/* * Copyright (c) Hisilicon Technologies Co., Ltd. 2019-2020. All rights reserved. * Description: Huanglong PANEL API declaration. * Author: Hisilicon * Create: 2019-11-20 */ #ifndef __UAPI_PANEL_H__ #define __UAPI_PANEL_H__ #include "td_type.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ #define PANEL_NAME_MAX_LEN 48 #define PANEL_ATTR_LIST_MAX_LEN 19 /* * Defines panel support range. * CNcomment: Panel 支持信息范围 */ typedef struct { td_u16 min_level; /* min value */ /* CNcomment:最小值 */ td_u16 max_level; /* max value */ /* CNcomment:最大值 */ } uapi_panel_range; /* * Defines the type of panel data bit depth. * CNcomment: panel 位宽 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_BIT_DEPTH_6BIT, /* bit depth is 6 */ /* CNcomment:位宽为6 */ UAPI_PANEL_BIT_DEPTH_8BIT, /* bit depth is 8 */ /* CNcomment:位宽为8 */ UAPI_PANEL_BIT_DEPTH_10BIT, /* bit depth is 10 */ /* CNcomment:位宽为10 */ UAPI_PANEL_BIT_DEPTH_12BIT, /* bit depth is 12 */ /* CNcomment:位宽为12 */ UAPI_PANEL_BIT_DEPTH_16BIT, /* bit depth is 16 */ /* CNcomment:位宽为16 */ UAPI_PANEL_BIT_DEPTH_24BIT, /* bit depth is 24 */ /* CNcomment:位宽为24 */ UAPI_PANEL_BIT_DEPTH_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_bit_depth; /* * Defines the type of panel LVDS format. * CNcomment: LVDS的格式 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_LVDS_FORMAT_VESA, /* LVDS format:VESA */ /* CNcomment:LVDS格式为VESA */ UAPI_PANEL_LVDS_FORMAT_JEIDA, /* LVDS format:JEIDA */ /* CNcomment:LVDS格式为JEIDA */ UAPI_PANEL_LVDS_FORMAT_FP, /* LVDS format:FP */ /* CNcomment:LVDS格式为FP */ UAPI_PANEL_LVDS_FORMAT_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_lvds_format; /* * Defines the type of panel interface type. * CNcomment: Panel 的接口类型 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_VBONE0 = 0, /* interface type is VBONE */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为VBONE */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_VBONE1, /* interface type is VBONE */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为VBONE */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_MIPI0 = 0x10, /* interface type is MIPI */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为MIPI */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_MIPI1, /* interface type is MIPI */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为MIPI */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_LVDS = 0x20, /* interface type is LVDS */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为LVDS */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_MINLVDS, /* interface type is MINLVDS */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为MINLVDS */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_EPI, /* interface type is EPI */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为EPI */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_CEDS, /* interface type is CEDS */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为CEDS */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_ISP, /* interface type is ISP */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为ISP */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_USIT, /* interface type is USIT */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为USIT */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_CSPI, /* interface type is CSPI */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为CSPI */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_CMPI, /* interface type is CMPI */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为CMPI */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_CHPI, /* interface type is CHPI */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为CHPI */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_CHPI_H, /* interface type is CHPI_H */ /* CNcomment:接口类型为CHPI_H */ UAPI_PANEL_INTF_TYPE_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_intf_type; /* * Defines the type of panel LVDS link map. * CNcomment: Panel 接口为LVDS时每一个Link输出的像素 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_LVDS_LINK_MAP_PIXEL0, /* output pixel */ /* CNcomment:输出像素 奇偶可选 */ UAPI_PANEL_LVDS_LINK_MAP_PIXEL1, /* output pixel */ /* CNcomment:输出像素 奇偶可选 */ UAPI_PANEL_LVDS_LINK_MAP_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_lvds_link_map; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel lvds link. * CNcomment: Panel 接口为LVDS时的Link,是输出像素的组合 */ typedef struct { uapi_panel_lvds_link_map link_map0; /* Link 0 */ /* CNcomment:第1个Link */ uapi_panel_lvds_link_map link_map1; /* Link 1 */ /* CNcomment:第2个Link */ } uapi_panel_lvds_link; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel lvds intface attr. * CNcomment: Panel LVDS输出接口信息 */ typedef struct { uapi_panel_lvds_link lvds_link; /* pixel swap */ /* CNcomment 控制LVDS的link交换 */ uapi_panel_lvds_format lvds_fmt; /* format */ /* CNcomment lvds 数据发送格式 */ } uapi_panel_lvds_attr; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel spread. * CNcomment: Panel展频 */ typedef struct { td_u8 spread_enable; /* spread enable */ /* CNcomment展频使能 */ td_u8 reserved[3]; /* reserved 3 Bytes */ /* CNcomment预留3字节 */ td_u32 spread_ratio; /* Spread Ratio from 0 to 31 */ /* CNcomment:展频比 [1%-31%] */ td_u32 spread_freq; /* spread frequency */ /* CNcomment:展频频率 */ } uapi_panel_spread; /* * Defines the type of panel frame rate. * CNcomment: Panel 固定帧率类型 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_AUTO, /* fixrate type is none */ /* CNcomment: 不固定输出帧率 */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_25HZ, /* fixrate type is 50 */ /* CNcomment: 固定25输出 */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_30HZ, /* fixrate type is 60 */ /* CNcomment: 固定30输出 */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_50HZ, /* fixrate type is 50 */ /* CNcomment: 固定50输出 */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_60HZ, /* fixrate type is 60 */ /* CNcomment: 固定60输出 */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_100HZ, /* fixrate type is 50 */ /* CNcomment: 固定100输出 */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_120HZ, /* fixrate type is 60 */ /* CNcomment: 固定120输出 */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_OTHER, /* fixrate type is fhd OtherFrm */ UAPI_PANEL_FRAME_RATE_TYPE_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_frame_rate_type; /* * Defines the type of panel division. * CNcomment: Panel 分区类型 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_DIVISION_ONE_OE, /* division type is one_oe */ /* CNcomment:一分区奇偶 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIVISION_ONE, /* division type is one */ /* CNcomment:一分区串行 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIVISION_TWO, /* division type is two */ /* CNcomment:二分区 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIVISION_FOUR, /* division type is four */ /* CNcomment:四分区 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIVISION_EIGHT, /* division type is eight */ /* CNcomment:八分区 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIVISION_SIXTEEN, /* division type is sixteen */ /* CNcomment:十六分区 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIVISION_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_division_type; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel timing info. * CNcomment: Panel 的timing信息 */ typedef struct { td_u32 pixel_clk; /* output pixel clock */ /* CNcomment:输出的像素时钟 */ td_u16 htotal; /* output horizontal pixel cnt */ /* CNcomment:输出一行像素点数 */ td_u16 hsync_fp; /* hsync fp */ /* CNcomment:Hsync 前肩宽度 */ td_u16 hsync_width; /* hsync width */ /* CNcomment:Hsync 宽度 */ td_u16 vtotal; /* output vertical pixel cnt */ /* CNcomment:输出每帧的行频 */ td_u16 vsync_fp; /* vsync fp */ /* CNcomment:Vsync 前肩宽度 */ td_u16 vsync_width; /* vsync width */ /* CNcomment:Vsync 宽度 */ } uapi_panel_timing; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel blacklight info. * CNcomment: Panel 的背光信息 */ typedef struct { td_u16 intf_on_delay; /* open intf delay */ /* CNcomment:打开接口输出信号的延时 */ td_u16 blacklight_on_delay; /* open backlight delay */ /* CNcomment: 打开背光的延时 */ td_u16 blacklight_off_delay; /* close backlight delay */ /* CNcomment: 关闭背光的延时 */ td_u16 intf_off_delay; /* close intf delay */ /* CNcomment:关闭接口输出的延时 */ td_u16 tcon_off_delay; /* close backlight delay */ /* CNcomment:关闭tcon电源的延时 */ td_u16 reserved; /* reserved */ /* CNcomment: 预留1字节 */ } uapi_panel_power_time_sequence; /* * Defines panel 3d type. * CNcomment: 屏支持的3D格式 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_3D_TYPE_2D, /* 3d type 2d */ /* CNcomment: 2D */ UAPI_PANEL_3D_TYPE_FS, /* 3d type FP */ /* CNcomment: 3D type is frame sequence */ UAPI_PANEL_3D_TYPE_LBL, /* 3d type LBL */ /* CNcomment: 3D type is line by line */ UAPI_PANEL_3D_TYPE_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_3d_type; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel pair use info. * CNcomment: 差分对使用状态 */ typedef struct { td_u8 port_use_cnt; /* panel port use cnt */ /* CNcomment:port使用个数 */ td_u8 pair_use_cnt; /* panel pair use cnt */ /* CNcomment:差分对使用个数 */ td_u8 pair_pn_swap; /* panel pair pn swap */ /* CNcomment:差分对PN交换,0表示全不交换;1表示全交换 */ td_u8 reserved; /* 1 byte reserved */ /* CNcomment: 预留1字节 */ } uapi_panel_pair_info; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel signal quality info. * CNcomment: 信号质量调优信息 */ typedef struct { td_u8 com_voltage; /* panel pair com voltage */ /* CNcomment:工模电压 */ td_u8 drv_current; /* panel pair drv current */ /* CNcomment:驱动电流 */ td_u8 emphasis; /* panel pair emphasis */ /* CNcomment:预加重信息 */ td_u8 reserved; /* 1 byte reserved */ /* CNcomment: 预留1字节 */ } uapi_panel_signal_attr; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel hsync vsync info. * CNcomment: Panel 的sync信息 */ typedef struct { td_bool hsync_output; /* Panel hsync output */ /* CNcomment:Panel Vsync是否输出 */ td_bool vsync_output; /* Panel vsync output */ /* CNcomment:Panel Hsync是否输出 */ td_bool hsync_negative; /* hsync negative */ /* CNcomment:Panel Hsync 是否为负极性 */ td_bool vsync_negative; /* vsync negative */ /* CNcomment:Panel Vsync 是否为负极性 */ } uapi_panel_timing_sync_info; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel info. * CNcomment: Panel信息 */ typedef struct { td_u16 width; /* Panel resolution Width */ /* CNcomment:Panel 水平分辨率 */ td_u16 height; /* Panel resolution height */ /* CNcomment:Panel 垂直分辨率 */ uapi_panel_intf_type intf_type; /* Panel interface type */ /* CNcomment:屏接口类型 */ uapi_panel_bit_depth data_bit_depth; /* Panel bit width */ /* CNcomment:Panel的数据位宽 */ uapi_panel_timing timing_50hz; /* Panel timing info 100Hz */ /* CNcomment:Panel 输出50Hz timing */ uapi_panel_timing timing_60hz; /* Panel timing info 60Hz */ /* CNcomment:Panel 输出60Hz timing */ uapi_panel_power_time_sequence time_sequence; /* Panel time sequence */ /* CNcomment:屏时序信息 */ uapi_panel_division_type division_type; /* panel division type */ /* CNcomment: 屏分区信息 */ uapi_panel_pair_info pair_info; /* pair info */ /* CNcomment: 差分对使用信息 */ uapi_panel_signal_attr signal_attr; /* panel signal quality info */ /* CNcomment:信号质量调优信息 */ uapi_panel_lvds_attr lvds_attr; /* lvds attr */ /* Lvds参数,仅在Lvds接口时使用 */ uapi_panel_timing_sync_info timing_sync_info; /* timing sync info */ /* CNcomment:timming的sync信息 */ uapi_panel_spread spread_info; /* spread info */ /* CNcomment:展频信息(展频频率跟展频比) */ uapi_panel_3d_type type_3d; /* output 3D type */ /* CNcomment:屏的3d 格式 */ uapi_panel_bit_depth backlight_bit_depth; /* backlight bit depth */ /* CNcomment:背光位宽 */ uapi_panel_range backlight_range; /* blacklight support range */ /* CNcomment:屏支持背光亮度范围 */ td_u16 backlight_level; /* blacklight level */ /* CNcomment:默认背光亮度 */ td_u16 backlight_freq_50hz; /* blacklight frequence 50Hz */ /* CNcomment:50Hz背光频率 */ td_u16 backlight_freq_60hz; /* blacklight frequence 60Hz */ /* CNcomment:60Hz背光频率 */ td_u8 reserved[14]; /* 14 bytes reserved */ /* CNcomment: 预留14字节 */ } uapi_panel_info; /* * Defines the type of panel aspect. * CNcomment: Panel显示的比例模式 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO_4_3, /* aspect is 4:3 */ /* CNcomment: 4:3 显示 */ UAPI_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO_16_9, /* aspect is 16:9 */ /* CNcomment: 16:9 显示 */ UAPI_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO_14_9, /* aspect is 14:9 */ /* CNcomment: 14:9 显示 */ UAPI_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO_21_9, /* aspect is 21:9 */ /* CNcomment: 21:9 显示 */ UAPI_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO_16_10, /* aspect is 16:10 */ /* CNcomment: 16:10 显示 */ UAPI_PANEL_ASPECT_RATIO_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_aspect_ratio; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel attr. * CNcomment: Panel属性 */ typedef struct { td_u16 width; /* Width */ /* CNcomment: Panel的宽度 */ td_u16 height; /* Height */ /* CNcomment: Panel的高度 */ uapi_panel_aspect_ratio aspect; /* aspect */ /* CNcomment: Panel的比例模式 */ } uapi_panel_aspect; /* * Defines panel Dim Type. * CNcomment: Panel Dim的类型 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_DIM_0D = 0, /* 0D Dim Type */ /* CNcomment:0D Dim类型 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIM_LOCAL, /* localdimming Type */ /* CNcomment:localdimming类型 */ UAPI_PANEL_DIM_MAX, /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_dim_type; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel Dim strength Info. * CNcomment: Panel Dim的强度信息 */ typedef struct { uapi_panel_dim_type dim_type; /* Dim Type */ /* CNcomment: Panel Dim的类型 */ uapi_panel_range dim_range; /* Dim strength Range */ /* CNcomment:Dim的强度范围 */ } uapi_panel_dim_strength_info; /* * Defines the type of panel Dim Demo mode. * CNcomment: Panel LocalDimming的Demo模式 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_OFF, /* demo off */ /* CNcomment: 关闭LocalDimming demo模式 */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_HORSELIGHT, /* demo horselight */ /* CNcomment:跑马灯 */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_RIGHT_SCREEN, /* demo right */ /* CNcomment:右半屏demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_LEFT_SCREEN, /* demo left */ /* CNcomment:左半屏demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_TOP_SCREEN, /* demo top */ /* CNcomment:上半屏demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_BOTTOM_SCREEN, /* demo bottom */ /* CNcomment:下半屏demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_WHITE_SCREEN, /* demo white */ /* CNcomment:全屏白场 */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_RIGHT_WHITE_SCREEN, /* demo right white */ /* CNcomment:右半屏白场加demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_LEFT_WHITE_SCREEN, /* demo left white */ /* CNcomment:左半屏白场加demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_TOP_WHITE_SCREEN, /* demo top white */ /* CNcomment:上半屏白场加demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_BOTTOM_WHITE_SCREEN, /* demo bottom white */ /* CNcomment:下半屏白场加demo */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_ODD_LIGHT, /* demo odd light */ /* CNcomment:奇数分区灯亮,偶数不亮 */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_EVEN_LIGHT, /* demo even light */ /* CNcomment:偶数分区灯亮,奇数不亮 */ UAPI_PANEL_LOCALDIMMING_DEMO_MODE_MAX /* Invalid value */ /* CNcomment:非法边界值 */ } uapi_panel_localdimming_demo_mode; /* * Defines Panel name. * CNcomment: 屏名称信息 */ typedef struct { td_char panel_name[PANEL_NAME_MAX_LEN]; /* panel param name */ /* CNcomment: 屏名称信息 */ td_u8 name_size; /* panel param name size */ /* CNcomment: 屏名称长度信息 */ } uapi_panel_name; /* * Defines the config parameters of panel signal attr list. * CNcomment: 屏信号属性列表,用于调信号质量 */ typedef struct { td_u32 panel_signal_list[PANEL_ATTR_LIST_MAX_LEN]; /* signal list */ /* CNcomment: 属性列表 */ td_u32 valid_data_cnt; /* valid data cnt */ /* CNcomment: 有效数据个数 */ } uapi_panel_signal_list; /* * Defines Panel ID type. * CNcomment: 屏的ID */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_ID_0, /* panel id 0 */ /* CNcomment: id 为0的屏 */ UAPI_PANEL_ID_1, /* panel id 1 */ /* CNcomment: id 为1的屏 */ UAPI_PANEL_ID_MAX } uapi_panel_id; /* * Define abnormal detection config of screen. * CNcomment: 定义屏幕异常检测信息 */ typedef struct { td_bool enable; /* Whether abnormal screen detection is needed */ /* CNcomment: 当前屏是否需要屏幕异常检测 */ td_u32 duration_time_ms; /* Detection duration required for this screen */ /* CNcomment: 当前屏所需屏幕异常检测时长 */ } uapi_panel_abnormal_detection_config; /* * Define configuration of panel. * CNcomment: 定义屏幕配置信息 */ typedef struct { uapi_panel_abnormal_detection_config abnormal_detection; /* abnormal detection config */ /* CNcomment: 屏幕异常检测配置 */ } uapi_panel_config; /* * Define connection status info of screen. * CNcomment: 定义屏幕链接状态信息 */ typedef enum { UAPI_PANEL_CONNECT_STATUS_NORMAL, /* CNcomment: screen connected */ UAPI_PANEL_CONNECT_STATUS_ABNORMAL, /* CNcomment: screen disconnect */ UAPI_PANEL_CONNECT_STATUS_MAX /* CNcomment: Invalid value */ } uapi_panel_connect_status; typedef struct { td_u32 frame_rate_min; td_u32 frame_rate_max; } uapi_panel_vrr_rang; typedef struct { td_bool support; /* Whether the panel is support */ uapi_panel_vrr_rang range; } uapi_panel_vrr_capability; /* * channel capability. * CNcomment:通道能力集 */ typedef struct { uapi_panel_vrr_capability vrr_cap; /* vrr capability */ /* CNcomment: vrr支持能力集 */ } uapi_panel_capability; /* * brief the whole initialization of the PANEL device. CNcomment:PANEL接口驱动软件初始化 CNend * attention \n * param N/A CNcomment:无 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE fail to open paneldev. CNcomment: 打开panel设备失败CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_init(td_void); /* * brief deinit the PANEL device. CNcomment:PANEL接口去初始化 CNend * attention \n * param N/A CNcomment:无 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE fail to close paneldev. CNcomment: 关闭panel设备失败CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_deinit(td_void); /* * brief set power on the PANEL device. CNcomment:给屏供电CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] enable: power state CNcomment:给屏供电的使能信息 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_power_on(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool enable); /* * brief get power on the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取屏供电状况 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] enable: power state CNcomment:屏当前的供电状况 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or enable is null. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或enable为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_power_on(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool *enable); /* * brief set back light of the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置屏的背光 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] enable: back light state CNcomment:设置屏背光的状态 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_backlight_power_on(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool enable); /* * brief get back light of the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取屏的背光状态 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] enable: back light state CNcomment:屏当前背光的状态 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or enable is null. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或enable为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_backlight_power_on(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool *enable); /* * brief get panel aspect of the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取屏的比例模式 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] panel_aspect: panel aspect CNcomment:输出比例模式 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init not init or panel_aspect is null. * CNcomment: Panel未初始化 或panel_aspect为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_panel_aspect(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_aspect *panel_aspect); /* * brief get 3D type of the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取3D类型 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] panel_3d_type: get panel 3D type CNcomment:获取屏的3D类型 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init not init or panel_3d_type is null. * CNcomment: Panel未初始化 或panel_3d_type为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_panel_3d_type(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_3d_type *type); /* * brief set dynamic backlight enable the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置屏的动态背光使能 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] enable: dynamic back light state CNcomment:屏当前动态背光的状态 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_dynamic_backlight_enable(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool enable); /* * brief get dynamic backlight enable the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取屏的动态背光使能状态 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] enable: dynamic back light state CNcomment:屏当前动态背光的状态 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or enable is null. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或enable为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_dynamic_backlight_enable(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool *enable); /* * brief get back light level range the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取屏背光支持范围 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] backlight_range: back light level range CNcomment:背光支持范围[0~10000] CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_backlight_range(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_range *backlight_range); /* * brief set back light level the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置屏的背光等级(万分制) CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] level: back light level CNcomment:背光的等级[0~10000] CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_backlight_level(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 level); /* * brief set back light level the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取屏的背光等级(万分制) CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] level: back light level CNcomment:背光的等级[0~10000] CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or level is null. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或level为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_backlight_level(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *level); /* * brief get dim type and strange range the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取屏支持的Dim类型和强度范围 CNend * attention : including 0D and local dimming CNcomment:类型包括0D和local dimming两种 CNend * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] dim_strength_info: dim strength info which panel support CNcomment:Dim的强度范围 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or pstDimStrengthInfo is null. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或dim_range为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_dim_strength_info(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_dim_strength_info *dim_strength_info); /* * brief set dim strange level the PANEL device. CNcomment:在0D或LDM情况下,设置Dim强度 CNend * attention : set dim strange level on this occasion of 0D or LDM CNend * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] level: dim strange level CNcomment:设置的Dim强度 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_dim_strength_level(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 level); /* * brief get dim strange level the PANEL device. CNcomment:在0D或LDM情况下,获取Dim强度 CNend * attention : get dim strange level on this occasion of 0D or LDM CNend * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] level: dim strange level CNcomment:获取的Dim强度 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or level is null. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或level为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_dim_strength_level(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *level); /* * brief set local dimming Demo Mode the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置LocalDimming的Demo模式 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] demo_mode: local dimming Demo Mode CNcomment:local dimming 的Demo模式 Nend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_localdimming_demo_mode(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_localdimming_demo_mode demo_mode); /* * brief get local dimming Demo Mode the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取LocalDimming的Demo模式 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] demo_mode: local dimming Demo Mode CNcomment:local dimming 的Demo模式 Nend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or demo_mode is null. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或demo_mode为空 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_localdimming_demo_mode(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_localdimming_demo_mode *demo_mode); /* * brief get Comvoltage the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前共模电压范围值 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] voltage_list: voltage range * CNcomment:存放电压档位列表(例如: panel_signal_list[0]为400时表示400MV档位) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_voltage_range(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_signal_list *voltage_list); /* * brief set Comvoltage the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置共模电压 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] com_voltage: Voltage * CNcomment:存放要设置的共模电压(例如: com_voltage为400表示共模电压为400MV) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_voltage(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 com_voltage); /* * brief get Comvoltage the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前共模电压 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] com_voltage: Voltage value * comment:存放要获取的共模电压(例如: *com_voltage为400表示共模电压为400MV) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_voltage(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *com_voltage); /* * brief get current range the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前驱动电流范围值 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] current_list: drvcurrent range * CNcomment:存放电流档位列表(例如: panel_signal_list[0]为200时表示200MV档位) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_current_range(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_signal_list *current_list); /* * brief Set drvcurrent the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置驱动电流 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] drv_current: DrvCurrent value * CNcomment:存放要设置的驱动电流(例如: drv_current为200表示驱动电流为200MV) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_current(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 drv_current); /* * brief Get current the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前驱动电流 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] drv_current: drv_current value * CNcomment:存放要获取的驱动电流(例如: *drv_current为200表示驱动电流为200MV) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_current(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *drv_current); /* * brief get EmphasisRange the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前预加重的范围值 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] emphasis_list: Emphasis min level * CNcomment:存放预加重档位列表(例如: panel_signal_list[0]为0时表示0DB档位) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_emphasis_range(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_signal_list *emphasis_list); /* * brief set Emphasis the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置预加重 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] panel_emp: Emphasis value CNcomment:存放要设置的预加重(例如: panel_emp为0表示预加重为0DB) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_emphasis(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 panel_emp); /* * brief Get emphasis the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前预加重 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] panel_emp: Emphasis value * CNcomment:存放要获取的预加重(例如: *panel_emp为0表示预加重为0DB) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_emphasis(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *panel_emp); /* * brief set spread enable. CNcomment:获取当前展频的开关 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] enable CNcomment: 0:代表关闭1:代表打开CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_spread_enable(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool enable); /* * brief get spread enable. CNcomment:获取当前展频的开关 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] enable CNcomment: 0:代表关闭1:代表打开 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_spread_enable(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_bool *enable); /* * brief get spread ratio range. CNcomment:获取当前展频比的范围 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] ratio_range: CNcomment:存放获取展频比的范围 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_spread_ratio_range(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_range *ratio_range); /* * brief set spread ratio of the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置展频比 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] spread_ratio: SPREAD CNcomment:指向要设置的展频比 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_spread_ratio(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 spread_ratio); /* * brief get spread ratio of the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前展频比 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] spread_ratio: SPREAD CNcomment:存放获取的展频比 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * CNcomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_spread_ratio(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *spread_ratio); /* * brief get spread freq range of the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前展频的频率范围 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] freq_list * CNcomment: 存放展频频率档位列表(例如: panel_signal_list[0]为96875表示展频频率支持96.875KHz) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_spread_freq_range(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_signal_list *freq_list); /* * brief set spread freq of the PANEL device. CNcomment:设置展频频率 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] spread_freq: SPREAD * CNcomment:指向要设置的展频频率(例如: 96.875KHz对应的入参spread_freq为96875) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_spread_freq(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 spread_freq); /* * brief get spread freq of the PANEL device. CNcomment:获取当前展频频率 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] spread_freq: SPREAD * CNcomment:存放获取的展频频率(例如: 96.875KHz的存储方式spread_freq为96875) CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_spread_freq(uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *spread_freq); /* * brief Get panel name. CNcomment:获取屏名称 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] name CNcomment:返回屏的名称 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_panel_name(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_name *name); /* * brief Set bit depth. CNcomment:设置屏的数据位宽 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[int] data_bit_depth CNcomment:数据的bit位宽 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_bit_depth(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_bit_depth data_bit_depth); /* * brief Get bit depth. CNcomment:获取panel位宽 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] data_bit_depth CNcomment:返回数据的bit位宽 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_bit_depth(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_bit_depth *data_bit_depth); /* * brief Set LVDS attr. CNcomment:设置LVDS属性Nend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[in] lvds_attr CNcomment:lvds接口属性 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_lvds_attr(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_lvds_attr *lvds_attr); /* * brief Get LVDS attr. CNcomment:获取LVDS属性 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] lvds_attr CNcomment:返回lvds接口属性 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_lvds_attr(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_lvds_attr *lvds_attr); /* * brief Get interface type. CNcomment:获取屏的接口类型 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] intf_type CNcomment:返回屏接口类型 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment:无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_interface_type(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_intf_type *intf_type); /* * brief Get config info. CNcomment:获取屏幕相关配置信息 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] config_info CNcomment:返回获取的屏幕相关配置信息 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_config_info(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_config *config_info); /* * brief Get PANEL connect status. CNcomment:获取屏幕连接状态 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id的信息 CNend * param[out] status_info CNcomment:返回获取的屏幕连接状态的相关信息 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or the current screen not support connect check. * CNcomment: Panel未初始化或当前屏类型不支屏链接状态检查 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_connect_status(uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_connect_status *status_info); /* * brief Set PANEL 3d status info. CNcomment:设置屏幕2D/3D状态 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id CNend * param[in] whether set 3d mode CNcomment:是否使能3D状态 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_enable_3d(const uapi_panel_id panel_id, const td_bool enable); /* * brief change panel parameter via new panel index CNcomment:设置新的屏参 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id CNend * param[in] panel_index CNcomment:新的屏参编号 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_set_index(const uapi_panel_id panel_id, const td_u32 panel_index); /* * brief get now used panel index CNcomment:获取当前使用的屏参 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id CNend * param[in] panel_index CNcomment:获取的屏参编号 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_index(const uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *panel_index); /* * brief get panel capabilities CNcomment:获取当前屏支持的能力 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id CNend * param[out] panel_cap CNcomment:获取的屏的能力 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_capability(const uapi_panel_id panel_id, uapi_panel_capability *panel_cap); /* * brief get panel custom parameters size CNcomment:获取屏参客制化参数空间大小 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id CNend * param[out] param_size CNcomment:获取的客制化参数空间大小 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_custom_param_size(const uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 *param_size); /* * brief get panel custom parameters CNcomment:获取屏参客制化参数 CNend * attention \n * param[in] panel_id CNcomment:接口id CNend * param[in] param_size CNcomment:用于存储客制化参数的param空间大小 CNend * param[out] param CNcomment:存储获取到的客制化参数 CNend * retval ::TD_SUCCESS success. CNcomment:成功 CNend * retval ::TD_FAILURE panel is not init or The input parameter is invalid. CNcomment: Panel未初始化或入参不合理 CNend * see \n * Ncomment: 无 CNend */ td_s32 uapi_panel_get_custom_param(const uapi_panel_id panel_id, td_u32 param_size, td_u8 *param); #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __UAPI_PANEL_H__ */