from __future__ import print_function try: from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler except ImportError: from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler import os import sys try: from urlparse import urlparse from urllib import unquote except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote import posixpath if sys.version_info.major >= 3: from io import StringIO, BytesIO else: from io import BytesIO, BytesIO as StringIO import re import shutil import threading import time import socket import itertools import Reporter try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser ### # Various patterns matched or replaced by server. kReportFileRE = re.compile('(.*/)?report-(.*)\\.html') kBugKeyValueRE = re.compile('') # kReportCrashEntryRE = re.compile('') kReportCrashEntryKeyValueRE = re.compile(' ?([^=]+)="(.*?)"') kReportReplacements = [] # Add custom javascript. kReportReplacements.append((re.compile(''), """\ """)) # Insert additional columns. kReportReplacements.append((re.compile(''), '')) # Insert report bug and open file links. kReportReplacements.append((re.compile(''), ('Report Bug' + 'Open File'))) kReportReplacements.append((re.compile(''), '

Summary > Report %(report)s

')) kReportReplacements.append((re.compile(''), 'Report Bug')) # Insert report crashes link. # Disabled for the time being until we decide exactly when this should # be enabled. Also the radar reporter needs to be fixed to report # multiple files. #kReportReplacements.append((re.compile(''), # '
These files will automatically be attached to ' + # 'reports filed here: Report Crashes.')) ### # Other simple parameters kShare = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(__file__), '../share/scan-view') kConfigPath = os.path.expanduser('~/.scanview.cfg') ### __version__ = "0.1" __all__ = ["create_server"] class ReporterThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, report, reporter, parameters, server): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = report self.server = server self.reporter = reporter self.parameters = parameters self.success = False self.status = None def run(self): result = None try: if self.server.options.debug: print("%s: SERVER: submitting bug."%(sys.argv[0],), file=sys.stderr) self.status = self.reporter.fileReport(, self.parameters) self.success = True time.sleep(3) if self.server.options.debug: print("%s: SERVER: submission complete."%(sys.argv[0],), file=sys.stderr) except Reporter.ReportFailure as e: self.status = e.value except Exception as e: s = StringIO() import traceback print('Unhandled Exception
', file=s)
', file=s) self.status = s.getvalue() class ScanViewServer(HTTPServer): def __init__(self, address, handler, root, reporters, options): HTTPServer.__init__(self, address, handler) self.root = root self.reporters = reporters self.options = options self.halted = False self.config = None self.load_config() def load_config(self): self.config = configparser.RawConfigParser() # Add defaults self.config.add_section('ScanView') for r in self.reporters: self.config.add_section(r.getName()) for p in r.getParameters(): if p.saveConfigValue(): self.config.set(r.getName(), p.getName(), '') # Ignore parse errors try:[kConfigPath]) except: pass # Save on exit import atexit atexit.register(lambda: self.save_config()) def save_config(self): # Ignore errors (only called on exit). try: f = open(kConfigPath,'w') self.config.write(f) f.close() except: pass def halt(self): self.halted = True if self.options.debug: print("%s: SERVER: halting." % (sys.argv[0],), file=sys.stderr) def serve_forever(self): while not self.halted: if self.options.debug > 1: print("%s: SERVER: waiting..." % (sys.argv[0],), file=sys.stderr) try: self.handle_request() except OSError as e: print('OSError',e.errno) def finish_request(self, request, client_address): if self.options.autoReload: import ScanView self.RequestHandlerClass = reload(ScanView).ScanViewRequestHandler HTTPServer.finish_request(self, request, client_address) def handle_error(self, request, client_address): # Ignore socket errors info = sys.exc_info() if info and isinstance(info[1], socket.error): if self.options.debug > 1: print("%s: SERVER: ignored socket error." % (sys.argv[0],), file=sys.stderr) return HTTPServer.handle_error(self, request, client_address) # Borrowed from Quixote, with simplifications. def parse_query(qs, fields=None): if fields is None: fields = {} for chunk in (_f for _f in qs.split('&') if _f): if '=' not in chunk: name = chunk value = '' else: name, value = chunk.split('=', 1) name = unquote(name.replace('+', ' ')) value = unquote(value.replace('+', ' ')) item = fields.get(name) if item is None: fields[name] = [value] else: item.append(value) return fields class ScanViewRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): server_version = "ScanViewServer/" + __version__ dynamic_mtime = time.time() def do_HEAD(self): try: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_HEAD(self) except Exception as e: self.handle_exception(e) def do_GET(self): try: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self) except Exception as e: self.handle_exception(e) def do_POST(self): """Serve a POST request.""" try: length = self.headers.getheader('content-length') or "0" try: length = int(length) except: length = 0 content = fields = parse_query(content) f = self.send_head(fields) if f: self.copyfile(f, self.wfile) f.close() except Exception as e: self.handle_exception(e) def log_message(self, format, *args): if self.server.options.debug: sys.stderr.write("%s: SERVER: %s - - [%s] %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], self.address_string(), self.log_date_time_string(), format%args)) def load_report(self, report): path = os.path.join(self.server.root, 'report-%s.html'%report) data = open(path).read() keys = {} for item in kBugKeyValueRE.finditer(data): k,v = item.groups() keys[k] = v return keys def load_crashes(self): path = posixpath.join(self.server.root, 'index.html') data = open(path).read() problems = [] for item in kReportCrashEntryRE.finditer(data): fieldData = fields = dict([i.groups() for i in kReportCrashEntryKeyValueRE.finditer(fieldData)]) problems.append(fields) return problems def handle_exception(self, exc): import traceback s = StringIO() print("INTERNAL ERROR\n", file=s) traceback.print_exc(file=s) f = self.send_string(s.getvalue(), 'text/plain') if f: self.copyfile(f, self.wfile) f.close() def get_scalar_field(self, name): if name in self.fields: return self.fields[name][0] else: return None def submit_bug(self, c): title = self.get_scalar_field('title') description = self.get_scalar_field('description') report = self.get_scalar_field('report') reporterIndex = self.get_scalar_field('reporter') files = [] for fileID in self.fields.get('files',[]): try: i = int(fileID) except: i = None if i is None or i<0 or i>=len(c.files): return (False, 'Invalid file ID') files.append(c.files[i]) if not title: return (False, "Missing title.") if not description: return (False, "Missing description.") try: reporterIndex = int(reporterIndex) except: return (False, "Invalid report method.") # Get the reporter and parameters. reporter = self.server.reporters[reporterIndex] parameters = {} for o in reporter.getParameters(): name = '%s_%s'%(reporter.getName(),o.getName()) if name not in self.fields: return (False, 'Missing field "%s" for %s report method.'%(name, reporter.getName())) parameters[o.getName()] = self.get_scalar_field(name) # Update config defaults. if report != 'None': self.server.config.set('ScanView', 'reporter', reporterIndex) for o in reporter.getParameters(): if o.saveConfigValue(): name = o.getName() self.server.config.set(reporter.getName(), name, parameters[name]) # Create the report. bug = Reporter.BugReport(title, description, files) # Kick off a reporting thread. t = ReporterThread(bug, reporter, parameters, self.server) t.start() # Wait for thread to die... while t.isAlive(): time.sleep(.25) submitStatus = t.status return (t.success, t.status) def send_report_submit(self): report = self.get_scalar_field('report') c = self.get_report_context(report) if c.reportSource is None: reportingFor = "Report Crashes > " fileBug = """\ File Bug > """%locals() else: reportingFor = 'Report %s > ' % (c.reportSource, report) fileBug = 'File Bug > ' % report title = self.get_scalar_field('title') description = self.get_scalar_field('description') res,message = self.submit_bug(c) if res: statusClass = 'SubmitOk' statusName = 'Succeeded' else: statusClass = 'SubmitFail' statusName = 'Failed' result = """ Bug Submission

Summary > %(reportingFor)s %(fileBug)s Submit


Submission %(statusName)s


Return to Summary """%locals() return self.send_string(result) def send_open_report(self, report): try: keys = self.load_report(report) except IOError: return self.send_error(400, 'Invalid report.') file = keys.get('FILE') if not file or not posixpath.exists(file): return self.send_error(400, 'File does not exist: "%s"' % file) import startfile if self.server.options.debug: print('%s: SERVER: opening "%s"'%(sys.argv[0], file), file=sys.stderr) status = if status: res = 'Opened: "%s"' % file else: res = 'Open failed: "%s"' % file return self.send_string(res, 'text/plain') def get_report_context(self, report): class Context(object): pass if report is None or report == 'None': data = self.load_crashes() # Don't allow empty reports. if not data: raise ValueError('No crashes detected!') c = Context() c.title = 'clang static analyzer failures' stderrSummary = "" for item in data: if 'stderr' in item: path = posixpath.join(self.server.root, item['stderr']) if os.path.exists(path): lns = itertools.islice(open(path), 0, 10) stderrSummary += '%s\n--\n%s' % (item.get('src', ''), ''.join(lns)) c.description = """\ The clang static analyzer failed on these inputs: %s STDERR Summary -------------- %s """ % ('\n'.join([item.get('src','') for item in data]), stderrSummary) c.reportSource = None c.navMarkup = "Report Crashes > " c.files = [] for item in data: c.files.append(item.get('src','')) c.files.append(posixpath.join(self.server.root, item.get('file',''))) c.files.append(posixpath.join(self.server.root, item.get('clangfile',''))) c.files.append(posixpath.join(self.server.root, item.get('stderr',''))) c.files.append(posixpath.join(self.server.root, item.get('info',''))) # Just in case something failed, ignore files which don't # exist. c.files = [f for f in c.files if os.path.exists(f) and os.path.isfile(f)] else: # Check that this is a valid report. path = posixpath.join(self.server.root, 'report-%s.html' % report) if not posixpath.exists(path): raise ValueError('Invalid report ID') keys = self.load_report(report) c = Context() c.title = keys.get('DESC','clang error (unrecognized') c.description = """\ Bug reported by the clang static analyzer. Description: %s File: %s Line: %s """%(c.title, keys.get('FILE',''), keys.get('LINE', '')) c.reportSource = 'report-%s.html' % report c.navMarkup = """Report %s > """ % (c.reportSource, report) c.files = [path] return c def send_report(self, report, configOverrides=None): def getConfigOption(section, field): if (configOverrides is not None and section in configOverrides and field in configOverrides[section]): return configOverrides[section][field] return self.server.config.get(section, field) # report is None is used for crashes try: c = self.get_report_context(report) except ValueError as e: return self.send_error(400, e.message) title = c.title description= c.description reportingFor = c.navMarkup if c.reportSource is None: extraIFrame = "" else: extraIFrame = """\ """ % (c.reportSource, c.reportSource) reporterSelections = [] reporterOptions = [] try: active = int(getConfigOption('ScanView','reporter')) except: active = 0 for i,r in enumerate(self.server.reporters): selected = (i == active) if selected: selectedStr = ' selected' else: selectedStr = '' reporterSelections.append(''%(i,selectedStr,r.getName())) options = '\n'.join([ o.getHTML(r,title,getConfigOption) for o in r.getParameters()]) display = ('none','')[selected] reporterOptions.append("""\ %s Options %s
"""%(r.getName(),display,r.getName(),options)) reporterSelections = '\n'.join(reporterSelections) reporterOptionsDivs = '\n'.join(reporterOptions) reportersArray = '[%s]'%(','.join([repr(r.getName()) for r in self.server.reporters])) if c.files: fieldSize = min(5, len(c.files)) attachFileOptions = '\n'.join(["""\ """ % (i,v) for i,v in enumerate(c.files)]) attachFileRow = """\ Attach: """ % (min(5, len(c.files)), attachFileOptions) else: attachFileRow = "" result = """ File Bug

Summary > %(reportingFor)s File Bug



%(extraIFrame)s """%locals() return self.send_string(result) def send_head(self, fields=None): if (self.server.options.onlyServeLocal and self.client_address[0] != ''): return self.send_error(401, 'Unauthorized host.') if fields is None: fields = {} self.fields = fields o = urlparse(self.path) self.fields = parse_query(o.query, fields) path = posixpath.normpath(unquote(o.path)) # Split the components and strip the root prefix. components = path.split('/')[1:] # Special case some top-level entries. if components: name = components[0] if len(components)==2: if name=='report': return self.send_report(components[1]) elif name=='open': return self.send_open_report(components[1]) elif len(components)==1: if name=='quit': self.server.halt() return self.send_string('Goodbye.', 'text/plain') elif name=='report_submit': return self.send_report_submit() elif name=='report_crashes': overrides = { 'ScanView' : {}, 'Radar' : {}, 'Email' : {} } for i,r in enumerate(self.server.reporters): if r.getName() == 'Radar': overrides['ScanView']['reporter'] = i break overrides['Radar']['Component'] = 'llvm - checker' overrides['Radar']['Component Version'] = 'X' return self.send_report(None, overrides) elif name=='favicon.ico': return self.send_path(posixpath.join(kShare,'bugcatcher.ico')) # Match directory entries. if components[-1] == '': components[-1] = 'index.html' relpath = '/'.join(components) path = posixpath.join(self.server.root, relpath) if self.server.options.debug > 1: print('%s: SERVER: sending path "%s"'%(sys.argv[0], path), file=sys.stderr) return self.send_path(path) def send_404(self): self.send_error(404, "File not found") return None def send_path(self, path): # If the requested path is outside the root directory, do not open it rel = os.path.abspath(path) if not rel.startswith(os.path.abspath(self.server.root)): return self.send_404() ctype = self.guess_type(path) if ctype.startswith('text/'): # Patch file instead return self.send_patched_file(path, ctype) else: mode = 'rb' try: f = open(path, mode) except IOError: return self.send_404() return self.send_file(f, ctype) def send_file(self, f, ctype): # Patch files to add links, but skip binary files. self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", ctype) fs = os.fstat(f.fileno()) self.send_header("Content-Length", str(fs[6])) self.send_header("Last-Modified", self.date_time_string(fs.st_mtime)) self.end_headers() return f def send_string(self, s, ctype='text/html', headers=True, mtime=None): encoded_s = s.encode() if headers: self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", ctype) self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(encoded_s))) if mtime is None: mtime = self.dynamic_mtime self.send_header("Last-Modified", self.date_time_string(mtime)) self.end_headers() return BytesIO(encoded_s) def send_patched_file(self, path, ctype): # Allow a very limited set of variables. This is pretty gross. variables = {} variables['report'] = '' m = kReportFileRE.match(path) if m: variables['report'] = try: f = open(path,'rb') except IOError: return self.send_404() fs = os.fstat(f.fileno()) data ='utf-8') for a,b in kReportReplacements: data = a.sub(b % variables, data) return self.send_string(data, ctype, mtime=fs.st_mtime) def create_server(address, options, root): import Reporter reporters = Reporter.getReporters() return ScanViewServer(address, ScanViewRequestHandler, root, reporters, options)