/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "AudioPowerUsage" #include #include "AudioAnalytics.h" #include "MediaMetricsService.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // property to disable audio power use metrics feature, default is enabled #define PROP_AUDIO_METRICS_DISABLED "persist.media.audio_metrics.power_usage_disabled" #define AUDIO_METRICS_DISABLED_DEFAULT (false) // property to set how long to send audio power use metrics data to statsd, default is 24hrs #define PROP_AUDIO_METRICS_INTERVAL_HR "persist.media.audio_metrics.interval_hr" #define INTERVAL_HR_DEFAULT (24) // for Audio Power Usage Metrics #define AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_KEY_AUDIO_USAGE "audio.power.usage" #define AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DEVICE "device" // int32 #define AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DURATION_NS "durationNs" // int64 #define AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_TYPE "type" // int32 #define AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_VOLUME "volume" // double namespace android::mediametrics { /* static */ bool AudioPowerUsage::typeFromString(const std::string& type_string, int32_t& type) { static std::map typeTable = { { "AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL", VOIP_CALL_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM", MEDIA_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_STREAM_RING", RINGTONE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC", MEDIA_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM", ALARM_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION", RINGTONE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_SPEECH", VOIP_CALL_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC", MEDIA_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE", MEDIA_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION", RINGTONE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_USAGE_MEDIA", MEDIA_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION", VOIP_CALL_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_USAGE_ALARM", ALARM_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_USAGE_NOTIFICATION", RINGTONE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_SOURCE_CAMCORDER", CAMCORDER_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION", VOIP_CALL_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT", RECORD_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_SOURCE_MIC", RECORD_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_SOURCE_UNPROCESSED", RECORD_TYPE }, { "AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_RECOGNITION", RECORD_TYPE }, }; auto it = typeTable.find(type_string); if (it == typeTable.end()) { type = UNKNOWN_TYPE; return false; } type = it->second; return true; } /* static */ bool AudioPowerUsage::deviceFromString(const std::string& device_string, int32_t& device) { static std::map deviceTable = { { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE", OUTPUT_EARPIECE }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_SAFE", OUTPUT_SPEAKER_SAFE }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER", OUTPUT_SPEAKER }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET", OUTPUT_WIRED_HEADSET }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE", OUTPUT_WIRED_HEADSET }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO", OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP", OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_HEADSET", OUTPUT_USB_HEADSET }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET", OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC", INPUT_BUILTIN_MIC }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET", INPUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET", INPUT_WIRED_HEADSET_MIC }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_USB_DEVICE", INPUT_USB_HEADSET_MIC }, { "AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC", INPUT_BUILTIN_BACK_MIC }, }; auto it = deviceTable.find(device_string); if (it == deviceTable.end()) { device = 0; return false; } device = it->second; return true; } int32_t AudioPowerUsage::deviceFromStringPairs(const std::string& device_strings) { int32_t deviceMask = 0; const auto devaddrvec = stringutils::getDeviceAddressPairs(device_strings); for (const auto &[device, addr] : devaddrvec) { int32_t combo_device = 0; deviceFromString(device, combo_device); deviceMask |= combo_device; } return deviceMask; } void AudioPowerUsage::sendItem(const std::shared_ptr& item) const { int32_t type; if (!item->getInt32(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_TYPE, &type)) return; int32_t audio_device; if (!item->getInt32(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DEVICE, &audio_device)) return; int64_t duration_ns; if (!item->getInt64(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DURATION_NS, &duration_ns)) return; double volume; if (!item->getDouble(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_VOLUME, &volume)) return; const int32_t duration_secs = (int32_t)(duration_ns / NANOS_PER_SECOND); const float average_volume = (float)volume; const int result = android::util::stats_write(android::util::AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_DATA_REPORTED, audio_device, duration_secs, average_volume, type); std::stringstream log; log << "result:" << result << " {" << " mediametrics_audio_power_usage_data_reported:" << android::util::AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_DATA_REPORTED << " audio_device:" << audio_device << " duration_secs:" << duration_secs << " average_volume:" << average_volume << " type:" << type << " }"; mStatsdLog->log(android::util::AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_DATA_REPORTED, log.str()); } bool AudioPowerUsage::saveAsItem_l( int32_t device, int64_t duration_ns, int32_t type, double average_vol) { ALOGV("%s: (%#x, %d, %lld, %f)", __func__, device, type, (long long)duration_ns, average_vol ); if (duration_ns == 0) { return true; // skip duration 0 usage } if (device == 0) { return true; //ignore unknown device } for (const auto& item : mItems) { int32_t item_type = 0, item_device = 0; double item_volume = 0.; int64_t item_duration_ns = 0; item->getInt32(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DEVICE, &item_device); item->getInt64(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DURATION_NS, &item_duration_ns); item->getInt32(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_TYPE, &item_type); item->getDouble(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_VOLUME, &item_volume); // aggregate by device and type if (item_device == device && item_type == type) { int64_t final_duration_ns = item_duration_ns + duration_ns; double final_volume = (device & INPUT_DEVICE_BIT) ? 1.0: ((item_volume * (double)item_duration_ns + average_vol * (double)duration_ns) / (double)final_duration_ns); item->setInt64(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DURATION_NS, final_duration_ns); item->setDouble(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_VOLUME, final_volume); item->setTimestamp(systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_REALTIME)); ALOGV("%s: update (%#x, %d, %lld, %f) --> (%lld, %f)", __func__, device, type, (long long)item_duration_ns, item_volume, (long long)final_duration_ns, final_volume); return true; } } auto sitem = std::make_shared(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_KEY_AUDIO_USAGE); sitem->setTimestamp(systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_REALTIME)); sitem->setInt32(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DEVICE, device); sitem->setInt64(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_DURATION_NS, duration_ns); sitem->setInt32(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_TYPE, type); sitem->setDouble(AUDIO_POWER_USAGE_PROP_VOLUME, average_vol); mItems.emplace_back(sitem); return true; } bool AudioPowerUsage::saveAsItems_l( int32_t device, int64_t duration_ns, int32_t type, double average_vol) { ALOGV("%s: (%#x, %d, %lld, %f)", __func__, device, type, (long long)duration_ns, average_vol ); if (duration_ns == 0) { return true; // skip duration 0 usage } if (device == 0) { return true; //ignore unknown device } bool ret = false; const int32_t input_bit = device & INPUT_DEVICE_BIT; int32_t device_bits = device ^ input_bit; while (device_bits != 0) { int32_t tmp_device = device_bits & -device_bits; // get lowest bit device_bits ^= tmp_device; // clear lowest bit tmp_device |= input_bit; // restore input bit ret = saveAsItem_l(tmp_device, duration_ns, type, average_vol); ALOGV("%s: device %#x recorded, remaining device_bits = %#x", __func__, tmp_device, device_bits); } return ret; } void AudioPowerUsage::checkTrackRecord( const std::shared_ptr& item, bool isTrack) { const std::string key = item->getKey(); int64_t deviceTimeNs = 0; if (!item->getInt64(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_DEVICETIMENS, &deviceTimeNs)) { return; } double deviceVolume = 1.; if (isTrack && !item->getDouble(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_DEVICEVOLUME, &deviceVolume)) { return; } int32_t type = 0; std::string type_string; if ((isTrack && mAudioAnalytics->mAnalyticsState->timeMachine().get( key, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_STREAMTYPE, &type_string) == OK) || (!isTrack && mAudioAnalytics->mAnalyticsState->timeMachine().get( key, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_SOURCE, &type_string) == OK)) { typeFromString(type_string, type); if (isTrack && type == UNKNOWN_TYPE && mAudioAnalytics->mAnalyticsState->timeMachine().get( key, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_USAGE, &type_string) == OK) { typeFromString(type_string, type); } if (isTrack && type == UNKNOWN_TYPE && mAudioAnalytics->mAnalyticsState->timeMachine().get( key, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_CONTENTTYPE, &type_string) == OK) { typeFromString(type_string, type); } ALOGV("type = %s => %d", type_string.c_str(), type); } int32_t device = 0; std::string device_strings; if ((isTrack && mAudioAnalytics->mAnalyticsState->timeMachine().get( key, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_OUTPUTDEVICES, &device_strings) == OK) || (!isTrack && mAudioAnalytics->mAnalyticsState->timeMachine().get( key, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_INPUTDEVICES, &device_strings) == OK)) { device = deviceFromStringPairs(device_strings); ALOGV("device = %s => %d", device_strings.c_str(), device); } std::lock_guard l(mLock); saveAsItems_l(device, deviceTimeNs, type, deviceVolume); } void AudioPowerUsage::checkMode(const std::shared_ptr& item) { std::string mode; if (!item->getString(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_AUDIOMODE, &mode)) return; std::lock_guard l(mLock); if (mode == mMode) return; // no change in mode. if (mMode == "AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL") { // leaving call mode const int64_t endCallNs = item->getTimestamp(); const int64_t durationNs = endCallNs - mDeviceTimeNs; if (durationNs > 0) { mDeviceVolume = (mDeviceVolume * double(mVolumeTimeNs - mDeviceTimeNs) + mVoiceVolume * double(endCallNs - mVolumeTimeNs)) / (double)durationNs; saveAsItems_l(mPrimaryDevice, durationNs, VOICE_CALL_TYPE, mDeviceVolume); } } else if (mode == "AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL") { // entering call mode mStartCallNs = item->getTimestamp(); // advisory only mDeviceVolume = 0; mVolumeTimeNs = mStartCallNs; mDeviceTimeNs = mStartCallNs; } ALOGV("%s: new mode:%s old mode:%s", __func__, mode.c_str(), mMode.c_str()); mMode = mode; } void AudioPowerUsage::checkVoiceVolume(const std::shared_ptr& item) { double voiceVolume = 0.; if (!item->getDouble(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_VOICEVOLUME, &voiceVolume)) return; std::lock_guard l(mLock); if (voiceVolume == mVoiceVolume) return; // no change in volume // we only track average device volume when we are in-call if (mMode == "AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL") { const int64_t timeNs = item->getTimestamp(); const int64_t durationNs = timeNs - mDeviceTimeNs; if (durationNs > 0) { mDeviceVolume = (mDeviceVolume * double(mVolumeTimeNs - mDeviceTimeNs) + mVoiceVolume * double(timeNs - mVolumeTimeNs)) / (double)durationNs; mVolumeTimeNs = timeNs; } } ALOGV("%s: new voice volume:%lf old voice volume:%lf", __func__, voiceVolume, mVoiceVolume); mVoiceVolume = voiceVolume; } void AudioPowerUsage::checkCreatePatch(const std::shared_ptr& item) { std::string outputDevices; if (!item->get(AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_OUTPUTDEVICES, &outputDevices)) return; const std::string& key = item->getKey(); std::string flags; if (mAudioAnalytics->mAnalyticsState->timeMachine().get( key, AMEDIAMETRICS_PROP_FLAGS, &flags) != OK) return; if (flags.find("AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY") == std::string::npos) return; const int32_t device = deviceFromStringPairs(outputDevices); std::lock_guard l(mLock); if (mPrimaryDevice == device) return; if (mMode == "AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL") { // Save statistics const int64_t endDeviceNs = item->getTimestamp(); const int64_t durationNs = endDeviceNs - mDeviceTimeNs; if (durationNs > 0) { mDeviceVolume = (mDeviceVolume * double(mVolumeTimeNs - mDeviceTimeNs) + mVoiceVolume * double(endDeviceNs - mVolumeTimeNs)) / (double)durationNs; saveAsItems_l(mPrimaryDevice, durationNs, VOICE_CALL_TYPE, mDeviceVolume); } // reset statistics mDeviceVolume = 0; mDeviceTimeNs = endDeviceNs; mVolumeTimeNs = endDeviceNs; } ALOGV("%s: new primary device:%#x old primary device:%#x", __func__, device, mPrimaryDevice); mPrimaryDevice = device; } AudioPowerUsage::AudioPowerUsage( AudioAnalytics *audioAnalytics, const std::shared_ptr& statsdLog) : mAudioAnalytics(audioAnalytics) , mStatsdLog(statsdLog) , mDisabled(property_get_bool(PROP_AUDIO_METRICS_DISABLED, AUDIO_METRICS_DISABLED_DEFAULT)) , mIntervalHours(property_get_int32(PROP_AUDIO_METRICS_INTERVAL_HR, INTERVAL_HR_DEFAULT)) { ALOGD("%s", __func__); ALOGI_IF(mDisabled, "AudioPowerUsage is disabled."); collect(); // send items } AudioPowerUsage::~AudioPowerUsage() { ALOGD("%s", __func__); } void AudioPowerUsage::clear() { std::lock_guard _l(mLock); mItems.clear(); } void AudioPowerUsage::collect() { std::lock_guard _l(mLock); for (const auto &item : mItems) { sendItem(item); } mItems.clear(); mAudioAnalytics->mTimedAction.postIn( mIntervalHours <= 0 ? std::chrono::seconds(5) : std::chrono::hours(mIntervalHours), [this](){ collect(); }); } std::pair AudioPowerUsage::dump(int limit) const { if (limit <= 2) { return {{}, 0}; } std::lock_guard _l(mLock); if (mDisabled) { return {"AudioPowerUsage disabled\n", 1}; } if (mItems.empty()) { return {"AudioPowerUsage empty\n", 1}; } int slot = 1; std::stringstream ss; ss << "AudioPowerUsage:\n"; for (const auto &item : mItems) { if (slot >= limit - 1) { ss << "-- AudioPowerUsage may be truncated!\n"; ++slot; break; } ss << " " << slot << " " << item->toString() << "\n"; slot++; } return { ss.str(), slot }; } } // namespace android::mediametrics