/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _QDMETADATA_H #define _QDMETADATA_H #ifdef USE_COLOR_METADATA #include #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define MAX_UBWC_STATS_LENGTH 32 enum ColorSpace_t{ ITU_R_601, ITU_R_601_FR, ITU_R_709, ITU_R_2020, ITU_R_2020_FR, }; enum IGC_t { IGC_NotSpecified, IGC_sRGB, }; struct HSICData_t { int32_t hue; float saturation; int32_t intensity; float contrast; }; struct BufferDim_t { int32_t sliceWidth; int32_t sliceHeight; }; enum UBWC_Version { UBWC_UNUSED = 0, UBWC_1_0 = 0x1, UBWC_2_0 = 0x2, UBWC_MAX_VERSION = 0xFF, }; struct UBWC_2_0_Stats { uint32_t nCRStatsTile32; /**< UBWC Stats info for 32 Byte Tile */ uint32_t nCRStatsTile64; /**< UBWC Stats info for 64 Byte Tile */ uint32_t nCRStatsTile96; /**< UBWC Stats info for 96 Byte Tile */ uint32_t nCRStatsTile128; /**< UBWC Stats info for 128 Byte Tile */ uint32_t nCRStatsTile160; /**< UBWC Stats info for 160 Byte Tile */ uint32_t nCRStatsTile192; /**< UBWC Stats info for 192 Byte Tile */ uint32_t nCRStatsTile256; /**< UBWC Stats info for 256 Byte Tile */ }; struct UBWCStats { enum UBWC_Version version; /* Union depends on this version. */ uint8_t bDataValid; /* If [non-zero], CR Stats data is valid. * Consumers may use stats data. * If [zero], CR Stats data is invalid. * Consumers *Shall* not use stats data */ union { struct UBWC_2_0_Stats ubwc_stats; uint32_t reserved[MAX_UBWC_STATS_LENGTH]; /* This is for future */ }; }; struct S3DGpuComp_t { int32_t displayId; /* on which display S3D is composed by client */ uint32_t s3dMode; /* the S3D format of this layer to be accessed by client */ }; struct MetaData_t { int32_t operation; int32_t interlaced; struct BufferDim_t bufferDim; float refreshrate; enum ColorSpace_t colorSpace; enum IGC_t igc; /* Gralloc sets PRIV_SECURE_BUFFER flag to inform that the buffers are from * ION_SECURE. which should not be mapped. However, for GPU post proc * feature, GFX needs to map this buffer, in the client context and in SF * context, it should not. Hence to differentiate, add this metadata field * for clients to set, and GPU will to read and know when to map the * SECURE_BUFFER(ION) */ int32_t mapSecureBuffer; /* The supported formats are defined in gralloc_priv.h to * support legacy code*/ uint32_t s3dFormat; /* VENUS output buffer is linear for UBWC Interlaced video */ uint32_t linearFormat; /* Set by graphics to indicate that this buffer will be written to but not * swapped out */ uint32_t isSingleBufferMode; /* Indicate GPU to draw S3D layer on dedicate display device */ struct S3DGpuComp_t s3dComp; /* Set by camera to program the VT Timestamp */ uint64_t vtTimeStamp; #ifdef USE_COLOR_METADATA /* Color Aspects + HDR info */ ColorMetaData color; #endif /* Consumer should read this data as follows based on * Gralloc flag "interlaced" listed above. * [0] : If it is progressive. * [0] : Top field, if it is interlaced. * [1] : Do not read, if it is progressive. * [1] : Bottom field, if it is interlaced. */ struct UBWCStats ubwcCRStats[2]; }; enum DispParamType { SET_VT_TIMESTAMP = 0x0001, COLOR_METADATA = 0x0002, PP_PARAM_INTERLACED = 0x0004, UNUSED2 = 0x0008, UNUSED3 = 0x0010, UNUSED4 = 0x0020, SET_UBWC_CR_STATS_INFO = 0x0040, UPDATE_BUFFER_GEOMETRY = 0x0080, UPDATE_REFRESH_RATE = 0x0100, UPDATE_COLOR_SPACE = 0x0200, MAP_SECURE_BUFFER = 0x0400, S3D_FORMAT = 0x0800, LINEAR_FORMAT = 0x1000, SET_IGC = 0x2000, SET_SINGLE_BUFFER_MODE = 0x4000, SET_S3D_COMP = 0x8000, }; enum DispFetchParamType { GET_VT_TIMESTAMP = 0x0001, GET_COLOR_METADATA = 0x0002, GET_PP_PARAM_INTERLACED = 0x0004, GET_UBWC_CR_STATS_INFO = 0x0040, GET_BUFFER_GEOMETRY = 0x0080, GET_REFRESH_RATE = 0x0100, GET_COLOR_SPACE = 0x0200, GET_MAP_SECURE_BUFFER = 0x0400, GET_S3D_FORMAT = 0x0800, GET_LINEAR_FORMAT = 0x1000, GET_IGC = 0x2000, GET_SINGLE_BUFFER_MODE = 0x4000, GET_S3D_COMP = 0x8000, }; struct private_handle_t; int setMetaData(struct private_handle_t *handle, enum DispParamType paramType, void *param); int setMetaDataVa(struct MetaData_t* data, enum DispParamType paramType, void *param); int getMetaData(struct private_handle_t *handle, enum DispFetchParamType paramType, void *param); int getMetaDataVa(struct MetaData_t* data, enum DispFetchParamType paramType, void *param); int copyMetaData(struct private_handle_t *src, struct private_handle_t *dst); int copyMetaDataVaToHandle(struct MetaData_t *src, struct private_handle_t *dst); int copyMetaDataHandleToVa(struct private_handle_t* src, struct MetaData_t *dst); int copyMetaDataVaToVa(struct MetaData_t *src, struct MetaData_t *dst); int clearMetaData(struct private_handle_t *handle, enum DispParamType paramType); int clearMetaDataVa(struct MetaData_t *data, enum DispParamType paramType); unsigned long getMetaDataSize(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _QDMETADATA_H */