# This file is part of the CmDab Project. # # Copyright (c) 2021 Vollstrecker (werner@vollstreckernet.de) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3as published by # the Free Software Foundation; of the License # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, check # https://github.com/Vollstrecker/CmDaB/blob/main/LICENSE #[=======================================================================[.rst: CmDaB.cmake ------------------ .. only:: html .. contents:: Overview ^^^^^^^^ This module adds an option called DOWNLOAD_AND_BUILD_DEPS to your project. If this option is activated by the user, this module will download and include the main project files to be used within your project. #]=======================================================================] include (CMakeDependentOption) Find_Package (Git) cmake_dependent_option (DOWNLOAD_AND_BUILD_DEPS "Get all missing stuff" OFF ${Git_FOUND} OFF) if (DOWNLOAD_AND_BUILD_DEPS) include (FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare ( CmDaB GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/Vollstrecker/CmDaB.git GIT_TAG main ) FetchContent_GetProperties(CmDaB) if (NOT cmdab_POPULATED) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.14) FetchContent_MakeAvailable (CmDaB) else() FetchContent_Populate (CmDaB) add_subdirectory (${cmdab_SOURCE_DIR} ${cmdab_BINARY_DIR} ) endif() endif() endif()