Help Mode: Normal Mode: Split Mode: HDR Auto exp. time: Even exp. time: Odd exp. time: HDR Viewfinder Demo:\n\n Tap viewfinder to switch modes.\n\n Normal: Standard camera preview\n Split: Manual exposure control\n HDR: Fused HDR viewfinder\n\n Swipe up/down in Split/HDR modes to change manual exposure values.\n\n The left half of the viewfinder controls exposure time for even-numbered frames, and the right half of the viewfinder controls exposure time for odd-numbered frames Info This sample app requires camera access in order to demo the API. No back-facing sufficiently capable camera available! Camera is disabled by device policy Camera was disconnected before it was opened Camera service reported an error Unknown camera error: %s You\'ve denied a permission that the app needs for core functionality. If you selected "don\'t ask again" in the past then you need to use Settings to re-enable the permission. OK Settings