# REQUIRES: x86 # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t # RUN: ld.lld --build-id %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-readobj -S %t2 | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALIGN %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=DEFAULT %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=fast %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=DEFAULT %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id %t -o %t2 --threads=1 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=DEFAULT %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=md5 %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=MD5 %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=md5 %t -o %t2 --threads=1 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=MD5 %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=sha1 %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=SHA1 %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=sha1 %t -o %t2 --threads=1 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=SHA1 %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=tree %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=SHA1 %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=tree %t -o %t2 --threads=1 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=SHA1 %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=uuid %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=UUID %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=0x12345678 %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=HEX %s # RUN: ld.lld %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=NONE %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=md5 --build-id=none %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=NONE %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id --build-id=none %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=NONE %s # RUN: ld.lld --build-id=none --build-id %t -o %t2 # RUN: llvm-objdump -s %t2 | FileCheck --check-prefix=DEFAULT %s .globl _start _start: nop .section .note.test, "a", @note .quad 42 # ALIGN: Name: .note.gnu.build-id # ALIGN-NEXT: Type: SHT_NOTE # ALIGN-NEXT: Flags [ # ALIGN-NEXT: SHF_ALLOC # ALIGN-NEXT: ] # ALIGN-NEXT: Address: # ALIGN-NEXT: Offset: [[_:0x[0-9A-Z]*(0|4|8|C)$]] # ALIGN-NEXT: Size: # ALIGN-NEXT: Link: # ALIGN-NEXT: Info: # ALIGN-NEXT: AddressAlignment: 4 # DEFAULT: Contents of section .note.test: # DEFAULT: Contents of section .note.gnu.build-id: # DEFAULT-NEXT: 04000000 08000000 03000000 474e5500 ............GNU. # DEFAULT-NEXT: 7e8ddeff 3ed41fa3 # MD5: Contents of section .note.gnu.build-id: # MD5-NEXT: 04000000 10000000 03000000 474e5500 ............GNU. # MD5-NEXT: 7b00fd9e 054ceb4b 06f64d0e 482cb476 # SHA1: Contents of section .note.gnu.build-id: # SHA1-NEXT: 04000000 14000000 03000000 474e5500 ............GNU. # SHA1-NEXT: 221a99da dd1d2bf3 05e48a91 dde8a0cb # UUID: Contents of section .note.gnu.build-id: # UUID-NEXT: 04000000 10000000 03000000 474e5500 ............GNU. # HEX: Contents of section .note.gnu.build-id: # HEX-NEXT: 04000000 04000000 03000000 474e5500 ............GNU. # HEX-NEXT: 12345678 # NONE-NOT: Contents of section .note.gnu.build-id: