# Android support in Bazel ## Disclaimer NOTE: This branch contains a development preview of the Starlark implementation of Android rules for Bazel. This code is incomplete and may not function as-is. Bazel 4.0.0 or newer and the following flags are necessary to use these rules: ``` --experimental_enable_android_migration_apis --experimental_google_legacy_api --incompatible_java_common_parameters --android_databinding_use_v3_4_args --experimental_android_databinding_v2 ``` Also, register the Android toolchains in the `WORKSPACE` file with: ``` register_toolchains( "@build_bazel_rules_android//toolchains/android:android_default_toolchain", "@build_bazel_rules_android//toolchains/android_sdk:android_sdk_tools", ) ``` (Assuming that the Android rules repository in the `WORKSPACE` file is named `build_bazel_rules_android`.) ## Overview This repository contains the Starlark implementation of Android rules in Bazel. The rules are being incrementally converted from their native implementations in the [Bazel source tree](https://source.bazel.build/bazel/+/master:src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/android/). For the list of Android rules, see the Bazel [documentation](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/android.html). ## Getting Started To use the new Bazel Android rules, add the following to your WORKSPACE file: load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_android", urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_android/archive/v0.1.1.zip"], sha256 = "cd06d15dd8bb59926e4d65f9003bfc20f9da4b2519985c27e190cddc8b7a7806", strip_prefix = "rules_android-0.1.1", ) Then, in your BUILD files, import and use the rules: load("@build_bazel_rules_android//rules:rules.bzl", "android_library") android_library( ... )