/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "NativeDns-JNI" #define LOGD(fmt, ...) \ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) const char *GoogleDNSIpV4Address=""; const char *GoogleDNSIpV4Address2=""; const char *GoogleDNSIpV6Address="2001:4860:4860::8888"; const char *GoogleDNSIpV6Address2="2001:4860:4860::8844"; JNIEXPORT jboolean Java_android_net_cts_DnsTest_testNativeDns(JNIEnv* env, jclass class) { const char *node = "www.google.com"; char *service = NULL; struct addrinfo *answer; int res = getaddrinfo(node, service, NULL, &answer); LOGD("getaddrinfo(www.google.com) gave res=%d (%s)", res, gai_strerror(res)); if (res != 0) return JNI_FALSE; // check for v4 & v6 { int foundv4 = 0; int foundv6 = 0; struct addrinfo *current = answer; while (current != NULL) { char buf[256]; if (current->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { inet_ntop(current->ai_family, &((struct sockaddr_in *)current->ai_addr)->sin_addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); foundv4 = 1; LOGD(" %s", buf); } else if (current->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { inet_ntop(current->ai_family, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)current->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); foundv6 = 1; LOGD(" %s", buf); } current = current->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(answer); answer = NULL; if (foundv4 != 1 && foundv6 != 1) { LOGD("getaddrinfo(www.google.com) didn't find either v4 or v6 address"); return JNI_FALSE; } } node = "ipv6.google.com"; res = getaddrinfo(node, service, NULL, &answer); LOGD("getaddrinfo(ipv6.google.com) gave res=%d", res); if (res != 0) return JNI_FALSE; { int foundv4 = 0; int foundv6 = 0; struct addrinfo *current = answer; while (current != NULL) { char buf[256]; if (current->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { inet_ntop(current->ai_family, &((struct sockaddr_in *)current->ai_addr)->sin_addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); LOGD(" %s", buf); foundv4 = 1; } else if (current->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { inet_ntop(current->ai_family, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)current->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); LOGD(" %s", buf); foundv6 = 1; } current = current->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(answer); answer = NULL; if (foundv4 == 1 || foundv6 != 1) { LOGD("getaddrinfo(ipv6.google.com) didn't find only v6"); return JNI_FALSE; } } // getnameinfo struct sockaddr_in sa4; sa4.sin_family = AF_INET; sa4.sin_port = 0; inet_pton(AF_INET, GoogleDNSIpV4Address, &(sa4.sin_addr)); struct sockaddr_in6 sa6; sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sa6.sin6_port = 0; sa6.sin6_flowinfo = 0; sa6.sin6_scope_id = 0; inet_pton(AF_INET6, GoogleDNSIpV6Address2, &(sa6.sin6_addr)); char buf[NI_MAXHOST]; int flags = NI_NAMEREQD; res = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*)&sa4, sizeof(sa4), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, flags); if (res != 0) { LOGD("getnameinfo(%s (GoogleDNS) ) gave error %d (%s)", GoogleDNSIpV4Address, res, gai_strerror(res)); return JNI_FALSE; } if (strstr(buf, "google.com") == NULL && strstr(buf, "dns.google") == NULL) { LOGD("getnameinfo(%s (GoogleDNS) ) didn't return google.com or dns.google: %s", GoogleDNSIpV4Address, buf); return JNI_FALSE; } memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); res = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*)&sa6, sizeof(sa6), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, 0, flags); if (res != 0) { LOGD("getnameinfo(%s (GoogleDNS) ) gave error %d (%s)", GoogleDNSIpV6Address2, res, gai_strerror(res)); return JNI_FALSE; } if (strstr(buf, "google.com") == NULL && strstr(buf, "dns.google") == NULL) { LOGD("getnameinfo(%s (GoogleDNS) ) didn't return google.com or dns.google: %s", GoogleDNSIpV6Address2, buf); return JNI_FALSE; } // gethostbyname struct hostent *my_hostent = gethostbyname("www.youtube.com"); if (my_hostent == NULL) { LOGD("gethostbyname(www.youtube.com) gave null response"); return JNI_FALSE; } if ((my_hostent->h_addr_list == NULL) || (*my_hostent->h_addr_list == NULL)) { LOGD("gethostbyname(www.youtube.com) gave 0 addresses"); return JNI_FALSE; } { char **current = my_hostent->h_addr_list; while (*current != NULL) { char buf[256]; inet_ntop(my_hostent->h_addrtype, *current, buf, sizeof(buf)); LOGD("gethostbyname(www.youtube.com) gave %s", buf); current++; } } // gethostbyaddr char addr6[16]; inet_pton(AF_INET6, GoogleDNSIpV6Address, addr6); my_hostent = gethostbyaddr(addr6, sizeof(addr6), AF_INET6); if (my_hostent == NULL) { LOGD("gethostbyaddr(%s (GoogleDNS) ) gave null response", GoogleDNSIpV6Address); return JNI_FALSE; } LOGD("gethostbyaddr(%s (GoogleDNS) ) gave %s for name", GoogleDNSIpV6Address, my_hostent->h_name ? my_hostent->h_name : "null"); if (my_hostent->h_name == NULL) return JNI_FALSE; return JNI_TRUE; }