/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "NdkMediaExtractor" #include #include #include #include #include "NdkJavaVMHelperPriv.h" #include "NdkMediaDataSourcePriv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace android; struct AMediaExtractor { sp mImpl; sp mPsshBuf; }; sp U32ArrayToSizeBuf(size_t numSubSamples, uint32_t *data) { if (numSubSamples > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(size_t)) { return NULL; } sp sizebuf = new ABuffer(numSubSamples * sizeof(size_t)); size_t *sizes = (size_t *)sizebuf->data(); for (size_t i = 0; sizes != NULL && i < numSubSamples; i++) { sizes[i] = data[i]; } return sizebuf; } extern "C" { EXPORT AMediaExtractor* AMediaExtractor_new() { ALOGV("ctor"); AMediaExtractor *mData = new AMediaExtractor(); mData->mImpl = new NuMediaExtractor( NdkJavaVMHelper::getJNIEnv() != nullptr ? NuMediaExtractor::EntryPoint::NDK_WITH_JVM : NuMediaExtractor::EntryPoint::NDK_NO_JVM ); return mData; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_delete(AMediaExtractor *mData) { ALOGV("dtor"); delete mData; return AMEDIA_OK; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceFd(AMediaExtractor *mData, int fd, off64_t offset, off64_t length) { ALOGV("setDataSource(%d, %" PRId64 ", %" PRId64 ")", fd, offset, length); return translate_error(mData->mImpl->setDataSource(fd, offset, length)); } media_status_t AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceWithHeaders(AMediaExtractor *mData, const char *uri, int numheaders, const char * const *keys, const char * const *values) { ALOGV("setDataSource(%s)", uri); sp httpService = createMediaHttpService(uri); if (httpService == NULL) { ALOGE("can't create http service"); return AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } KeyedVector headers; for (int i = 0; i < numheaders; ++i) { String8 key8(keys[i]); String8 value8(values[i]); headers.add(key8, value8); } status_t err; err = mData->mImpl->setDataSource(httpService, uri, numheaders > 0 ? &headers : NULL); return translate_error(err); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_setDataSource(AMediaExtractor *mData, const char *location) { return AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceWithHeaders(mData, location, 0, NULL, NULL); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_setDataSourceCustom(AMediaExtractor* mData, AMediaDataSource *src) { return translate_error(mData->mImpl->setDataSource(new NdkDataSource(src))); } EXPORT AMediaFormat* AMediaExtractor_getFileFormat(AMediaExtractor *mData) { sp format; mData->mImpl->getFileFormat(&format); return AMediaFormat_fromMsg(&format); } EXPORT size_t AMediaExtractor_getTrackCount(AMediaExtractor *mData) { return mData->mImpl->countTracks(); } EXPORT AMediaFormat* AMediaExtractor_getTrackFormat(AMediaExtractor *mData, size_t idx) { sp format; mData->mImpl->getTrackFormat(idx, &format); return AMediaFormat_fromMsg(&format); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_selectTrack(AMediaExtractor *mData, size_t idx) { ALOGV("selectTrack(%zu)", idx); return translate_error(mData->mImpl->selectTrack(idx)); } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_unselectTrack(AMediaExtractor *mData, size_t idx) { ALOGV("unselectTrack(%zu)", idx); return translate_error(mData->mImpl->unselectTrack(idx)); } EXPORT bool AMediaExtractor_advance(AMediaExtractor *mData) { //ALOGV("advance"); status_t err = mData->mImpl->advance(); if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { return false; } else if (err != OK) { ALOGE("sf error code: %d", err); return false; } return true; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_seekTo(AMediaExtractor *ex, int64_t seekPosUs, SeekMode mode) { android::MediaSource::ReadOptions::SeekMode sfmode; if (mode == AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC) { sfmode = android::MediaSource::ReadOptions::SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC; } else if (mode == AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC) { sfmode = android::MediaSource::ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC; } else { sfmode = android::MediaSource::ReadOptions::SEEK_NEXT_SYNC; } return translate_error(ex->mImpl->seekTo(seekPosUs, sfmode)); } EXPORT ssize_t AMediaExtractor_readSampleData(AMediaExtractor *mData, uint8_t *buffer, size_t capacity) { //ALOGV("readSampleData"); sp tmp = new ABuffer(buffer, capacity); if (mData->mImpl->readSampleData(tmp) == OK) { return tmp->size(); } return -1; } EXPORT ssize_t AMediaExtractor_getSampleSize(AMediaExtractor *mData) { size_t sampleSize; status_t err = mData->mImpl->getSampleSize(&sampleSize); if (err != OK) { return -1; } return sampleSize; } EXPORT uint32_t AMediaExtractor_getSampleFlags(AMediaExtractor *mData) { int sampleFlags = 0; sp meta; status_t err = mData->mImpl->getSampleMeta(&meta); if (err != OK) { return -1; } int32_t val; if (meta->findInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, &val) && val != 0) { sampleFlags |= AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SAMPLE_FLAG_SYNC; } uint32_t type; const void *data; size_t size; if (meta->findData(kKeyEncryptedSizes, &type, &data, &size)) { sampleFlags |= AMEDIAEXTRACTOR_SAMPLE_FLAG_ENCRYPTED; } return sampleFlags; } EXPORT int AMediaExtractor_getSampleTrackIndex(AMediaExtractor *mData) { size_t idx; if (mData->mImpl->getSampleTrackIndex(&idx) != OK) { return -1; } return idx; } EXPORT int64_t AMediaExtractor_getSampleTime(AMediaExtractor *mData) { int64_t time; if (mData->mImpl->getSampleTime(&time) != OK) { return -1; } return time; } EXPORT PsshInfo* AMediaExtractor_getPsshInfo(AMediaExtractor *ex) { if (ex->mPsshBuf != NULL) { return (PsshInfo*) ex->mPsshBuf->data(); } sp format; ex->mImpl->getFileFormat(&format); sp buffer; if(!format->findBuffer("pssh", &buffer)) { return NULL; } // the format of the buffer is 1 or more of: // { // 16 byte uuid // 4 byte data length N // N bytes of data // } // Determine the number of entries in the source data. // Since we got the data from stagefright, we trust it is valid and properly formatted. const uint8_t* data = buffer->data(); size_t len = buffer->size(); size_t numentries = 0; while (len > 0) { numentries++; if (len < 16) { ALOGE("invalid PSSH data"); return NULL; } // skip uuid data += 16; len -= 16; // get data length if (len < 4) { ALOGE("invalid PSSH data"); return NULL; } uint32_t datalen = *((uint32_t*)data); data += 4; len -= 4; if (len < datalen) { ALOGE("invalid PSSH data"); return NULL; } // skip the data data += datalen; len -= datalen; } // there are in the source buffer, we need // (source buffer size) - (sizeof(uint32_t) * numentries) + sizeof(size_t) // + ((sizeof(void*) + sizeof(size_t)) * numentries) bytes for the PsshInfo structure // Or in other words, the data lengths in the source structure are replaced by size_t // (which may be the same size or larger, for 64 bit), and in addition there is an // extra pointer for each entry, and an extra size_t for the entire PsshInfo. size_t newsize = buffer->size() - (sizeof(uint32_t) * numentries) + sizeof(size_t) + ((sizeof(void*) + sizeof(size_t)) * numentries); if (newsize <= buffer->size()) { ALOGE("invalid PSSH data"); return NULL; } ex->mPsshBuf = new ABuffer(newsize); ex->mPsshBuf->setRange(0, newsize); // copy data const uint8_t* src = buffer->data(); uint8_t* dst = ex->mPsshBuf->data(); uint8_t* dstdata = dst + sizeof(size_t) + numentries * sizeof(PsshEntry); *((size_t*)dst) = numentries; dst += sizeof(size_t); for (size_t i = 0; i < numentries; i++) { // copy uuid memcpy(dst, src, 16); src += 16; dst += 16; // get/copy data length uint32_t datalen = *((uint32_t*)src); *((size_t*)dst) = datalen; src += sizeof(uint32_t); dst += sizeof(size_t); // the next entry in the destination is a pointer to the actual data, which we store // after the array of PsshEntry *((void**)dst) = dstdata; dst += sizeof(void*); // copy the actual data memcpy(dstdata, src, datalen); dstdata += datalen; src += datalen; } return (PsshInfo*) ex->mPsshBuf->data(); } EXPORT AMediaCodecCryptoInfo *AMediaExtractor_getSampleCryptoInfo(AMediaExtractor *ex) { sp meta; if(ex->mImpl->getSampleMeta(&meta) != 0) { return NULL; } uint32_t type; const void *crypteddata; size_t cryptedsize; if (!meta->findData(kKeyEncryptedSizes, &type, &crypteddata, &cryptedsize)) { return NULL; } size_t numSubSamples = cryptedsize / sizeof(uint32_t); const void *cleardata; size_t clearsize; if (meta->findData(kKeyPlainSizes, &type, &cleardata, &clearsize)) { if (clearsize != cryptedsize) { // The two must be of the same length. return NULL; } } const void *key; size_t keysize; if (meta->findData(kKeyCryptoKey, &type, &key, &keysize)) { if (keysize != 16) { // Keys must be 16 bytes in length. return NULL; } } const void *iv; size_t ivsize; if (meta->findData(kKeyCryptoIV, &type, &iv, &ivsize)) { if (ivsize != 16) { // IVs must be 16 bytes in length. return NULL; } } int32_t mode; if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyCryptoMode, &mode)) { mode = CryptoPlugin::kMode_AES_CTR; } if (sizeof(uint32_t) != sizeof(size_t)) { sp clearbuf = U32ArrayToSizeBuf(numSubSamples, (uint32_t *)cleardata); sp cryptedbuf = U32ArrayToSizeBuf(numSubSamples, (uint32_t *)crypteddata); cleardata = clearbuf == NULL ? NULL : clearbuf->data(); crypteddata = crypteddata == NULL ? NULL : cryptedbuf->data(); if(crypteddata == NULL || cleardata == NULL) { return NULL; } } return AMediaCodecCryptoInfo_new( numSubSamples, (uint8_t*) key, (uint8_t*) iv, (cryptoinfo_mode_t) mode, (size_t*) cleardata, (size_t*) crypteddata); } EXPORT int64_t AMediaExtractor_getCachedDuration(AMediaExtractor *ex) { bool eos; int64_t durationUs; if (ex->mImpl->getCachedDuration(&durationUs, &eos)) { return durationUs; } return -1; } EXPORT media_status_t AMediaExtractor_getSampleFormat(AMediaExtractor *ex, AMediaFormat *fmt) { ALOGV("AMediaExtractor_getSampleFormat"); if (fmt == NULL) { return AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } sp sampleMeta; status_t err = ex->mImpl->getSampleMeta(&sampleMeta); if (err != OK) { return translate_error(err); } #ifdef LOG_NDEBUG sampleMeta->dumpToLog(); #endif sp meta; AMediaFormat_getFormat(fmt, &meta); meta->clear(); int32_t layerId; if (sampleMeta->findInt32(kKeyTemporalLayerId, &layerId)) { meta->setInt32(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_TEMPORAL_LAYER_ID, layerId); } size_t trackIndex; err = ex->mImpl->getSampleTrackIndex(&trackIndex); if (err == OK) { meta->setInt32(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_TRACK_INDEX, trackIndex); sp trackFormat; AString mime; err = ex->mImpl->getTrackFormat(trackIndex, &trackFormat); if (err == OK && trackFormat != NULL && trackFormat->findString(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, &mime)) { meta->setString(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, mime); } } int64_t durationUs; if (sampleMeta->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &durationUs)) { meta->setInt64(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_DURATION, durationUs); } uint32_t dataType; // unused const void *seiData; size_t seiLength; if (sampleMeta->findData(kKeySEI, &dataType, &seiData, &seiLength)) { sp sei = ABuffer::CreateAsCopy(seiData, seiLength);; meta->setBuffer(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_SEI, sei); } const void *mpegUserDataPointer; size_t mpegUserDataLength; if (sampleMeta->findData( kKeyMpegUserData, &dataType, &mpegUserDataPointer, &mpegUserDataLength)) { sp mpegUserData = ABuffer::CreateAsCopy(mpegUserDataPointer, mpegUserDataLength); meta->setBuffer(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MPEG_USER_DATA, mpegUserData); } const void *audioPresentationsPointer; size_t audioPresentationsLength; if (sampleMeta->findData( kKeyAudioPresentationInfo, &dataType, &audioPresentationsPointer, &audioPresentationsLength)) { sp audioPresentationsData = ABuffer::CreateAsCopy( audioPresentationsPointer, audioPresentationsLength); meta->setBuffer(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_AUDIO_PRESENTATION_INFO, audioPresentationsData); } int64_t val64; if (sampleMeta->findInt64(kKeySampleFileOffset, &val64)) { meta->setInt64("sample-file-offset", val64); ALOGV("SampleFileOffset Found"); } if (sampleMeta->findInt64(kKeyLastSampleIndexInChunk, &val64)) { meta->setInt64("last-sample-index-in-chunk" /*AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_LAST_SAMPLE_INDEX_IN_CHUNK*/, val64); ALOGV("kKeyLastSampleIndexInChunk Found"); } ALOGV("AMediaFormat_toString:%s", AMediaFormat_toString(fmt)); return AMEDIA_OK; } } // extern "C"