// REQUIRES: arm // RUN: llvm-mc -arm-add-build-attributes -filetype=obj -triple=armv6-none-linux-gnueabi %s -o %t // RUN: ld.lld %t -o %t2 // RUN: llvm-objdump -d --triple=armv6-none-linux-gnueabi --start-address=0x21000 --stop-address=0x21008 %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-ARM1 %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d --triple=thumbv6-none-linux-gnueabi %t2 --start-address=0x21008 --stop-address=0x2100c | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-THUMB1 %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d --triple=armv6-none-linux-gnueabi --start-address=0x22100c --stop-address=0x221014 %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-ARM2 %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d --triple=thumbv6-none-linux-gnueabi %t2 --start-address=0x622000 --stop-address=0x622002 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-THUMB2 %s /// On Arm v6 the range of a Thumb BL instruction is only 4 megabytes as the /// extended range encoding is not supported. The following example has a Thumb /// BL that is out of range on ARM v6 and requires a range extension thunk. /// As v6 does not support MOVT or MOVW instructions the Thunk must not /// use these instructions either. /// ARM v6 supports blx so we shouldn't see the blx not supported warning. // CHECK-NOT: warning: lld uses blx instruction, no object with architecture supporting feature detected. .text .syntax unified .cpu arm1176jzf-s .globl _start .type _start,%function .balign 0x1000 _start: bl thumbfunc bx lr // CHECK-ARM1: Disassembly of section .text: // CHECK-ARM1-EMPTY: // CHECK-ARM1-NEXT: <_start>: // CHECK-ARM1-NEXT: 21000: 00 00 00 fa blx #0 // CHECK-ARM1-NEXT: 21004: 1e ff 2f e1 bx lr .thumb .section .text.2, "ax", %progbits .globl thumbfunc .type thumbfunc,%function thumbfunc: bl farthumbfunc // CHECK-THUMB1: : // CHECK-THUMB1-NEXT: 21008: 00 f2 00 e8 blx #2097152 /// 6 Megabytes, enough to make farthumbfunc out of range of caller /// on a v6 Arm, but not on a v7 Arm. .section .text.3, "ax", %progbits .space 0x200000 // CHECK-ARM2: <__ARMv5ABSLongThunk_farthumbfunc>: // CHECK-ARM2-NEXT: 22100c: 04 f0 1f e5 ldr pc, [pc, #-4] // CHECK-ARM2: <$d>: // CHECK-ARM2-NEXT: 221010: 01 20 62 00 .word 0x00622001 .section .text.4, "ax", %progbits .space 0x200000 .section .text.5, "ax", %progbits .space 0x200000 .thumb .section .text.6, "ax", %progbits .balign 0x1000 .globl farthumbfunc .type farthumbfunc,%function farthumbfunc: bx lr // CHECK-THUMB2: : // CHECK-THUMB2-NEXT: 622000: 70 47 bx lr