#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2017 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import subprocess import multiprocessing from argparse import ArgumentParser README = """ Simply run \033[36m python {0} TEST_GIT_BRANCH \033[0m to see if TEST_GIT_BRANCH has performance regressions against master in 8888. To compare a specific config with svg and skp resources included, add --config and --extraarg option. For exampe, \033[36m python {0} TEST_GIT_BRANCH --config gl \\ --extraarg "--svgs ~/Desktop/bots/svgs --skps ~/Desktop/bots/skps" \033[0m For more options, please see python {0} --help """.format(__file__) CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) AB_SCRIPT = "ab.py" def parse_args(): if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == '-h' or sys.argv[1] == '--help': print(README) parser = ArgumentParser( description='Noiselessly (hence calm) becnhmark a git branch against ' + 'another baseline branch (e.g., master) using multiple ' + ' nanobench runs.' ) default_threads = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2); default_skiadir = os.path.normpath(CURRENT_DIR + "/../../") config_help = ( 'nanobench config; we currently support only one config ' 'at a time (default: %(default)s)') reps_help = ( 'initial repititions of the nanobench run; this may be ' 'overridden when we have many threads (default: %(default)s)') extraarg_help = ( 'nanobench args (example: --svgs ~/Desktop/bots/svgs --skps ' '~/Desktop/bots/skps)') baseline_help = ( 'baseline branch to compare against (default: %(default)s)') basearg_help = ( 'nanobench arg for the baseline branch; if not given, we use ' ' the same arg for both the test branch and the baseline branch') threads_help = ( 'number of threads to be used (default: %(default)s); ' 'for GPU config, this will always be 1') no_compile_help = ( 'whether NOT to compile nanobench and copy it to WRITEDIR ' '(i.e., reuse previous nanobench compiled)') skip_base_help = ( 'whether NOT to run nanobench on baseline branch ' '(i.e., reuse previous baseline measurements)') noinit_help = ( 'whether to skip initial nanobench runs (default: %(default)s)') branch_help = ( "the test branch to benchmark; if it's 'modified', we'll benchmark the " "current modified code against 'git stash'.") definitions = [ # argname, type, default value, help ['--config', str, '8888', config_help], ['--skiadir', str, default_skiadir, 'default: %(default)s'], ['--ninjadir', str, 'out/Release', 'default: %(default)s'], ['--writedir', str, '/var/tmp', 'default: %(default)s'], ['--extraarg', str, '', extraarg_help], ['--baseline', str, 'master', baseline_help], ['--basearg', str, '', basearg_help], ['--reps', int, 2, reps_help], ['--threads', int, default_threads, threads_help], ] for d in definitions: parser.add_argument(d[0], type=d[1], default=d[2], help=d[3]) parser.add_argument('branch', type=str, help=branch_help) parser.add_argument('--no-compile', dest='no_compile', action="store_true", help=no_compile_help) parser.add_argument('--skip-base', dest='skipbase', action="store_true", help=skip_base_help) parser.add_argument('--noinit', dest='noinit', action="store_true", help=noinit_help) parser.add_argument('--concise', dest='concise', action="store_true", help="If set, no verbose thread info will be printed.") parser.set_defaults(no_compile=False); parser.set_defaults(skipbase=False); parser.set_defaults(noinit=False); parser.set_defaults(concise=False); # Additional args for bots BHELP = "bot specific options" parser.add_argument('--githash', type=str, help=BHELP) parser.add_argument('--keys', type=str, default=[], nargs='+', help=BHELP) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.basearg: args.basearg = args.extraarg return args def nano_path(args, branch): return args.writedir + '/nanobench_' + branch def compile_branch(args, branch): print("Compiling branch %s" % args.branch) commands = [ ['git', 'checkout', branch], ['ninja', '-C', args.ninjadir, 'nanobench'], ['cp', args.ninjadir + '/nanobench', nano_path(args, branch)] ] for command in commands: subprocess.check_call(command, cwd=args.skiadir) def compile_modified(args): print("Compiling modified code") subprocess.check_call( ['ninja', '-C', args.ninjadir, 'nanobench'], cwd=args.skiadir) subprocess.check_call( ['cp', args.ninjadir + '/nanobench', nano_path(args, args.branch)], cwd=args.skiadir) print("Compiling stashed code") stash_output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'stash'], cwd=args.skiadir) if 'No local changes to save' in stash_output: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'reset', 'HEAD^', '--soft']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'stash']) subprocess.check_call(['gclient', 'sync'], cwd=args.skiadir) subprocess.check_call( ['ninja', '-C', args.ninjadir, 'nanobench'], cwd=args.skiadir) subprocess.check_call( ['cp', args.ninjadir + '/nanobench', nano_path(args, args.baseline)], cwd=args.skiadir) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'stash', 'pop'], cwd=args.skiadir) def compile_nanobench(args): if args.branch == 'modified': compile_modified(args) else: compile_branch(args, args.branch) compile_branch(args, args.baseline) def main(): args = parse_args() # copy in case that it will be gone after git branch switching orig_ab_name = CURRENT_DIR + "/" + AB_SCRIPT temp_ab_name = args.writedir + "/" + AB_SCRIPT subprocess.check_call(['cp', orig_ab_name, temp_ab_name]) if not args.no_compile: compile_nanobench(args) command = [ 'python', temp_ab_name, args.writedir, args.branch + ("_A" if args.branch == args.baseline else ""), args.baseline + ("_B" if args.branch == args.baseline else ""), nano_path(args, args.branch), nano_path(args, args.baseline), args.extraarg, args.basearg, str(args.reps), "true" if args.skipbase else "false", args.config, str(args.threads if args.config in ["8888", "565"] else 1), "true" if args.noinit else "false" ] if args.githash: command += ['--githash', args.githash] if args.keys: command += (['--keys'] + args.keys) if args.concise: command.append("--concise") p = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=args.skiadir) try: p.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: try: p.terminate() except OSError as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main()