/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "MediaSampleReader" #include #include #include #include namespace android { // Check that the extractor sample flags have the expected NDK meaning. static_assert(SAMPLE_FLAG_SYNC_SAMPLE == AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SAMPLE_FLAG_SYNC, "Sample flag mismatch: SYNC_SAMPLE"); // static std::shared_ptr MediaSampleReaderNDK::createFromFd(int fd, size_t offset, size_t size) { AMediaExtractor* extractor = AMediaExtractor_new(); if (extractor == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to allocate AMediaExtractor"; return nullptr; } media_status_t status = AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd(extractor, fd, offset, size); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd returned error: " << status; AMediaExtractor_delete(extractor); return nullptr; } auto sampleReader = std::shared_ptr(new MediaSampleReaderNDK(extractor)); return sampleReader; } MediaSampleReaderNDK::MediaSampleReaderNDK(AMediaExtractor* extractor) : mExtractor(extractor), mTrackCount(AMediaExtractor_getTrackCount(mExtractor)) { if (mTrackCount > 0) { mTrackCursors.resize(mTrackCount); } } MediaSampleReaderNDK::~MediaSampleReaderNDK() { if (mExtractor != nullptr) { AMediaExtractor_delete(mExtractor); } } void MediaSampleReaderNDK::advanceTrack_l(int trackIndex) { if (!mEnforceSequentialAccess) { // Note: Positioning the extractor before advancing the track is needed for two reasons: // 1. To enable multiple advances without explicitly letting the extractor catch up. // 2. To prevent the extractor from being farther than "next". (void)moveToTrack_l(trackIndex); } SampleCursor& cursor = mTrackCursors[trackIndex]; cursor.previous = cursor.current; cursor.current = cursor.next; cursor.next.reset(); if (mEnforceSequentialAccess && trackIndex == mExtractorTrackIndex) { while (advanceExtractor_l()) { SampleCursor& cursor = mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex]; if (cursor.current.isSet && cursor.current.index == mExtractorSampleIndex) { if (mExtractorTrackIndex != trackIndex) { mTrackSignals[mExtractorTrackIndex].notify_all(); } break; } } } return; } bool MediaSampleReaderNDK::advanceExtractor_l() { // Reset the "next" sample time whenever the extractor advances past a sample that is current, // to ensure that "next" is appropriately updated when the extractor advances over the next // sample of that track. if (mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex].current.isSet && mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex].current.index == mExtractorSampleIndex) { mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex].next.reset(); } // Update the extractor's sample index even if this track reaches EOS, so that the other tracks // are not given an incorrect extractor position. mExtractorSampleIndex++; if (!AMediaExtractor_advance(mExtractor)) { LOG(DEBUG) << " EOS in advanceExtractor_l"; mEosReached = true; for (auto it = mTrackSignals.begin(); it != mTrackSignals.end(); ++it) { it->second.notify_all(); } return false; } mExtractorTrackIndex = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTrackIndex(mExtractor); SampleCursor& cursor = mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex]; if (mExtractorSampleIndex > cursor.previous.index) { if (!cursor.current.isSet) { cursor.current.set(mExtractorSampleIndex, AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor)); } else if (!cursor.next.isSet && mExtractorSampleIndex > cursor.current.index) { cursor.next.set(mExtractorSampleIndex, AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor)); } } return true; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::seekExtractorBackwards_l(int64_t targetTimeUs, int targetTrackIndex, uint64_t targetSampleIndex) { if (targetSampleIndex > mExtractorSampleIndex) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error: Forward seek is not supported"; return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } // AMediaExtractor supports reading negative timestamps but does not support seeking to them. const int64_t seekToTimeUs = std::max(targetTimeUs, (int64_t)0); media_status_t status = AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, seekToTimeUs, AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to seek to " << seekToTimeUs << ", target " << targetTimeUs; return status; } mEosReached = false; mExtractorTrackIndex = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTrackIndex(mExtractor); int64_t sampleTimeUs = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor); while (sampleTimeUs != targetTimeUs || mExtractorTrackIndex != targetTrackIndex) { if (!AMediaExtractor_advance(mExtractor)) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } mExtractorTrackIndex = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTrackIndex(mExtractor); sampleTimeUs = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor); } mExtractorSampleIndex = targetSampleIndex; return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::moveToSample_l(SamplePosition& pos, int trackIndex) { // Seek backwards if the extractor is ahead of the sample. if (pos.isSet && mExtractorSampleIndex > pos.index) { media_status_t status = seekExtractorBackwards_l(pos.timeStampUs, trackIndex, pos.index); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) return status; } // Advance until extractor points to the sample. while (!(pos.isSet && pos.index == mExtractorSampleIndex)) { if (!advanceExtractor_l()) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } } return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::moveToTrack_l(int trackIndex) { return moveToSample_l(mTrackCursors[trackIndex].current, trackIndex); } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::waitForTrack_l(int trackIndex, std::unique_lock& lockHeld) { while (trackIndex != mExtractorTrackIndex && !mEosReached && mEnforceSequentialAccess) { mTrackSignals[trackIndex].wait(lockHeld); } if (mEosReached) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (!mEnforceSequentialAccess) { return moveToTrack_l(trackIndex); } return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::primeExtractorForTrack_l( int trackIndex, std::unique_lock& lockHeld) { if (mExtractorTrackIndex < 0) { mExtractorTrackIndex = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTrackIndex(mExtractor); if (mExtractorTrackIndex < 0) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex].current.set(mExtractorSampleIndex, AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor)); } if (mEnforceSequentialAccess) { return waitForTrack_l(trackIndex, lockHeld); } else { return moveToTrack_l(trackIndex); } } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::selectTrack(int trackIndex) { std::scoped_lock lock(mExtractorMutex); if (trackIndex < 0 || trackIndex >= mTrackCount) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid trackIndex " << trackIndex << " for trackCount " << mTrackCount; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (mTrackSignals.find(trackIndex) != mTrackSignals.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "TrackIndex " << trackIndex << " already selected"; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (mExtractorTrackIndex >= 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Tracks must be selected before sample reading begins."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } media_status_t status = AMediaExtractor_selectTrack(mExtractor, trackIndex); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "AMediaExtractor_selectTrack returned error: " << status; return status; } mTrackSignals.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(trackIndex), std::forward_as_tuple()); return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::unselectTrack(int trackIndex) { std::scoped_lock lock(mExtractorMutex); if (trackIndex < 0 || trackIndex >= mTrackCount) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid trackIndex " << trackIndex << " for trackCount " << mTrackCount; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (mExtractorTrackIndex >= 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "unselectTrack must be called before sample reading begins."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } auto it = mTrackSignals.find(trackIndex); if (it == mTrackSignals.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "TrackIndex " << trackIndex << " is not selected"; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } mTrackSignals.erase(it); media_status_t status = AMediaExtractor_unselectTrack(mExtractor, trackIndex); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "AMediaExtractor_selectTrack returned error: " << status; return status; } return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::setEnforceSequentialAccess(bool enforce) { LOG(DEBUG) << "setEnforceSequentialAccess( " << enforce << " )"; std::scoped_lock lock(mExtractorMutex); if (mEnforceSequentialAccess && !enforce) { // If switching from enforcing to not enforcing sequential access there may be threads // waiting that needs to be woken up. for (auto it = mTrackSignals.begin(); it != mTrackSignals.end(); ++it) { it->second.notify_all(); } } else if (!mEnforceSequentialAccess && enforce && mExtractorTrackIndex >= 0) { // If switching from not enforcing to enforcing sequential access the extractor needs to be // positioned for the track farthest behind so that it won't get stuck waiting. struct { SamplePosition* pos = nullptr; int trackIndex = -1; } earliestSample; for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < mTrackCount; ++trackIndex) { SamplePosition& lastKnownTrackPosition = mTrackCursors[trackIndex].current.isSet ? mTrackCursors[trackIndex].current : mTrackCursors[trackIndex].previous; if (lastKnownTrackPosition.isSet) { if (earliestSample.pos == nullptr || earliestSample.pos->index > lastKnownTrackPosition.index) { earliestSample.pos = &lastKnownTrackPosition; earliestSample.trackIndex = trackIndex; } } } if (earliestSample.pos == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "No known sample position found"; return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } media_status_t status = moveToSample_l(*earliestSample.pos, earliestSample.trackIndex); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) return status; while (!(mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex].current.isSet && mTrackCursors[mExtractorTrackIndex].current.index == mExtractorSampleIndex)) { if (!advanceExtractor_l()) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } } } mEnforceSequentialAccess = enforce; return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::getEstimatedBitrateForTrack(int trackIndex, int32_t* bitrate) { std::scoped_lock lock(mExtractorMutex); media_status_t status = AMEDIA_OK; if (mTrackSignals.find(trackIndex) == mTrackSignals.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Track is not selected."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (bitrate == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "bitrate pointer is NULL."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (mExtractorTrackIndex >= 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "getEstimatedBitrateForTrack must be called before sample reading begins."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } // Sample the track. static constexpr int64_t kSamplingDurationUs = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10 seconds size_t lastSampleSize = 0; size_t totalSampleSize = 0; int64_t firstSampleTimeUs = 0; int64_t lastSampleTimeUs = 0; do { if (AMediaExtractor_getSampleTrackIndex(mExtractor) == trackIndex) { lastSampleTimeUs = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor); if (totalSampleSize == 0) { firstSampleTimeUs = lastSampleTimeUs; } lastSampleSize = AMediaExtractor_getSampleSize(mExtractor); totalSampleSize += lastSampleSize; } } while ((lastSampleTimeUs - firstSampleTimeUs) < kSamplingDurationUs && AMediaExtractor_advance(mExtractor)); // Reset the extractor to the beginning. status = AMediaExtractor_seekTo(mExtractor, 0, AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to reset extractor: " << status; return status; } int64_t durationUs = 0; const int64_t sampledDurationUs = lastSampleTimeUs - firstSampleTimeUs; if (sampledDurationUs < kSamplingDurationUs) { // Track is shorter than the sampling duration so use the full track duration to get better // accuracy (i.e. don't skip the last sample). AMediaFormat* trackFormat = getTrackFormat(trackIndex); if (!AMediaFormat_getInt64(trackFormat, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_DURATION, &durationUs)) { durationUs = 0; } AMediaFormat_delete(trackFormat); } if (durationUs == 0) { // The sampled duration does not account for the last sample's duration so its size should // not be included either. totalSampleSize -= lastSampleSize; durationUs = sampledDurationUs; } if (totalSampleSize == 0 || durationUs <= 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to estimate track bitrate"; return AMEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED; } *bitrate = roundf((float)totalSampleSize * 8 * 1000000 / durationUs); return AMEDIA_OK; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::getSampleInfoForTrack(int trackIndex, MediaSampleInfo* info) { std::unique_lock lock(mExtractorMutex); if (mTrackSignals.find(trackIndex) == mTrackSignals.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Track not selected."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (info == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "MediaSampleInfo pointer is NULL."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } media_status_t status = primeExtractorForTrack_l(trackIndex, lock); if (status == AMEDIA_OK) { info->presentationTimeUs = AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(mExtractor); info->flags = AMediaExtractor_getSampleFlags(mExtractor); info->size = AMediaExtractor_getSampleSize(mExtractor); } else if (status == AMEDIA_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { info->presentationTimeUs = 0; info->flags = SAMPLE_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM; info->size = 0; LOG(DEBUG) << " getSampleInfoForTrack #" << trackIndex << ": End Of Stream"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << " getSampleInfoForTrack #" << trackIndex << ": Error " << status; } return status; } media_status_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::readSampleDataForTrack(int trackIndex, uint8_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { std::unique_lock lock(mExtractorMutex); if (mTrackSignals.find(trackIndex) == mTrackSignals.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Track not selected."; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (buffer == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "buffer pointer is NULL"; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } media_status_t status = primeExtractorForTrack_l(trackIndex, lock); if (status != AMEDIA_OK) { return status; } ssize_t sampleSize = AMediaExtractor_getSampleSize(mExtractor); if (bufferSize < sampleSize) { LOG(ERROR) << "Buffer is too small for sample, " << bufferSize << " vs " << sampleSize; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ssize_t bytesRead = AMediaExtractor_readSampleData(mExtractor, buffer, bufferSize); if (bytesRead < sampleSize) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read full sample, " << bytesRead << " vs " << sampleSize; return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } advanceTrack_l(trackIndex); return AMEDIA_OK; } void MediaSampleReaderNDK::advanceTrack(int trackIndex) { std::scoped_lock lock(mExtractorMutex); if (mTrackSignals.find(trackIndex) != mTrackSignals.end()) { advanceTrack_l(trackIndex); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to advance a track that is not selected (#" << trackIndex << ")"; } } AMediaFormat* MediaSampleReaderNDK::getFileFormat() { return AMediaExtractor_getFileFormat(mExtractor); } size_t MediaSampleReaderNDK::getTrackCount() const { return mTrackCount; } AMediaFormat* MediaSampleReaderNDK::getTrackFormat(int trackIndex) { if (trackIndex < 0 || trackIndex >= mTrackCount) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid trackIndex " << trackIndex << " for trackCount " << mTrackCount; return AMediaFormat_new(); } return AMediaExtractor_getTrackFormat(mExtractor, trackIndex); } } // namespace android