/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include "gr_device_impl.h" #include "gr_buf_descriptor.h" #include "gralloc_priv.h" #include "qd_utils.h" #include "qdMetaData.h" #include "gr_utils.h" int gralloc_device_open(const struct hw_module_t *module, const char *name, hw_device_t **device); int gralloc_device_close(struct hw_device_t *device); static struct hw_module_methods_t gralloc_module_methods = {.open = gralloc_device_open}; struct gralloc_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = { .common = { .tag = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG, .module_api_version = GRALLOC_MODULE_API_VERSION_1_0, .hal_api_version = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION, .id = GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, .name = "Graphics Memory Module", .author = "Code Aurora Forum", .methods = &gralloc_module_methods, .dso = 0, .reserved = {0}, }, }; int gralloc_device_open(const struct hw_module_t *module, const char *name, hw_device_t **device) { int status = -EINVAL; if (!strcmp(name, GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID)) { gralloc1::GrallocImpl * /*gralloc1_device_t*/ dev = gralloc1::GrallocImpl::GetInstance(module); *device = reinterpret_cast(dev); if (dev) { status = 0; } else { ALOGE("Fatal error opening gralloc1 device"); } } return status; } namespace gralloc1 { GrallocImpl::GrallocImpl(const hw_module_t *module) { common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; common.version = GRALLOC_MODULE_API_VERSION_1_0; common.module = const_cast(module); common.close = CloseDevice; getFunction = GetFunction; getCapabilities = GetCapabilities; initalized_ = Init(); } bool GrallocImpl::Init() { buf_mgr_ = BufferManager::GetInstance(); return buf_mgr_ != nullptr; } GrallocImpl::~GrallocImpl() { } int GrallocImpl::CloseDevice(hw_device_t *device __unused) { // No-op since the gralloc device is a singleton return 0; } void GrallocImpl::GetCapabilities(struct gralloc1_device *device, uint32_t *out_count, int32_t /*gralloc1_capability_t*/ *out_capabilities) { if (device != nullptr) { if (out_capabilities != nullptr && *out_count >= 3) { out_capabilities[0] = GRALLOC1_CAPABILITY_TEST_ALLOCATE; out_capabilities[1] = GRALLOC1_CAPABILITY_LAYERED_BUFFERS; out_capabilities[2] = GRALLOC1_CAPABILITY_RELEASE_IMPLY_DELETE; } *out_count = 3; } return; } gralloc1_function_pointer_t GrallocImpl::GetFunction(gralloc1_device_t *device, int32_t function) { if (!device) { return NULL; } switch (function) { case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_DUMP: return reinterpret_cast(Dump); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_CREATE_DESCRIPTOR: return reinterpret_cast(CreateBufferDescriptor); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_DESTROY_DESCRIPTOR: return reinterpret_cast(DestroyBufferDescriptor); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_SET_CONSUMER_USAGE: return reinterpret_cast(SetConsumerUsage); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_SET_DIMENSIONS: return reinterpret_cast(SetBufferDimensions); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_SET_FORMAT: return reinterpret_cast(SetColorFormat); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_SET_LAYER_COUNT: return reinterpret_cast(SetLayerCount); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_SET_PRODUCER_USAGE: return reinterpret_cast(SetProducerUsage); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_BACKING_STORE: return reinterpret_cast(GetBackingStore); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_CONSUMER_USAGE: return reinterpret_cast(GetConsumerUsage); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_DIMENSIONS: return reinterpret_cast(GetBufferDimensions); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_FORMAT: return reinterpret_cast(GetColorFormat); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_LAYER_COUNT: return reinterpret_cast(GetLayerCount); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_PRODUCER_USAGE: return reinterpret_cast(GetProducerUsage); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_STRIDE: return reinterpret_cast(GetBufferStride); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_ALLOCATE: return reinterpret_cast(AllocateBuffers); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_RETAIN: return reinterpret_cast(RetainBuffer); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_RELEASE: return reinterpret_cast(ReleaseBuffer); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_NUM_FLEX_PLANES: return reinterpret_cast(GetNumFlexPlanes); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_LOCK: return reinterpret_cast(LockBuffer); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_LOCK_FLEX: return reinterpret_cast(LockFlex); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_UNLOCK: return reinterpret_cast(UnlockBuffer); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_PERFORM: return reinterpret_cast(Gralloc1Perform); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_VALIDATE_BUFFER_SIZE: return reinterpret_cast(validateBufferSize); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_GET_TRANSPORT_SIZE: return reinterpret_cast(getTransportSize); case GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_IMPORT_BUFFER: return reinterpret_cast(importBuffer); default: ALOGE("%s:Gralloc Error. Client Requested for unsupported function", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } return NULL; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::Dump(gralloc1_device_t *device, uint32_t *out_size, char *out_buffer __unused) { if (!device) { ALOGE("Gralloc Error : device=%p", (void *)device); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } // nothing to dump *out_size = 0; return GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::CheckDeviceAndHandle(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer) { const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); if (!device || (private_handle_t::validate(hnd) != 0)) { ALOGE("Gralloc Error : device= %p, buffer-handle=%p", (void *)device, (void *)buffer); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_HANDLE; } return GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::CreateBufferDescriptor(gralloc1_device_t *device, gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t *out_descriptor) { if (!device) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); return dev->buf_mgr_->CreateBufferDescriptor(out_descriptor); } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::DestroyBufferDescriptor(gralloc1_device_t *device, gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t descriptor) { if (!device) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); return dev->buf_mgr_->DestroyBufferDescriptor(descriptor); } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::SetConsumerUsage(gralloc1_device_t *device, gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t descriptor, gralloc1_consumer_usage_t usage) { if (!device) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } else { GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); return dev->buf_mgr_->CallBufferDescriptorFunction(descriptor, &BufferDescriptor::SetConsumerUsage, usage); } } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::SetBufferDimensions(gralloc1_device_t *device, gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t descriptor, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { if (!device) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } else { GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); return dev->buf_mgr_->CallBufferDescriptorFunction(descriptor, &BufferDescriptor::SetDimensions, INT(width), INT(height)); } } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::SetColorFormat(gralloc1_device_t *device, gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t descriptor, int32_t format) { if (!device) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } else { GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); return dev->buf_mgr_->CallBufferDescriptorFunction(descriptor, &BufferDescriptor::SetColorFormat, format); } } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::SetLayerCount(gralloc1_device_t *device, gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t descriptor, uint32_t layer_count) { if (!device) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } else { GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); return dev->buf_mgr_->CallBufferDescriptorFunction(descriptor, &BufferDescriptor::SetLayerCount, layer_count); } } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::SetProducerUsage(gralloc1_device_t *device, gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t descriptor, gralloc1_producer_usage_t usage) { if (!device) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } else { GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); return dev->buf_mgr_->CallBufferDescriptorFunction(descriptor, &BufferDescriptor::SetProducerUsage, usage); } } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetBackingStore(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, gralloc1_backing_store_t *out_backstore) { if (!device || !buffer) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_HANDLE; } *out_backstore = static_cast(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer)->GetBackingstore()); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetConsumerUsage(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, gralloc1_consumer_usage_t *outUsage) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { *outUsage = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer)->GetConsumerUsage(); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetBufferDimensions(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, uint32_t *outWidth, uint32_t *outHeight) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); *outWidth = UINT(hnd->GetUnalignedWidth()); *outHeight = UINT(hnd->GetUnalignedHeight()); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetColorFormat(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t *outFormat) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { *outFormat = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer)->GetColorFormat(); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetLayerCount(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, uint32_t *outLayerCount) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { *outLayerCount = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer)->GetLayerCount(); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetProducerUsage(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, gralloc1_producer_usage_t *outUsage) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); *outUsage = hnd->GetProducerUsage(); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetBufferStride(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, uint32_t *outStride) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { *outStride = UINT(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer)->GetStride()); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::AllocateBuffers(gralloc1_device_t *device, uint32_t num_descriptors, const gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_t *descriptors, buffer_handle_t *out_buffers) { if (!num_descriptors || !descriptors) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR; } GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); gralloc1_error_t status = dev->buf_mgr_->AllocateBuffers(num_descriptors, descriptors, out_buffers); return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::RetainBuffer(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); status = dev->buf_mgr_->RetainBuffer(hnd); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::ReleaseBuffer(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); status = dev->buf_mgr_->ReleaseBuffer(hnd); } return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::GetNumFlexPlanes(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, uint32_t *out_num_planes) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status == GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); status = dev->buf_mgr_->GetNumFlexPlanes(hnd, out_num_planes); } return status; } static inline void CloseFdIfValid(int fd) { if (fd > 0) { close(fd); } } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::LockBuffer(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, gralloc1_producer_usage_t prod_usage, gralloc1_consumer_usage_t cons_usage, const gralloc1_rect_t *region, void **out_data, int32_t acquire_fence) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { CloseFdIfValid(acquire_fence); return status; } if (acquire_fence > 0) { int error = sync_wait(acquire_fence, 1000); CloseFdIfValid(acquire_fence); if (error < 0) { ALOGE("%s: sync_wait timedout! error = %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNDEFINED; } } const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); // Either producer usage or consumer usage must be *_USAGE_NONE if ((prod_usage != GRALLOC1_PRODUCER_USAGE_NONE) && (cons_usage != GRALLOC1_CONSUMER_USAGE_NONE)) { // Current gralloc1 clients do not satisfy this restriction. // See b/33588773 for details // return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_VALUE; } // currently we ignore the region/rect client wants to lock if (region == NULL) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_VALUE; } // TODO(user): Need to check if buffer was allocated with the same flags status = dev->buf_mgr_->LockBuffer(hnd, prod_usage, cons_usage); *out_data = reinterpret_cast(hnd->base); return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::LockFlex(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, gralloc1_producer_usage_t prod_usage, gralloc1_consumer_usage_t cons_usage, const gralloc1_rect_t *region, struct android_flex_layout *out_flex_layout, int32_t acquire_fence) { void *out_data; gralloc1_error_t status = GrallocImpl::LockBuffer(device, buffer, prod_usage, cons_usage, region, &out_data, acquire_fence); if (status != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { return status; } GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); dev->buf_mgr_->GetFlexLayout(hnd, out_flex_layout); return status; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::UnlockBuffer(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t *release_fence) { gralloc1_error_t status = CheckDeviceAndHandle(device, buffer); if (status != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { return status; } const private_handle_t *hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); *release_fence = -1; return dev->buf_mgr_->UnlockBuffer(hnd); } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::Gralloc1Perform(gralloc1_device_t *device, int operation, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, operation); GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); gralloc1_error_t err = dev->buf_mgr_->Perform(operation, args); va_end(args); return err; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::validateBufferSize(gralloc1_device_t *device, buffer_handle_t buffer, const gralloc1_buffer_descriptor_info_t *info, uint32_t /* stride */) { GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); auto hnd = static_cast(const_cast(buffer)); if (dev != NULL && buffer != NULL && private_handle_t::validate(hnd) == 0) { if (dev->buf_mgr_->IsBufferImported(hnd) != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_HANDLE; } BufferDescriptor descriptor(static_cast(info->width), static_cast(info->height), info->format); gralloc1_producer_usage_t prod_usage = static_cast (info->producerUsage); gralloc1_consumer_usage_t con_usage = static_cast (info->consumerUsage); descriptor.SetProducerUsage(prod_usage); descriptor.SetConsumerUsage(con_usage); descriptor.SetLayerCount(info->layerCount); return dev->buf_mgr_->ValidateBufferSize(hnd, descriptor); } return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_HANDLE; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::getTransportSize(gralloc1_device_t* /* device */, buffer_handle_t buffer, uint32_t *out_num_fds, uint32_t *out_num_ints) { auto err = GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_HANDLE; auto hnd = static_cast(const_cast(buffer)); if (buffer != NULL && private_handle_t::validate(hnd) == 0) { *out_num_fds = 2; // Verify *out_num_ints = static_cast(hnd->numInts); err = GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE; } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "GetTransportSize: num fds: %d num ints: %d err:%d", *out_num_fds, *out_num_ints, err); return err; } gralloc1_error_t GrallocImpl::importBuffer(gralloc1_device_t *device, const buffer_handle_t raw_handle, buffer_handle_t *out_handle) { if (!raw_handle) { ALOGE("%s: handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__); *out_handle = NULL; return GRALLOC1_ERROR_BAD_HANDLE; } native_handle_t *buffer_handle = native_handle_clone(raw_handle); if (!buffer_handle) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to clone handle", __FUNCTION__); *out_handle = NULL; return GRALLOC1_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES; } GrallocImpl const *dev = GRALLOC_IMPL(device); auto error = dev->buf_mgr_->RetainBuffer(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer_handle)); if (error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to retain handle: %p", __FUNCTION__, buffer_handle); native_handle_close(buffer_handle); native_handle_delete(buffer_handle); *out_handle = NULL; return error; } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "Imported handle: %p id: %" PRIu64, buffer_handle, PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer_handle)->id); *out_handle = buffer_handle; return GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE; } } // namespace gralloc1