Total number of contacts: %1$,d\nFirst contact:%2$s
No contacts stored on device.
Contacts not loaded.
Add a contact
Show first contact
This fragment demonstrates access to the contact database on the device.\n
Clicking \"Add a contact\" adds a new contact named "__DUMMY ENTRY" directly into the database.\n
Clicking \"Show first contact\" accesses the contact database to display the name of the first contact.
Camera could not be opened.\nThis occurs when the camera is not available (for example it is already in use) or if the system has denied access (for example when camera access has been disabled).
Show camera preview
Show and add contacts
Click the buttons below to show a camera preview or access the contacts database.\nNote that the contacts option is only available on Android M to illustrate the use of optional, M-only permissions that are not requested on lower SDK platforms.
Camera Permission has been granted. Preview can now be opened.
Contacts Permissions have been granted. Contacts screen can now be opened.
Permissions were not granted.
Camera permission is needed to show the camera preview.
Contacts permissions are needed to demonstrate access.