/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // This is the only symbol that needs to be imported extern audio_effect_library_t AUDIO_EFFECT_LIBRARY_INFO_SYM; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // local definitions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // types of pre processing modules enum PreProcId { PREPROC_AGC, // Automatic Gain Control PREPROC_AGC2, // Automatic Gain Control 2 PREPROC_AEC, // Acoustic Echo Canceler PREPROC_NS, // Noise Suppressor PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS }; enum PreProcParams { ARG_HELP = 1, ARG_INPUT, ARG_OUTPUT, ARG_FAR, ARG_FS, ARG_CH_MASK, ARG_AGC_TGT_LVL, ARG_AGC_COMP_LVL, ARG_AEC_DELAY, ARG_NS_LVL, ARG_AGC2_GAIN, ARG_AGC2_LVL, ARG_AGC2_SAT_MGN, ARG_FILE_CHANNELS, ARG_MONO_MODE }; struct preProcConfigParams_t { int samplingFreq = 16000; audio_channel_mask_t chMask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO; int nsLevel = 0; // a value between 0-3 int agcTargetLevel = 3; // in dB int agcCompLevel = 9; // in dB float agc2Gain = 0.f; // in dB float agc2SaturationMargin = 2.f; // in dB int agc2Level = 0; // either kRms(0) or kPeak(1) int aecDelay = 0; // in ms int fileChannels = 1; int monoMode = 0; }; const effect_uuid_t kPreProcUuids[PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS] = { {0xaa8130e0, 0x66fc, 0x11e0, 0xbad0, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}}, // agc uuid {0x89f38e65, 0xd4d2, 0x4d64, 0xad0e, {0x2b, 0x3e, 0x79, 0x9e, 0xa8, 0x86}}, // agc2 uuid {0xbb392ec0, 0x8d4d, 0x11e0, 0xa896, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}}, // aec uuid {0xc06c8400, 0x8e06, 0x11e0, 0x9cb6, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}}, // ns uuid }; constexpr audio_channel_mask_t kPreProcConfigChMask[] = { AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_FRONT_BACK, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_6, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_2POINT0POINT2, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_2POINT1POINT2, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_3POINT0POINT2, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_3POINT1POINT2, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_5POINT1, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_VOICE_UPLINK_MONO, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_VOICE_DNLINK_MONO, AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_VOICE_CALL_MONO, }; constexpr int kPreProcConfigChMaskCount = std::size(kPreProcConfigChMask); void printUsage() { printf("\nUsage: "); printf("\n [options]\n"); printf("\nwhere options are, "); printf("\n --input "); printf("\n path to the input file"); printf("\n --output "); printf("\n path to the output file"); printf("\n --help"); printf("\n Prints this usage information"); printf("\n --fs "); printf("\n Sampling frequency in Hz, default 16000."); printf("\n --ch_mask \n"); printf("\n 0 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO"); printf("\n 1 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO"); printf("\n 2 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_FRONT_BACK"); printf("\n 3 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_6"); printf("\n 4 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_2POINT0POINT2"); printf("\n 5 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_2POINT1POINT2"); printf("\n 6 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_3POINT0POINT2"); printf("\n 7 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_3POINT1POINT2"); printf("\n 8 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_5POINT1"); printf("\n 9 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_VOICE_UPLINK_MONO"); printf("\n 10 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_VOICE_DNLINK_MONO "); printf("\n 11 - AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_VOICE_CALL_MONO "); printf("\n default 0"); printf("\n --far "); printf("\n Path to far-end file needed for echo cancellation"); printf("\n --aec"); printf("\n Enable Echo Cancellation, default disabled"); printf("\n --ns"); printf("\n Enable Noise Suppression, default disabled"); printf("\n --agc"); printf("\n Enable Gain Control, default disabled"); printf("\n --agc2"); printf("\n Enable Gain Controller 2, default disabled"); printf("\n --ns_lvl "); printf("\n Noise Suppression level in dB, default value 0dB"); printf("\n --agc_tgt_lvl "); printf("\n AGC Target Level in dB, default value 3dB"); printf("\n --agc_comp_lvl "); printf("\n AGC Comp Level in dB, default value 9dB"); printf("\n --agc2_gain "); printf("\n AGC Fixed Digital Gain in dB, default value 0dB"); printf("\n --agc2_lvl "); printf("\n AGC Adaptive Digital Level Estimator, default value kRms"); printf("\n --agc2_sat_mgn "); printf("\n AGC Adaptive Digital Saturation Margin in dB, default value 2dB"); printf("\n --aec_delay "); printf("\n AEC delay value in ms, default value 0ms"); printf("\n --fch "); printf("\n number of channels in the input file"); printf("\n --mono "); printf("\n Mode to make data of all channels the same as first channel"); printf("\n"); } constexpr float kTenMilliSecVal = 0.01; int preProcCreateEffect(effect_handle_t* pEffectHandle, uint32_t effectType, effect_config_t* pConfig, int sessionId, int ioId) { if (int status = AUDIO_EFFECT_LIBRARY_INFO_SYM.create_effect(&kPreProcUuids[effectType], sessionId, ioId, pEffectHandle); status != 0) { ALOGE("Audio Preprocessing create returned an error = %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int reply = 0; uint32_t replySize = sizeof(reply); if (effectType == PREPROC_AEC) { (**pEffectHandle) ->command(*pEffectHandle, EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG_REVERSE, sizeof(effect_config_t), pConfig, &replySize, &reply); } (**pEffectHandle) ->command(*pEffectHandle, EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG, sizeof(effect_config_t), pConfig, &replySize, &reply); return reply; } int preProcSetConfigParam(uint32_t paramType, uint32_t paramValue, effect_handle_t effectHandle) { int reply = 0; uint32_t replySize = sizeof(reply); uint32_t paramData[2] = {paramType, paramValue}; effect_param_t* effectParam = (effect_param_t*)malloc(sizeof(*effectParam) + sizeof(paramData)); memcpy(&effectParam->data[0], ¶mData[0], sizeof(paramData)); effectParam->psize = sizeof(paramData[0]); (*effectHandle) ->command(effectHandle, EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM, sizeof(effect_param_t), effectParam, &replySize, &reply); free(effectParam); return reply; } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Print the arguments passed for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { printf("%s ", argv[i]); } const char* inputFile = nullptr; const char* outputFile = nullptr; const char* farFile = nullptr; int effectEn[PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS] = {0}; struct preProcConfigParams_t preProcCfgParams {}; const option long_opts[] = { {"help", no_argument, nullptr, ARG_HELP}, {"input", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_INPUT}, {"output", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_OUTPUT}, {"far", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_FAR}, {"fs", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_FS}, {"ch_mask", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_CH_MASK}, {"agc_tgt_lvl", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_AGC_TGT_LVL}, {"agc_comp_lvl", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_AGC_COMP_LVL}, {"agc2_gain", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_AGC2_GAIN}, {"agc2_lvl", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_AGC2_LVL}, {"agc2_sat_mgn", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_AGC2_SAT_MGN}, {"aec_delay", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_AEC_DELAY}, {"ns_lvl", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_NS_LVL}, {"aec", no_argument, &effectEn[PREPROC_AEC], 1}, {"agc", no_argument, &effectEn[PREPROC_AGC], 1}, {"agc2", no_argument, &effectEn[PREPROC_AGC2], 1}, {"ns", no_argument, &effectEn[PREPROC_NS], 1}, {"fch", required_argument, nullptr, ARG_FILE_CHANNELS}, {"mono", no_argument, &preProcCfgParams.monoMode, 1}, {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}, }; while (true) { const int opt = getopt_long(argc, (char* const*)argv, "i:o:", long_opts, nullptr); if (opt == -1) { break; } switch (opt) { case ARG_HELP: printUsage(); return 0; case ARG_INPUT: { inputFile = (char*)optarg; break; } case ARG_OUTPUT: { outputFile = (char*)optarg; break; } case ARG_FAR: { farFile = (char*)optarg; break; } case ARG_FS: { preProcCfgParams.samplingFreq = atoi(optarg); break; } case ARG_CH_MASK: { int chMaskIdx = atoi(optarg); if (chMaskIdx < 0 or chMaskIdx > kPreProcConfigChMaskCount) { ALOGE("Channel Mask index not in correct range\n"); printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } preProcCfgParams.chMask = kPreProcConfigChMask[chMaskIdx]; break; } case ARG_AGC_TGT_LVL: { preProcCfgParams.agcTargetLevel = atoi(optarg); break; } case ARG_AGC_COMP_LVL: { preProcCfgParams.agcCompLevel = atoi(optarg); break; } case ARG_AGC2_GAIN: { preProcCfgParams.agc2Gain = atof(optarg); break; } case ARG_AGC2_LVL: { preProcCfgParams.agc2Level = atoi(optarg); break; } case ARG_AGC2_SAT_MGN: { preProcCfgParams.agc2SaturationMargin = atof(optarg); break; } case ARG_AEC_DELAY: { preProcCfgParams.aecDelay = atoi(optarg); break; } case ARG_NS_LVL: { preProcCfgParams.nsLevel = atoi(optarg); break; } case ARG_FILE_CHANNELS: { preProcCfgParams.fileChannels = atoi(optarg); break; } case ARG_MONO_MODE: { preProcCfgParams.monoMode = 1; break; } default: break; } } if (inputFile == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: missing input file\n"); printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::unique_ptr inputFp(fopen(inputFile, "rb"), &fclose); if (inputFp == nullptr) { ALOGE("Cannot open input file %s\n", inputFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::unique_ptr farFp(fopen(farFile, "rb"), &fclose); std::unique_ptr outputFp(fopen(outputFile, "wb"), &fclose); if (effectEn[PREPROC_AEC]) { if (farFile == nullptr) { ALOGE("Far end signal file required for echo cancellation \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (farFp == nullptr) { ALOGE("Cannot open far end stream file %s\n", farFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } struct stat statInput, statFar; (void)fstat(fileno(inputFp.get()), &statInput); (void)fstat(fileno(farFp.get()), &statFar); if (statInput.st_size != statFar.st_size) { ALOGE("Near and far end signals are of different sizes"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (outputFile != nullptr && outputFp == nullptr) { ALOGE("Cannot open output file %s\n", outputFile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int32_t sessionId = 1; int32_t ioId = 1; effect_handle_t effectHandle[PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS] = {nullptr}; effect_config_t config; config.inputCfg.samplingRate = config.outputCfg.samplingRate = preProcCfgParams.samplingFreq; config.inputCfg.channels = config.outputCfg.channels = preProcCfgParams.chMask; config.inputCfg.format = config.outputCfg.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT; // Create all the effect handles for (int i = 0; i < PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS; i++) { if (int status = preProcCreateEffect(&effectHandle[i], i, &config, sessionId, ioId); status != 0) { ALOGE("Create effect call returned error %i", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } for (int i = 0; i < PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS; i++) { if (effectEn[i] == 1) { int reply = 0; uint32_t replySize = sizeof(reply); (*effectHandle[i]) ->command(effectHandle[i], EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE, 0, nullptr, &replySize, &reply); if (reply != 0) { ALOGE("Command enable call returned error %d\n", reply); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } // Set Config Params of the effects if (effectEn[PREPROC_AGC]) { if (int status = preProcSetConfigParam(AGC_PARAM_TARGET_LEVEL, (uint32_t)preProcCfgParams.agcTargetLevel, effectHandle[PREPROC_AGC]); status != 0) { ALOGE("Invalid AGC Target Level. Error %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (int status = preProcSetConfigParam(AGC_PARAM_COMP_GAIN, (uint32_t)preProcCfgParams.agcCompLevel, effectHandle[PREPROC_AGC]); status != 0) { ALOGE("Invalid AGC Comp Gain. Error %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (effectEn[PREPROC_AGC2]) { if (int status = preProcSetConfigParam(AGC2_PARAM_FIXED_DIGITAL_GAIN, (float)preProcCfgParams.agc2Gain, effectHandle[PREPROC_AGC2]); status != 0) { ALOGE("Invalid AGC2 Fixed Digital Gain. Error %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (int status = preProcSetConfigParam(AGC2_PARAM_ADAPT_DIGI_LEVEL_ESTIMATOR, (uint32_t)preProcCfgParams.agc2Level, effectHandle[PREPROC_AGC2]); status != 0) { ALOGE("Invalid AGC2 Level Estimator. Error %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (int status = preProcSetConfigParam(AGC2_PARAM_ADAPT_DIGI_EXTRA_SATURATION_MARGIN, (float)preProcCfgParams.agc2SaturationMargin, effectHandle[PREPROC_AGC2]); status != 0) { ALOGE("Invalid AGC2 Saturation Margin. Error %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (effectEn[PREPROC_NS]) { if (int status = preProcSetConfigParam(NS_PARAM_LEVEL, (uint32_t)preProcCfgParams.nsLevel, effectHandle[PREPROC_NS]); status != 0) { ALOGE("Invalid Noise Suppression level Error %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Process Call const int frameLength = (int)(preProcCfgParams.samplingFreq * kTenMilliSecVal); const int ioChannelCount = audio_channel_count_from_in_mask(preProcCfgParams.chMask); const int fileChannelCount = preProcCfgParams.fileChannels; const int ioFrameSize = ioChannelCount * sizeof(short); const int inFrameSize = fileChannelCount * sizeof(short); int frameCounter = 0; while (true) { std::vector in(frameLength * ioChannelCount); std::vector out(frameLength * ioChannelCount); std::vector farIn(frameLength * ioChannelCount); size_t samplesRead = fread(in.data(), inFrameSize, frameLength, inputFp.get()); if (samplesRead == 0) { break; } if (fileChannelCount != ioChannelCount) { adjust_channels(in.data(), fileChannelCount, in.data(), ioChannelCount, sizeof(short), frameLength * inFrameSize); if (preProcCfgParams.monoMode == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < frameLength; ++i) { auto* fp = &in[i * ioChannelCount]; std::fill(fp + 1, fp + ioChannelCount, *fp); // replicate ch 0 } } } audio_buffer_t inputBuffer, outputBuffer; audio_buffer_t farInBuffer{}; inputBuffer.frameCount = frameLength; outputBuffer.frameCount = frameLength; inputBuffer.s16 = in.data(); outputBuffer.s16 = out.data(); if (farFp != nullptr) { samplesRead = fread(farIn.data(), inFrameSize, frameLength, farFp.get()); if (samplesRead == 0) { break; } if (fileChannelCount != ioChannelCount) { adjust_channels(farIn.data(), fileChannelCount, farIn.data(), ioChannelCount, sizeof(short), frameLength * inFrameSize); if (preProcCfgParams.monoMode == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < frameLength; ++i) { auto* fp = &farIn[i * ioChannelCount]; std::fill(fp + 1, fp + ioChannelCount, *fp); // replicate ch 0 } } } farInBuffer.frameCount = frameLength; farInBuffer.s16 = farIn.data(); } for (int i = 0; i < PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS; i++) { if (effectEn[i] == 1) { if (i == PREPROC_AEC) { if (int status = preProcSetConfigParam(AEC_PARAM_ECHO_DELAY, (uint32_t)preProcCfgParams.aecDelay, effectHandle[PREPROC_AEC]); status != 0) { ALOGE("preProcSetConfigParam returned Error %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (int status = (*effectHandle[i]) ->process(effectHandle[i], &inputBuffer, &outputBuffer); status != 0) { ALOGE("\nError: Process i = %d returned with error %d\n", i, status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (i == PREPROC_AEC) { if (int status = (*effectHandle[i]) ->process_reverse(effectHandle[i], &farInBuffer, &outputBuffer); status != 0) { ALOGE("\nError: Process reverse i = %d returned with error %d\n", i, status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } } if (outputFp != nullptr) { if (fileChannelCount != ioChannelCount) { adjust_channels(out.data(), ioChannelCount, out.data(), fileChannelCount, sizeof(short), frameLength * ioFrameSize); } size_t samplesWritten = fwrite(out.data(), inFrameSize, outputBuffer.frameCount, outputFp.get()); if (samplesWritten != outputBuffer.frameCount) { ALOGE("\nError: Output file writing failed"); break; } } frameCounter += frameLength; } printf("frameCounter: [%d]\n", frameCounter); // Release all the effect handles created for (int i = 0; i < PREPROC_NUM_EFFECTS; i++) { if (int status = AUDIO_EFFECT_LIBRARY_INFO_SYM.release_effect(effectHandle[i]); status != 0) { ALOGE("Audio Preprocessing release returned an error = %d\n", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }