| ";
s = " | ";
s +=
"Server | " +
"Server Version: " +
san(jso.i.version) + " " +
"Host Uptime: " +
((u / (24 * 3600)) | 0) + "d " +
(((u % (24 * 3600)) / 3600) | 0) + "h " +
(((u % 3600) / 60) | 0) + "m";
if (jso.i.l1)
s = s + ", Host Load: " + san(jso.i.l1) + " ";
if (jso.i.l2)
s = s + san(jso.i.l2) + " ";
if (jso.i.l3)
s = s + san(jso.i.l3);
if (jso.i.l1)
s =s + "";
if (jso.i.statm) {
var sm = jso.i.statm.split(" ");
s += ", Virt stack + heap Usage: " +
humanize(parseInt(sm[5], 10) * 4096) + "B";
s += ", lws heap usage: " +
humanize(jso.i.heap) + "B";
for (n = 0; n < jso.files.length; n++) {
s += " " + san(jso.files[n].path) + ": " + san(jso.files[n].val);
s += " | ";
for (ci = 0; ci < jso.i.contexts.length; ci++) {
if (parseInt(jso.i.contexts[ci].deprecated, 10) === 0)
s += " | " +
"Active Context | ";
s += " | | " +
"Deprecated Context " + ci + " | ";
u = parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].context_uptime), 10);
s += "Server Uptime: " +
((u / (24 * 3600)) | 0) + "d " +
(((u % (24 * 3600)) / 3600) | 0) + "h " +
(((u % 3600) / 60) | 0) + "m";
s = s +
" " +
"Listening wsi: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].listen_wsi) + ", " +
"Current wsi alive: " + (parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].wsi_alive), 10) -
parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].listen_wsi), 10)) + " " +
"Total Rx: " + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].rx)) +"B, " +
"Total Tx: " + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].tx)) +"B " +
"CONNECTIONS: HTTP/1.x: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h1_conn) +", " +
"Websocket: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].ws_upg) +", " +
"H2 upgrade: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_upg) +", " +
"H2 ALPN: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_alpn) +", " +
"Rejected: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].rejected) +" " +
"TRANSACTIONS: HTTP/1.x: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h1_trans) + ", " +
"H2: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_trans) +", " +
"Total H2 substreams: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_subs) +" " +
"CGI: alive: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].cgi_alive) + ", " +
"spawned: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].cgi_spawned) +
for (n = 0; n < jso.i.contexts[ci].pt.length; n++) {
if (parseInt(jso.i.contexts[ci].deprecated, 10) === 0)
s += " | service thread " + (n + 1);
s += " | | service thread " + (n + 1);
s += " | " +
"fds: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt[n].fds_count) + " / " +
san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt_fd_max) + ", ";
s = s + "ah pool: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt[n].ah_pool_inuse) + " / " +
san(jso.i.contexts[ci].ah_pool_max) + ", " +
"ah waiting list: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt[n].ah_wait_list);
s = s + " | ";
for (n = 0; n < jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts.length; n++) {
if (parseInt(jso.i.contexts[ci].deprecated, 10) === 0)
s += " | vhost " + (n + 1);
s += " | | vhost " + (n + 1);
s += " | ";
if (jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].use_ssl === "1")
s = s + "https://";
s = s + "http://";
s = s + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].name) + ":" +
san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].port) + "";
if (jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].sts === "1")
s = s + " (STS)";
s = s +" " +
"Total Rx: " + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].rx)) +"B, " +
"Total Tx: " + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].tx)) +"B " +
"CONNECTIONS: HTTP/1.x: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h1_conn) +", " +
"Websocket: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].ws_upg) +", " +
"H2 upgrade: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_upg) +", " +
"H2 ALPN: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_alpn) +", " +
"Rejected: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].rejected) +" " +
"TRANSACTIONS: HTTP/1.x: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h1_trans) + ", " +
"H2: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_trans) +", " +
"Total H2 substreams: " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_subs) +" ";
if (jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts) {
s = s + "Mountpoint | Origin | Cache Policy | ";
var m;
for (m = 0; m < jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts.length; m++) {
s = s + "";
s = s + "" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].mountpoint) +
" | " +
san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].origin) +
" | ";
if (parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_max_age), 10))
s = s + "max-age: " +
san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_max_age) +
", reuse: " +
san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_reuse) +
", reval: " +
san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_revalidate) +
", inter: " +
s = s + " | ";
s = s + " ";
s = s + " | ";
s += " | ";
} // context
s = s + " ";
document.getElementById("conninfo").innerHTML = s;
socket_status.onclose = function(){
document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Server Status (Disconnected)";
} catch(exception) {
alert("Error" + exception);
/* stuff that has to be delayed until all the page assets are loaded */
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
}, false);