describe('Runtime shader effects', () => { let container; beforeEach(async () => { await LoadCanvasKit; container = document.createElement('div'); container.innerHTML = ` `; document.body.appendChild(container); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(container); }); // On the SW backend, atan is not supported - a shader is returned, but // it will draw blank. const spiralSkSL = ` uniform float rad_scale; uniform int2 in_center; uniform float4 in_colors0; uniform float4 in_colors1; half4 main(float2 p) { float2 pp = p - float2(in_center); float radius = sqrt(dot(pp, pp)); radius = sqrt(radius); float angle = atan(pp.y / pp.x); float t = (angle + 3.1415926/2) / (3.1415926); t += radius * rad_scale; t = fract(t); return half4(mix(in_colors0, in_colors1, t)); }`; // TODO(kjlubick) rewrite testRTShader and callers to use gm. const testRTShader = (name, done, localMatrix) => { const surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface('test'); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface'); if (!surface) { return; } const spiral = CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect.Make(spiralSkSL); expect(spiral).toBeTruthy('could not compile program'); expect(spiral.getUniformCount() ).toEqual(4); expect(spiral.getUniformFloatCount()).toEqual(11); const center = spiral.getUniform(1); expect(center).toBeTruthy('could not fetch numbered uniform'); expect(center.slot ).toEqual(1); expect(center.columns ).toEqual(2); expect(center.rows ).toEqual(1); expect(center.isInteger).toEqual(true); const color_0 = spiral.getUniform(2); expect(color_0).toBeTruthy('could not fetch numbered uniform'); expect(color_0.slot ).toEqual(3); expect(color_0.columns ).toEqual(4); expect(color_0.rows ).toEqual(1); expect(color_0.isInteger).toEqual(false); expect(spiral.getUniformName(2)).toEqual('in_colors0'); const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); const paint = new CanvasKit.Paint(); canvas.clear(CanvasKit.BLACK); // black should not be visible const shader = spiral.makeShader([ 0.3, CANVAS_WIDTH/2, CANVAS_HEIGHT/2, 1, 0, 0, 1, // solid red 0, 1, 0, 1], // solid green true, /*=opaque*/ localMatrix); paint.setShader(shader); canvas.drawRect(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(0, 0, CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT), paint); paint.delete(); shader.delete(); spiral.delete(); reportSurface(surface, name, done); }; it('can compile custom shader code', (done) => { testRTShader('rtshader_spiral', done); }); it('can apply a matrix to the shader', (done) => { testRTShader('rtshader_spiral_translated', done, CanvasKit.Matrix.translated(-200, 100)); }); it('can provide a error handler for compilation errors', () => { let error = ''; const spiral = CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect.Make(`invalid sksl code, I hope`, (e) => { error = e; }); expect(spiral).toBeFalsy(); expect(error).toContain('error'); }); const loadBrick = fetch( '/assets/brickwork-texture.jpg') .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()); const loadMandrill = fetch( '/assets/mandrill_512.png') .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()); const thresholdSkSL = ` uniform shader before_map; uniform shader after_map; uniform shader threshold_map; uniform float cutoff; uniform float slope; float smooth_cutoff(float x) { x = x * slope + (0.5 - slope * cutoff); return clamp(x, 0, 1); } half4 main(float2 xy) { half4 before = sample(before_map, xy); half4 after = sample(after_map, xy); float m = smooth_cutoff(sample(threshold_map, xy).r); return mix(before, after, half(m)); }`; // TODO(kjlubick) rewrite testChildrenShader and callers to use gm. const testChildrenShader = (name, done, localMatrix) => { Promise.all([loadBrick, loadMandrill]).then((values) => { catchException(done, () => { const [brickData, mandrillData] = values; const brickImg = CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded(brickData); expect(brickImg).toBeTruthy('brick image could not be loaded'); const mandrillImg = CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded(mandrillData); expect(mandrillImg).toBeTruthy('mandrill image could not be loaded'); const thresholdEffect = CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect.Make(thresholdSkSL); expect(thresholdEffect).toBeTruthy('threshold did not compile'); const spiralEffect = CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect.Make(spiralSkSL); expect(spiralEffect).toBeTruthy('spiral did not compile'); const brickShader = brickImg.makeShaderCubic( CanvasKit.TileMode.Decal, CanvasKit.TileMode.Decal, 1/3 /*B*/, 1/3 /*C*/, CanvasKit.Matrix.scaled(CANVAS_WIDTH/brickImg.width(), CANVAS_HEIGHT/brickImg.height())); const mandrillShader = mandrillImg.makeShaderCubic( CanvasKit.TileMode.Decal, CanvasKit.TileMode.Decal, 1/3 /*B*/, 1/3 /*C*/, CanvasKit.Matrix.scaled(CANVAS_WIDTH/mandrillImg.width(), CANVAS_HEIGHT/mandrillImg.height())); const spiralShader = spiralEffect.makeShader([ 0.8, CANVAS_WIDTH/2, CANVAS_HEIGHT/2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], true); const blendShader = thresholdEffect.makeShaderWithChildren( [0.5, 5], true, [brickShader, mandrillShader, spiralShader], localMatrix); const surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface('test'); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface'); const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); const paint = new CanvasKit.Paint(); canvas.clear(CanvasKit.WHITE); paint.setShader(blendShader); canvas.drawRect(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(0, 0, CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT), paint); brickImg.delete(); mandrillImg.delete(); thresholdEffect.delete(); spiralEffect.delete(); brickShader.delete(); mandrillShader.delete(); spiralShader.delete(); blendShader.delete(); paint.delete(); reportSurface(surface, name, done); })(); }); } it('take other shaders as fragment processors', (done) => { testChildrenShader('rtshader_children', done); }); it('apply a local matrix to the children-based shader', (done) => { testChildrenShader('rtshader_children_rotated', done, CanvasKit.Matrix.rotated(Math.PI/12)); }); });