// // libmediadrm // package { // See: http://go/android-license-faq // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import // all of the 'license_kinds' from "frameworks_av_license" // to get the below license kinds: // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 default_applicable_licenses: ["frameworks_av_license"], } cc_library_headers { name: "libmediadrm_headers", export_include_dirs: [ "interface" ], } cc_library { name: "libmediadrm", srcs: [ "DrmPluginPath.cpp", "DrmSessionManager.cpp", "SharedLibrary.cpp", "DrmHal.cpp", "CryptoHal.cpp", "DrmUtils.cpp", ], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "interface" ], export_include_dirs: [ "include" ], header_libs: [ "libmedia_headers", ], shared_libs: [ "libbinder_ndk", "libcutils", "libdl", "liblog", "libmedia", "libmediadrmmetrics_lite", "libmediametrics#1", "libmediautils", "libstagefright_foundation", "libutils", "android.hardware.drm@1.0", "android.hardware.drm@1.1", "android.hardware.drm@1.2", "android.hardware.drm@1.3", "android.hardware.drm@1.4", "libhidlallocatorutils", "libhidlbase", ], static_libs: [ "resourcemanager_aidl_interface-ndk_platform", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "android.hardware.drm@1.0", "android.hardware.drm@1.1", "android.hardware.drm@1.2", "android.hardware.drm@1.4", ], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ], } // This is the version of the drm metrics configured for protobuf lite. cc_library_shared { name: "libmediadrmmetrics_lite", srcs: [ "DrmMetrics.cpp", "PluginMetricsReporting.cpp", "protos/metrics.proto", ], local_include_dirs: [ "include" ], proto: { export_proto_headers: true, type: "lite", }, header_libs: [ "libmedia_headers", ], shared_libs: [ "android.hardware.drm@1.0", "android.hardware.drm@1.1", "android.hardware.drm@1.2", "liblog", "libmediametrics", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", "libutils", ], cflags: [ // Suppress unused parameter and no error options. These cause problems // with the when using the map type in a proto definition. "-Wno-unused-parameter", ], } // This is the version of the drm metrics library configured for full protobuf. cc_library_shared { name: "libmediadrmmetrics_full", srcs: [ "DrmMetrics.cpp", "PluginMetricsReporting.cpp", "protos/metrics.proto", ], local_include_dirs: [ "include" ], proto: { export_proto_headers: true, type: "full", }, header_libs: [ "libmedia_headers", ], shared_libs: [ "android.hardware.drm@1.0", "android.hardware.drm@1.1", "android.hardware.drm@1.2", "libbase", "liblog", "libmediametrics", "libprotobuf-cpp-full", "libstagefright_foundation", "libutils", ], cflags: [ // Suppress unused parameter and no error options. These cause problems // when using the map type in a proto definition. "-Wno-unused-parameter", ], } cc_library_shared { name: "libmediadrmmetrics_consumer", srcs: [ "DrmMetricsConsumer.cpp", ], include_dirs: [ "frameworks/av/media/libmedia/include" ], shared_libs: [ "android.hardware.drm@1.0", "android.hardware.drm@1.1", "android.hardware.drm@1.2", "libbinder", "libhidlbase", "liblog", "libmediadrm", "libmediadrmmetrics_full", "libutils", ], header_libs: [ "libmediametrics_headers", "libstagefright_foundation_headers", ], }