# Miscellaneous tests of Starlark evaluation. # This is a "chunked" file: each "---" effectively starts a new file. # TODO(adonovan): move these tests into more appropriate files. # TODO(adonovan): test coverage: # - stmts: pass; if cond fail; += and failures; # for x fail; for x not iterable; for can't assign; for # error in loop body # - subassign fail # - x[i]=x fail in both operands; frozen x; list index not int; boundscheck # - x.f = ... # - failure in list expr [...]; tuple expr; dict expr (bad key) # - cond expr semantics; failures # - x[i] failures in both args; dict and iterator key and range checks; # unhandled operand types # - +: list/list, int/int, string/string, tuple+tuple, dict/dict; # - * and ** calls: various errors # - call of non-function # - slice x[ijk] # - comprehension: unhashable dict key; # scope of vars (local and toplevel); noniterable for clause # - unknown unary op # - ordering of values # - freeze, transitivity of its effect. # - add an application-defined type to the environment so we can test it. # - even more: # # eval # pass statement # assign to tuple l-value -- illegal # assign to list l-value -- illegal # assign to field # tuple + tuple # call with *args, **kwargs # slice with step # tuple slice # interpolate with %c, %% load("assert.star", "assert") # Ordered comparisons require values of the same type. assert.fails(lambda: None < None, "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: None < False, "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: False < list, "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: list < {}, "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: {} < (lambda: None), "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: (lambda: None) < 0, "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: 0 < [], "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: [] < "", "not impl") assert.fails(lambda: "" < (), "not impl") # Except int < float: assert.lt(1, 2.0) assert.lt(2.0, 3) --- # cyclic data structures load("assert.star", "assert") cyclic = [1, 2, 3] # list cycle cyclic[1] = cyclic assert.eq(str(cyclic), "[1, [...], 3]") assert.fails(lambda: cyclic < cyclic, "maximum recursion") assert.fails(lambda: cyclic == cyclic, "maximum recursion") cyclic2 = [1, 2, 3] cyclic2[1] = cyclic2 assert.fails(lambda: cyclic2 == cyclic, "maximum recursion") cyclic3 = [1, [2, 3]] # list-list cycle cyclic3[1][0] = cyclic3 assert.eq(str(cyclic3), "[1, [[...], 3]]") cyclic4 = {"x": 1} cyclic4["x"] = cyclic4 assert.eq(str(cyclic4), "{\"x\": {...}}") cyclic5 = [0, {"x": 1}] # list-dict cycle cyclic5[1]["x"] = cyclic5 assert.eq(str(cyclic5), "[0, {\"x\": [...]}]") assert.eq(str(cyclic5), "[0, {\"x\": [...]}]") assert.fails(lambda: cyclic5 == cyclic5 ,"maximum recursion") cyclic6 = [0, {"x": 1}] cyclic6[1]["x"] = cyclic6 assert.fails(lambda: cyclic5 == cyclic6, "maximum recursion") --- # regression load("assert.star", "assert") # was a parse error: assert.eq(("ababab"[2:]).replace("b", "c"), "acac") assert.eq("ababab"[2:].replace("b", "c"), "acac") # test parsing of line continuation, at toplevel and in expression. three = 1 + \ 2 assert.eq(1 + \ 2, three) --- # A regression test for error position information. _ = {}.get(1, default=2) ### "get: unexpected keyword arguments" --- # Load exposes explicitly declared globals from other modules. load('assert.star', 'assert', 'freeze') assert.eq(str(freeze), '') --- # Load does not expose pre-declared globals from other modules. # See github.com/google/skylark/issues/75. load('assert.star', 'assert', 'matches') ### "matches not found in module" --- # Load does not expose universals accessible in other modules. load('assert.star', 'len') ### "len not found in module" --- # Test plus folding optimization. load('assert.star', 'assert') s = "s" l = [4] t = (4,) assert.eq("a" + "b" + "c", "abc") assert.eq("a" + "b" + s + "c", "absc") assert.eq(() + (1,) + (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)) assert.eq(() + (1,) + t + (2, 3), (1, 4, 2, 3)) assert.eq([] + [1] + [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) assert.eq([] + [1] + l + [2, 3], [1, 4, 2, 3]) assert.fails(lambda: "a" + "b" + 1 + "c", "unknown binary op: string \\+ int") assert.fails(lambda: () + () + 1 + (), "unknown binary op: tuple \\+ int") assert.fails(lambda: [] + [] + 1 + [], "unknown binary op: list \\+ int") --- load('assert.star', 'froze') ### `name froze not found .*did you mean freeze`