! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18 character(kind=1,len=50) internal_file character(kind=2,len=50) internal_file2 character(kind=4,len=50) internal_file4 character(kind=1,len=50) internal_fileA(20) character(kind=1,len=111) msg character(20) advance character(20) :: cvar; character, parameter :: const_internal_file = "(I6)" character, parameter :: const_cvar = "Ceci n'est pas une pipe." integer*1 stat1 integer*2 stat2, id2 integer*8 stat8 integer :: iunit = 10 integer, parameter :: junit = 11, const_size = 13, const_int = 15 integer :: vv(10) = 7 namelist /mmm/ mm1, mm2 namelist /nnn/ nn1, nn2 advance='no' open(10) read* print*, 'Ok' read(*) read*, jj read(*, *) jj read(unit=*, *) jj read(*, fmt=*) jj read(*, '(I4)') jj read(*, fmt='(I4)') jj read(fmt='(I4)', unit=*) jj read(iunit, *) jj read(junit, *) jj read(10, *) jj, cvar, cvar(7:17) read(internal_file, *) jj read(internal_fileA(3), *) jj read(internal_fileA(4:9), *) jj read(10, nnn) read(internal_file, nnn) read(internal_file, nml=nnn) read(const_internal_file, *) read(fmt=*, unit=internal_file) read(nml=nnn, unit=internal_file) read(iunit, nnn) read(10, nml=nnn) read(10, asynchronous='no') jj read(10, asynchronous='yes') jj read(10, eor=9, advance='no', fmt='(I4)') jj read(10, eor=9, advance='no', fmt='(I4)') jj read(10, asynchronous='yes', id=id) jj read(10, '(I4)', advance='no', asynchronous='yes', blank='null', & decimal='comma', end=9, eor=9, err=9, id=id, iomsg=msg, iostat=stat2, & pad='no', round='processor_defined', size=kk) jj !ERROR: Invalid character kind for an internal file variable read(internal_file2, *) jj !ERROR: Invalid character kind for an internal file variable read(internal_file4, *) jj !ERROR: Internal file must not have a vector subscript read(internal_fileA(vv), *) jj !ERROR: Input variable 'const_int' must be definable read(11, *) const_int !ERROR: SIZE variable 'const_size' must be definable read(11, pos=ipos, size=const_size, end=9) !ERROR: Input variable 'const_cvar' must be definable read(11, *) const_cvar !ERROR: Input variable 'const_cvar' must be definable read(11, *) const_cvar(3:13) !ERROR: Duplicate IOSTAT specifier read(11, pos=ipos, iostat=stat1, iostat=stat2) !ERROR: Duplicate END specifier read(11, end=9, pos=ipos, end=9) !ERROR: Duplicate NML specifier read(10, nml=mmm, nml=nnn) !ERROR: READ statement must have a UNIT specifier read(err=9, iostat=stat8) jj !ERROR: READ statement must not have a DELIM specifier !ERROR: READ statement must not have a SIGN specifier read(10, delim='quote', sign='plus') jj !ERROR: If NML appears, REC must not appear read(10, nnn, rec=nn) !ERROR: If NML appears, FMT must not appear !ERROR: If NML appears, a data list must not appear read(10, fmt=*, nml=nnn) jj !ERROR: If UNIT=* appears, REC must not appear read(*, rec=13) !ERROR: If UNIT=* appears, POS must not appear read(*, pos=13) !ERROR: If UNIT=internal-file appears, REC must not appear read(internal_file, rec=13) !ERROR: If UNIT=internal-file appears, POS must not appear read(internal_file, pos=13) !ERROR: If REC appears, END must not appear read(10, fmt='(I4)', end=9, rec=13) jj !ERROR: If REC appears, FMT=* must not appear read(10, *, rec=13) jj !ERROR: If ADVANCE appears, UNIT=internal-file must not appear read(internal_file, '(I4)', eor=9, advance='no') jj !ERROR: If ADVANCE appears, an explicit format must also appear !ERROR: If EOR appears, ADVANCE with value 'NO' must also appear read(10, eor=9, advance='yes') !ERROR: If EOR appears, ADVANCE with value 'NO' must also appear read(10, eor=9) !ERROR: Invalid ASYNCHRONOUS value 'nay' read(10, asynchronous='nay') ! prog req !ERROR: If ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' appears, UNIT=number must also appear read(*, asynchronous='yes') !ERROR: If ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' appears, UNIT=number must also appear read(internal_file, asynchronous='y'//'es') !ERROR: If ID appears, ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' must also appear read(10, id=id) !ERROR: If ID appears, ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' must also appear read(10, asynchronous='n'//'o', id=id) !ERROR: If POS appears, REC must not appear read(10, pos=13, rec=13) jj !ERROR: If DECIMAL appears, FMT or NML must also appear !ERROR: If BLANK appears, FMT or NML must also appear !ERROR: Invalid DECIMAL value 'Punkt' read(10, decimal='Punkt', blank='null') jj !ERROR: If ROUND appears, FMT or NML must also appear !ERROR: If PAD appears, FMT or NML must also appear read(10, pad='no', round='nearest') jj !ERROR: ID kind (2) is smaller than default INTEGER kind (4) read(10, id=id2, asynchronous='yes') jj 9 continue end subroutine s(aa, n) integer :: aa(5,*) integer, intent(in) :: n integer :: bb(10), vv(10) type tt real :: x, y, z end type tt type(tt) :: qq(20) vv = 1 read(*, *) aa(n,1) read(*, *) aa(n:n+2,2) read(*, *) qq(2:5)%y !ERROR: Input variable 'n' must be definable read(*, *) n !ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'aa' may not appear here without subscripts read(*, *) aa end