/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "hardware_info" /*#define LOG_NDEBUG 0*/ #define LOG_NDDEBUG 0 #include #include #include "audio_hw.h" #include "platform.h" #include "audio_extn.h" struct hardware_info { char name[HW_INFO_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE]; char type[HW_INFO_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE]; /* variables for handling target variants */ uint32_t num_snd_devices; char dev_extn[HW_INFO_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE]; snd_device_t *snd_devices; }; #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) static const snd_device_t tasha_db_variant_devices[] = { SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER }; static const snd_device_t tasha_fluid_variant_devices[] = { SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER, SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_AND_HEADPHONES, SND_DEVICE_OUT_VOICE_SPEAKER, SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_AND_HDMI, SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_PROTECTED, SND_DEVICE_OUT_VOICE_SPEAKER_PROTECTED, }; static const snd_device_t tasha_liquid_variant_devices[] = { SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER, SND_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_AND_HEADPHONES, SND_DEVICE_IN_SPEAKER_MIC, SND_DEVICE_IN_HEADSET_MIC, SND_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_DMIC, SND_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_SPEAKER_DMIC, SND_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_REC_DMIC_STEREO, SND_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_REC_DMIC_FLUENCE, SND_DEVICE_IN_QUAD_MIC, }; static void update_hardware_info_8996(struct hardware_info *hw_info) { struct snd_card_split *tmp_handle = audio_extn_get_snd_card_split(); ALOGV("%s: device %s snd_card %s form_factor %s", __func__, tmp_handle->device, tmp_handle->snd_card, tmp_handle->form_factor); strlcpy(hw_info->name, tmp_handle->device, sizeof(hw_info->name)); snprintf(hw_info->type, sizeof(hw_info->type), " %s", tmp_handle->form_factor); snprintf(hw_info->dev_extn, sizeof(hw_info->dev_extn), "-%s", tmp_handle->form_factor); if (!strncmp(tmp_handle->form_factor, "fluid", sizeof("fluid"))) { hw_info->snd_devices = (snd_device_t *)tasha_fluid_variant_devices; hw_info->num_snd_devices = ARRAY_SIZE(tasha_fluid_variant_devices); } else if (!strncmp(tmp_handle->form_factor, "liquid", sizeof("liquid"))) { hw_info->snd_devices = (snd_device_t *)tasha_liquid_variant_devices; hw_info->num_snd_devices = ARRAY_SIZE(tasha_liquid_variant_devices); } else if (!strncmp(tmp_handle->form_factor, "db", sizeof("db"))) { hw_info->snd_devices = (snd_device_t *)tasha_db_variant_devices; hw_info->num_snd_devices = ARRAY_SIZE(tasha_db_variant_devices); } else { ALOGW("%s: %s form factor doesnt need mixer path over ride", __func__, tmp_handle->form_factor); } ALOGV("name %s type %s dev_extn %s", hw_info->name, hw_info->type, hw_info->dev_extn); } void *hw_info_init(const char *snd_card_name) { struct hardware_info *hw_info = NULL; bool hw_supported = false; if (strstr(snd_card_name, "msm8996")) { ALOGD("8996 - variant soundcard"); hw_supported = true; } else { ALOGE("%s: Unsupported target %s:",__func__, snd_card_name); } if (hw_supported) { hw_info = malloc(sizeof(struct hardware_info)); if (!hw_info) { ALOGE("failed to allocate mem for hardware info"); goto on_finish; } hw_info->snd_devices = NULL; hw_info->num_snd_devices = 0; strlcpy(hw_info->dev_extn, "", sizeof(hw_info->dev_extn)); strlcpy(hw_info->type, "", sizeof(hw_info->type)); strlcpy(hw_info->name, "", sizeof(hw_info->name)); update_hardware_info_8996(hw_info); } on_finish: return hw_info; } void hw_info_deinit(void *hw_info) { free(hw_info); } void hw_info_append_hw_type(void *hw_info, snd_device_t snd_device, char *device_name) { struct hardware_info *my_data = (struct hardware_info*) hw_info; uint32_t i = 0; if (my_data == NULL) return; snd_device_t *snd_devices = (snd_device_t *) my_data->snd_devices; if (snd_devices != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < my_data->num_snd_devices; i++) { if (snd_device == (snd_device_t)snd_devices[i]) { ALOGV("extract dev_extn device %d, device_name %s extn = %s ", (snd_device_t)snd_devices[i], device_name, my_data->dev_extn); CHECK(strlcat(device_name, my_data->dev_extn, DEVICE_NAME_MAX_SIZE) < DEVICE_NAME_MAX_SIZE); break; } } } ALOGD("%s : device_name = %s", __func__,device_name); }