/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "RTSPSource" #include #include "RTSPSource.h" #include "AnotherPacketSource.h" #include "MyHandler.h" #include "SDPLoader.h" #include #include #include namespace android { const int64_t kNearEOSTimeoutUs = 2000000LL; // 2 secs // Default Buffer Underflow/Prepare/StartServer/Overflow Marks static const int kUnderflowMarkMs = 1000; // 1 second static const int kPrepareMarkMs = 3000; // 3 seconds //static const int kStartServerMarkMs = 5000; static const int kOverflowMarkMs = 10000; // 10 seconds NuPlayer::RTSPSource::RTSPSource( const sp ¬ify, const sp &httpService, const char *url, const KeyedVector *headers, bool uidValid, uid_t uid, bool isSDP) : Source(notify), mHTTPService(httpService), mURL(url), mUIDValid(uidValid), mUID(uid), mFlags(0), mIsSDP(isSDP), mState(DISCONNECTED), mFinalResult(OK), mDisconnectReplyID(0), mBuffering(false), mInPreparationPhase(true), mEOSPending(false), mSeekGeneration(0), mEOSTimeoutAudio(0), mEOSTimeoutVideo(0) { mBufferingSettings.mInitialMarkMs = kPrepareMarkMs; mBufferingSettings.mResumePlaybackMarkMs = kOverflowMarkMs; if (headers) { mExtraHeaders = *headers; ssize_t index = mExtraHeaders.indexOfKey(String8("x-hide-urls-from-log")); if (index >= 0) { mFlags |= kFlagIncognito; mExtraHeaders.removeItemsAt(index); } } } NuPlayer::RTSPSource::~RTSPSource() { if (mLooper != NULL) { mLooper->unregisterHandler(id()); mLooper->stop(); } } status_t NuPlayer::RTSPSource::getBufferingSettings( BufferingSettings* buffering /* nonnull */) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mBufferingSettingsLock); *buffering = mBufferingSettings; return OK; } status_t NuPlayer::RTSPSource::setBufferingSettings(const BufferingSettings& buffering) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mBufferingSettingsLock); mBufferingSettings = buffering; return OK; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::prepareAsync() { if (mIsSDP && mHTTPService == NULL) { notifyPrepared(BAD_VALUE); return; } if (mLooper == NULL) { mLooper = new ALooper; mLooper->setName("rtsp"); mLooper->start(); mLooper->registerHandler(this); } CHECK(mHandler == NULL); CHECK(mSDPLoader == NULL); sp notify = new AMessage(kWhatNotify, this); CHECK_EQ(mState, (int)DISCONNECTED); mState = CONNECTING; if (mIsSDP) { mSDPLoader = new SDPLoader(notify, (mFlags & kFlagIncognito) ? SDPLoader::kFlagIncognito : 0, mHTTPService); mSDPLoader->load( mURL.c_str(), mExtraHeaders.isEmpty() ? NULL : &mExtraHeaders); } else { mHandler = new MyHandler(mURL.c_str(), notify, mUIDValid, mUID); mLooper->registerHandler(mHandler); mHandler->connect(); } startBufferingIfNecessary(); } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::start() { } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::stop() { if (mLooper == NULL) { return; } sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatDisconnect, this); sp dummy; msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&dummy); // Close socket after posting message to RTSPSource message handler. if (mHandler != NULL && mHandler->getARTSPConnection()->getSocket() >= 0) { ALOGD("closing rtsp socket if not closed yet."); close(mHandler->getARTSPConnection()->getSocket()); } } status_t NuPlayer::RTSPSource::feedMoreTSData() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mBufferingLock); return mFinalResult; } sp NuPlayer::RTSPSource::getFormatMeta(bool audio) { sp source = getSource(audio); if (source == NULL) { return NULL; } return source->getFormat(); } bool NuPlayer::RTSPSource::haveSufficientDataOnAllTracks() { // We're going to buffer at least 2 secs worth data on all tracks before // starting playback (both at startup and after a seek). static const int64_t kMinDurationUs = 2000000LL; int64_t mediaDurationUs = 0; getDuration(&mediaDurationUs); if ((mAudioTrack != NULL && mAudioTrack->isFinished(mediaDurationUs)) || (mVideoTrack != NULL && mVideoTrack->isFinished(mediaDurationUs))) { return true; } status_t err; int64_t durationUs; if (mAudioTrack != NULL && (durationUs = mAudioTrack->getBufferedDurationUs(&err)) < kMinDurationUs && err == OK) { ALOGV("audio track doesn't have enough data yet. (%.2f secs buffered)", durationUs / 1E6); return false; } if (mVideoTrack != NULL && (durationUs = mVideoTrack->getBufferedDurationUs(&err)) < kMinDurationUs && err == OK) { ALOGV("video track doesn't have enough data yet. (%.2f secs buffered)", durationUs / 1E6); return false; } return true; } status_t NuPlayer::RTSPSource::dequeueAccessUnit( bool audio, sp *accessUnit) { if (!stopBufferingIfNecessary()) { return -EWOULDBLOCK; } sp source = getSource(audio); if (source == NULL) { return -EWOULDBLOCK; } status_t finalResult; if (!source->hasBufferAvailable(&finalResult)) { if (finalResult == OK) { // If other source already signaled EOS, this source should also return EOS if (sourceReachedEOS(!audio)) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } // If this source has detected near end, give it some time to retrieve more // data before returning EOS int64_t mediaDurationUs = 0; getDuration(&mediaDurationUs); if (source->isFinished(mediaDurationUs)) { int64_t eosTimeout = audio ? mEOSTimeoutAudio : mEOSTimeoutVideo; if (eosTimeout == 0) { setEOSTimeout(audio, ALooper::GetNowUs()); } else if ((ALooper::GetNowUs() - eosTimeout) > kNearEOSTimeoutUs) { setEOSTimeout(audio, 0); return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } return -EWOULDBLOCK; } if (!sourceNearEOS(!audio)) { // We should not enter buffering mode // if any of the sources already have detected EOS. startBufferingIfNecessary(); } return -EWOULDBLOCK; } return finalResult; } setEOSTimeout(audio, 0); return source->dequeueAccessUnit(accessUnit); } sp NuPlayer::RTSPSource::getSource(bool audio) { if (mTSParser != NULL) { sp source = mTSParser->getSource( audio ? ATSParser::AUDIO : ATSParser::VIDEO); return static_cast(source.get()); } return audio ? mAudioTrack : mVideoTrack; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::setEOSTimeout(bool audio, int64_t timeout) { if (audio) { mEOSTimeoutAudio = timeout; } else { mEOSTimeoutVideo = timeout; } } status_t NuPlayer::RTSPSource::getDuration(int64_t *durationUs) { *durationUs = -1LL; int64_t audioDurationUs; if (mAudioTrack != NULL && mAudioTrack->getFormat()->findInt64( kKeyDuration, &audioDurationUs) && audioDurationUs > *durationUs) { *durationUs = audioDurationUs; } int64_t videoDurationUs; if (mVideoTrack != NULL && mVideoTrack->getFormat()->findInt64( kKeyDuration, &videoDurationUs) && videoDurationUs > *durationUs) { *durationUs = videoDurationUs; } return OK; } status_t NuPlayer::RTSPSource::seekTo(int64_t seekTimeUs, MediaPlayerSeekMode mode) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatPerformSeek, this); msg->setInt32("generation", ++mSeekGeneration); msg->setInt64("timeUs", seekTimeUs); msg->setInt32("mode", mode); sp response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); } return err; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::performSeek(int64_t seekTimeUs) { if (mState != CONNECTED) { finishSeek(INVALID_OPERATION); return; } mState = SEEKING; mHandler->seek(seekTimeUs); mEOSPending = false; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::schedulePollBuffering() { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatPollBuffering, this); msg->post(1000000LL); // 1 second intervals } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::checkBuffering( bool *prepared, bool *underflow, bool *overflow, bool *startServer, bool *finished) { size_t numTracks = mTracks.size(); size_t preparedCount, underflowCount, overflowCount, startCount, finishedCount; preparedCount = underflowCount = overflowCount = startCount = finishedCount = 0; size_t count = numTracks; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { status_t finalResult; TrackInfo *info = &mTracks.editItemAt(i); sp src = info->mSource; if (src == NULL) { --numTracks; continue; } int64_t bufferedDurationUs = src->getBufferedDurationUs(&finalResult); int64_t initialMarkUs; int64_t maxRebufferingMarkUs; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mBufferingSettingsLock); initialMarkUs = mBufferingSettings.mInitialMarkMs * 1000LL; // TODO: maxRebufferingMarkUs could be larger than // mBufferingSettings.mResumePlaybackMarkMs * 1000ll. maxRebufferingMarkUs = mBufferingSettings.mResumePlaybackMarkMs * 1000LL; } // isFinished when duration is 0 checks for EOS result only if (bufferedDurationUs > initialMarkUs || src->isFinished(/* duration */ 0)) { ++preparedCount; } if (src->isFinished(/* duration */ 0)) { ++overflowCount; ++finishedCount; } else { // TODO: redefine kUnderflowMarkMs to a fair value, if (bufferedDurationUs < kUnderflowMarkMs * 1000) { ++underflowCount; } if (bufferedDurationUs > maxRebufferingMarkUs) { ++overflowCount; } int64_t startServerMarkUs = (kUnderflowMarkMs * 1000LL + maxRebufferingMarkUs) / 2; if (bufferedDurationUs < startServerMarkUs) { ++startCount; } } } *prepared = (preparedCount == numTracks); *underflow = (underflowCount > 0); *overflow = (overflowCount == numTracks); *startServer = (startCount > 0); *finished = (finishedCount > 0); } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::onPollBuffering() { bool prepared, underflow, overflow, startServer, finished; checkBuffering(&prepared, &underflow, &overflow, &startServer, &finished); if (prepared && mInPreparationPhase) { mInPreparationPhase = false; notifyPrepared(); } if (!mInPreparationPhase && underflow) { startBufferingIfNecessary(); } if (haveSufficientDataOnAllTracks()) { stopBufferingIfNecessary(); } if (overflow && mHandler != NULL) { mHandler->pause(); } if (startServer && mHandler != NULL) { mHandler->resume(); } if (finished && mHandler != NULL) { mHandler->cancelAccessUnitTimeoutCheck(); } schedulePollBuffering(); } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::signalSourceEOS(status_t result) { const bool audio = true; const bool video = false; sp source = getSource(audio); if (source != NULL) { source->signalEOS(result); } source = getSource(video); if (source != NULL) { source->signalEOS(result); } } bool NuPlayer::RTSPSource::sourceReachedEOS(bool audio) { sp source = getSource(audio); status_t finalResult; return (source != NULL && !source->hasBufferAvailable(&finalResult) && finalResult == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM); } bool NuPlayer::RTSPSource::sourceNearEOS(bool audio) { sp source = getSource(audio); int64_t mediaDurationUs = 0; getDuration(&mediaDurationUs); return (source != NULL && source->isFinished(mediaDurationUs)); } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::onSignalEOS(const sp &msg) { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); if (generation != mSeekGeneration) { return; } if (mEOSPending) { signalSourceEOS(ERROR_END_OF_STREAM); mEOSPending = false; } } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::postSourceEOSIfNecessary() { const bool audio = true; const bool video = false; // If a source has detected near end, give it some time to retrieve more // data before signaling EOS if (sourceNearEOS(audio) || sourceNearEOS(video)) { if (!mEOSPending) { sp msg = new AMessage(kWhatSignalEOS, this); msg->setInt32("generation", mSeekGeneration); msg->post(kNearEOSTimeoutUs); mEOSPending = true; } } } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::onMessageReceived(const sp &msg) { if (msg->what() == kWhatDisconnect) { sp replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); mDisconnectReplyID = replyID; finishDisconnectIfPossible(); return; } else if (msg->what() == kWhatPerformSeek) { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&mSeekReplyID)); if (generation != mSeekGeneration) { // obsolete. finishSeek(OK); return; } int64_t seekTimeUs; int32_t mode; CHECK(msg->findInt64("timeUs", &seekTimeUs)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("mode", &mode)); // TODO: add "mode" to performSeek. performSeek(seekTimeUs/*, (MediaPlayerSeekMode)mode */); return; } else if (msg->what() == kWhatPollBuffering) { onPollBuffering(); return; } else if (msg->what() == kWhatSignalEOS) { onSignalEOS(msg); return; } CHECK_EQ(msg->what(), kWhatNotify); int32_t what; CHECK(msg->findInt32("what", &what)); switch (what) { case MyHandler::kWhatConnected: { onConnected(); notifyVideoSizeChanged(); uint32_t flags = 0; if (mHandler->isSeekable()) { flags = FLAG_CAN_PAUSE | FLAG_CAN_SEEK | FLAG_CAN_SEEK_BACKWARD | FLAG_CAN_SEEK_FORWARD; } notifyFlagsChanged(flags); schedulePollBuffering(); break; } case MyHandler::kWhatDisconnected: { onDisconnected(msg); break; } case MyHandler::kWhatSeekDone: { mState = CONNECTED; // Unblock seekTo here in case we attempted to seek in a live stream finishSeek(OK); break; } case MyHandler::kWhatSeekPaused: { sp source = getSource(true /* audio */); if (source != NULL) { source->queueDiscontinuity(ATSParser::DISCONTINUITY_NONE, /* extra */ NULL, /* discard */ true); } source = getSource(false /* video */); if (source != NULL) { source->queueDiscontinuity(ATSParser::DISCONTINUITY_NONE, /* extra */ NULL, /* discard */ true); }; status_t err = OK; msg->findInt32("err", &err); if (err == OK) { int64_t timeUs; CHECK(msg->findInt64("time", &timeUs)); mHandler->continueSeekAfterPause(timeUs); } else { finishSeek(err); } break; } case MyHandler::kWhatAccessUnit: { size_t trackIndex; CHECK(msg->findSize("trackIndex", &trackIndex)); if (mTSParser == NULL) { CHECK_LT(trackIndex, mTracks.size()); } else { CHECK_EQ(trackIndex, 0u); } sp accessUnit; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("accessUnit", &accessUnit)); int32_t damaged; if (accessUnit->meta()->findInt32("damaged", &damaged) && damaged) { ALOGI("dropping damaged access unit."); break; } if (mTSParser != NULL) { size_t offset = 0; status_t err = OK; while (offset + 188 <= accessUnit->size()) { err = mTSParser->feedTSPacket( accessUnit->data() + offset, 188); if (err != OK) { break; } offset += 188; } if (offset < accessUnit->size()) { err = ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (err != OK) { signalSourceEOS(err); } postSourceEOSIfNecessary(); break; } TrackInfo *info = &mTracks.editItemAt(trackIndex); sp source = info->mSource; if (source != NULL) { uint32_t rtpTime; CHECK(accessUnit->meta()->findInt32("rtp-time", (int32_t *)&rtpTime)); if (!info->mNPTMappingValid) { // This is a live stream, we didn't receive any normal // playtime mapping. We won't map to npt time. source->queueAccessUnit(accessUnit); break; } int64_t nptUs = ((double)rtpTime - (double)info->mRTPTime) / info->mTimeScale * 1000000LL + info->mNormalPlaytimeUs; accessUnit->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", nptUs); source->queueAccessUnit(accessUnit); } postSourceEOSIfNecessary(); break; } case MyHandler::kWhatEOS: { int32_t finalResult; CHECK(msg->findInt32("finalResult", &finalResult)); CHECK_NE(finalResult, (status_t)OK); if (mTSParser != NULL) { signalSourceEOS(finalResult); } size_t trackIndex; CHECK(msg->findSize("trackIndex", &trackIndex)); CHECK_LT(trackIndex, mTracks.size()); TrackInfo *info = &mTracks.editItemAt(trackIndex); sp source = info->mSource; if (source != NULL) { source->signalEOS(finalResult); } break; } case MyHandler::kWhatSeekDiscontinuity: { size_t trackIndex; CHECK(msg->findSize("trackIndex", &trackIndex)); CHECK_LT(trackIndex, mTracks.size()); TrackInfo *info = &mTracks.editItemAt(trackIndex); sp source = info->mSource; if (source != NULL) { source->queueDiscontinuity( ATSParser::DISCONTINUITY_TIME, NULL, true /* discard */); } break; } case MyHandler::kWhatNormalPlayTimeMapping: { size_t trackIndex; CHECK(msg->findSize("trackIndex", &trackIndex)); CHECK_LT(trackIndex, mTracks.size()); uint32_t rtpTime; CHECK(msg->findInt32("rtpTime", (int32_t *)&rtpTime)); int64_t nptUs; CHECK(msg->findInt64("nptUs", &nptUs)); TrackInfo *info = &mTracks.editItemAt(trackIndex); info->mRTPTime = rtpTime; info->mNormalPlaytimeUs = nptUs; info->mNPTMappingValid = true; break; } case SDPLoader::kWhatSDPLoaded: { onSDPLoaded(msg); break; } default: TRESPASS(); } } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::onConnected() { CHECK(mAudioTrack == NULL); CHECK(mVideoTrack == NULL); size_t numTracks = mHandler->countTracks(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numTracks; ++i) { int32_t timeScale; sp format = mHandler->getTrackFormat(i, &timeScale); const char *mime; CHECK(format->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_CONTAINER_MPEG2TS)) { // Very special case for MPEG2 Transport Streams. CHECK_EQ(numTracks, 1u); mTSParser = new ATSParser; return; } bool isAudio = !strncasecmp(mime, "audio/", 6); bool isVideo = !strncasecmp(mime, "video/", 6); TrackInfo info; info.mTimeScale = timeScale; info.mRTPTime = 0; info.mNormalPlaytimeUs = 0LL; info.mNPTMappingValid = false; if ((isAudio && mAudioTrack == NULL) || (isVideo && mVideoTrack == NULL)) { sp source = new AnotherPacketSource(format); if (isAudio) { mAudioTrack = source; } else { mVideoTrack = source; } info.mSource = source; } mTracks.push(info); } mState = CONNECTED; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::onSDPLoaded(const sp &msg) { status_t err; CHECK(msg->findInt32("result", &err)); mSDPLoader.clear(); if (mDisconnectReplyID != 0) { err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (err == OK) { sp desc; sp obj; CHECK(msg->findObject("description", &obj)); desc = static_cast(obj.get()); AString rtspUri; if (!desc->findAttribute(0, "a=control", &rtspUri)) { ALOGE("Unable to find url in SDP"); err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } else { sp notify = new AMessage(kWhatNotify, this); mHandler = new MyHandler(rtspUri.c_str(), notify, mUIDValid, mUID); mLooper->registerHandler(mHandler); mHandler->loadSDP(desc); } } if (err != OK) { if (mState == CONNECTING) { // We're still in the preparation phase, signal that it // failed. notifyPrepared(err); } mState = DISCONNECTED; setError(err); if (mDisconnectReplyID != 0) { finishDisconnectIfPossible(); } } } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::onDisconnected(const sp &msg) { if (mState == DISCONNECTED) { return; } status_t err; CHECK(msg->findInt32("result", &err)); CHECK_NE(err, (status_t)OK); mLooper->unregisterHandler(mHandler->id()); mHandler.clear(); if (mState == CONNECTING) { // We're still in the preparation phase, signal that it // failed. notifyPrepared(err); } mState = DISCONNECTED; setError(err); if (mDisconnectReplyID != 0) { finishDisconnectIfPossible(); } } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::finishDisconnectIfPossible() { if (mState != DISCONNECTED) { if (mHandler != NULL) { mHandler->disconnect(); } else if (mSDPLoader != NULL) { mSDPLoader->cancel(); } return; } (new AMessage)->postReply(mDisconnectReplyID); mDisconnectReplyID = 0; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::setError(status_t err) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mBufferingLock); mFinalResult = err; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::startBufferingIfNecessary() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mBufferingLock); if (!mBuffering) { mBuffering = true; sp notify = dupNotify(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatPauseOnBufferingStart); notify->post(); } } bool NuPlayer::RTSPSource::stopBufferingIfNecessary() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mBufferingLock); if (mBuffering) { if (!haveSufficientDataOnAllTracks()) { return false; } mBuffering = false; sp notify = dupNotify(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatResumeOnBufferingEnd); notify->post(); } return true; } void NuPlayer::RTSPSource::finishSeek(status_t err) { if (mSeekReplyID == NULL) { return; } sp seekReply = new AMessage; seekReply->setInt32("err", err); seekReply->postReply(mSeekReplyID); mSeekReplyID = NULL; } } // namespace android