! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18 ! Test coarray dummy arguments module m real :: c1[*] real, volatile :: c2[*] contains subroutine s01(x) real :: x[*] end subroutine subroutine s02(x) real, volatile :: x[*] end subroutine subroutine s03(x) real, contiguous :: x(:)[*] end subroutine subroutine s04(x) real :: x(*)[*] end subroutine subroutine test(x,c3,c4) real :: scalar real :: x(:)[*] real, intent(in) :: c3(:)[*] real, contiguous, intent(in) :: c4(:)[*] call s01(c1) ! ok call s02(c2) ! ok call s03(c4) ! ok call s04(c4) ! ok !ERROR: Actual argument associated with coarray dummy argument 'x=' must be a coarray call s01(scalar) !ERROR: VOLATILE coarray may not be associated with non-VOLATILE coarray dummy argument 'x=' call s01(c2) !ERROR: non-VOLATILE coarray may not be associated with VOLATILE coarray dummy argument 'x=' call s02(c1) !ERROR: Actual argument associated with a CONTIGUOUS coarray dummy argument 'x=' must be simply contiguous call s03(c3) !ERROR: Actual argument associated with a CONTIGUOUS coarray dummy argument 'x=' must be simply contiguous call s03(x) !ERROR: Actual argument associated with coarray dummy argument 'x=' (not assumed shape or rank) must be simply contiguous call s04(c3) !ERROR: Actual argument associated with coarray dummy argument 'x=' (not assumed shape or rank) must be simply contiguous call s04(x) end subroutine end module