/* * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkDiscretePathEffect_DEFINED #define SkDiscretePathEffect_DEFINED #include "include/core/SkFlattenable.h" #include "include/core/SkPathEffect.h" /** \class SkDiscretePathEffect This path effect chops a path into discrete segments, and randomly displaces them. */ class SK_API SkDiscretePathEffect : public SkPathEffect { public: /** Break the path into segments of segLength length, and randomly move the endpoints away from the original path by a maximum of deviation. Note: works on filled or framed paths @param seedAssist This is a caller-supplied seedAssist that modifies the seed value that is used to randomize the path segments' endpoints. If not supplied it defaults to 0, in which case filtering a path multiple times will result in the same set of segments (this is useful for testing). If a caller does not want this behaviour they can pass in a different seedAssist to get a different set of path segments. */ static sk_sp Make(SkScalar segLength, SkScalar dev, uint32_t seedAssist = 0); protected: SkDiscretePathEffect(SkScalar segLength, SkScalar deviation, uint32_t seedAssist); void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override; bool onFilterPath(SkPath* dst, const SkPath& src, SkStrokeRec*, const SkRect*) const override; private: SK_FLATTENABLE_HOOKS(SkDiscretePathEffect) bool computeFastBounds(SkRect* bounds) const override; SkScalar fSegLength, fPerterb; /* Caller-supplied 32 bit seed assist */ uint32_t fSeedAssist; using INHERITED = SkPathEffect; }; #endif