/* * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.4; import @1.2::ISupplicantP2pIface; import ISupplicantP2pIfaceCallback; /** * Interface exposed by the supplicant for each P2P mode network * interface (e.g p2p0) it controls. * To use 1.4 features you must cast specific interfaces returned from the * 1.4 HAL. For example V1_4::ISupplicant::addIface() adds V1_4::ISupplicantIface, * which can be cast to V1_4::ISupplicantP2pIface. */ interface ISupplicantP2pIface extends @1.2::ISupplicantP2pIface { /** * Set whether to enable EDMG(802.11ay). Only allowed if hw mode is |HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211AD| * * @param enable true to set, false otherwise. * @return status Status of the operation. * Possible status codes: * |SupplicantStatusCode.SUCCESS|, * |SupplicantStatusCode.FAILURE_UNKNOWN|, * |SupplicantStatusCode.FAILURE_NETWORK_INVALID| */ setEdmg(bool enable) generates (SupplicantStatus status); /** * Get whether EDMG(802.11ay) is enabled for this network. * * @return status Status of the operation. * Possible status codes: * |SupplicantStatusCode.SUCCESS|, * |SupplicantStatusCode.FAILURE_NETWORK_INVALID| * @return enabled true if set, false otherwise. */ getEdmg() generates (SupplicantStatus status, bool enabled); /** * Register for callbacks from this interface. * * These callbacks are invoked for events that are specific to this interface. * Registration of multiple callback objects is supported. These objects must * be automatically deleted when the corresponding client process is dead or * if this interface is removed. * * @param callback An instance of the |ISupplicantP2pIfaceCallback| HIDL * interface object. * @return status Status of the operation. * Possible status codes: * |SupplicantStatusCode.SUCCESS|, * |SupplicantStatusCode.FAILURE_UNKNOWN|, * |SupplicantStatusCode.FAILURE_IFACE_INVALID| */ registerCallback_1_4(ISupplicantP2pIfaceCallback callback) generates (SupplicantStatus status); /* * Set Wifi Display R2 device info. * * @param info WFD R2 device info as described in section 5.1.12 of WFD technical * specification v2.1. * @return status Status of the operation. * Possible status codes: * |SupplicantStatusCode.SUCCESS|, * |SupplicantStatusCode.FAILURE_UNKNOWN|, * |SupplicantStatusCode.FAILURE_IFACE_INVALID| */ setWfdR2DeviceInfo(uint8_t[4] info) generates (SupplicantStatus status); };