# REQUIRES: x86 # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o # RUN: echo "aliasto__text = __text; SECTIONS { .text 0x1000 : { __text = . ; *(.text) } }" > %t.script # RUN: ld.lld -pie -o %t --script %t.script %t.o # RUN: llvm-readobj --symbols %t | FileCheck %s ## Check that alias 'aliasto__text' has the correct value. ## (It should belong to the section .text and point to it's start). # CHECK: Symbol { # CHECK: Name: __text # CHECK-NEXT: Value: 0x1000 # CHECK-NEXT: Size: 0 # CHECK-NEXT: Binding: Global # CHECK-NEXT: Type: None # CHECK-NEXT: Other: 0 # CHECK-NEXT: Section: .text # CHECK-NEXT: } # CHECK: Symbol { # CHECK: Name: aliasto__text # CHECK-NEXT: Value: 0x1000 # CHECK-NEXT: Size: 0 # CHECK-NEXT: Binding: Global # CHECK-NEXT: Type: None # CHECK-NEXT: Other: 0 # CHECK-NEXT: Section: .text # CHECK-NEXT: } .text .globl _start .type _start, %function _start: .globl aliasto__text call __text call aliasto__text