/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _UI_INPUT_DISPATCHER_H #define _UI_INPUT_DISPATCHER_H #include "AnrTracker.h" #include "CancelationOptions.h" #include "DragState.h" #include "Entry.h" #include "FocusResolver.h" #include "InjectionState.h" #include "InputDispatcherConfiguration.h" #include "InputDispatcherInterface.h" #include "InputDispatcherPolicyInterface.h" #include "InputState.h" #include "InputTarget.h" #include "InputThread.h" #include "LatencyAggregator.h" #include "LatencyTracker.h" #include "Monitor.h" #include "TouchState.h" #include "TouchedWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android::inputdispatcher { class Connection; /* Dispatches events to input targets. Some functions of the input dispatcher, such as * identifying input targets, are controlled by a separate policy object. * * IMPORTANT INVARIANT: * Because the policy can potentially block or cause re-entrance into the input dispatcher, * the input dispatcher never calls into the policy while holding its internal locks. * The implementation is also carefully designed to recover from scenarios such as an * input channel becoming unregistered while identifying input targets or processing timeouts. * * Methods marked 'Locked' must be called with the lock acquired. * * Methods marked 'LockedInterruptible' must be called with the lock acquired but * may during the course of their execution release the lock, call into the policy, and * then reacquire the lock. The caller is responsible for recovering gracefully. * * A 'LockedInterruptible' method may called a 'Locked' method, but NOT vice-versa. */ class InputDispatcher : public android::InputDispatcherInterface { protected: ~InputDispatcher() override; public: explicit InputDispatcher(const sp& policy); void dump(std::string& dump) override; void monitor() override; bool waitForIdle() override; status_t start() override; status_t stop() override; void notifyConfigurationChanged(const NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs* args) override; void notifyKey(const NotifyKeyArgs* args) override; void notifyMotion(const NotifyMotionArgs* args) override; void notifySwitch(const NotifySwitchArgs* args) override; void notifySensor(const NotifySensorArgs* args) override; void notifyVibratorState(const NotifyVibratorStateArgs* args) override; void notifyDeviceReset(const NotifyDeviceResetArgs* args) override; void notifyPointerCaptureChanged(const NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs* args) override; android::os::InputEventInjectionResult injectInputEvent( const InputEvent* event, int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid, android::os::InputEventInjectionSync syncMode, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, uint32_t policyFlags) override; std::unique_ptr verifyInputEvent(const InputEvent& event) override; void setInputWindows(const std::unordered_map>>& handlesPerDisplay) override; void setFocusedApplication( int32_t displayId, const std::shared_ptr& inputApplicationHandle) override; void setFocusedDisplay(int32_t displayId) override; void setInputDispatchMode(bool enabled, bool frozen) override; void setInputFilterEnabled(bool enabled) override; void setInTouchMode(bool inTouchMode) override; void setMaximumObscuringOpacityForTouch(float opacity) override; void setBlockUntrustedTouchesMode(android::os::BlockUntrustedTouchesMode mode) override; bool transferTouchFocus(const sp& fromToken, const sp& toToken, bool isDragDrop = false) override; bool transferTouch(const sp& destChannelToken) override; base::Result> createInputChannel( const std::string& name) override; void setFocusedWindow(const FocusRequest&) override; base::Result> createInputMonitor(int32_t displayId, bool isGestureMonitor, const std::string& name, int32_t pid) override; status_t removeInputChannel(const sp& connectionToken) override; status_t pilferPointers(const sp& token) override; void requestPointerCapture(const sp& windowToken, bool enabled) override; bool flushSensor(int deviceId, InputDeviceSensorType sensorType) override; std::array sign(const VerifiedInputEvent& event) const; void displayRemoved(int32_t displayId) override; private: enum class DropReason { NOT_DROPPED, POLICY, APP_SWITCH, DISABLED, BLOCKED, STALE, NO_POINTER_CAPTURE, }; std::unique_ptr mThread; sp mPolicy; android::InputDispatcherConfiguration mConfig; std::mutex mLock; std::condition_variable mDispatcherIsAlive; std::condition_variable mDispatcherEnteredIdle; sp mLooper; std::shared_ptr mPendingEvent GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::deque> mInboundQueue GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::deque> mRecentQueue GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::deque> mCommandQueue GUARDED_BY(mLock); DropReason mLastDropReason GUARDED_BY(mLock); const IdGenerator mIdGenerator; // With each iteration, InputDispatcher nominally processes one queued event, // a timeout, or a response from an input consumer. // This method should only be called on the input dispatcher's own thread. void dispatchOnce(); void dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock); // Enqueues an inbound event. Returns true if mLooper->wake() should be called. bool enqueueInboundEventLocked(std::unique_ptr entry) REQUIRES(mLock); // Cleans up input state when dropping an inbound event. void dropInboundEventLocked(const EventEntry& entry, DropReason dropReason) REQUIRES(mLock); // Enqueues a focus event. void enqueueFocusEventLocked(const sp& windowToken, bool hasFocus, const std::string& reason) REQUIRES(mLock); // Enqueues a drag event. void enqueueDragEventLocked(const sp& windowToken, bool isExiting, const MotionEntry& motionEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); // Adds an event to a queue of recent events for debugging purposes. void addRecentEventLocked(std::shared_ptr entry) REQUIRES(mLock); // App switch latency optimization. bool mAppSwitchSawKeyDown GUARDED_BY(mLock); nsecs_t mAppSwitchDueTime GUARDED_BY(mLock); bool isAppSwitchKeyEvent(const KeyEntry& keyEntry); bool isAppSwitchPendingLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); void resetPendingAppSwitchLocked(bool handled) REQUIRES(mLock); // Blocked event latency optimization. Drops old events when the user intends // to transfer focus to a new application. std::shared_ptr mNextUnblockedEvent GUARDED_BY(mLock); sp findTouchedWindowAtLocked(int32_t displayId, int32_t x, int32_t y, TouchState* touchState, bool addOutsideTargets = false, bool addPortalWindows = false, bool ignoreDragWindow = false) REQUIRES(mLock); sp getConnectionLocked(const sp& inputConnectionToken) const REQUIRES(mLock); std::string getConnectionNameLocked(const sp& connectionToken) const REQUIRES(mLock); void removeConnectionLocked(const sp& connection) REQUIRES(mLock); template struct StrongPointerHash { std::size_t operator()(const sp& b) const { return std::hash{}(b.get()); } }; // All registered connections mapped by input channel token. std::unordered_map, sp, StrongPointerHash> mConnectionsByToken GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Finds the display ID of the gesture monitor identified by the provided token. std::optional findGestureMonitorDisplayByTokenLocked(const sp& token) REQUIRES(mLock); // Find a monitor pid by the provided token. std::optional findMonitorPidByTokenLocked(const sp& token) REQUIRES(mLock); // Input channels that will receive a copy of all input events sent to the provided display. std::unordered_map> mGlobalMonitorsByDisplay GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Input channels that will receive pointer events that start within the corresponding display. // These are a bit special when compared to global monitors since they'll cause gesture streams // to continue even when there isn't a touched window,and have the ability to steal the rest of // the pointer stream in order to claim it for a system gesture. std::unordered_map> mGestureMonitorsByDisplay GUARDED_BY(mLock); const HmacKeyManager mHmacKeyManager; const std::array getSignature(const MotionEntry& motionEntry, const DispatchEntry& dispatchEntry) const; const std::array getSignature(const KeyEntry& keyEntry, const DispatchEntry& dispatchEntry) const; // Event injection and synchronization. std::condition_variable mInjectionResultAvailable; bool hasInjectionPermission(int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid); void setInjectionResult(EventEntry& entry, android::os::InputEventInjectionResult injectionResult); std::condition_variable mInjectionSyncFinished; void incrementPendingForegroundDispatches(EventEntry& entry); void decrementPendingForegroundDispatches(EventEntry& entry); // Key repeat tracking. struct KeyRepeatState { std::shared_ptr lastKeyEntry; // or null if no repeat nsecs_t nextRepeatTime; } mKeyRepeatState GUARDED_BY(mLock); void resetKeyRepeatLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); std::shared_ptr synthesizeKeyRepeatLocked(nsecs_t currentTime) REQUIRES(mLock); // Key replacement tracking struct KeyReplacement { int32_t keyCode; int32_t deviceId; bool operator==(const KeyReplacement& rhs) const { return keyCode == rhs.keyCode && deviceId == rhs.deviceId; } }; struct KeyReplacementHash { size_t operator()(const KeyReplacement& key) const { return std::hash()(key.keyCode) ^ (std::hash()(key.deviceId) << 1); } }; // Maps the key code replaced, device id tuple to the key code it was replaced with std::unordered_map mReplacedKeys GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Process certain Meta + Key combinations void accelerateMetaShortcuts(const int32_t deviceId, const int32_t action, int32_t& keyCode, int32_t& metaState); // Deferred command processing. bool haveCommandsLocked() const REQUIRES(mLock); bool runCommandsLockedInterruptible() REQUIRES(mLock); void postCommandLocked(std::unique_ptr commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); nsecs_t processAnrsLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); std::chrono::nanoseconds getDispatchingTimeoutLocked(const sp& token) REQUIRES(mLock); // Input filter processing. bool shouldSendKeyToInputFilterLocked(const NotifyKeyArgs* args) REQUIRES(mLock); bool shouldSendMotionToInputFilterLocked(const NotifyMotionArgs* args) REQUIRES(mLock); // Inbound event processing. void drainInboundQueueLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); void releasePendingEventLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); void releaseInboundEventLocked(std::shared_ptr entry) REQUIRES(mLock); // Dispatch state. bool mDispatchEnabled GUARDED_BY(mLock); bool mDispatchFrozen GUARDED_BY(mLock); bool mInputFilterEnabled GUARDED_BY(mLock); bool mInTouchMode GUARDED_BY(mLock); float mMaximumObscuringOpacityForTouch GUARDED_BY(mLock); android::os::BlockUntrustedTouchesMode mBlockUntrustedTouchesMode GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::unordered_map>> mWindowHandlesByDisplay GUARDED_BY(mLock); void setInputWindowsLocked(const std::vector>& inputWindowHandles, int32_t displayId) REQUIRES(mLock); // Get a reference to window handles by display, return an empty vector if not found. const std::vector>& getWindowHandlesLocked(int32_t displayId) const REQUIRES(mLock); sp getWindowHandleLocked(const sp& windowHandleToken) const REQUIRES(mLock); // Same function as above, but faster. Since displayId is provided, this avoids the need // to loop through all displays. sp getWindowHandleLocked(const sp& windowHandleToken, int displayId) const REQUIRES(mLock); sp getWindowHandleLocked(const sp& windowHandle) const REQUIRES(mLock); std::shared_ptr getInputChannelLocked(const sp& windowToken) const REQUIRES(mLock); sp getFocusedWindowHandleLocked(int displayId) const REQUIRES(mLock); bool hasResponsiveConnectionLocked(InputWindowHandle& windowHandle) const REQUIRES(mLock); /* * Validate and update InputWindowHandles for a given display. */ void updateWindowHandlesForDisplayLocked( const std::vector>& inputWindowHandles, int32_t displayId) REQUIRES(mLock); std::unordered_map mTouchStatesByDisplay GUARDED_BY(mLock); std::unique_ptr mDragState GUARDED_BY(mLock); void setFocusedApplicationLocked( int32_t displayId, const std::shared_ptr& inputApplicationHandle) REQUIRES(mLock); // Focused applications. std::unordered_map> mFocusedApplicationHandlesByDisplay GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Top focused display. int32_t mFocusedDisplayId GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Keeps track of the focused window per display and determines focus changes. FocusResolver mFocusResolver GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Whether the focused window on the focused display has requested Pointer Capture. // The state of this variable should always be in sync with the state of Pointer Capture in the // policy, which is updated through setPointerCaptureLocked(enabled). bool mFocusedWindowRequestedPointerCapture GUARDED_BY(mLock); // The window token that has Pointer Capture. // This should be in sync with PointerCaptureChangedEvents dispatched to the input channel. sp mWindowTokenWithPointerCapture GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Disable Pointer Capture as a result of loss of window focus. void disablePointerCaptureForcedLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); // Set the Pointer Capture state in the Policy. void setPointerCaptureLocked(bool enabled) REQUIRES(mLock); // Dispatcher state at time of last ANR. std::string mLastAnrState GUARDED_BY(mLock); // The connection tokens of the channels that the user last interacted, for debugging std::unordered_set, StrongPointerHash> mInteractionConnectionTokens GUARDED_BY(mLock); void updateInteractionTokensLocked(const EventEntry& entry, const std::vector& targets) REQUIRES(mLock); // Dispatch inbound events. bool dispatchConfigurationChangedLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const ConfigurationChangedEntry& entry) REQUIRES(mLock); bool dispatchDeviceResetLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const DeviceResetEntry& entry) REQUIRES(mLock); bool dispatchKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr entry, DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock); bool dispatchMotionLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr entry, DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock); void dispatchFocusLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr entry) REQUIRES(mLock); void dispatchPointerCaptureChangedLocked( nsecs_t currentTime, const std::shared_ptr& entry, DropReason& dropReason) REQUIRES(mLock); void dispatchEventLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr entry, const std::vector& inputTargets) REQUIRES(mLock); void dispatchSensorLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr entry, DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock); void dispatchDragLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr entry) REQUIRES(mLock); void logOutboundKeyDetails(const char* prefix, const KeyEntry& entry); void logOutboundMotionDetails(const char* prefix, const MotionEntry& entry); /** * This field is set if there is no focused window, and we have an event that requires * a focused window to be dispatched (for example, a KeyEvent). * When this happens, we will wait until *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime before * dropping the event and raising an ANR for that application. * This is useful if an application is slow to add a focused window. */ std::optional mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime GUARDED_BY(mLock); bool shouldPruneInboundQueueLocked(const MotionEntry& motionEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); /** * Time to stop waiting for the events to be processed while trying to dispatch a key. * When this time expires, we just send the pending key event to the currently focused window, * without waiting on other events to be processed first. */ std::optional mKeyIsWaitingForEventsTimeout GUARDED_BY(mLock); bool shouldWaitToSendKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const char* focusedWindowName) REQUIRES(mLock); /** * The focused application at the time when no focused window was present. * Used to raise an ANR when we have no focused window. */ std::shared_ptr mAwaitedFocusedApplication GUARDED_BY(mLock); /** * The displayId that the focused application is associated with. */ int32_t mAwaitedApplicationDisplayId GUARDED_BY(mLock); void processNoFocusedWindowAnrLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); /** * Tell policy about a window or a monitor that just became unresponsive. Starts ANR. */ void processConnectionUnresponsiveLocked(const Connection& connection, std::string reason) REQUIRES(mLock); /** * Tell policy about a window or a monitor that just became responsive. */ void processConnectionResponsiveLocked(const Connection& connection) REQUIRES(mLock); /** * Post `doNotifyMonitorUnresponsiveLockedInterruptible` command. */ void sendMonitorUnresponsiveCommandLocked(int32_t pid, std::string reason) REQUIRES(mLock); /** * Post `doNotifyWindowUnresponsiveLockedInterruptible` command. */ void sendWindowUnresponsiveCommandLocked(sp connectionToken, std::string reason) REQUIRES(mLock); /** * Post `doNotifyMonitorResponsiveLockedInterruptible` command. */ void sendMonitorResponsiveCommandLocked(int32_t pid) REQUIRES(mLock); /** * Post `doNotifyWindowResponsiveLockedInterruptible` command. */ void sendWindowResponsiveCommandLocked(sp connectionToken) REQUIRES(mLock); // Optimization: AnrTracker is used to quickly find which connection is due for a timeout next. // AnrTracker must be kept in-sync with all responsive connection.waitQueues. // If a connection is not responsive, then the entries should not be added to the AnrTracker. // Once a connection becomes unresponsive, its entries are removed from AnrTracker to // prevent unneeded wakeups. AnrTracker mAnrTracker GUARDED_BY(mLock); // Contains the last window which received a hover event. sp mLastHoverWindowHandle GUARDED_BY(mLock); void cancelEventsForAnrLocked(const sp& connection) REQUIRES(mLock); nsecs_t getTimeSpentWaitingForApplicationLocked(nsecs_t currentTime) REQUIRES(mLock); // If a focused application changes, we should stop counting down the "no focused window" time, // because we will have no way of knowing when the previous application actually added a window. // This also means that we will miss cases like pulling down notification shade when the // focused application does not have a focused window (no ANR will be raised if notification // shade is pulled down while we are counting down the timeout). void resetNoFocusedWindowTimeoutLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); int32_t getTargetDisplayId(const EventEntry& entry); android::os::InputEventInjectionResult findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked( nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry& entry, std::vector& inputTargets, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) REQUIRES(mLock); android::os::InputEventInjectionResult findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked( nsecs_t currentTime, const MotionEntry& entry, std::vector& inputTargets, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime, bool* outConflictingPointerActions) REQUIRES(mLock); std::vector findTouchedGestureMonitorsLocked( int32_t displayId, const std::vector>& portalWindows) const REQUIRES(mLock); std::vector selectResponsiveMonitorsLocked( const std::vector& gestureMonitors) const REQUIRES(mLock); void addWindowTargetLocked(const sp& windowHandle, int32_t targetFlags, BitSet32 pointerIds, std::vector& inputTargets) REQUIRES(mLock); void addMonitoringTargetLocked(const Monitor& monitor, float xOffset, float yOffset, std::vector& inputTargets) REQUIRES(mLock); void addGlobalMonitoringTargetsLocked(std::vector& inputTargets, int32_t displayId, float xOffset = 0, float yOffset = 0) REQUIRES(mLock); void pokeUserActivityLocked(const EventEntry& eventEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); bool checkInjectionPermission(const sp& windowHandle, const InjectionState* injectionState); // Enqueue a drag event if needed, and update the touch state. // Uses findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked to make the decision void addDragEventLocked(const MotionEntry& entry) REQUIRES(mLock); void finishDragAndDrop(int32_t displayId, float x, float y) REQUIRES(mLock); struct TouchOcclusionInfo { bool hasBlockingOcclusion; float obscuringOpacity; std::string obscuringPackage; int32_t obscuringUid; std::vector debugInfo; }; TouchOcclusionInfo computeTouchOcclusionInfoLocked(const sp& windowHandle, int32_t x, int32_t y) const REQUIRES(mLock); bool isTouchTrustedLocked(const TouchOcclusionInfo& occlusionInfo) const REQUIRES(mLock); bool isWindowObscuredAtPointLocked(const sp& windowHandle, int32_t x, int32_t y) const REQUIRES(mLock); bool isWindowObscuredLocked(const sp& windowHandle) const REQUIRES(mLock); std::string dumpWindowForTouchOcclusion(const InputWindowInfo* info, bool isTouchWindow) const; std::string getApplicationWindowLabel(const InputApplicationHandle* applicationHandle, const sp& windowHandle); bool shouldDropInput(const EventEntry& entry, const sp& windowHandle) const REQUIRES(mLock); // Manage the dispatch cycle for a single connection. // These methods are deliberately not Interruptible because doing all of the work // with the mutex held makes it easier to ensure that connection invariants are maintained. // If needed, the methods post commands to run later once the critical bits are done. void prepareDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp& connection, std::shared_ptr, const InputTarget& inputTarget) REQUIRES(mLock); void enqueueDispatchEntriesLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp& connection, std::shared_ptr, const InputTarget& inputTarget) REQUIRES(mLock); void enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(const sp& connection, std::shared_ptr, const InputTarget& inputTarget, int32_t dispatchMode) REQUIRES(mLock); void startDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp& connection) REQUIRES(mLock); void finishDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp& connection, uint32_t seq, bool handled, nsecs_t consumeTime) REQUIRES(mLock); void abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp& connection, bool notify) REQUIRES(mLock); void drainDispatchQueue(std::deque& queue); void releaseDispatchEntry(DispatchEntry* dispatchEntry); int handleReceiveCallback(int events, sp connectionToken); // The action sent should only be of type AMOTION_EVENT_* void dispatchPointerDownOutsideFocus(uint32_t source, int32_t action, const sp& newToken) REQUIRES(mLock); void synthesizeCancelationEventsForAllConnectionsLocked(const CancelationOptions& options) REQUIRES(mLock); void synthesizeCancelationEventsForMonitorsLocked(const CancelationOptions& options) REQUIRES(mLock); void synthesizeCancelationEventsForMonitorsLocked( const CancelationOptions& options, std::unordered_map>& monitorsByDisplay) REQUIRES(mLock); void synthesizeCancelationEventsForInputChannelLocked( const std::shared_ptr& channel, const CancelationOptions& options) REQUIRES(mLock); void synthesizeCancelationEventsForConnectionLocked(const sp& connection, const CancelationOptions& options) REQUIRES(mLock); void synthesizePointerDownEventsForConnectionLocked(const sp& connection) REQUIRES(mLock); // Splitting motion events across windows. std::unique_ptr splitMotionEvent(const MotionEntry& originalMotionEntry, BitSet32 pointerIds); // Reset and drop everything the dispatcher is doing. void resetAndDropEverythingLocked(const char* reason) REQUIRES(mLock); // Dump state. void dumpDispatchStateLocked(std::string& dump) REQUIRES(mLock); void dumpMonitors(std::string& dump, const std::vector& monitors); void logDispatchStateLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); std::string dumpPointerCaptureStateLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); // Registration. void removeMonitorChannelLocked(const sp& connectionToken) REQUIRES(mLock); void removeMonitorChannelLocked( const sp& connectionToken, std::unordered_map>& monitorsByDisplay) REQUIRES(mLock); status_t removeInputChannelLocked(const sp& connectionToken, bool notify) REQUIRES(mLock); // Interesting events that we might like to log or tell the framework about. void onDispatchCycleFinishedLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp& connection, uint32_t seq, bool handled, nsecs_t consumeTime) REQUIRES(mLock); void onDispatchCycleBrokenLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp& connection) REQUIRES(mLock); void onFocusChangedLocked(const FocusResolver::FocusChanges& changes) REQUIRES(mLock); void notifyFocusChangedLocked(const sp& oldFocus, const sp& newFocus) REQUIRES(mLock); void notifyDropWindowLocked(const sp& token, float x, float y) REQUIRES(mLock); void onAnrLocked(const sp& connection) REQUIRES(mLock); void onAnrLocked(std::shared_ptr application) REQUIRES(mLock); void onUntrustedTouchLocked(const std::string& obscuringPackage) REQUIRES(mLock); void updateLastAnrStateLocked(const sp& window, const std::string& reason) REQUIRES(mLock); void updateLastAnrStateLocked(const InputApplicationHandle& application, const std::string& reason) REQUIRES(mLock); void updateLastAnrStateLocked(const std::string& windowLabel, const std::string& reason) REQUIRES(mLock); // Outbound policy interactions. void doNotifyConfigurationChangedLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyInputChannelBrokenLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyFocusChangedLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyDropWindowLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); // ANR-related callbacks - start void doNotifyNoFocusedWindowAnrLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyWindowUnresponsiveLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyMonitorUnresponsiveLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyWindowResponsiveLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyMonitorResponsiveLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); // ANR-related callbacks - end void doNotifySensorLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doNotifyUntrustedTouchLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doDispatchCycleFinishedLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doSetPointerCaptureLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); bool afterKeyEventLockedInterruptible(const sp& connection, DispatchEntry* dispatchEntry, KeyEntry& keyEntry, bool handled) REQUIRES(mLock); bool afterMotionEventLockedInterruptible(const sp& connection, DispatchEntry* dispatchEntry, MotionEntry& motionEntry, bool handled) REQUIRES(mLock); void doPokeUserActivityLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); void doOnPointerDownOutsideFocusLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry) REQUIRES(mLock); // Statistics gathering. LatencyAggregator mLatencyAggregator GUARDED_BY(mLock); LatencyTracker mLatencyTracker GUARDED_BY(mLock); void traceInboundQueueLengthLocked() REQUIRES(mLock); void traceOutboundQueueLength(const Connection& connection); void traceWaitQueueLength(const Connection& connection); sp mReporter; sp mCompatService; }; } // namespace android::inputdispatcher #endif // _UI_INPUT_DISPATCHER_H