// Copyright 2019 Google LLC // // This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BENCHMARK_TENSORFLOW_LITE #include "flatbuffers/include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/model.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/version.h" #endif // BENCHMARK_TENSORFLOW_LITE */ #include "bench/utils.h" #ifndef XNN_NO_QU8_OPERATORS void xnnpack_deconvolution_qu8(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { const size_t batch_size = state.range(0); const size_t input_height = state.range(1); const size_t input_width = state.range(2); const size_t kernel_height = state.range(3); const size_t kernel_width = state.range(4); const size_t padding = state.range(5); const size_t adjustment = state.range(6); const size_t stride = state.range(7); const size_t dilation = state.range(8); const size_t groups = state.range(9); const size_t group_input_channels = state.range(10); const size_t group_output_channels = state.range(11); std::random_device random_device; auto rng = std::mt19937(random_device()); auto i32rng = std::bind(std::uniform_int_distribution(-10000, 10000), std::ref(rng)); auto u8rng = std::bind(std::uniform_int_distribution(0, std::numeric_limits::max()), std::ref(rng)); const size_t output_pixel_stride = groups * group_output_channels; const size_t input_pixel_stride = groups * group_input_channels; const size_t effective_kernel_height = (kernel_height - 1) * dilation + 1; const size_t effective_kernel_width = (kernel_width - 1) * dilation + 1; const size_t padding_left = padding / 2; const size_t padding_top = padding / 2; const size_t padding_right = padding - padding_left; const size_t padding_bottom = padding - padding_top; const size_t output_height = std::max(stride * (input_height - 1) + adjustment + effective_kernel_height, padding) - padding; const size_t output_width = std::max(stride * (input_width - 1) + adjustment + effective_kernel_width, padding) - padding; std::vector input(batch_size * input_height * input_width * input_pixel_stride); std::generate(input.begin(), input.end(), std::ref(u8rng)); std::vector kernel(groups * group_output_channels * kernel_height * kernel_width * group_input_channels); std::generate(kernel.begin(), kernel.end(), std::ref(u8rng)); std::vector bias(groups * group_output_channels); std::generate(bias.begin(), bias.end(), std::ref(i32rng)); const size_t output_elements = batch_size * output_height * output_width * output_pixel_stride; xnn_status status = xnn_initialize(nullptr /* allocator */); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to initialize XNNPACK"); return; } const size_t num_buffers = 1 + benchmark::utils::DivideRoundUp(benchmark::utils::GetMaxCacheSize(), sizeof(float) * (kernel.size() + bias.size() + output_elements)); std::vector output(output_elements * num_buffers); std::vector deconvolution_operators(num_buffers); for (xnn_operator_t& deconvolution_op : deconvolution_operators) { status = xnn_create_deconvolution2d_nhwc_qu8( padding_top, padding_right, padding_bottom, padding_left, kernel_height, kernel_width, stride, stride, dilation, dilation, groups, group_input_channels, group_output_channels, input_pixel_stride, output_pixel_stride, 127, 0.5f, 127, 0.5f, kernel.data(), bias.data(), 127, 0.5f, 0, 255, 0 /* flags */, &deconvolution_op); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to create QINT8 Deconvolution operator"); return; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < deconvolution_operators.size(); i++) { status = xnn_setup_deconvolution2d_nhwc_qu8( deconvolution_operators[i], batch_size, input_height, input_width, 0 /* height adjustment */, 0 /* width adjustment */, input.data(), output.data() + i * output_elements, nullptr /* thread pool */); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to setup QINT8 Deconvolution operator"); return; } } size_t buffer_index = 0; for (auto _ : state) { state.PauseTiming(); benchmark::utils::PrefetchToL1(input.data(), input.size() * sizeof(uint8_t)); buffer_index = (buffer_index + 1) % num_buffers; state.ResumeTiming(); status = xnn_run_operator(deconvolution_operators[buffer_index], nullptr /* thread pool */); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to run QINT8 Deconvolution operator"); return; } } for (xnn_operator_t& deconvolution_op : deconvolution_operators) { status = xnn_delete_operator(deconvolution_op); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to delete QINT8 Deconvolution operator"); return; } deconvolution_op = nullptr; } const uint64_t cpu_frequency = benchmark::utils::GetCurrentCpuFrequency(); if (cpu_frequency != 0) { state.counters["cpufreq"] = cpu_frequency; } state.counters["OPS"] = benchmark::Counter( uint64_t(state.iterations()) * 2 * batch_size * input_width * input_width * groups * group_input_channels * group_output_channels * kernel_height * kernel_width, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate); } #endif // XNN_NO_QU8_OPERATORS void xnnpack_deconvolution_f32(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { const size_t batch_size = state.range(0); const size_t input_height = state.range(1); const size_t input_width = state.range(2); const size_t kernel_height = state.range(3); const size_t kernel_width = state.range(4); const size_t padding = state.range(5); const size_t adjustment = state.range(6); const size_t stride = state.range(7); const size_t dilation = state.range(8); const size_t groups = state.range(9); const size_t group_input_channels = state.range(10); const size_t group_output_channels = state.range(11); std::random_device random_device; auto rng = std::mt19937(random_device()); auto f32rng = std::bind(std::uniform_real_distribution(0.0f, 1.0f), std::ref(rng)); const size_t output_pixel_stride = groups * group_output_channels; const size_t input_pixel_stride = groups * group_input_channels; const size_t effective_kernel_height = (kernel_height - 1) * dilation + 1; const size_t effective_kernel_width = (kernel_width - 1) * dilation + 1; const size_t padding_left = padding / 2; const size_t padding_top = padding / 2; const size_t padding_right = padding - padding_left; const size_t padding_bottom = padding - padding_top; const size_t output_height = std::max(stride * (input_height - 1) + adjustment + effective_kernel_height, padding) - padding; const size_t output_width = std::max(stride * (input_width - 1) + adjustment + effective_kernel_width, padding) - padding; std::vector input(batch_size * input_height * input_width * input_pixel_stride + XNN_EXTRA_BYTES / sizeof(float)); std::generate(input.begin(), input.end(), std::ref(f32rng)); std::vector kernel(groups * group_output_channels * kernel_height * kernel_width * group_input_channels); std::generate(kernel.begin(), kernel.end(), std::ref(f32rng)); std::vector bias(groups * group_output_channels); std::generate(bias.begin(), bias.end(), std::ref(f32rng)); const size_t output_elements = batch_size * output_height * output_width * output_pixel_stride; xnn_status status = xnn_initialize(nullptr /* allocator */); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to initialize XNNPACK"); return; } const size_t num_buffers = 1 + benchmark::utils::DivideRoundUp(benchmark::utils::GetMaxCacheSize(), sizeof(float) * (kernel.size() + bias.size() + output_elements)); std::vector output(output_elements * num_buffers); std::vector deconvolution_operators(num_buffers); for (xnn_operator_t& deconvolution_op : deconvolution_operators) { status = xnn_create_deconvolution2d_nhwc_f32( padding_top, padding_right, padding_bottom, padding_left, kernel_height, kernel_width, stride, stride, dilation, dilation, groups, group_input_channels, group_output_channels, input_pixel_stride, output_pixel_stride, kernel.data(), bias.data(), -std::numeric_limits::infinity(), +std::numeric_limits::infinity(), 0 /* flags */, &deconvolution_op); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to create FP32 Deconvolution operator"); return; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < deconvolution_operators.size(); i++) { status = xnn_setup_deconvolution2d_nhwc_f32( deconvolution_operators[i], batch_size, input_height, input_width, 0 /* height adjustment */, 0 /* width adjustment */, input.data(), output.data() + i * output_elements, nullptr /* thread pool */); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to setup QINT8 Deconvolution operator"); return; } } size_t buffer_index = 0; for (auto _ : state) { state.PauseTiming(); benchmark::utils::PrefetchToL1(input.data(), input.size() * sizeof(float)); buffer_index = (buffer_index + 1) % num_buffers; state.ResumeTiming(); status = xnn_run_operator(deconvolution_operators[buffer_index], nullptr /* thread pool */); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to run FP32 Deconvolution operator"); return; } } for (xnn_operator_t& deconvolution_op : deconvolution_operators) { status = xnn_delete_operator(deconvolution_op); if (status != xnn_status_success) { state.SkipWithError("failed to delete FP32 Deconvolution operator"); return; } deconvolution_op = nullptr; } const uint64_t cpu_frequency = benchmark::utils::GetCurrentCpuFrequency(); if (cpu_frequency != 0) { state.counters["cpufreq"] = cpu_frequency; } state.counters["FLOPS"] = benchmark::Counter( uint64_t(state.iterations()) * 2 * batch_size * input_width * input_width * groups * group_input_channels * group_output_channels * kernel_height * kernel_width, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate); } #ifdef BENCHMARK_TENSORFLOW_LITE void tflite_deconvolution_f32(benchmark::State& state, const char* net) { const size_t batch_size = state.range(0); const size_t input_height = state.range(1); const size_t input_width = state.range(2); const size_t kernel_height = state.range(3); const size_t kernel_width = state.range(4); const size_t padding = state.range(5); const size_t adjustment = state.range(6); const size_t stride = state.range(7); const size_t dilation = state.range(8); const size_t groups = state.range(9); const size_t input_channels = state.range(10); const size_t output_channels = state.range(11); if (groups != 1) { state.SkipWithError("grouped deconvolution is not supported"); return; } if (dilation != 1) { state.SkipWithError("dilated deconvolution is not supported"); return; } std::random_device random_device; auto rng = std::mt19937(random_device()); auto f32rng = std::bind(std::uniform_real_distribution(0.0f, 1.0f), std::ref(rng)); tflite::Padding tf_padding = tflite::Padding_VALID; if (padding == (kernel_width - 1) && padding == (kernel_height - 1)) { tf_padding = tflite::Padding_SAME; } else if (padding == 0) { tf_padding = tflite::Padding_VALID; } else { state.SkipWithError("unsupported padding"); return; } const size_t output_height = std::max(stride * (input_height - 1) + adjustment + kernel_height, padding) - padding; const size_t output_width = std::max(stride * (input_width - 1) + adjustment + kernel_width, padding) - padding; std::vector kernel(output_channels * kernel_height * kernel_width * input_channels); std::generate(kernel.begin(), kernel.end(), std::ref(f32rng)); flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder; flatbuffers::Offset operator_code = CreateOperatorCode(builder, tflite::BuiltinOperator_TRANSPOSE_CONV, 0); flatbuffers::Offset transpose_conv_options = CreateTransposeConvOptions( builder, tf_padding, static_cast(stride), static_cast(stride)); const int32_t input_shape[4] = { static_cast(batch_size), static_cast(input_height), static_cast(input_width), static_cast(input_channels) }; const int32_t output_shape[4] = { static_cast(batch_size), static_cast(output_height), static_cast(output_width), static_cast(output_channels) }; const int32_t filter_shape[4] = { static_cast(output_channels), static_cast(kernel_height), static_cast(kernel_width), static_cast(input_channels) }; const int32_t output_shape_shape[1] = { 4 }; flatbuffers::Offset buffers[3] = { tflite::CreateBuffer(builder, builder.CreateVector({})), tflite::CreateBuffer(builder, builder.CreateVector( reinterpret_cast(kernel.data()), sizeof(float) * kernel.size())), tflite::CreateBuffer(builder, builder.CreateVector( reinterpret_cast(output_shape), sizeof(output_shape))), }; flatbuffers::Offset tensors[4] = { tflite::CreateTensor(builder, builder.CreateVector(output_shape_shape, 1), tflite::TensorType_INT32, 2 /* buffer id */, builder.CreateString("output_shape")), tflite::CreateTensor(builder, builder.CreateVector(filter_shape, 4), tflite::TensorType_FLOAT32, 1 /* buffer id */, builder.CreateString("filter")), tflite::CreateTensor(builder, builder.CreateVector(input_shape, 4), tflite::TensorType_FLOAT32, 0 /* buffer id */, builder.CreateString("input")), tflite::CreateTensor(builder, builder.CreateVector(output_shape, 4), tflite::TensorType_FLOAT32, 0 /* buffer id */, builder.CreateString("output")), }; const int32_t op_inputs[3] = { 0, 1, 2 }; const int32_t op_outputs[1] = { 3 }; flatbuffers::Offset op = CreateOperator( builder, 0 /* opcode_index */, builder.CreateVector(op_inputs, 3), builder.CreateVector(op_outputs, 1), tflite::BuiltinOptions_TransposeConvOptions, transpose_conv_options.Union()); const int32_t graph_inputs[1] = { 2 }; const int32_t graph_outputs[1] = { 3 }; flatbuffers::Offset subgraph = CreateSubGraph( builder, builder.CreateVector(tensors, 4), builder.CreateVector(graph_inputs, 1), builder.CreateVector(graph_outputs, 1), builder.CreateVector(&op, 1), builder.CreateString("TransposeConv subgraph")); flatbuffers::Offset description = builder.CreateString("TransposeConv model"); flatbuffers::Offset model_buffer = tflite::CreateModel(builder, TFLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION, builder.CreateVector(&operator_code, 1), builder.CreateVector(&subgraph, 1), description, builder.CreateVector(buffers, 3)); builder.Finish(model_buffer); const tflite::Model* model = tflite::GetModel(builder.GetBufferPointer()); tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver; tflite::InterpreterBuilder interpreterBuilder(model, resolver); std::unique_ptr interpreter; if (interpreterBuilder(&interpreter) != kTfLiteOk) { state.SkipWithError("failed to create TFLite interpreter"); return; } if (interpreter == nullptr) { state.SkipWithError("TFLite interpreter is null"); return; } interpreter->SetNumThreads(1); if (interpreter->AllocateTensors() != kTfLiteOk) { state.SkipWithError("failed to allocate tensors"); return; } std::generate( interpreter->typed_tensor(2), interpreter->typed_tensor(2) + batch_size * input_channels * input_height * input_width, std::ref(f32rng)); for (auto _ : state) { state.PauseTiming(); benchmark::utils::WipeCache(); benchmark::utils::PrefetchToL1( interpreter->typed_tensor(2), batch_size * input_channels * input_height * input_width * sizeof(float)); state.ResumeTiming(); if (interpreter->Invoke() != kTfLiteOk) { state.SkipWithError("failed to invoke TFLite interpreter"); return; } } const uint64_t cpu_frequency = benchmark::utils::GetCurrentCpuFrequency(); if (cpu_frequency != 0) { state.counters["cpufreq"] = cpu_frequency; } state.counters["FLOPS"] = benchmark::Counter( uint64_t(state.iterations()) * 2 * batch_size * input_width * input_width * input_channels * output_channels * kernel_height * kernel_width, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate); interpreter.reset(); } #endif // BENCHMARK_TENSORFLOW_LITE // FCN-32 model (PASCAL VOC version). // We assume CIF image (352x288) on model input / output. static void FCN32(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) { b->ArgNames({"N", "H", "W", "KH", "KW", "P", "A", "S", "D", "G", "GCin", "GCout"}); /* N H W KH KW P A S D G GCin GCout */ b->Args({1, 9, 11, 64, 64, 0, 0, 32, 1, 1, 21, 21}); } // FCN-16 model (PASCAL VOC version). // We assume CIF image (352x288) on model input / output. static void FCN16(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) { b->ArgNames({"N", "H", "W", "KH", "KW", "P", "A", "S", "D", "G", "GCin", "GCout"}); /* N H W KH KW P A S D G GCin GCout */ b->Args({1, 9, 11, 4, 4, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 21, 21}); b->Args({1, 18, 22, 32, 32, 0, 0, 16, 1, 1, 21, 21}); } // FCN-8 model (PASCAL VOC version). // We assume CIF image (352x288) on model input / output. static void FCN8(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) { b->ArgNames({"N", "H", "W", "KH", "KW", "P", "A", "S", "D", "G", "GCin", "GCout"}); /* N H W KH KW P A S D G GCin GCout */ b->Args({1, 9, 11, 4, 4, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 21, 21}); b->Args({1, 18, 22, 4, 4, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 21, 21}); b->Args({1, 36, 44, 16, 16, 0, 0, 8, 1, 1, 21, 21}); } static void ENet(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) { b->ArgNames({"N", "H", "W", "KH", "KW", "P", "A", "S", "D", "G", "GCin", "GCout"}); /********************* Bottleneck 4.0 ********************/ /* N H W KH KW P A S D G GCin GCout */ b->Args({1, 64, 64, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 32, 32}); /********************* Bottleneck 5.0 ********************/ /* N H W KH KW P A S D G GCin GCout */ b->Args({1, 128, 128, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 16, 16}); /***************** Final Full Convolution ****************/ /* N H W KH KW P A S D G GCin GCout */ b->Args({1, 256, 256, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 16, 12}); } static void ESPNet(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) { b->ArgNames({"N", "H", "W", "KH", "KW", "P", "A", "S", "D", "G", "GCin", "GCout"}); /* N H W KH KW P A S D G GCin GCout */ b->Args({1, 64, 128, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 20, 20}); b->Args({1, 128, 256, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 20, 20}); b->Args({1, 256, 512, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 20, 20}); } BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_f32, fcn32, "FCN-32")->Apply(FCN32)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_f32, fcn16, "FCN-16")->Apply(FCN16)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_f32, fcn8, "FCN-8")->Apply(FCN8)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_f32, enet, "ENet")->Apply(ENet)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_f32, espnet, "ESPNet")->Apply(ESPNet)->UseRealTime(); #ifndef XNN_NO_QU8_OPERATORS BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_qu8, fcn32, "FCN-32")->Apply(FCN32)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_qu8, fcn16, "FCN-16")->Apply(FCN16)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_qu8, fcn8, "FCN-8")->Apply(FCN8)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_qu8, enet, "ENet")->Apply(ENet)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(xnnpack_deconvolution_qu8, espnet, "ESPNet")->Apply(ESPNet)->UseRealTime(); #endif // XNN_NO_QU8_OPERATORS #ifdef BENCHMARK_TENSORFLOW_LITE BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(tflite_deconvolution_f32, fcn32, "FCN-32")->Apply(FCN32)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(tflite_deconvolution_f32, fcn16, "FCN-16")->Apply(FCN16)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(tflite_deconvolution_f32, fcn8, "FCN-8")->Apply(FCN8)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(tflite_deconvolution_f32, enet, "ENet")->Apply(ENet)->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(tflite_deconvolution_f32, espnet, "ESPNet")->Apply(ESPNet)->UseRealTime(); #endif // BENCHMARK_TENSORFLOW_LITE #ifndef XNNPACK_BENCHMARK_NO_MAIN BENCHMARK_MAIN(); #endif