/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2021, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hwc_display_builtin.h" #include "hwc_debugger.h" #include "hwc_session.h" #define __CLASS__ "HWCDisplayBuiltIn" namespace sdm { static void SetRect(LayerRect &src_rect, GLRect *target) { target->left = src_rect.left; target->top = src_rect.top; target->right = src_rect.right; target->bottom = src_rect.bottom; } static std::string LoadPanelGammaCalibration() { constexpr char file[] = "/mnt/vendor/persist/display/gamma_calib_data.cal"; std::ifstream ifs(file); if (!ifs.is_open()) { DLOGW("Unable to open gamma calibration '%s', error = %s", file, strerror(errno)); return {}; } std::string raw_data, gamma; while (std::getline(ifs, raw_data, '\r')) { gamma.append(raw_data.c_str()); gamma.append(" "); std::getline(ifs, raw_data); } ifs.close(); /* eliminate space character in the last byte */ if (!gamma.empty()) { gamma.pop_back(); } return gamma; } static DisplayError WritePanelGammaTableToDriver(const std::string &gamma_data) { constexpr char gamma_path[] = "/sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:qcom,dsi-display-primary/gamma"; int fd = open(gamma_path, O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) { DLOGW("Unable to open gamma node '%s', error = %s", gamma_path, strerror(errno)); return kErrorFileDescriptor; } constexpr int max_retries = 5; ssize_t len; int retry_count = 0; DisplayError error = kErrorNone; while ((len = pwrite(fd, gamma_data.c_str(), gamma_data.size(), 0)) != gamma_data.size()) { if ((len == -1 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) || (++retry_count > max_retries)) { DLOGE("Failed to write gamma calibration(retry %d), error = %s", retry_count, strerror(errno)); break; } } close(fd); if (len != gamma_data.size()) { error = kErrorResources; } return error; } static DisplayError UpdatePanelGammaTable(enum HWCDisplay::PanelGammaSource source) { std::string gamma_data = {}; DisplayError error; if (source == HWCDisplay::kGammaDefault) { gamma_data = "default"; } else if (source == HWCDisplay::kGammaCalibration) { gamma_data = LoadPanelGammaCalibration(); } if (!gamma_data.empty()) { error = WritePanelGammaTableToDriver(gamma_data); } else { error = kErrorParameters; } return error; } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Create(CoreInterface *core_intf, BufferAllocator *buffer_allocator, HWCCallbacks *callbacks, HWCDisplayEventHandler *event_handler, qService::QService *qservice, hwc2_display_t id, int32_t sdm_id, HWCDisplay **hwc_display) { int status = 0; uint32_t builtin_width = 0; uint32_t builtin_height = 0; HWCDisplay *hwc_display_builtin = new HWCDisplayBuiltIn(core_intf, buffer_allocator, callbacks, event_handler, qservice, id, sdm_id); status = hwc_display_builtin->Init(); if (status) { delete hwc_display_builtin; return status; } hwc_display_builtin->GetMixerResolution(&builtin_width, &builtin_height); int width = 0, height = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(FB_WIDTH_PROP, &width); HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(FB_HEIGHT_PROP, &height); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { builtin_width = UINT32(width); builtin_height = UINT32(height); } status = hwc_display_builtin->SetFrameBufferResolution(builtin_width, builtin_height); if (status) { Destroy(hwc_display_builtin); return status; } *hwc_display = hwc_display_builtin; return status; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Destroy(HWCDisplay *hwc_display) { hwc_display->Deinit(); delete hwc_display; } HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HWCDisplayBuiltIn(CoreInterface *core_intf, BufferAllocator *buffer_allocator, HWCCallbacks *callbacks, HWCDisplayEventHandler *event_handler, qService::QService *qservice, hwc2_display_t id, int32_t sdm_id) : HWCDisplay(core_intf, buffer_allocator, callbacks, event_handler, qservice, kBuiltIn, id, sdm_id, DISPLAY_CLASS_BUILTIN), buffer_allocator_(buffer_allocator), cpu_hint_(NULL), layer_stitch_task_(*this) { } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Init() { cpu_hint_ = new CPUHint(); if (cpu_hint_->Init(static_cast(HWCDebugHandler::Get())) != kErrorNone) { delete cpu_hint_; cpu_hint_ = NULL; } use_metadata_refresh_rate_ = true; int disable_metadata_dynfps = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(DISABLE_METADATA_DYNAMIC_FPS_PROP, &disable_metadata_dynfps); if (disable_metadata_dynfps) { use_metadata_refresh_rate_ = false; } int status = HWCDisplay::Init(); if (status) { return status; } color_mode_ = new HWCColorMode(display_intf_); color_mode_->Init(); int value = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(ENABLE_OPTIMIZE_REFRESH, &value); enable_optimize_refresh_ = (value == 1); if (enable_optimize_refresh_) { DLOGI("Drop redundant drawcycles %" PRIu64 , id_); } int vsyncs = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(DEFER_FPS_FRAME_COUNT, &vsyncs); if (vsyncs > 0) { SetVsyncsApplyRateChange(UINT32(vsyncs)); } is_primary_ = display_intf_->IsPrimaryDisplay(); if (is_primary_) { int enable_bw_limits = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(ENABLE_BW_LIMITS, &enable_bw_limits); enable_bw_limits_ = (enable_bw_limits == 1); if (enable_bw_limits_) { DLOGI("Enable BW Limits %" PRIu64, id_); } windowed_display_ = Debug::GetWindowRect(&window_rect_.left, &window_rect_.top, &window_rect_.right, &window_rect_.bottom) != kErrorUndefined; DLOGI("Window rect : [%f %f %f %f]", window_rect_.left, window_rect_.top, window_rect_.right, window_rect_.bottom); value = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(ENABLE_POMS_DURING_DOZE, &value); enable_poms_during_doze_ = (value == 1); if (enable_poms_during_doze_) { DLOGI("Enable POMS during Doze mode %" PRIu64 , id_); } } value = 0; DebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(DISABLE_DYNAMIC_FPS, &value); disable_dyn_fps_ = (value == 1); DLOGI("disable_dyn_fps_: %d", disable_dyn_fps_); uint32_t config_index = 0; GetActiveDisplayConfig(&config_index); DisplayConfigVariableInfo attr = {}; GetDisplayAttributesForConfig(INT(config_index), &attr); active_refresh_rate_ = attr.fps; DLOGI("active_refresh_rate: %d", active_refresh_rate_); value = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(ENHANCE_IDLE_TIME, &value); enhance_idle_time_ = (value == 1); DLOGI("enhance_idle_time: %d", enhance_idle_time_); HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(PERF_HINT_WINDOW_PROP, &perf_hint_window_); HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(ENABLE_PERF_HINT_LARGE_COMP_CYCLE, &perf_hint_large_comp_cycle_); return status; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Dump(std::ostringstream *os) { HWCDisplay::Dump(os); *os << histogram.Dump(); } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::ValidateUiScaling() { if (is_primary_ || !is_cmd_mode_) { force_reset_validate_ = false; return; } for (auto &hwc_layer : layer_set_) { Layer *layer = hwc_layer->GetSDMLayer(); if (hwc_layer->IsScalingPresent() && !layer->input_buffer.flags.video) { force_reset_validate_ = true; return; } } force_reset_validate_ = false; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Validate(uint32_t *out_num_types, uint32_t *out_num_requests) { auto status = HWC2::Error::None; DisplayError error = kErrorNone; DTRACE_SCOPED(); if (display_paused_) { MarkLayersForGPUBypass(); return status; } if (color_tranform_failed_) { // Must fall back to client composition MarkLayersForClientComposition(); } // Fill in the remaining blanks in the layers and add them to the SDM layerstack BuildLayerStack(); // Check for scaling layers during Doze mode ValidateUiScaling(); // Add stitch layer to layer stack. AppendStitchLayer(); // Checks and replaces layer stack for solid fill SolidFillPrepare(); // Apply current Color Mode and Render Intent. if (color_mode_->ApplyCurrentColorModeWithRenderIntent( static_cast(layer_stack_.flags.hdr_present)) != HWC2::Error::None) { // Fallback to GPU Composition, if Color Mode can't be applied. MarkLayersForClientComposition(); } bool pending_output_dump = dump_frame_count_ && dump_output_to_file_; if (readback_buffer_queued_ || pending_output_dump) { // RHS values were set in FrameCaptureAsync() called from a binder thread. They are picked up // here in a subsequent draw round. Readback is not allowed for any secure use case. readback_configured_ = !layer_stack_.flags.secure_present; if (readback_configured_) { DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame(); layer_stack_.output_buffer = &output_buffer_; layer_stack_.flags.post_processed_output = post_processed_output_; } } uint32_t num_updating_layers = GetUpdatingLayersCount(); bool one_updating_layer = (num_updating_layers == 1); if (num_updating_layers != 0) { ToggleCPUHint(one_updating_layer); } uint32_t refresh_rate = GetOptimalRefreshRate(one_updating_layer); bool idle_screen = GetUpdatingAppLayersCount() == 0; error = display_intf_->SetRefreshRate(refresh_rate, force_refresh_rate_, idle_screen); // Get the refresh rate set. display_intf_->GetRefreshRate(&refresh_rate); bool vsync_source = (callbacks_->GetVsyncSource() == id_); if (error == kErrorNone) { if (vsync_source && ((current_refresh_rate_ < refresh_rate) || (enhance_idle_time_ && (current_refresh_rate_ != refresh_rate)))) { DTRACE_BEGIN("HWC2::Vsync::Enable"); // Display is ramping up from idle. // Client realizes need for resync upon change in config. // Since we know config has changed, triggering vsync proactively // can help in reducing pipeline delays to enable events. SetVsyncEnabled(HWC2::Vsync::Enable); DTRACE_END(); } // On success, set current refresh rate to new refresh rate. current_refresh_rate_ = refresh_rate; } if (layer_set_.empty()) { // Avoid flush for Command mode panel. flush_ = !client_connected_; validated_ = true; return status; } status = PrepareLayerStack(out_num_types, out_num_requests); SetCpuPerfHintLargeCompCycle(); pending_commit_ = true; return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::CommitLayerStack() { skip_commit_ = CanSkipCommit(); return HWCDisplay::CommitLayerStack(); } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::CanSkipCommit() { if (layer_stack_invalid_) { return false; } // Reject repeated drawcycle requests if it satisfies all conditions. // 1. None of the layerstack attributes changed. // 2. No new buffer latched. // 3. No refresh request triggered by HWC. // 4. This display is not source of vsync. bool buffers_latched = false; for (auto &hwc_layer : layer_set_) { buffers_latched |= hwc_layer->BufferLatched(); hwc_layer->ResetBufferFlip(); } bool vsync_source = (callbacks_->GetVsyncSource() == id_); bool skip_commit = enable_optimize_refresh_ && !pending_commit_ && !buffers_latched && !pending_refresh_ && !vsync_source; pending_refresh_ = false; return skip_commit; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::CommitStitchLayers() { if (disable_layer_stitch_) { return HWC2::Error::None; } if (!validated_ || skip_commit_) { return HWC2::Error::None; } LayerStitchContext ctx = {}; Layer *stitch_layer = stitch_target_->GetSDMLayer(); LayerBuffer &output_buffer = stitch_layer->input_buffer; for (auto &layer : layer_stack_.layers) { LayerComposition &composition = layer->composition; if (composition != kCompositionStitch) { continue; } StitchParams params = {}; // Stitch target doesn't have an input fence. // Render all layers at specified destination. LayerBuffer &input_buffer = layer->input_buffer; params.src_hnd = reinterpret_cast(input_buffer.buffer_id); params.dst_hnd = reinterpret_cast(output_buffer.buffer_id); SetRect(layer->stitch_info.dst_rect, ¶ms.dst_rect); SetRect(layer->stitch_info.slice_rect, ¶ms.scissor_rect); params.src_acquire_fence = input_buffer.acquire_fence; ctx.stitch_params.push_back(params); } if (!ctx.stitch_params.size()) { // No layers marked for stitch. return HWC2::Error::None; } layer_stitch_task_.PerformTask(LayerStitchTaskCode::kCodeStitch, &ctx); // Set release fence. output_buffer.acquire_fence = ctx.release_fence; return HWC2::Error::None; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::CacheAvrStatus() { QSyncMode qsync_mode = kQSyncModeNone; DisplayError error = display_intf_->GetQSyncMode(&qsync_mode); if (error != kErrorNone) { return; } bool qsync_enabled = (qsync_mode != kQSyncModeNone); if (qsync_enabled_ != qsync_enabled) { qsync_reconfigured_ = true; qsync_enabled_ = qsync_enabled; } else { qsync_reconfigured_ = false; } } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::IsQsyncCallbackNeeded(bool *qsync_enabled, int32_t *refresh_rate, int32_t *qsync_refresh_rate) { if (!qsync_reconfigured_) { return false; } bool vsync_source = (callbacks_->GetVsyncSource() == id_); // Qsync callback not needed if this display is not the source of vsync if (!vsync_source) { return false; } *qsync_enabled = qsync_enabled_; uint32_t current_rate = 0; display_intf_->GetRefreshRate(¤t_rate); *refresh_rate = INT32(current_rate); *qsync_refresh_rate = min_refresh_rate_; return true; } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetBwCode(const DisplayConfigVariableInfo &attr) { uint32_t min_refresh_rate = 0, max_refresh_rate = 0; display_intf_->GetRefreshRateRange(&min_refresh_rate, &max_refresh_rate); uint32_t fps = attr.smart_panel ? attr.fps : max_refresh_rate; if (fps <= 60) { return kBwLow; } else if (fps <= 90) { return kBwMedium; } else { return kBwHigh; } } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetBwLimitHint(bool enable) { if (!enable_bw_limits_) { return; } if (!enable) { thermal_bandwidth_client_cancel_request(const_cast(kDisplayBwName)); curr_refresh_rate_ = 0; return; } uint32_t config_index = 0; DisplayConfigVariableInfo attr = {}; GetActiveDisplayConfig(&config_index); GetDisplayAttributesForConfig(INT(config_index), &attr); if (attr.fps != curr_refresh_rate_ || attr.smart_panel != is_smart_panel_) { int bw_code = GetBwCode(attr); int req_data = thermal_bandwidth_client_merge_input_info(bw_code, 0); int error = thermal_bandwidth_client_request(const_cast(kDisplayBwName), req_data); if (error) { DLOGE("Thermal bandwidth request failed %d", error); } curr_refresh_rate_ = attr.fps; is_smart_panel_ = attr.smart_panel; } } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetPartialUpdate(DisplayConfigFixedInfo fixed_info) { partial_update_enabled_ = fixed_info.partial_update || (!fixed_info.is_cmdmode); for (auto hwc_layer : layer_set_) { hwc_layer->SetPartialUpdate(partial_update_enabled_); } client_target_->SetPartialUpdate(partial_update_enabled_); } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetPowerMode(HWC2::PowerMode mode, bool teardown) { DisplayConfigFixedInfo fixed_info = {}; display_intf_->GetConfig(&fixed_info); bool command_mode = fixed_info.is_cmdmode; auto status = HWCDisplay::SetPowerMode(mode, teardown); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { return status; } display_intf_->GetConfig(&fixed_info); is_cmd_mode_ = fixed_info.is_cmdmode; if (is_cmd_mode_ != command_mode) { SetPartialUpdate(fixed_info); } if (mode == HWC2::PowerMode::Off) { SetBwLimitHint(false); } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Present(shared_ptr *out_retire_fence) { auto status = HWC2::Error::None; DTRACE_SCOPED(); if (display_paused_) { DisplayError error = display_intf_->Flush(&layer_stack_); validated_ = false; if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("Flush failed. Error = %d", error); } } else { CacheAvrStatus(); DisplayConfigFixedInfo fixed_info = {}; display_intf_->GetConfig(&fixed_info); bool command_mode = fixed_info.is_cmdmode; status = CommitStitchLayers(); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("Stitch failed: %d", status); return status; } status = CommitLayerStack(); if (status == HWC2::Error::None) { HandleFrameOutput(); PostCommitStitchLayers(); status = HWCDisplay::PostCommitLayerStack(out_retire_fence); SetBwLimitHint(true); display_intf_->GetConfig(&fixed_info); is_cmd_mode_ = fixed_info.is_cmdmode; if (is_cmd_mode_ != command_mode) { SetPartialUpdate(fixed_info); } // For video mode panel with dynamic fps, update the active mode index. // This is needed to report the correct Vsync period when client queries // using GetDisplayVsyncPeriod API. if (!is_cmd_mode_ && !disable_dyn_fps_) { hwc2_config_t active_config = hwc_config_map_.at(0); GetActiveConfig(&active_config); SetActiveConfigIndex(active_config); } } } if (CC_UNLIKELY(!has_config_hbm_threshold_)) { uint32_t panel_x, panel_y; GetPanelResolution(&panel_x, &panel_y); hbm_threshold_px_ = float(panel_x * panel_y) * hbm_threshold_pct_; DLOGI("Configure hbm_threshold_px_ to %f", hbm_threshold_px_); has_config_hbm_threshold_ = true; } const bool enable_hbm(hdr_largest_layer_px_ > hbm_threshold_px_); if (high_brightness_mode_ != enable_hbm) { HbmState state = enable_hbm ? HbmState::HDR : HbmState::OFF; auto status = SetHbm(state, HWC); if (status == HWC2::Error::None) { high_brightness_mode_ = enable_hbm; } else { DLOGE("failed to setHbm to %d", enable_hbm); } } pending_commit_ = false; // In case of scaling UI layer for command mode, reset validate if (force_reset_validate_) { validated_ = false; display_intf_->ClearLUTs(); } return status; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::PostCommitStitchLayers() { if (disable_layer_stitch_) { return; } // Close Stitch buffer acquire fence. Layer *stitch_layer = stitch_target_->GetSDMLayer(); LayerBuffer &output_buffer = stitch_layer->input_buffer; for (auto &layer : layer_stack_.layers) { LayerComposition &composition = layer->composition; if (composition != kCompositionStitch) { continue; } LayerBuffer &input_buffer = layer->input_buffer; input_buffer.release_fence = output_buffer.acquire_fence; } } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetColorModes(uint32_t *out_num_modes, ColorMode *out_modes) { if (out_modes == nullptr) { *out_num_modes = color_mode_->GetColorModeCount(); } else { color_mode_->GetColorModes(out_num_modes, out_modes); } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetRenderIntents(ColorMode mode, uint32_t *out_num_intents, RenderIntent *out_intents) { if (out_intents == nullptr) { *out_num_intents = color_mode_->GetRenderIntentCount(mode); } else { color_mode_->GetRenderIntents(mode, out_num_intents, out_intents); } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetColorMode(ColorMode mode) { return SetColorModeWithRenderIntent(mode, RenderIntent::COLORIMETRIC); } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetColorModeWithRenderIntent(ColorMode mode, RenderIntent intent) { auto status = color_mode_->CacheColorModeWithRenderIntent(mode, intent); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("failed for mode = %d intent = %d", mode, intent); return status; } callbacks_->Refresh(id_); validated_ = false; return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetColorModeById(int32_t color_mode_id) { auto status = color_mode_->SetColorModeById(color_mode_id); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("failed for mode = %d", color_mode_id); return status; } callbacks_->Refresh(id_); validated_ = false; return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetColorModeFromClientApi(int32_t color_mode_id) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; std::string mode_string; error = display_intf_->GetColorModeName(color_mode_id, &mode_string); if (error) { DLOGE("Failed to get mode name for mode %d", color_mode_id); return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } auto status = color_mode_->SetColorModeFromClientApi(mode_string); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("Failed to set mode = %d", color_mode_id); return status; } return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::RestoreColorTransform() { auto status = color_mode_->RestoreColorTransform(); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("failed to RestoreColorTransform"); return status; } callbacks_->Refresh(id_); return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetColorTransform(const float *matrix, android_color_transform_t hint) { if (!matrix) { return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } auto status = color_mode_->SetColorTransform(matrix, hint); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("failed for hint = %d", hint); color_tranform_failed_ = true; return status; } callbacks_->Refresh(id_); color_tranform_failed_ = false; validated_ = false; return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetReadbackBuffer(const native_handle_t *buffer, shared_ptr acquire_fence, bool post_processed_output, CWBClient client) { if (cwb_client_ != client && cwb_client_ != kCWBClientNone) { DLOGE("CWB is in use with client = %d", cwb_client_); return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } const private_handle_t *handle = reinterpret_cast(buffer); if (!handle || (handle->fd < 0)) { return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } // Configure the output buffer as Readback buffer output_buffer_.width = UINT32(handle->width); output_buffer_.height = UINT32(handle->height); output_buffer_.unaligned_width = UINT32(handle->unaligned_width); output_buffer_.unaligned_height = UINT32(handle->unaligned_height); output_buffer_.format = HWCLayer::GetSDMFormat(handle->format, handle->flags); output_buffer_.planes[0].fd = handle->fd; output_buffer_.planes[0].stride = UINT32(handle->width); output_buffer_.acquire_fence = acquire_fence; output_buffer_.handle_id = handle->id; post_processed_output_ = post_processed_output; readback_buffer_queued_ = true; readback_configured_ = false; validated_ = false; cwb_client_ = client; return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetReadbackBufferFence(shared_ptr *release_fence) { auto status = HWC2::Error::None; if (readback_configured_ && output_buffer_.release_fence) { *release_fence = output_buffer_.release_fence; } else { status = HWC2::Error::Unsupported; } post_processed_output_ = false; readback_buffer_queued_ = false; readback_configured_ = false; output_buffer_ = {}; cwb_client_ = kCWBClientNone; return status; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::TeardownConcurrentWriteback(void) { DisplayError error = kErrorNotSupported; if (Fence::Wait(output_buffer_.release_fence) != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("sync_wait error errno = %d, desc = %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return kErrorResources; } if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->TeardownConcurrentWriteback(); } return error; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetDisplayDppsAdROI(uint32_t h_start, uint32_t h_end, uint32_t v_start, uint32_t v_end, uint32_t factor_in, uint32_t factor_out) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; DisplayDppsAd4RoiCfg dpps_ad4_roi_cfg = {}; uint32_t panel_width = 0, panel_height = 0; constexpr uint16_t kMaxFactorVal = 0xffff; if (h_start >= h_end || v_start >= v_end || factor_in > kMaxFactorVal || factor_out > kMaxFactorVal) { DLOGE("Invalid roi region = [%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u]", h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end, factor_in, factor_out); return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } GetPanelResolution(&panel_width, &panel_height); if (h_start >= panel_width || h_end > panel_width || v_start >= panel_height || v_end > panel_height) { DLOGE("Invalid roi region = [%u, %u, %u, %u], panel resolution = [%u, %u]", h_start, h_end, v_start, v_end, panel_width, panel_height); return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } dpps_ad4_roi_cfg.h_start = h_start; dpps_ad4_roi_cfg.h_end = h_end; dpps_ad4_roi_cfg.v_start = v_start; dpps_ad4_roi_cfg.v_end = v_end; dpps_ad4_roi_cfg.factor_in = factor_in; dpps_ad4_roi_cfg.factor_out = factor_out; error = display_intf_->SetDisplayDppsAdROI(&dpps_ad4_roi_cfg); if (error) return HWC2::Error::BadConfig; callbacks_->Refresh(id_); return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetFrameTriggerMode(uint32_t mode) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; FrameTriggerMode trigger_mode = kFrameTriggerDefault; if (mode >= kFrameTriggerMax) { DLOGE("Invalid input mode %d", mode); return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } trigger_mode = static_cast(mode); error = display_intf_->SetFrameTriggerMode(trigger_mode); if (error) return HWC2::Error::BadConfig; callbacks_->Refresh(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY); validated_ = false; return HWC2::Error::None; } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Perform(uint32_t operation, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, operation); int val = 0; LayerSolidFill *solid_fill_color; LayerRect *rect = NULL; switch (operation) { case SET_METADATA_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); SetMetaDataRefreshRateFlag(val); break; case SET_BINDER_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); ForceRefreshRate(UINT32(val)); break; case SET_DISPLAY_MODE: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); SetDisplayMode(UINT32(val)); break; case SET_QDCM_SOLID_FILL_INFO: solid_fill_color = va_arg(args, LayerSolidFill*); SetQDCMSolidFillInfo(true, *solid_fill_color); break; case UNSET_QDCM_SOLID_FILL_INFO: solid_fill_color = va_arg(args, LayerSolidFill*); SetQDCMSolidFillInfo(false, *solid_fill_color); break; case SET_QDCM_SOLID_FILL_RECT: rect = va_arg(args, LayerRect*); solid_fill_rect_ = *rect; break; default: DLOGW("Invalid operation %d", operation); va_end(args); return -EINVAL; } va_end(args); validated_ = false; return 0; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetDisplayMode(uint32_t mode) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->SetDisplayMode(mode); if (error == kErrorNone) { DisplayConfigFixedInfo fixed_info = {}; display_intf_->GetConfig(&fixed_info); is_cmd_mode_ = fixed_info.is_cmdmode; partial_update_enabled_ = fixed_info.partial_update; for (auto hwc_layer : layer_set_) { hwc_layer->SetPartialUpdate(partial_update_enabled_); } client_target_->SetPartialUpdate(partial_update_enabled_); } } return error; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetMetaDataRefreshRateFlag(bool enable) { int disable_metadata_dynfps = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(DISABLE_METADATA_DYNAMIC_FPS_PROP, &disable_metadata_dynfps); if (disable_metadata_dynfps) { return; } use_metadata_refresh_rate_ = enable; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetQDCMSolidFillInfo(bool enable, const LayerSolidFill &color) { solid_fill_enable_ = enable; solid_fill_color_ = color; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::ToggleCPUHint(bool set) { if (!cpu_hint_ || !perf_hint_window_) { return; } if (set) { cpu_hint_->Set(); } else { cpu_hint_->Reset(); } } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HandleSecureSession(const std::bitset &secure_sessions, bool *power_on_pending, bool is_active_secure_display) { if (!power_on_pending) { return -EINVAL; } if (!is_active_secure_display) { // Do handling as done on non-primary displays. DLOGI("Default handling for display %" PRIu64 " %d-%d", id_, sdm_id_, type_); return HWCDisplay::HandleSecureSession(secure_sessions, power_on_pending, is_active_secure_display); } if (current_power_mode_ != HWC2::PowerMode::On) { return 0; } if (active_secure_sessions_[kSecureDisplay] != secure_sessions[kSecureDisplay]) { SecureEvent secure_event = secure_sessions.test(kSecureDisplay) ? kSecureDisplayStart : kSecureDisplayEnd; DisplayError err = display_intf_->HandleSecureEvent(secure_event, &layer_stack_); if (err != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("Set secure event failed"); return err; } DLOGI("SecureDisplay state changed from %d to %d for display %" PRIu64 " %d-%d", active_secure_sessions_.test(kSecureDisplay), secure_sessions.test(kSecureDisplay), id_, sdm_id_, type_); } active_secure_sessions_ = secure_sessions; *power_on_pending = false; return 0; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::ForceRefreshRate(uint32_t refresh_rate) { if ((refresh_rate && (refresh_rate < min_refresh_rate_ || refresh_rate > max_refresh_rate_)) || force_refresh_rate_ == refresh_rate) { // Cannot honor force refresh rate, as its beyond the range or new request is same return; } force_refresh_rate_ = refresh_rate; callbacks_->Refresh(id_); return; } uint32_t HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetOptimalRefreshRate(bool one_updating_layer) { if (force_refresh_rate_) { return force_refresh_rate_; } else if (use_metadata_refresh_rate_ && one_updating_layer && metadata_refresh_rate_) { return metadata_refresh_rate_; } DLOGV_IF(kTagClient, "active_refresh_rate_: %d", active_refresh_rate_); return active_refresh_rate_; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetIdleTimeoutMs(uint32_t timeout_ms) { display_intf_->SetIdleTimeoutMs(timeout_ms); validated_ = false; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HandleFrameOutput() { if (readback_buffer_queued_) { validated_ = false; } if (frame_capture_buffer_queued_) { HandleFrameCapture(); } else if (dump_output_to_file_) { HandleFrameDump(); } } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HandleFrameCapture() { if (readback_configured_ && output_buffer_.release_fence) { frame_capture_status_ = Fence::Wait(output_buffer_.release_fence); } frame_capture_buffer_queued_ = false; readback_buffer_queued_ = false; post_processed_output_ = false; readback_configured_ = false; output_buffer_ = {}; cwb_client_ = kCWBClientNone; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HandleFrameDump() { if (dump_frame_count_) { int ret = 0; ret = Fence::Wait(output_buffer_.release_fence); if (ret != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("sync_wait error errno = %d, desc = %s", errno, strerror(errno)); } if (!ret) { DumpOutputBuffer(output_buffer_info_, output_buffer_base_, layer_stack_.retire_fence); validated_ = false; } if (0 == (dump_frame_count_ - 1)) { dump_output_to_file_ = false; // Unmap and Free buffer if (munmap(output_buffer_base_, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.size) != 0) { DLOGE("unmap failed with err %d", errno); } if (buffer_allocator_->FreeBuffer(&output_buffer_info_) != 0) { DLOGE("FreeBuffer failed"); } readback_buffer_queued_ = false; post_processed_output_ = false; readback_configured_ = false; output_buffer_ = {}; output_buffer_info_ = {}; output_buffer_base_ = nullptr; cwb_client_ = kCWBClientNone; } } } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetFrameDumpConfig(uint32_t count, uint32_t bit_mask_layer_type, int32_t format, bool post_processed) { HWCDisplay::SetFrameDumpConfig(count, bit_mask_layer_type, format, post_processed); dump_output_to_file_ = bit_mask_layer_type & (1 << OUTPUT_LAYER_DUMP); DLOGI("output_layer_dump_enable %d", dump_output_to_file_); if (dump_output_to_file_) { if (cwb_client_ != kCWBClientNone) { DLOGW("CWB is in use with client = %d", cwb_client_); return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } } if (!count || !dump_output_to_file_ || (output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.fd >= 0)) { return HWC2::Error::None; } // Allocate and map output buffer if (post_processed) { // To dump post-processed (DSPP) output, use Panel resolution. GetPanelResolution(&output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.width, &output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.height); } else { // To dump Layer Mixer output, use FrameBuffer resolution. GetFrameBufferResolution(&output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.width, &output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.height); } output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.format = HWCLayer::GetSDMFormat(format, 0); output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.buffer_count = 1; if (buffer_allocator_->AllocateBuffer(&output_buffer_info_) != 0) { DLOGE("Buffer allocation failed"); output_buffer_info_ = {}; return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } void *buffer = mmap(NULL, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.fd, 0); if (buffer == MAP_FAILED) { DLOGE("mmap failed with err %d", errno); buffer_allocator_->FreeBuffer(&output_buffer_info_); output_buffer_info_ = {}; return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } output_buffer_base_ = buffer; const native_handle_t *handle = static_cast(output_buffer_info_.private_data); SetReadbackBuffer(handle, nullptr, post_processed, kCWBClientFrameDump); return HWC2::Error::None; } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::FrameCaptureAsync(const BufferInfo &output_buffer_info, bool post_processed_output) { if (cwb_client_ != kCWBClientNone) { DLOGE("CWB is in use with client = %d", cwb_client_); return -1; } // Note: This function is called in context of a binder thread and a lock is already held if (output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.fd < 0) { DLOGE("Invalid fd %d", output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.fd); return -1; } auto panel_width = 0u; auto panel_height = 0u; auto fb_width = 0u; auto fb_height = 0u; GetPanelResolution(&panel_width, &panel_height); GetFrameBufferResolution(&fb_width, &fb_height); if (post_processed_output && (output_buffer_info.buffer_config.width < panel_width || output_buffer_info.buffer_config.height < panel_height)) { DLOGE("Buffer dimensions should not be less than panel resolution"); return -1; } else if (!post_processed_output && (output_buffer_info.buffer_config.width < fb_width || output_buffer_info.buffer_config.height < fb_height)) { DLOGE("Buffer dimensions should not be less than FB resolution"); return -1; } const native_handle_t *buffer = static_cast(output_buffer_info.private_data); SetReadbackBuffer(buffer, nullptr, post_processed_output, kCWBClientColor); frame_capture_buffer_queued_ = true; frame_capture_status_ = -EAGAIN; return 0; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetDetailEnhancerConfig (const DisplayDetailEnhancerData &de_data) { DisplayError error = kErrorNotSupported; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->SetDetailEnhancerData(de_data); validated_ = false; } return error; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::ControlPartialUpdate(bool enable, uint32_t *pending) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->ControlPartialUpdate(enable, pending); validated_ = false; } return error; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame() { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame(); validated_ = false; } return error; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabledVndService(bool enabled) { std::unique_lock lk(sampling_mutex); vndservice_sampling_vote = enabled; if (api_sampling_vote || vndservice_sampling_vote) { histogram.start(); display_intf_->colorSamplingOn(); } else { display_intf_->colorSamplingOff(); histogram.stop(); } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled(int32_t enabled, uint8_t component_mask, uint64_t max_frames) { if ((enabled != HWC2_DISPLAYED_CONTENT_SAMPLING_ENABLE) && (enabled != HWC2_DISPLAYED_CONTENT_SAMPLING_DISABLE)) return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; std::unique_lock lk(sampling_mutex); if (enabled == HWC2_DISPLAYED_CONTENT_SAMPLING_ENABLE) { api_sampling_vote = true; } else { api_sampling_vote = false; } auto start = api_sampling_vote || vndservice_sampling_vote; if (start && max_frames == 0) { histogram.start(); display_intf_->colorSamplingOn(); } else if (start) { histogram.start(max_frames); display_intf_->colorSamplingOn(); } else { display_intf_->colorSamplingOff(); histogram.stop(); } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes( int32_t *format, int32_t *dataspace, uint8_t *supported_components) { return histogram.getAttributes(format, dataspace, supported_components); } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetDisplayedContentSample( uint64_t max_frames, uint64_t timestamp, uint64_t *numFrames, int32_t samples_size[NUM_HISTOGRAM_COLOR_COMPONENTS], uint64_t *samples[NUM_HISTOGRAM_COLOR_COMPONENTS]) { histogram.collect(max_frames, timestamp, samples_size, samples, numFrames); return HWC2::Error::None; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetMixerResolution(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { DisplayError error = display_intf_->SetMixerResolution(width, height); callbacks_->Refresh(id_); validated_ = false; return error; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetMixerResolution(uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height) { return display_intf_->GetMixerResolution(width, height); } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetQSyncMode(QSyncMode qsync_mode) { // Client needs to ensure that config change and qsync mode change // are not triggered in the same drawcycle. if (pending_config_) { DLOGE("Failed to set qsync mode. Pending active config transition"); return HWC2::Error::Unsupported; } auto err = display_intf_->SetQSyncMode(qsync_mode); if (err != kErrorNone) { return HWC2::Error::Unsupported; } validated_ = false; return HWC2::Error::None; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::ControlIdlePowerCollapse(bool enable, bool synchronous) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->ControlIdlePowerCollapse(enable, synchronous); validated_ = false; } return error; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetDynamicDSIClock(uint64_t bitclk) { DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame(); DisplayError error = display_intf_->SetDynamicDSIClock(bitclk); if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGE(" failed: Clk: %" PRIu64 " Error: %d", bitclk, error); return error; } callbacks_->Refresh(id_); validated_ = false; return kErrorNone; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetDynamicDSIClock(uint64_t *bitclk) { if (display_intf_) { return display_intf_->GetDynamicDSIClock(bitclk); } return kErrorNotSupported; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetSupportedDSIClock(std::vector *bitclk_rates) { if (display_intf_) { return display_intf_->GetSupportedDSIClock(bitclk_rates); } return kErrorNotSupported; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetStandByMode(bool enable) { if (enable) { if (!display_null_.IsActive()) { stored_display_intf_ = display_intf_; display_intf_ = &display_null_; display_null_.SetActive(true); DLOGD("Null display is connected successfully"); } else { DLOGD("Null display is already connected."); } } else { if (display_null_.IsActive()) { display_intf_ = stored_display_intf_; validated_ = false; display_null_.SetActive(false); DLOGD("Display is connected successfully"); } else { DLOGD("Display is already connected."); } } return kErrorNone; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::UpdateDisplayId(hwc2_display_t id) { id_ = id; return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetPendingRefresh() { pending_refresh_ = true; return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetPanelBrightness(float brightness) { DisplayError ret = display_intf_->SetPanelBrightness(brightness); if (ret != kErrorNone) { return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetPanelBrightness(float *brightness) { DisplayError ret = display_intf_->GetPanelBrightness(brightness); if (ret != kErrorNone) { return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetPanelMaxBrightness(uint32_t *max_brightness_level) { DisplayError ret = display_intf_->GetPanelMaxBrightness(max_brightness_level); if (ret != kErrorNone) { return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } return HWC2::Error::None; } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetCurrentPanelGammaSource(enum PanelGammaSource source) { DisplayError error = UpdatePanelGammaTable(source); if (error == kErrorNone) { current_panel_gamma_source_ = source; } return error; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetBLScale(uint32_t level) { DisplayError ret = display_intf_->SetBLScale(level); if (ret != kErrorNone) { return HWC2::Error::NoResources; } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::UpdatePowerMode(HWC2::PowerMode mode) { current_power_mode_ = mode; validated_ = false; return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetClientTarget(buffer_handle_t target, shared_ptr acquire_fence, int32_t dataspace, hwc_region_t damage) { HWC2::Error error = HWCDisplay::SetClientTarget(target, acquire_fence, dataspace, damage); if (error != HWC2::Error::None) { return error; } // windowed_display and dynamic scaling are not supported. if (windowed_display_) { return HWC2::Error::None; } Layer *sdm_layer = client_target_->GetSDMLayer(); uint32_t fb_width = 0, fb_height = 0; GetFrameBufferResolution(&fb_width, &fb_height); if (fb_width != sdm_layer->input_buffer.unaligned_width || fb_height != sdm_layer->input_buffer.unaligned_height) { if (SetFrameBufferConfig(sdm_layer->input_buffer.unaligned_width, sdm_layer->input_buffer.unaligned_height)) { return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } } return HWC2::Error::None; } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::IsSmartPanelConfig(uint32_t config_id) { if (config_id < hwc_config_map_.size()) { uint32_t index = hwc_config_map_.at(config_id); return variable_config_map_.at(index).smart_panel; } return false; } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HasSmartPanelConfig(void) { if (!enable_poms_during_doze_) { uint32_t config = 0; GetActiveDisplayConfig(&config); return IsSmartPanelConfig(config); } for (auto &config : variable_config_map_) { if (config.second.smart_panel) { return true; } } return false; } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::Deinit() { // Destory color convert instance. This destroys thread and underlying GL resources. if (gl_layer_stitch_) { layer_stitch_task_.PerformTask(LayerStitchTaskCode::kCodeDestroyInstance, nullptr); } histogram.stop(); return HWCDisplay::Deinit(); } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::OnTask(const LayerStitchTaskCode &task_code, SyncTask::TaskContext *task_context) { switch (task_code) { case LayerStitchTaskCode::kCodeGetInstance: { gl_layer_stitch_ = GLLayerStitch::GetInstance(false /* Non-secure */); } break; case LayerStitchTaskCode::kCodeStitch: { DTRACE_SCOPED(); LayerStitchContext* ctx = reinterpret_cast(task_context); gl_layer_stitch_->Blit(ctx->stitch_params, &(ctx->release_fence)); } break; case LayerStitchTaskCode::kCodeDestroyInstance: { if (gl_layer_stitch_) { GLLayerStitch::Destroy(gl_layer_stitch_); } } break; } } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::InitLayerStitch() { if (!is_primary_) { // Disable on all non-primary builtins. DLOGI("Non-primary builtin."); disable_layer_stitch_ = true; return true; } // Disable by default. int value = 1; Debug::Get()->GetProperty(DISABLE_LAYER_STITCH, &value); disable_layer_stitch_ = (value == 1); if (disable_layer_stitch_) { DLOGI("Layer Stitch Disabled !!!"); return true; } // Initialize stitch context. This will be non-secure. layer_stitch_task_.PerformTask(LayerStitchTaskCode::kCodeGetInstance, nullptr); if (gl_layer_stitch_ == nullptr) { DLOGE("Failed to get LayerStitch Instance"); return false; } if (!AllocateStitchBuffer()) { return true; } stitch_target_ = new HWCLayer(id_, static_cast(buffer_allocator_)); // Populate buffer params and pvt handle. InitStitchTarget(); DLOGI("Created LayerStitch instance: %p", gl_layer_stitch_); return true; } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::AllocateStitchBuffer() { // Buffer dimensions: FB width * (1.5 * height) DisplayError error = display_intf_->GetFrameBufferConfig(&fb_config_); if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("Get frame buffer config failed. Error = %d", error); return false; } BufferConfig &config = buffer_info_.buffer_config; config.width = fb_config_.x_pixels; config.height = fb_config_.y_pixels * kBufferHeightFactor; // By default UBWC is enabled and below property is global enable/disable for all // buffers allocated through gralloc , including framebuffer targets. int ubwc_disabled = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty(DISABLE_UBWC_PROP, &ubwc_disabled); config.format = ubwc_disabled ? kFormatRGBA8888 : kFormatRGBA8888Ubwc; config.gfx_client = true; // Populate default params. config.secure = false; config.cache = false; config.secure_camera = false; error = buffer_allocator_->AllocateBuffer(&buffer_info_); if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("Failed to allocate buffer. Error: %d", error); return false; } return true; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::InitStitchTarget() { LayerBuffer buffer = {}; buffer.planes[0].fd = buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.fd; buffer.planes[0].offset = 0; buffer.planes[0].stride = buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.stride; buffer.size = buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.size; buffer.handle_id = buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.id; buffer.width = buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.aligned_width; buffer.height = buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.aligned_height; buffer.unaligned_width = fb_config_.x_pixels; buffer.unaligned_height = fb_config_.y_pixels * kBufferHeightFactor; buffer.format = buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.format; Layer *sdm_stitch_target = stitch_target_->GetSDMLayer(); sdm_stitch_target->composition = kCompositionStitchTarget; sdm_stitch_target->input_buffer = buffer; sdm_stitch_target->input_buffer.buffer_id = reinterpret_cast(buffer_info_.private_data); } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::AppendStitchLayer() { if (disable_layer_stitch_) { return; } // Append stitch target buffer to layer stack. Layer *sdm_stitch_target = stitch_target_->GetSDMLayer(); sdm_stitch_target->composition = kCompositionStitchTarget; sdm_stitch_target->dst_rect = {0, 0, FLOAT(fb_config_.x_pixels), FLOAT(fb_config_.y_pixels)}; layer_stack_.layers.push_back(sdm_stitch_target); } DisplayError HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HistogramEvent(int fd, uint32_t blob_id) { histogram.notify_histogram_event(fd, blob_id); return kErrorNone; } int HWCDisplayBuiltIn::PostInit() { auto status = InitLayerStitch(); if (!status) { DLOGW("Failed to initialize Layer Stitch context"); // Disable layer stitch. disable_layer_stitch_ = true; } return 0; } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::HasReadBackBufferSupport() { DisplayConfigFixedInfo fixed_info = {}; display_intf_->GetConfig(&fixed_info); return fixed_info.readback_supported; } uint32_t HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetUpdatingAppLayersCount() { uint32_t updating_count = 0; for (auto layer:layer_stack_.layers) { if (layer->composition == kCompositionGPUTarget) { break; } if (layer->flags.updating) { updating_count++; } } return updating_count; } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::IsDisplayIdle() { // Notify only if this display is source of vsync. bool vsync_source = (callbacks_->GetVsyncSource() == id_); return vsync_source && display_idle_; } void HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetCpuPerfHintLargeCompCycle() { if (!cpu_hint_ || !perf_hint_large_comp_cycle_) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "cpu_hint_ not initialized or property not set"); return; } for (auto hwc_layer : layer_set_) { Layer *layer = hwc_layer->GetSDMLayer(); if (layer->composition == kCompositionGPU) { DLOGV_IF(kTagResources, "Set perf hint for large comp cycle"); int hwc_tid = gettid(); cpu_hint_->ReqHintsOffload(kPerfHintLargeCompCycle, hwc_tid); break; } } } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::ApplyHbmLocked() { if (!mHasHbmNode) return HWC2::Error::Unsupported; HbmState state = HbmState::OFF; for (auto req : mHbmSates) { if (req == HbmState::SUNLIGHT) { state = HbmState::SUNLIGHT; break; } else if (req == HbmState::HDR) { state = HbmState::HDR; } } if (state == mCurHbmState) return HWC2::Error::None; std::string action = std::to_string(static_cast(state)); if (!android::base::WriteStringToFile(action, kHighBrightnessModeNode)) { DLOGE("Failed to write hbm node = %s, error = %s ", kHighBrightnessModeNode, strerror(errno)); } else { DLOGI("write %s to HBM sysfs file succeeded", action.c_str()); } mCurHbmState = state; return HWC2::Error::None; } bool HWCDisplayBuiltIn::IsHbmSupported() { if (!mHasHbmNode) return false; bool is_hbm_supported = false; std::string buffer; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(kHighBrightnessModeNode, &buffer)) { DLOGE("Failed to read hbm node = %s, error = %s ", kHighBrightnessModeNode, strerror(errno)); } else if (buffer == "unsupported") { DLOGI("kernel driver does not support hbm"); } else { is_hbm_supported = true; } return is_hbm_supported; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayBuiltIn::SetHbm(HbmState state, HbmClient client) { auto status = HWC2::Error::None; if (client >= CLIENT_MAX) return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; std::unique_lock lk(hbm_mutex); /* save and apply the request state */ if (mHbmSates[client] != state) { mHbmSates[client] = state; status = ApplyHbmLocked(); if (INT32(status) != HWC2_ERROR_NONE) DLOGE("Failed to apply hbm node, error = %d", status); } return status; } HbmState HWCDisplayBuiltIn::GetHbm() { return mCurHbmState; } } // namespace sdm