/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "Codec2InfoBuilder" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { using Traits = C2Component::Traits; namespace /* unnamed */ { bool hasPrefix(const std::string& s, const char* prefix) { size_t prefixLen = strlen(prefix); return s.compare(0, prefixLen, prefix) == 0; } bool hasSuffix(const std::string& s, const char* suffix) { size_t suffixLen = strlen(suffix); return suffixLen > s.size() ? false : s.compare(s.size() - suffixLen, suffixLen, suffix) == 0; } // returns true if component advertised supported profile level(s) bool addSupportedProfileLevels( std::shared_ptr intf, MediaCodecInfo::CapabilitiesWriter *caps, const Traits& trait, const std::string &mediaType) { std::shared_ptr mapper = C2Mapper::GetProfileLevelMapper(trait.mediaType); // if we don't know the media type, pass through all values unmapped // TODO: we cannot find levels that are local 'maxima' without knowing the coding // e.g. H.263 level 45 and level 30 could be two values for highest level as // they don't include one another. For now we use the last supported value. bool encoder = trait.kind == C2Component::KIND_ENCODER; C2StreamProfileLevelInfo pl(encoder /* output */, 0u); std::vector profileQuery = { C2FieldSupportedValuesQuery::Possible(C2ParamField(&pl, &pl.profile)) }; c2_status_t err = intf->querySupportedValues(profileQuery, C2_DONT_BLOCK); ALOGV("query supported profiles -> %s | %s", asString(err), asString(profileQuery[0].status)); if (err != C2_OK || profileQuery[0].status != C2_OK) { return false; } // we only handle enumerated values if (profileQuery[0].values.type != C2FieldSupportedValues::VALUES) { return false; } // determine if codec supports HDR bool supportsHdr = false; bool supportsHdr10Plus = false; std::vector> paramDescs; c2_status_t err1 = intf->querySupportedParams(¶mDescs); if (err1 == C2_OK) { for (const std::shared_ptr &desc : paramDescs) { C2Param::Type type = desc->index(); // only consider supported parameters on raw ports if (!(encoder ? type.forInput() : type.forOutput())) { continue; } switch (type.coreIndex()) { case C2StreamHdr10PlusInfo::CORE_INDEX: supportsHdr10Plus = true; break; case C2StreamHdrStaticInfo::CORE_INDEX: supportsHdr = true; break; default: break; } } } // For VP9/AV1, the static info is always propagated by framework. supportsHdr |= (mediaType == MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9); supportsHdr |= (mediaType == MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AV1); bool added = false; for (C2Value::Primitive profile : profileQuery[0].values.values) { pl.profile = (C2Config::profile_t)profile.ref(); std::vector> failures; err = intf->config({&pl}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, &failures); ALOGV("set profile to %u -> %s", pl.profile, asString(err)); std::vector levelQuery = { C2FieldSupportedValuesQuery::Current(C2ParamField(&pl, &pl.level)) }; err = intf->querySupportedValues(levelQuery, C2_DONT_BLOCK); ALOGV("query supported levels -> %s | %s", asString(err), asString(levelQuery[0].status)); if (err != C2_OK || levelQuery[0].status != C2_OK || levelQuery[0].values.type != C2FieldSupportedValues::VALUES || levelQuery[0].values.values.size() == 0) { continue; } C2Value::Primitive level = levelQuery[0].values.values.back(); pl.level = (C2Config::level_t)level.ref(); ALOGV("supporting level: %u", pl.level); int32_t sdkProfile, sdkLevel; if (mapper && mapper->mapProfile(pl.profile, &sdkProfile) && mapper->mapLevel(pl.level, &sdkLevel)) { caps->addProfileLevel((uint32_t)sdkProfile, (uint32_t)sdkLevel); // also list HDR profiles if component supports HDR if (supportsHdr) { auto hdrMapper = C2Mapper::GetHdrProfileLevelMapper(trait.mediaType); if (hdrMapper && hdrMapper->mapProfile(pl.profile, &sdkProfile)) { caps->addProfileLevel((uint32_t)sdkProfile, (uint32_t)sdkLevel); } if (supportsHdr10Plus) { hdrMapper = C2Mapper::GetHdrProfileLevelMapper( trait.mediaType, true /*isHdr10Plus*/); if (hdrMapper && hdrMapper->mapProfile(pl.profile, &sdkProfile)) { caps->addProfileLevel((uint32_t)sdkProfile, (uint32_t)sdkLevel); } } } } else if (!mapper) { caps->addProfileLevel(pl.profile, pl.level); } added = true; // for H.263 also advertise the second highest level if the // codec supports level 45, as level 45 only covers level 10 // TODO: move this to some form of a setting so it does not // have to be here if (mediaType == MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263) { C2Config::level_t nextLevel = C2Config::LEVEL_UNUSED; for (C2Value::Primitive v : levelQuery[0].values.values) { C2Config::level_t level = (C2Config::level_t)v.ref(); if (level < C2Config::LEVEL_H263_45 && level > nextLevel) { nextLevel = level; } } if (nextLevel != C2Config::LEVEL_UNUSED && nextLevel != pl.level && mapper && mapper->mapProfile(pl.profile, &sdkProfile) && mapper->mapLevel(nextLevel, &sdkLevel)) { caps->addProfileLevel( (uint32_t)sdkProfile, (uint32_t)sdkLevel); } } } return added; } void addSupportedColorFormats( std::shared_ptr intf, MediaCodecInfo::CapabilitiesWriter *caps, const Traits& trait, const std::string &mediaType) { (void)intf; // TODO: get this from intf() as well, but how do we map them to // MediaCodec color formats? bool encoder = trait.kind == C2Component::KIND_ENCODER; if (mediaType.find("video") != std::string::npos || mediaType.find("image") != std::string::npos) { // vendor video codecs prefer opaque format if (trait.name.find("android") == std::string::npos) { caps->addColorFormat(COLOR_FormatSurface); } caps->addColorFormat(COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible); caps->addColorFormat(COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar); caps->addColorFormat(COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar); caps->addColorFormat(COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar); caps->addColorFormat(COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar); // framework video encoders must support surface format, though it is unclear // that they will be able to map it if it is opaque if (encoder && trait.name.find("android") != std::string::npos) { caps->addColorFormat(COLOR_FormatSurface); } } } class Switch { enum Flags : uint8_t { // flags IS_ENABLED = (1 << 0), BY_DEFAULT = (1 << 1), }; constexpr Switch(uint8_t flags) : mFlags(flags) {} uint8_t mFlags; public: // have to create class due to this bool conversion operator... constexpr operator bool() const { return mFlags & IS_ENABLED; } constexpr Switch operator!() const { return Switch(mFlags ^ IS_ENABLED); } static constexpr Switch DISABLED() { return 0; }; static constexpr Switch ENABLED() { return IS_ENABLED; }; static constexpr Switch DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT() { return BY_DEFAULT; }; static constexpr Switch ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT() { return IS_ENABLED | BY_DEFAULT; }; const char *toString(const char *def = "??") const { switch (mFlags) { case 0: return "0"; case IS_ENABLED: return "1"; case BY_DEFAULT: return "(0)"; case IS_ENABLED | BY_DEFAULT: return "(1)"; default: return def; } } }; const char *asString(const Switch &s, const char *def = "??") { return s.toString(def); } Switch isSettingEnabled( std::string setting, const MediaCodecsXmlParser::AttributeMap &settings, Switch def = Switch::DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT()) { const auto enablement = settings.find(setting); if (enablement == settings.end()) { return def; } return enablement->second == "1" ? Switch::ENABLED() : Switch::DISABLED(); } Switch isVariantEnabled( std::string variant, const MediaCodecsXmlParser::AttributeMap &settings) { return isSettingEnabled("variant-" + variant, settings); } Switch isVariantExpressionEnabled( std::string exp, const MediaCodecsXmlParser::AttributeMap &settings) { if (!exp.empty() && exp.at(0) == '!') { return !isVariantEnabled(exp.substr(1, exp.size() - 1), settings); } return isVariantEnabled(exp, settings); } Switch isDomainEnabled( std::string domain, const MediaCodecsXmlParser::AttributeMap &settings) { return isSettingEnabled("domain-" + domain, settings); } } // unnamed namespace status_t Codec2InfoBuilder::buildMediaCodecList(MediaCodecListWriter* writer) { // TODO: Remove run-time configurations once all codecs are working // properly. (Assume "full" behavior eventually.) // // debug.stagefright.ccodec supports 5 values. // 0 - No Codec 2.0 components are available. // 1 - Audio decoders and encoders with prefix "c2.android." are available // and ranked first. // All other components with prefix "c2.android." are available with // their normal ranks. // Components with prefix "c2.vda." are available with their normal // ranks. // All other components with suffix ".avc.decoder" or ".avc.encoder" // are available but ranked last. // 2 - Components with prefix "c2.android." are available and ranked // first. // Components with prefix "c2.vda." are available with their normal // ranks. // All other components with suffix ".avc.decoder" or ".avc.encoder" // are available but ranked last. // 3 - Components with prefix "c2.android." are available and ranked // first. // All other components are available with their normal ranks. // 4 - All components are available with their normal ranks. // // The default value (boot time) is 1. // // Note: Currently, OMX components have default rank 0x100, while all // Codec2.0 software components have default rank 0x200. int option = ::android::base::GetIntProperty("debug.stagefright.ccodec", 4); // Obtain Codec2Client std::vector traits = Codec2Client::ListComponents(); // parse APEX XML first, followed by vendor XML. // Note: APEX XML names do not depend on ro.media.xml_variant.* properties. MediaCodecsXmlParser parser; parser.parseXmlFilesInSearchDirs( { "media_codecs.xml", "media_codecs_performance.xml" }, { "/apex/com.android.media.swcodec/etc" }); // TODO: remove these c2-specific files once product moved to default file names parser.parseXmlFilesInSearchDirs( { "media_codecs_c2.xml", "media_codecs_performance_c2.xml" }); // parse default XML files parser.parseXmlFilesInSearchDirs(); // The mainline modules for media may optionally include some codec shaping information. // Based on vendor partition SDK, and the brand/product/device information // (expect to be empty in almost always) // { // get build info so we know what file to search // ro.vendor.build.fingerprint std::string fingerprint = base::GetProperty("ro.vendor.build.fingerprint", "brand/product/device:"); ALOGV("property_get for ro.vendor.build.fingerprint == '%s'", fingerprint.c_str()); // ro.vendor.build.version.sdk std::string sdk = base::GetProperty("ro.vendor.build.version.sdk", "0"); ALOGV("property_get for ro.vendor.build.version.sdk == '%s'", sdk.c_str()); std::string brand; std::string product; std::string device; size_t pos1; pos1 = fingerprint.find('/'); if (pos1 != std::string::npos) { brand = fingerprint.substr(0, pos1); size_t pos2 = fingerprint.find('/', pos1+1); if (pos2 != std::string::npos) { product = fingerprint.substr(pos1+1, pos2 - pos1 - 1); size_t pos3 = fingerprint.find('/', pos2+1); if (pos3 != std::string::npos) { device = fingerprint.substr(pos2+1, pos3 - pos2 - 1); size_t pos4 = device.find(':'); if (pos4 != std::string::npos) { device.resize(pos4); } } } } ALOGV("parsed: sdk '%s' brand '%s' product '%s' device '%s'", sdk.c_str(), brand.c_str(), product.c_str(), device.c_str()); std::string base = "/apex/com.android.media/etc/formatshaper"; // looking in these directories within the apex const std::vector modulePathnames = { base + "/" + sdk + "/" + brand + "/" + product + "/" + device, base + "/" + sdk + "/" + brand + "/" + product, base + "/" + sdk + "/" + brand, base + "/" + sdk, base }; parser.parseXmlFilesInSearchDirs( { "media_codecs_shaping.xml" }, modulePathnames); } if (parser.getParsingStatus() != OK) { ALOGD("XML parser no good"); return OK; } MediaCodecsXmlParser::AttributeMap settings = parser.getServiceAttributeMap(); for (const auto &v : settings) { if (!hasPrefix(v.first, "media-type-") && !hasPrefix(v.first, "domain-") && !hasPrefix(v.first, "variant-")) { writer->addGlobalSetting(v.first.c_str(), v.second.c_str()); } } for (const Traits& trait : traits) { C2Component::rank_t rank = trait.rank; // Interface must be accessible for us to list the component, and there also // must be an XML entry for the codec. Codec aliases listed in the traits // allow additional XML entries to be specified for each alias. These will // be listed as separate codecs. If no XML entry is specified for an alias, // those will be treated as an additional alias specified in the XML entry // for the interface name. std::vector nameAndAliases = trait.aliases; nameAndAliases.insert(nameAndAliases.begin(), trait.name); for (const std::string &nameOrAlias : nameAndAliases) { bool isAlias = trait.name != nameOrAlias; std::shared_ptr intf = Codec2Client::CreateInterfaceByName(nameOrAlias.c_str()); if (!intf) { ALOGD("could not create interface for %s'%s'", isAlias ? "alias " : "", nameOrAlias.c_str()); continue; } if (parser.getCodecMap().count(nameOrAlias) == 0) { if (isAlias) { std::unique_ptr baseCodecInfo = writer->findMediaCodecInfo(trait.name.c_str()); if (!baseCodecInfo) { ALOGD("alias '%s' not found in xml but canonical codec info '%s' missing", nameOrAlias.c_str(), trait.name.c_str()); } else { ALOGD("alias '%s' not found in xml; use an XML tag for this", nameOrAlias.c_str()); // merge alias into existing codec baseCodecInfo->addAlias(nameOrAlias.c_str()); } } else { ALOGD("component '%s' not found in xml", trait.name.c_str()); } continue; } std::string canonName = trait.name; // TODO: Remove this block once all codecs are enabled by default. switch (option) { case 0: continue; case 1: if (hasPrefix(canonName, "c2.vda.")) { break; } if (hasPrefix(canonName, "c2.android.")) { if (trait.domain == C2Component::DOMAIN_AUDIO) { rank = 1; break; } break; } if (hasSuffix(canonName, ".avc.decoder") || hasSuffix(canonName, ".avc.encoder")) { rank = std::numeric_limits::max(); break; } continue; case 2: if (hasPrefix(canonName, "c2.vda.")) { break; } if (hasPrefix(canonName, "c2.android.")) { rank = 1; break; } if (hasSuffix(canonName, ".avc.decoder") || hasSuffix(canonName, ".avc.encoder")) { rank = std::numeric_limits::max(); break; } continue; case 3: if (hasPrefix(canonName, "c2.android.")) { rank = 1; } break; } const MediaCodecsXmlParser::CodecProperties &codec = parser.getCodecMap().at(nameOrAlias); // verify that either the codec is explicitly enabled, or one of its domains is bool codecEnabled = codec.quirkSet.find("attribute::disabled") == codec.quirkSet.end(); if (!codecEnabled) { for (const std::string &domain : codec.domainSet) { const Switch enabled = isDomainEnabled(domain, settings); ALOGV("codec entry '%s' is in domain '%s' that is '%s'", nameOrAlias.c_str(), domain.c_str(), asString(enabled)); if (enabled) { codecEnabled = true; break; } } } // if codec has variants, also check that at least one of them is enabled bool variantEnabled = codec.variantSet.empty(); for (const std::string &variant : codec.variantSet) { const Switch enabled = isVariantExpressionEnabled(variant, settings); ALOGV("codec entry '%s' has a variant '%s' that is '%s'", nameOrAlias.c_str(), variant.c_str(), asString(enabled)); if (enabled) { variantEnabled = true; break; } } if (!codecEnabled || !variantEnabled) { ALOGD("codec entry for '%s' is disabled", nameOrAlias.c_str()); continue; } ALOGV("adding codec entry for '%s'", nameOrAlias.c_str()); std::unique_ptr codecInfo = writer->addMediaCodecInfo(); codecInfo->setName(nameOrAlias.c_str()); codecInfo->setOwner(("codec2::" + trait.owner).c_str()); bool encoder = trait.kind == C2Component::KIND_ENCODER; typename std::underlying_type::type attrs = 0; if (encoder) { attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsEncoder; } if (trait.owner == "software") { attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsSoftwareOnly; } else { attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsVendor; if (trait.owner == "vendor-software") { attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsSoftwareOnly; } else if (codec.quirkSet.find("attribute::software-codec") == codec.quirkSet.end()) { attrs |= MediaCodecInfo::kFlagIsHardwareAccelerated; } } codecInfo->setAttributes(attrs); if (!codec.rank.empty()) { uint32_t xmlRank; char dummy; if (sscanf(codec.rank.c_str(), "%u%c", &xmlRank, &dummy) == 1) { rank = xmlRank; } } ALOGV("rank: %u", (unsigned)rank); codecInfo->setRank(rank); for (const std::string &alias : codec.aliases) { ALOGV("adding alias '%s'", alias.c_str()); codecInfo->addAlias(alias.c_str()); } for (auto typeIt = codec.typeMap.begin(); typeIt != codec.typeMap.end(); ++typeIt) { const std::string &mediaType = typeIt->first; const Switch typeEnabled = isSettingEnabled( "media-type-" + mediaType, settings, Switch::ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT()); const Switch domainTypeEnabled = isSettingEnabled( "media-type-" + mediaType + (encoder ? "-encoder" : "-decoder"), settings, Switch::ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT()); ALOGV("type '%s-%s' is '%s/%s'", mediaType.c_str(), (encoder ? "encoder" : "decoder"), asString(typeEnabled), asString(domainTypeEnabled)); if (!typeEnabled || !domainTypeEnabled) { ALOGD("media type '%s' for codec entry '%s' is disabled", mediaType.c_str(), nameOrAlias.c_str()); continue; } ALOGI("adding type '%s'", typeIt->first.c_str()); const MediaCodecsXmlParser::AttributeMap &attrMap = typeIt->second; std::unique_ptr caps = codecInfo->addMediaType(mediaType.c_str()); for (const auto &v : attrMap) { std::string key = v.first; std::string value = v.second; size_t variantSep = key.find(":::"); if (variantSep != std::string::npos) { std::string variant = key.substr(0, variantSep); const Switch enabled = isVariantExpressionEnabled(variant, settings); ALOGV("variant '%s' is '%s'", variant.c_str(), asString(enabled)); if (!enabled) { continue; } key = key.substr(variantSep + 3); } if (key.find("feature-") == 0 && key.find("feature-bitrate-modes") != 0) { int32_t intValue = 0; // Ignore trailing bad characters and default to 0. (void)sscanf(value.c_str(), "%d", &intValue); caps->addDetail(key.c_str(), intValue); } else { caps->addDetail(key.c_str(), value.c_str()); } } if (!addSupportedProfileLevels(intf, caps.get(), trait, mediaType)) { // TODO(b/193279646) This will get fixed in C2InterfaceHelper // Some components may not advertise supported values if they use a const // param for profile/level (they support only one profile). For now cover // only VP8 here until it is fixed. if (mediaType == MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8) { caps->addProfileLevel(VP8ProfileMain, VP8Level_Version0); } } addSupportedColorFormats(intf, caps.get(), trait, mediaType); } } } return OK; } } // namespace android extern "C" android::MediaCodecListBuilderBase *CreateBuilder() { return new android::Codec2InfoBuilder; }