Copyright © 2015-2019 The Mada Project Authors, with Reserved Font Name “Source”. Mada Medium Mada-Medium 0 hmoveto 103 hlineto 107 357 22 71 20 73 19 74 rlinecurve 4 hlineto 20 -74 20 -73 22 -71 rrcurveto 106 -357 108 0 -217 655 rlineto -117 hlineto -96 -467 rmoveto 306 hlineto 0 80 rlineto -306 hlineto 193 -12 rmoveto 60 52 30 38 45 hvcurveto 3 hlineto 8 -56 82 0 0 294 rlineto 130 0 -56 77 -121 hhcurveto -78 -69 -32 -32 -50 hvcurveto 38 -68 rlineto 26 41 48 24 52 hhcurveto 73 20 -51 -57 1 hvcurveto -204 -22 -89 -54 0 -106 rrcurveto -86 0 60 -55 84 hhcurveto 31 79 rmoveto -44 -34 21 49 0 hvcurveto 0 55 50 37 146 18 0 -122 rcurveline -38 -41 -34 -21 -43 hhcurveto