + (u+'\xe9') + oext try: unicode_name.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except UnicodeEncodeError: unicode_name = None if unicode_name is not None: print(repr(outputfilename) + ' ==> ' + repr(unicode_name)) os.rename(outputfilename, unicode_name) outputfilename = unicode_name mod.extmod = outputfilename mod.tmpdir = tmpdir # ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef(""" #define FOOBAR -42 static const int FOOBAZ = -43; #define BIGPOS 420000000000L #define BIGNEG -420000000000L int add42(int); int add43(int, ...); int globalvar42; const int globalconst42; const char *const globalconsthello = "hello"; int no_such_function(int); int no_such_globalvar; struct foo_s; typedef struct bar_s { int x; signed char a[]; } bar_t; enum foo_e { AA, BB, CC }; int strlen(const char *); struct with_union { union { int a; char b; }; }; union with_struct { struct { int a; char b; }; }; struct NVGcolor { union { float rgba[4]; struct { float r,g,b,a; }; }; }; """) ffi.set_source('re_python_pysrc', None) ffi.emit_python_code(str(tmpdir.join(''))) mod.original_ffi = ffi # sys.path.insert(0, str(tmpdir)) def test_constant(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi assert ffi.integer_const('FOOBAR') == -42 assert ffi.integer_const('FOOBAZ') == -43 def test_large_constant(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi assert ffi.integer_const('BIGPOS') == 420000000000 assert ffi.integer_const('BIGNEG') == -420000000000 def test_function(): import _cffi_backend from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) assert lib.add42(-10) == 32 assert type(lib.add42) is _cffi_backend.FFI.CData def test_function_with_varargs(): import _cffi_backend from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod, 0) assert lib.add43(45, ffi.cast("int", -5)) == 45 assert type(lib.add43) is _cffi_backend.FFI.CData def test_dlopen_none(): import _cffi_backend from re_python_pysrc import ffi name = None if sys.platform == 'win32': import ctypes.util name = ctypes.util.find_msvcrt() if name is None: py.test.skip("dlopen(None) cannot work on Windows with Python 3") lib = ffi.dlopen(name) assert lib.strlen(b"hello") == 5 def test_dlclose(): import _cffi_backend from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) ffi.dlclose(lib) if type(extmod) is not str: # unicode, on python 2 str_extmod = extmod.encode('utf-8') else: str_extmod = extmod e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'add42') assert str(e.value) == ( "library '%s' has been closed" % (str_extmod,)) ffi.dlclose(lib) # does not raise def test_constant_via_lib(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) assert lib.FOOBAR == -42 assert lib.FOOBAZ == -43 def test_opaque_struct(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi ffi.cast("struct foo_s *", 0) py.test.raises(TypeError,, "struct foo_s *") def test_nonopaque_struct(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi for p in ["struct bar_s *", [5, b"foobar"]),"bar_t *", [5, b"foobar"])]: assert p.x == 5 assert p.a[0] == ord('f') assert p.a[5] == ord('r') def test_enum(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi assert ffi.integer_const("BB") == 1 e = ffi.cast("enum foo_e", 2) assert ffi.string(e) == "CC" def test_include_1(): sub_ffi = FFI() sub_ffi.cdef("static const int k2 = 121212;") sub_ffi.include(original_ffi) assert 'macro FOOBAR' in original_ffi._parser._declarations assert 'macro FOOBAZ' in original_ffi._parser._declarations sub_ffi.set_source('re_python_pysrc', None) sub_ffi.emit_python_code(str(tmpdir.join(''))) # if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3): import importlib importlib.invalidate_caches() # issue 197 (but can't reproduce myself) # from _re_include_1 import ffi assert ffi.integer_const('FOOBAR') == -42 assert ffi.integer_const('FOOBAZ') == -43 assert ffi.integer_const('k2') == 121212 lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) # <- a random unrelated library would be fine assert lib.FOOBAR == -42 assert lib.FOOBAZ == -43 assert lib.k2 == 121212 # p ="bar_t *", [5, b"foobar"]) assert p.a[4] == ord('a') def test_global_var(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) assert lib.globalvar42 == 1234 p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'globalvar42') lib.globalvar42 += 5 assert p[0] == 1239 p[0] -= 1 assert lib.globalvar42 == 1238 def test_global_const_int(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) assert lib.globalconst42 == 4321 py.test.raises(AttributeError, ffi.addressof, lib, 'globalconst42') def test_global_const_nonint(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) assert ffi.string(lib.globalconsthello, 8) == b"hello" py.test.raises(AttributeError, ffi.addressof, lib, 'globalconsthello') def test_rtld_constants(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi ffi.RTLD_NOW # check that we have the attributes ffi.RTLD_LAZY ffi.RTLD_GLOBAL def test_no_such_function_or_global_var(): from re_python_pysrc import ffi lib = ffi.dlopen(extmod) e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'no_such_function') assert str(e.value).startswith( "symbol 'no_such_function' not found in library '") e = py.test.raises(ffi.error, getattr, lib, 'no_such_globalvar') assert str(e.value).startswith( "symbol 'no_such_globalvar' not found in library '") def test_check_version(): import _cffi_backend e = py.test.raises(ImportError, _cffi_backend.FFI, "foobar", _version=0x2594) assert str(e.value).startswith( "cffi out-of-line Python module 'foobar' has unknown version") def test_partial_enum(): ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef("enum foo { A, B, ... };") ffi.set_source('test_partial_enum', None) py.test.raises(VerificationMissing, ffi.emit_python_code, str(tmpdir.join(''))) def test_anonymous_union_inside_struct(): # based on issue #357 from re_python_pysrc import ffi INT = ffi.sizeof("int") assert ffi.offsetof("struct with_union", "a") == 0 assert ffi.offsetof("struct with_union", "b") == 0 assert ffi.sizeof("struct with_union") == INT # assert ffi.offsetof("union with_struct", "a") == 0 assert ffi.offsetof("union with_struct", "b") == INT assert ffi.sizeof("union with_struct") >= INT + 1 # FLOAT = ffi.sizeof("float") assert ffi.sizeof("struct NVGcolor") == FLOAT * 4 assert ffi.offsetof("struct NVGcolor", "rgba") == 0 assert ffi.offsetof("struct NVGcolor", "r") == 0 assert ffi.offsetof("struct NVGcolor", "g") == FLOAT assert ffi.offsetof("struct NVGcolor", "b") == FLOAT * 2 assert ffi.offsetof("struct NVGcolor", "a") == FLOAT * 3