/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "sk_tool_utils.h" #include "Resources.h" #include "SkCommonFlags.h" #include "SkFontMgr.h" #include "SkFontStyle.h" #include "SkMutex.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkTestFontMgr.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" #include "SkUTF.h" namespace sk_tool_utils { sk_sp emoji_typeface() { const char* filename; #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN) filename = "fonts/colr.ttf"; #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS) filename = "fonts/sbix.ttf"; #else filename = "fonts/cbdt.ttf"; #endif sk_sp typeface = MakeResourceAsTypeface(filename); if (typeface) { return typeface; } return SkTypeface::MakeFromName("Emoji", SkFontStyle()); } const char* emoji_sample_text() { return "\xF0\x9F\x98\x80" " " "\xE2\x99\xA2"; // 😀 ♢ } static const char* platform_os_name() { for (int index = 0; index < FLAGS_key.count(); index += 2) { if (!strcmp("os", FLAGS_key[index])) { return FLAGS_key[index + 1]; } } return ""; } static bool extra_config_contains(const char* substring) { for (int index = 0; index < FLAGS_key.count(); index += 2) { if (0 == strcmp("extra_config", FLAGS_key[index]) && strstr(FLAGS_key[index + 1], substring)) { return true; } } return false; } const char* platform_font_manager() { if (extra_config_contains("GDI")) { return "GDI"; } if (extra_config_contains("NativeFonts")){ return platform_os_name(); } return ""; } static sk_sp create_font(const char* name, SkFontStyle style) { static sk_sp portableFontMgr = MakePortableFontMgr(); return portableFontMgr->legacyMakeTypeface(name, style); } sk_sp create_portable_typeface(const char* name, SkFontStyle style) { return create_font(name, style); } }